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Sığırlarda Oküler ve Perioküler Tümörlerin Klinik ve Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 73 - 78, 30.06.2017


Bu çalışmada oküler ve perioküler
tümörlü 9 sığırın klinik ve histopatolojik özellikleri ile uygulanan eksizyon
ve enüklasyon sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Tedavi amacıyla 4
vakada lokal tümör eksizyonu ve 4 vakada göz enüklasyonu uygulanırken 1 vakada
bulbus okuli ve çevre dokulardaki geniş tümör invazyonlarından dolayı kesime
sevk önerildi. Histopatolojik muayenede 4 vakada yassı hücreli kanser, 2 vakada
indiferensiye yassı hücreli kanser, 1 vakada melanom ve 2 vakada malign melanom
tespit edildi. Oküler ve perioküler tümörlerin farklı ırklarda görülmesine
rağmen en fazla Holstein ırkında karşılaşıldığı saptandı. Ayrıca vakaların
çoğunun yassı hücreli kanser olması da dikkat çekti. Etkilenen hayvanların
tamamının dişi ve ortalama yaş aralığının 4.78 olduğu gözlendi. Opere edilen
hayvanlar ortalama 6 aya kadar takip edildi ve nüks veya metastaz yönünden net
bir bulguyla karşılaşılmadı. Sonuç olarak oküler ve perioküler tümörlerin
tedavisinde eksizyon ve enüklasyon
maliyeti düşük, basit ve az ekipmanla kolay uygulanabilir cerrahi
yöntemlerdir. Ayrıca bu yöntemlerin oküler ve perioküler tümörlerde ağrıyı
azaltmak, hayvanın yaşam kalitesini yükseltmek, verim süresini arttırmak ve
ekonomik kayıpları azaltmak amacıyla kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir.


  • Al-Asadi RN, 2012: A survey and treatment of ocular carcinomas in Iraqi dairy cows from (1987-2012). Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences, 3, 2, 66-77.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M, 1991: Association between solar radiation and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 52, 5, 784-788.
  • Anonim, 2016b: T.C. Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Yenilenebilir Enerji Genel Müdürlüğü, Güneş Enerjisi Potansiyel Atlası (GEPA), MyCalculator/pages/63.aspx, Erişim tarihi; 25.11.2016
  • Canpolat I, Yaman I, Gunay C, 2007: A case of primary intraocular malignant iris melanoma in an Akkaraman sheep. Revue Med Vet, 158, 4, 171-173.
  • Ceylan C, Ozyıldız Z, Yılmaz R, Biricik HS, 2012: Clinical and histopathological evaluation of bovine ocular and periocular neoplasms in 15 cases in Sanlıurfa region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 3, 469-474.
  • Crispin S, 2005: Farm Animal Ophtalmology. In ‘‘Notes on Veterinary Ophtalmology’’, First Ed, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, pp. 239-264.
  • Den Otter W, Hill FW, Klein WR, Everse LA, Ruitenberg EJ, Van der Ven LT, Koten JW, Steerenberg PA, Faber JA, Rutten VP, 1995: Ocular squamous cell carcinoma in Simmental cattle in Zimbabwe. Am J Vet Res, 56, 11, 1440-1444.
  • Dubielzig RR, 2002: Tumors of the eye. In ‘‘Tumors in Domestic Animals’’, Ed; Meuten DJ, Fourth Ed. Iowa State Press, Iowa USA, pp 739-754.
  • Gelatt KN, 2005: Neoplasia of the eye and associated structures. Eye and ear. In ‘‘The Merck Veterinary Manual’’, Ed; Kahn CM, Ninth Ed, Merck&Co., Inc, Philadelphia, pp. 413-416.
  • Gharagozlou MJ, Hekmati P, Ashrafihelan J, 2007: A clinical and histopathological study of ocular neoplasms in dairy cattle. Vet Arhiv, 77, 5, 409-426.
  • Hirsbrunner G, Ebeid M, Eicher R, 1998: Cancer eye in cattle: 21 cases (1990-1996). Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde, 140, 4, 149-155.
  • Martins TB, Barros CSL, 2014: Fifty years in the blink of an eye: a retrospective study of ocular and periocular lesions in domestic animals. Pesq Vet Bras, 34, 12, 1215-1222.
  • Ozmen O, Sirin Sengöz O, Çınar H, Dolu H, 2016: Retrobulbar fibrosarcoma in a sheep. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 66, 2, 265-270.
  • Pugliese M, Mazzullo G, Niutta PP, Passantino A, 2014: Bovine ocular squamous cellular carcinoma: A report of cases from the Caltagirone area, Italy. Vet Arhiv, 84, 5, 449-457.
  • Robert SM, 2002: Ocular neoplasia. In ‘‘Large Animal Internal Medicine’’, Ed; Smith BP, Third Ed, Mosby Inc, Missouri, pp. 1192-1199.
  • Sabri MA, Shahzad M, Quayyum A, 2010: Ocular melanoma in a buffalo: A clinical case recorded under field conditions. Buffalo Bulletin, 29, 3, 235-237.
  • Sağlıyan A, Günay C, Han MC, Özkaraca M, 2010: Sığırlarda oküler yassı hücreli karsinom olgusu: iki olgu. XII. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Özet Kitabı, Antalya.
  • Schulz KL, Anderson DE, 2010: Bovine Enuclation: A retrospective study of 53 cases (1998-2006). Can Vet J, 51, 611-614. Shaw-Edwards R, 2010: Surgical treatment of the eye in farm animals. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26,459-476.
  • Sloss V, Smith T J S, Gao De Yi, 1986: Controlling ocular squamous cell carcinoma in hereford cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal, 63, 8, 248-251.
  • Tsujita H, Plummer CE, 2010: Bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26, 511-529.
  • Weaver AD, Jean G, Steiner A, 2005: Bovine Surgery and Lameness. Second Ed., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • Wilcock BP, 1993: The eye and ear. In ‘‘Pathology of Domestic Animals’’, Eds; Jubb KVF, Keneddy PC, Palmer N, Fourth Ed, Academic Press, San Diego, pp.512-515.

Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 73 - 78, 30.06.2017


In this study, we aimed to evaluate clinical and histopathological
features and the results of applied excision and enuclation of ocular and
periocular tumors in 9 cattle For treatment purposes, local excision of the
tumor in 4 cases and eye enucleation in 4 cases were applied. In one case,
slaughter was recommended because of the extensive tumor invasion of bulbus
oculi and surrounding tissues. Squamous cell carcinoma in 4 cases,
indifferential squamous cell carcinoma in 2 cases, melanoma in 1 case and
malign melanoma in 2 cases were detected in the histopathological examination.
Although the ocular and periocular tumors are seen in different breeds, it was
noted that they were most encountered in Holstein breed.  It was also noticed that the majority of the
such cases were squamous cell carcinomas. It was observed that the entire
affected animals were female and average age range was 4.78 years. Operated
animals were followed approximately up to six months and no recurrence or
metastasis was encountered during period. In conclusion, excision and
enuclation in the treatment of ocular and periocular tumors are surgical
methods that are simple, with low cost and easily performed with less
equipment. In addition, these methods can be used to reduce of pain, improve
the quality of life of the animal, increase the yield period and reduce
economic losses in ocular and periocular tumors.


  • Al-Asadi RN, 2012: A survey and treatment of ocular carcinomas in Iraqi dairy cows from (1987-2012). Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences, 3, 2, 66-77.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M, 1991: Association between solar radiation and ocular squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 52, 5, 784-788.
  • Anonim, 2016b: T.C. Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Yenilenebilir Enerji Genel Müdürlüğü, Güneş Enerjisi Potansiyel Atlası (GEPA), MyCalculator/pages/63.aspx, Erişim tarihi; 25.11.2016
  • Canpolat I, Yaman I, Gunay C, 2007: A case of primary intraocular malignant iris melanoma in an Akkaraman sheep. Revue Med Vet, 158, 4, 171-173.
  • Ceylan C, Ozyıldız Z, Yılmaz R, Biricik HS, 2012: Clinical and histopathological evaluation of bovine ocular and periocular neoplasms in 15 cases in Sanlıurfa region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 3, 469-474.
  • Crispin S, 2005: Farm Animal Ophtalmology. In ‘‘Notes on Veterinary Ophtalmology’’, First Ed, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, pp. 239-264.
  • Den Otter W, Hill FW, Klein WR, Everse LA, Ruitenberg EJ, Van der Ven LT, Koten JW, Steerenberg PA, Faber JA, Rutten VP, 1995: Ocular squamous cell carcinoma in Simmental cattle in Zimbabwe. Am J Vet Res, 56, 11, 1440-1444.
  • Dubielzig RR, 2002: Tumors of the eye. In ‘‘Tumors in Domestic Animals’’, Ed; Meuten DJ, Fourth Ed. Iowa State Press, Iowa USA, pp 739-754.
  • Gelatt KN, 2005: Neoplasia of the eye and associated structures. Eye and ear. In ‘‘The Merck Veterinary Manual’’, Ed; Kahn CM, Ninth Ed, Merck&Co., Inc, Philadelphia, pp. 413-416.
  • Gharagozlou MJ, Hekmati P, Ashrafihelan J, 2007: A clinical and histopathological study of ocular neoplasms in dairy cattle. Vet Arhiv, 77, 5, 409-426.
