Factors Affecting The Change in Agatson Score in Follow Up Multislice Coronary Ct Angiograms
Year 2021,
Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 485 - 488, 29.12.2021
Mustafa Aytek Şımşek
Ayça Türer Cabbar
Olcay Özveren
Çiğdem Koca
Erdal Durmuş
Muzaffer Değertekın
Background: Coronary calcium shows the atherosclerosis burden in coronary arteries and is associated with adverse cardiac events. Agatston score is the most widely used scoring sys-tem to quantify coronary artery calcium. In this study, we aimed to establish the factors associated with the change in Agatston score in time.
Materials and Methods: Patients who underwent multiple coronary computerized tomo-graphic angiographies and had Agatston score measurements were included in the study. The change of Agatston score was compared among cardiovascular risk groups. Linear regres-sion model was formed to detect independent variables affecting the change in Agatston score.
Results: A total of 126 patients were included in the study. 63 patients had zero baseline Agatston score. Patients with hypertension, diabetes or previous coronary artery disease history had significantly higher Agatston score changes than those without. Age and previous coronary artery disease increased the risk of Agatston score increase over time whereas zero baseline Agatston score decreased the risk.
Conclusions: Age and previous coronary artery disease history are independent risk factors for the increase in Agatston score over time. Baseline Agatston score of zero decreases the risk of subsequent increase in Agatston score.
- 1. Sangiorgi G, Rumberger JA, Severson A, Edwards WD, Gregoire J, Fitzpatrick LA, et al. Arterial calcification and not lumen stenosis is highly correlated with atherosclerotic plaque burden in humans: a histologic study of 723 coronary artery segments using nondecalcifying methodology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998;31(1):126-33.
- 2. Pletcher MJ, Tice JA, Pignone M, Browner WS. Using the coronary artery calcium score to predict coronary heart disease events: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164(12):1285-92.
- 3. Agatston AS, Janowitz WR, Hildner FJ, Zusmer NR, Viamonte M, Jr., Detrano R. Quantification of coronary artery calcium using ultrafast computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1990;15(4):827-32.
- 4. Visseren FLJ, Mach F, Smulders YM, Carballo D, Koskinas KC, Back M, et al. 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Eur Heart J. 2021;42(34):3227-337.
- 5. Khatib R, Glowacki N, Lauffenburger J, Siddiqi A. Race/Ethnic Differences in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Patients with Hypertension: Analysis from 143 primary care clinics. Am J Hypertens. 2021.
- 6. Satoh A, Arima H, Hozawa A, Ohkubo T, Hisamatsu T, Kadowaki S, et al. The association of home and accurately measured office blood pressure with coronary artery calcification among general Japanese men. J Hypertens. 2019;37(8):1676-81.
- 7. Azencot M, Lewis BS, Halon DA. Relation between Baseline Coronary Atherosclerotic Status, Cardiovascular Events, and Malignancies in Type 2 Diabetics: A Long-Term Prospective Cohort Study. Cardiology. 2021;146(4):419-25.
- 8. Shemesh J, Tenenbaum A, Fisman EZ, Koren-Morag N, Grossman E. Coronary calcium in patients with and without diabetes: first manifestation of acute or chronic coronary events is characterized by different calcification patterns. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2013;12:161.
- 9. Razavi AC, Wong N, Budoff M, Bazzano LA, Kelly TN, He J, et al. Predicting Long-Term Absence of Coronary Artery Calcium in Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes: The MESA Study. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;14(1):219-29.
- 10. Dzaye O, Dardari ZA, Cainzos-Achirica M, Blankstein R, Agatston AS, Duebgen M, et al. Warranty Period of a Calcium Score of Zero: Comprehensive Analysis From MESA. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;14(5):990-1002.
