Case Report
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Üç Sığırda Oküler Yassı Hücreli Karsinom Olgusu

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 180 - 185, 27.12.2017


makalede üç sığırda görülen oküler yassı hücreli karsinom olgusunun  klinik ve histopatolojik bulguları ile
uygulanan sağaltım sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma
materyalini;  5 yaşlı Simental melezi
boğa (I. olgu), 4 yaşlı Doğu Anadolu Kırmızısı (DAK) inek (II. olgu) ve 6 yaşlı
Simental bir inek (III. olgu) oluşturdu. I. olgunun sol gözünde tespit edilen
tümoral kitle total olarak ekstirpe edildi. II. olgunun sol ve III. olgunun sağ
gözünde tesbit edilen tümoral kitleler ise göz küresi ve eklenti organları ile
birlikte alındı. Operasyonla alınan kitlelerin histopatolojik muayenesinde I.
olgunun alt göz kapağı konjuktivasından köken alan oküler yassı hücreli
karsinom, II. ve III. olgunun ise korneadan köken alan oküler yassı hücreli
karsinom olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, sığırların oküler yassı hücreli
karsinoma olgularında cerrahi eksizyon yöntemi ile kitlenin
uzaklaştırılmasından sonra, postoperatif dönemde  nükslerin şekillenmediği ve olguların genel
durumunun iyi olduğu gözlemlendi.


  • Aksoy O, Kılıç E, Ozba B, Oztürk S, Ozaydın I, Mahmut S, 2006: Oculer squamous cell carcinoma in a Tuj ewe. Kafkas Univ Vet FakDerg, 12, 185-187.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M, 1991: Association between solar radiation and oculer squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 52, 784-788.
  • Ceylan C, Özyıldız Z, Yılmaz R, Biricik HS, 2012: Clinical and histopathologica levaluation of bovine ocular and periocular neoplasms in 15 cases in Sanliurfa region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 469-474.
  • Cordy DR, 1990: Tumors of nervous system and eye. In “Tumors in Domestic Animals”, Third Ed; Moulton JE(Ed).,University of California Press, Berkeley, USA, pp 654-660
  • Den Otter W, Hill FW, Klein WR, Everse LA, Ruitenberg EJ, Van Der Ven LT, Koten JW, Streenberg PA, Faber JA, Rutten VP, 1995: Oculer squamous cell carcinoma in Simmental cattle in Zimbabwe. Am J Vet Res, 56, 1440-1444.
  • Farris HE, 1980: Cryosurgical treatment of bovine oculer squamous cell carcinoma. Vet Clin N Am: Small Animal Practice, 10, 861-867.
  • Farris HE, Fraunfelder FT, 1976: Cryosurgical treatment of oculer squamous cell carcinoma of cattle. JAVMA, 168, 213-216.
  • Gharagozlou MJ, Hekmati P, Ashrafihelan J, 2007: Aclinical and histopatholojical study of oculer neoplasms in dairy cattle. Vet Arhiv, 77, 409-426.
  • Goldschmidt MH, Hendrick MJ, 2002: Tumors of the skin and soft tissues. In, “Tumors in Domestics Animals”,Ed; Meuten DJ, Iowa State Press, London, England,pp 51-53.
  • Hawkins CD, Swan RA, Chapman HM, 1981: The epidemiyology squamous cell carcinoma of perineal region in sheep. Austuralian Veterinary Journal, 57, 455-457.
  • Heeney JL, Valli VEO, 1985: Bovine oculer squamous cell carcinoma: an epidemiolojical perspective. Can J Comp Med, 49, 21-26.
  • Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N, 1991: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Fourth ed. Volume I. Academic Press, London, England.
  • Kainer RA, 1984: Current concepts in the treament of bovine oculer squamous cell tumors. Vet Clin N Am: Large Animal Practice, 6, 609-622.
  • Kainer RA, Stringer JM, Lueker DC, 1980: Hyperthermia for treatment of oculer squamous cell tumors in cattle. JAVMA, 176, 356-360.
  • Ladds PW, Entwistle KW, 1978: Observations on squamous cell carcinomas of sheep in Queensland, Australia. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci, 56, 373-377.
  • Mahjoor AA, Naeini AT, Mostafavi E, 2003: Squamous cell carcinoma in tail fat of a ram. The Fourth Iranian Symposium of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology. Ahvaz-Iran, 4-6 Feb, pp 94.
  • Mara M, Di Guardo G, Venuti A, Marruchella G, Palmieri C, De Rugeriss M, Petrizzi L, Simeone P, Rizzo C, Della Salda L, 2005: Spontaneous ocular squamous cell carcinoma in twin goats: pathological and biomolecular studies. Journal of Comparativa Pathology, 132, 96-100.
  • Mendez A, Perez J, Ruiz-Villamor E, Garcia R, Martin MP, Mozos E, 1997: Clinicopathological study of an outbreak of squamous cell carcinoma in sheep. Vet Record, 141, 597-600.
  • Ralph P, Witt JR, 1984: Treating oculer carcinoma in cattle. Vet Med, 8, 1087-1089.
  • Ramadan RO, Gameel AA, el Hassan AM, 1976: Squamous cell carcinoma in sheep in Saudi Arabia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 52, 21-23.
  • Scheck JL, 2005: Treatment of an oculer squamous cell carcinoma in a stallion with atrial fibrillation. Can Vet Journal, 46, 922-924.
  • Taş A, Karasu A, Aslan L, Atasoy N, Ilhan F, 2009: Ocular squamous cell carcinoma cases in two cattle. Van Vet J , 20, 69-71.
  • Woodward RR, Knapp B, 1950: The hereditary aspect of eye cancer in hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 9, 578-581.
  • Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N, 2017: Clinical and histopathological evaluation of bovine ocular and periocular tumors. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, 6, 73-78.
  • Yüksel H, Gülbahar MY, Aslan L, 2005: Congenital synchronous ademonas of meibomian and moll glands of the eyelid in a calf. Vet Med, 50, 379-383.

Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 180 - 185, 27.12.2017


In this article, we compared the applied treatment results with the
clinical and histopathological findings for treating ocular squamous cell
carcinomas in three cattle. The study materials were a five-year-old crossbred
Simmental bull (First case), a four-year-old Eastern Anatolia Red cow (Second
case), and a six-year-old Simmental cow (Third case). The tumoural mass
observed in the first case’s left eye was completely extirpated. The tumoural
masses observed in the right eye of the second case and in the right eye of
third case were also completely extirpated, as were the accessory organs and
bulbus oculi. In the histopathological investigation, the extirpated tumour
masses were determined to be ocular squamous cell carcinomas. In the first
case, the mass was taken from the ventral palpebral conjunctiva, but in the
second and third cases, the mass was taken from the cornea. As a result, in the
cases of cattle ocular squamous cell carcinomas, after removing the mass with
surgical excision, there was no recurrence in the postoperative period, and the
general condition of the patients were observed to be good.


  • Aksoy O, Kılıç E, Ozba B, Oztürk S, Ozaydın I, Mahmut S, 2006: Oculer squamous cell carcinoma in a Tuj ewe. Kafkas Univ Vet FakDerg, 12, 185-187.
  • Anderson DE, Badzioch M, 1991: Association between solar radiation and oculer squamous cell carcinoma in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 52, 784-788.
  • Ceylan C, Özyıldız Z, Yılmaz R, Biricik HS, 2012: Clinical and histopathologica levaluation of bovine ocular and periocular neoplasms in 15 cases in Sanliurfa region. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 469-474.
  • Cordy DR, 1990: Tumors of nervous system and eye. In “Tumors in Domestic Animals”, Third Ed; Moulton JE(Ed).,University of California Press, Berkeley, USA, pp 654-660
  • Den Otter W, Hill FW, Klein WR, Everse LA, Ruitenberg EJ, Van Der Ven LT, Koten JW, Streenberg PA, Faber JA, Rutten VP, 1995: Oculer squamous cell carcinoma in Simmental cattle in Zimbabwe. Am J Vet Res, 56, 1440-1444.
  • Farris HE, 1980: Cryosurgical treatment of bovine oculer squamous cell carcinoma. Vet Clin N Am: Small Animal Practice, 10, 861-867.
  • Farris HE, Fraunfelder FT, 1976: Cryosurgical treatment of oculer squamous cell carcinoma of cattle. JAVMA, 168, 213-216.
  • Gharagozlou MJ, Hekmati P, Ashrafihelan J, 2007: Aclinical and histopatholojical study of oculer neoplasms in dairy cattle. Vet Arhiv, 77, 409-426.
  • Goldschmidt MH, Hendrick MJ, 2002: Tumors of the skin and soft tissues. In, “Tumors in Domestics Animals”,Ed; Meuten DJ, Iowa State Press, London, England,pp 51-53.
  • Hawkins CD, Swan RA, Chapman HM, 1981: The epidemiyology squamous cell carcinoma of perineal region in sheep. Austuralian Veterinary Journal, 57, 455-457.
  • Heeney JL, Valli VEO, 1985: Bovine oculer squamous cell carcinoma: an epidemiolojical perspective. Can J Comp Med, 49, 21-26.
  • Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, Palmer N, 1991: Pathology of Domestic Animals. Fourth ed. Volume I. Academic Press, London, England.
  • Kainer RA, 1984: Current concepts in the treament of bovine oculer squamous cell tumors. Vet Clin N Am: Large Animal Practice, 6, 609-622.
  • Kainer RA, Stringer JM, Lueker DC, 1980: Hyperthermia for treatment of oculer squamous cell tumors in cattle. JAVMA, 176, 356-360.