  • Hirsbrunner G, Ebeid M, Eicher R, 1998: Cancer eye in cattle: 21 cases (1990-1996). Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde, 140, 4, 149-155.
  • Martins TB, Barros CSL, 2014: Fifty years in the blink of an eye: a retrospective study of ocular and periocular lesions in domestic animals. Pesq Vet Bras, 34, 12, 1215-1222.
  • Ozmen O, Sirin Sengöz O, Çınar H, Dolu H, 2016: Retrobulbar fibrosarcoma in a sheep. Acta Veterinaria-Beograd, 66, 2, 265-270.
  • Pugliese M, Mazzullo G, Niutta PP, Passantino A, 2014: Bovine ocular squamous cellular carcinoma: A report of cases from the Caltagirone area, Italy. Vet Arhiv, 84, 5, 449-457.
  • Robert SM, 2002: Ocular neoplasia. In ‘‘Large Animal Internal Medicine’’, Ed; Smith BP, Third Ed, Mosby Inc, Missouri, pp. 1192-1199.
  • Sabri MA, Shahzad M, Quayyum A, 2010: Ocular melanoma in a buffalo: A clinical case recorded under field conditions. Buffalo Bulletin, 29, 3, 235-237.
  • Sağlıyan A, Günay C, Han MC, Özkaraca M, 2010: Sığırlarda oküler yassı hücreli karsinom olgusu: iki olgu. XII. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Özet Kitabı, Antalya.
  • Schulz KL, Anderson DE, 2010: Bovine Enuclation: A retrospective study of 53 cases (1998-2006). Can Vet J, 51, 611-614. Shaw-Edwards R, 2010: Surgical treatment of the eye in farm animals. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26,459-476.
  • Sloss V, Smith T J S, Gao De Yi, 1986: Controlling ocular squamous cell carcinoma in hereford cattle. Australian Veterinary Journal, 63, 8, 248-251.
  • Tsujita H, Plummer CE, 2010: Bovine ocular squamous cell carcinoma. Vet Clin Food Anim, 26, 511-529.
  • Weaver AD, Jean G, Steiner A, 2005: Bovine Surgery and Lameness. Second Ed., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • Wilcock BP, 1993: The eye and ear. In ‘‘Pathology of Domestic Animals’’, Eds; Jubb KVF, Keneddy PC, Palmer N, Fourth Ed, Academic Press, San Diego, pp.512-515.
There are 22 citations in total.


Journal Section Research

Ünal Yavuz

Nihat Yumuşak This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date July 3, 2017
Acceptance Date February 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Yavuz, Ü., & Yumuşak, N. (2017). Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 6(1), 73-78.
AMA Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N. Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2017;6(1):73-78. doi:10.31196/huvfd.325764
Chicago Yavuz, Ünal, and Nihat Yumuşak. “Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6, no. 1 (June 2017): 73-78.
EndNote Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N (June 1, 2017) Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6 1 73–78.
IEEE Ü. Yavuz and N. Yumuşak, “Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 73–78, 2017, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.325764.
ISNAD Yavuz, Ünal - Yumuşak, Nihat. “Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6/1 (June 2017), 73-78.
JAMA Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N. Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6:73–78.
MLA Yavuz, Ünal and Nihat Yumuşak. “Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 73-78, doi:10.31196/huvfd.325764.
Vancouver Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N. Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation of Bovine Ocular and Periocular Tumors. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6(1):73-8.