Çok Kesitli Koroner Bt Anjiyografilerde Takipte Agatston Skorunun Değişimine Etki Eden Faktörler
Year 2021,
Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 485 - 488, 29.12.2021
Mustafa Aytek Şımşek
Ayça Türer Cabbar
Olcay Özveren
Çiğdem Koca
Erdal Durmuş
Muzaffer Değertekın
Amaç: Koroner kalsiyum skoru koroner arterlerdeki ateroskleroz yükünü gösterir ve olumsuz kardiyak olaylar ile ilişkilidir. Agatston skoru koroner arterlerdeki kalsifikasyonun sayısal de-ğerlendirmesi için en sık kullanılan skorlama sistemidir. Bu çalışmada zaman içerisinde Agats-ton skorundaki değişime etki eden faktörleri saptamayı amaçladık.
Materyal ve Metod: Zaman içerisinde birden fazla koroner bilgisayarlı anjiyografi çekimi ya-pılmış ve Agatston skoru hesaplanmış hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Agatston skorundaki değişim farklı kardiyovasküler risk grupları içerisinde karşılaştırıldı. Agatston skorundaki değişime etki eden değişkenleri saptamak için doğrusal regresyon modeli oluşturuldu.
Bulgular: 126 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. 63 hastanın bazal Agatston skoru sıfırdı. Hipertansi-yon, diyabet veya daha önce koroner arter hastalığı öyküsü olan hastalarda olmayanlara göre Agatston skorundaki değişim anlamlı olarak daha fazlaydı. Yaş ve daha önce koroner arter hastalığı öyküsü olması zaman içerisinde Agatston skorunda artış riskini arttırırken, bazal Agatston skorunun sıfır olması bu riski azaltmaktaydı.
Sonuç: Yaş ve daha önce koroner arter hastalığı öyküsü olması Agatston skorunda zaman içerisinde artış için bağımsız risk faktörleridir. Bazal Agatston skorunun sıfır olması ise takipte Agatston skorunun artış riskini azaltmaktadır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Agatston skoru, Koroner arter kalsiyumu, Kardiyovasküler risk faktörü
- 1. Sangiorgi G, Rumberger JA, Severson A, Edwards WD, Gregoire J, Fitzpatrick LA, et al. Arterial calcification and not lumen stenosis is highly correlated with atherosclerotic plaque burden in humans: a histologic study of 723 coronary artery segments using nondecalcifying methodology. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998;31(1):126-33.
- 2. Pletcher MJ, Tice JA, Pignone M, Browner WS. Using the coronary artery calcium score to predict coronary heart disease events: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164(12):1285-92.
- 3. Agatston AS, Janowitz WR, Hildner FJ, Zusmer NR, Viamonte M, Jr., Detrano R. Quantification of coronary artery calcium using ultrafast computed tomography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1990;15(4):827-32.
- 4. Visseren FLJ, Mach F, Smulders YM, Carballo D, Koskinas KC, Back M, et al. 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Eur Heart J. 2021;42(34):3227-337.
- 5. Khatib R, Glowacki N, Lauffenburger J, Siddiqi A. Race/Ethnic Differences in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Among Patients with Hypertension: Analysis from 143 primary care clinics. Am J Hypertens. 2021.
- 6. Satoh A, Arima H, Hozawa A, Ohkubo T, Hisamatsu T, Kadowaki S, et al. The association of home and accurately measured office blood pressure with coronary artery calcification among general Japanese men. J Hypertens. 2019;37(8):1676-81.
- 7. Azencot M, Lewis BS, Halon DA. Relation between Baseline Coronary Atherosclerotic Status, Cardiovascular Events, and Malignancies in Type 2 Diabetics: A Long-Term Prospective Cohort Study. Cardiology. 2021;146(4):419-25.
- 8. Shemesh J, Tenenbaum A, Fisman EZ, Koren-Morag N, Grossman E. Coronary calcium in patients with and without diabetes: first manifestation of acute or chronic coronary events is characterized by different calcification patterns. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2013;12:161.
- 9. Razavi AC, Wong N, Budoff M, Bazzano LA, Kelly TN, He J, et al. Predicting Long-Term Absence of Coronary Artery Calcium in Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes: The MESA Study. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;14(1):219-29.
- 10. Dzaye O, Dardari ZA, Cainzos-Achirica M, Blankstein R, Agatston AS, Duebgen M, et al. Warranty Period of a Calcium Score of Zero: Comprehensive Analysis From MESA. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;14(5):990-1002.