  • Ladds PW, Entwistle KW, 1978: Observations on squamous cell carcinomas of sheep in Queensland, Australia. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci, 56, 373-377.
  • Mahjoor AA, Naeini AT, Mostafavi E, 2003: Squamous cell carcinoma in tail fat of a ram. The Fourth Iranian Symposium of Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology. Ahvaz-Iran, 4-6 Feb, pp 94.
  • Mara M, Di Guardo G, Venuti A, Marruchella G, Palmieri C, De Rugeriss M, Petrizzi L, Simeone P, Rizzo C, Della Salda L, 2005: Spontaneous ocular squamous cell carcinoma in twin goats: pathological and biomolecular studies. Journal of Comparativa Pathology, 132, 96-100.
  • Mendez A, Perez J, Ruiz-Villamor E, Garcia R, Martin MP, Mozos E, 1997: Clinicopathological study of an outbreak of squamous cell carcinoma in sheep. Vet Record, 141, 597-600.
  • Ralph P, Witt JR, 1984: Treating oculer carcinoma in cattle. Vet Med, 8, 1087-1089.
  • Ramadan RO, Gameel AA, el Hassan AM, 1976: Squamous cell carcinoma in sheep in Saudi Arabia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 52, 21-23.
  • Scheck JL, 2005: Treatment of an oculer squamous cell carcinoma in a stallion with atrial fibrillation. Can Vet Journal, 46, 922-924.
  • Taş A, Karasu A, Aslan L, Atasoy N, Ilhan F, 2009: Ocular squamous cell carcinoma cases in two cattle. Van Vet J , 20, 69-71.
  • Woodward RR, Knapp B, 1950: The hereditary aspect of eye cancer in hereford cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 9, 578-581.
  • Yavuz Ü, Yumuşak N, 2017: Clinical and histopathological evaluation of bovine ocular and periocular tumors. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, 6, 73-78.
  • Yüksel H, Gülbahar MY, Aslan L, 2005: Congenital synchronous ademonas of meibomian and moll glands of the eyelid in a calf. Vet Med, 50, 379-383.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Case Report

Selvinaz Yakan

Özgür Aksoy This is me

Musa Karaman This is me

Engin Kılıç This is me

Celal Şahin Ermutlu This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2017
Submission Date July 4, 2017
Acceptance Date October 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Yakan, S., Aksoy, Ö., Karaman, M., Kılıç, E., et al. (2017). Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 6(2), 180-185.
AMA Yakan S, Aksoy Ö, Karaman M, Kılıç E, Ermutlu CŞ. Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2017;6(2):180-185. doi:10.31196/huvfd.390400
Chicago Yakan, Selvinaz, Özgür Aksoy, Musa Karaman, Engin Kılıç, and Celal Şahin Ermutlu. “Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6, no. 2 (December 2017): 180-85.
EndNote Yakan S, Aksoy Ö, Karaman M, Kılıç E, Ermutlu CŞ (December 1, 2017) Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6 2 180–185.
IEEE S. Yakan, Ö. Aksoy, M. Karaman, E. Kılıç, and C. Ş. Ermutlu, “Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 180–185, 2017, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.390400.
ISNAD Yakan, Selvinaz et al. “Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 6/2 (December 2017), 180-185.
JAMA Yakan S, Aksoy Ö, Karaman M, Kılıç E, Ermutlu CŞ. Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6:180–185.
MLA Yakan, Selvinaz et al. “Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 180-5, doi:10.31196/huvfd.390400.
Vancouver Yakan S, Aksoy Ö, Karaman M, Kılıç E, Ermutlu CŞ. Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma Case in Three Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;6(2):180-5.