Case Report
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A Rare Cause Of Acute Abdomen: Primary Epiploic Appendagitis; Effectiveness Of Tomography

Year 2016, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 106 - 109, 28.04.2016


Primary epiploic appendagitis (PEA) is a rare clinical presentation of the inflammation of colonic epiploic
appendixes. It shoud be differentiated from other acute abdominal pain causes with similar symptoms which
may need urgent surgery because it is self-limiting and usually can be treated conservatively. PEA shoud be
kept in mind especially in cases with acute pain of the lower right and left quadrants. Computed tomography
is the most specific and definite radiologic screening method used to diagnose PEA which prevents the
patient from unnecessary urgent surgical intervention. Herein, we present a rarely seen case of PEA which
was diagnosed via computed tomography and treated conservatively with acute abdomen symptoms.


  • 1. Legome EL, Belton AL,Murray RE, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: the emergency department presentation. J Emerg Med 2002;22(1):9-13.
  • 2. Rioux M, Langis P. Primary epiploic appendagitis: clinical, US, and CT findings in 14 cases. Radiology 1994;191(2):523-26.
  • 3. Sirvanci M, Tekelioğlu MH, Duran C, et al. Primary epiploic appendagitis: CT manifestations. Clin Imaging 2000;24(6):357-61.
  • 4. Birjawi GA, Haddad MC, Zantout HM, et al. Primary epiploic appendagitis: a report of two cases. Clin Imaging 2000;24(4):207-9.
  • 5. Sand M, Gelos M, Bechara FG, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: clinical characteristics of an uncommon surgical diagnosis. BMC Surg 2007;1(7):7-11.
  • 6. vanBredaVriesman AC, Puylaert JB. Epiploic appendagitis and omentalin farction: pitfall sandlookalikes. Abdom Imaging 2002;27(1):20-8.
  • 7. Singh AK, Gervais DA, Hahn PF, et al. Acute Epiploic Appendagitis and Its Mimics. Radiographics 2005;25(6):1521-34.
  • 8. Schnedl WJ, Tillich M, Lipp RW. Image of the month. Primary epiploic appendagitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;8(2):A16.
  • 9. Bonnefoy S, Corberand D, Sinayoko L, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: report of a case. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2008;32(12):1092-94.

Nadir Bir Akut Karın Nedeni: Primer Apendajitis Epiploika; Tomografinin Etkinliği

Year 2016, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 106 - 109, 28.04.2016


Primer apendajitis epiploika (PAE), nadir görülen ve kolonun epiploik apendikslerinin enflamasyonu
sonucu oluşan klinik bir tablodur. Konservatif tedavinin genellikle yeterli olması sebebiyle, acil cerrahi
müdahale gerektiren ve benzer klinik bulgular gösteren diğer akut abdominal ağrı nedenlerinden ayırımı
yapılmalıdır. Özellikle karın sol ve sağ alt kadranlarda ortaya çıkan akut ağrı tablolarında, PAE akılda
tutulmalıdır. Tanıda bilgisayarlı tomografi, en etkin ve kesin sonuç veren radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemi
olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu sayede, gereksiz acil cerrahi müdahaleden kaçınılmış olur. Bu yazıda, akut karın
bulguları veren, bilgisayarlı tomografi ile kesin tanı alan ve konservatif yöntemlerle tedavi edilen, nadir bir
olgu sunuldu.


  • 1. Legome EL, Belton AL,Murray RE, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: the emergency department presentation. J Emerg Med 2002;22(1):9-13.
  • 2. Rioux M, Langis P. Primary epiploic appendagitis: clinical, US, and CT findings in 14 cases. Radiology 1994;191(2):523-26.
  • 3. Sirvanci M, Tekelioğlu MH, Duran C, et al. Primary epiploic appendagitis: CT manifestations. Clin Imaging 2000;24(6):357-61.
  • 4. Birjawi GA, Haddad MC, Zantout HM, et al. Primary epiploic appendagitis: a report of two cases. Clin Imaging 2000;24(4):207-9.
  • 5. Sand M, Gelos M, Bechara FG, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: clinical characteristics of an uncommon surgical diagnosis. BMC Surg 2007;1(7):7-11.
  • 6. vanBredaVriesman AC, Puylaert JB. Epiploic appendagitis and omentalin farction: pitfall sandlookalikes. Abdom Imaging 2002;27(1):20-8.
  • 7. Singh AK, Gervais DA, Hahn PF, et al. Acute Epiploic Appendagitis and Its Mimics. Radiographics 2005;25(6):1521-34.
  • 8. Schnedl WJ, Tillich M, Lipp RW. Image of the month. Primary epiploic appendagitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010;8(2):A16.
  • 9. Bonnefoy S, Corberand D, Sinayoko L, et al. Epiploic appendagitis: report of a case. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 2008;32(12):1092-94.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Mehmet Tolga Kafadar

Gürkan Değirmencioğlu This is me

Tuğba Çaviş This is me

Publication Date April 28, 2016
Submission Date December 21, 2015
Acceptance Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


Vancouver Kafadar MT, Değirmencioğlu G, Çaviş T. Nadir Bir Akut Karın Nedeni: Primer Apendajitis Epiploika; Tomografinin Etkinliği. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2016;13(1):106-9.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty