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Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 144 - 148, 27.12.2018


Maedi-visna virus (MVV) enfeksiyonu ya da koyunların
progresif pnöymonisi (OPP) koyunların bir lentivirus enfeksiyonudur. Bu
çalışmada, Şanlıurfa yöresindeki koyunlarda MVV enfeksiyonunun seroprevalansı araştırılmıştır.
Bu amaçla mezbahada kesime tabi tutulan koyunlardan 1096 serum örneği toplanmış
ve MVV spesifik antikorlar yönünden agar jel immunodiffuzyon (AGID) tekniği ile
kontrol edilmiştir. Örneklenen hayvanlarda MVV enfeksiyonunun varlığı ortaya
konmuş ve enfeksiyona bağlı ekonomik kayıpların önlenmesi adına, bölgede etkili
kontrol, eradikasyon programlarının planlanmasının yararlı olabileceği düşünülmüştür.


  • Adair BM, 1986: Serological surveilance for maedi/visna virus and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus in Northern Ireland. Vet Rec, 118, 422-423.
  • Albayrak HH, Yazıcı Z, Okur-Gümüşova S, Ozan E, 2012: Maedi-visna virus infection in Karakaya and Amasya Herik breed sheep from provinces in northern Turkey. Trop. Anim Health Prod, 445, 939-941.
  • Alibaşoğlu M, Arda M, 1975: Koyun pulmoner adenomatosis’inin Türkiye’de durumu ile patolojisi ve etiyolojik araştırılması. TÜBITAK-VHAG yayınları, 273/4:111.
  • Alkan F, Tan MT, 1998: A comparative study on the diagnosis of maedi-visna infection in serum and colostrum samples using agar gel immunodiffusion AGID technique. Dtsch tierarztl Wschr, 105, 276-278.
  • Arslan S, Savsunlu Z, Vural T, Arslan H, Yüksel M, Şelli MŞ, Badıllı M, Demir R, Aydoğdu M, Çabalar M, 2012: Şanlıurfa ilindeki koyunlarda maedi-visna enfeksiyonunun varlığı ve yaygınlığının araştırılması. 10. Ulusal Veteriner Hekimleri Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 24-27 Eylül 2012. Kuşadası, AYDIN. S.374.
  • Burgu İ, Toker A, AkçanY, Alkan F, Yazıcı Z, Özkul A, 1990: Türkiye’de visna-maedi enfeksiyonunun serolojik olarak araştırılması. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 373, 538-553.
  • Çimtay İ, Keskin O, Şahin T, 2004: Şanlıurfa yöresindeki koyun ve keçilerde bazı lentivirus enfeksiyonlarının araştırılması. Uludağ Univ J Fac Vet Med, 23(1-2-3), 33-38.
  • Cutlip RC, Jackson TA, Laird GA, 1977: Immunudiffusion test for ovine progressive pneumonia. AmJVetRes, 38, 1081-1084.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD,1986: Eradication of ovine progressive pneumonia from sheep flocks. JAVMA 1889, 1026-1027.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD, Sacks JM, Waever AL, 1992: Seroprevalence of ovine progressive pneumonia virus in sheep in the United States as assessed by analyses of voluntarily submitted samples. Am J Vet Res, 536, 976-979.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD, Schmerr MJF, Brogden KA, 1988: Ovine progressive pneumonia Maedi-Visna in sheep. Vet Microbiol, 17, 237-250.
  • Dohoo IR, Heaney DP, Stevenson RG, Samagh BS, Rhodes CS, 1987: The effects of maedi-visna virus infection on productivity in ewes. Prev Vet Med, 4, 471-484.
  • Fauquet CM, Mayo MA, Maniloff J, Desselberger U, Ball LA, 2005: Virus Taxonomy, the Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Academic Press, New York.
  • Giangaspero M, Tabbaa D, Nishikawa H, Vanopdenbosh E, 1993: Epidemiological survey of the Maedi-Visna MV virus in Syrian Awassi sheep. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 463, 431-434.
  • Girgin H, Aydın N, Yonguç AD, Aksoy E, Çorak R, 1987: Ve şimdi koyunların viral maedi-visna’sı Türkiye’de. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 61, 9-22.
  • Gürçay M, Parmaksız A, 2013: An Investigation of Visna-Maedivirus Infection in Şanlıurfa Province, Southeast Anatolia, Turkey. AVKAE Derg, 3(1), 46-50.
  • Houwers DJ, Schaeke J, De Boer GF, 1984: Maedi-visna control in sheep. II. Half yearly serological testing with culling of positive ewes and progeny. Vet Microbiol, 9, 29-36.
  • Kandil M, Metin N, Özdarendereli A, Yüksel H, 1997: Elazığ’da koyunlarda Visna-Maedi virus enfeksiyonu üzerinde serolojik araştırma. FÜ Sağlıklı Bil Dergisi, 11, 283-287.
  • Keen J, Kwang J, Littledike ET, Hungerford LL, 1996: Ovine lentivirus antibody detection in serum, colostrum and milk using a recombinant transmembrane protein ELISA. Vet Immun Immunpathol, 51, 253-275.
  • Kita J, Cutlip RC, Kempski W, Sacks J, 1990: Survey for antibodies against maedi-visna in sheep in Poland. Pol Arch Weter, 30(1-2), 5-11.
  • Lairmore MD, 2011. Retroviridae, Chapter 14, In “Fenner’s Veterinary Virology”, Eds; MacLachlan NJ, Dubovi E, fourth edition, Academic Press, London, UK, pp.243-274
  • Lujan L, Badiola JJ, Marin G, Moreno B, Vargas D, de Luco F, Perez V, 1993: Seroprevalence of maedi-visna infection in sheep in the north-east of Spain. Prev Vet Med, 15, 181-190.
  • Markson LM, Spence JB, Dawson M, 1983: Investigations of a flock heavily infected with maedi-visna. Vet Rec, 112, 267-271.
  • Muz D, Oğuzoglu TC, Rosati S, Reine R, Bertolotti L, Burgu İ, 2013: First Molecular Characterization of Visna/Maedi Viruses from Naturally Infected Sheep in Turkey. Archives of Virology, 1583: 559-570, DOI: 10.1007/s00705-012-1518-1.
  • OIE, 2012: Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis & Maedi-Visna, In: Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals. Chapter 2.7.3/4., erişim tarihi:05.03.2013.
  • Palsson PA, 1979: Maedi and visna in sheep. In “Slow viruses of animals and man”, Ed. R.H. Kimberlin, 179-2000, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherland.
  • Pépin M, Vitu C, Russo P, Mornex JF, Peterhans E, 1998: Maedi-visna virus infection in sheep: a review. Vet Res, 293(4), 341-367.
  • Preziuso S, Or ME, Giammarioli M, Kayar A, Feliziani F, Gönül R, Farneti S, Yaramış ÇP, Valente C, Cuteri V, 2010: Maedi-visna virus in Turkish sheep: a preliminary serological survey using ELISA tests. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 343, 289-293.
  • Pritchard GC, Done SH, 1990: Concurrent maedi-visna virus infection and pulmonary adenomatosis in commercial breeding flock in East Anglia. Vet Rec, 127, 197-200.
  • Pritchard GC, Spence JB, Arthur MJ, Dawson M, 1984: Maedi-visna virus infection in commercial flocks of indigenous sheep in Britania. Vet Rec, 115, 427-429.
  • Saman E, Eynde GV, Lujan L, Extramiana B, Harkiss G, Tolari F, Gonzalez L, Amorena B, Watt N, Badiola J, 1999: A new sensitive serological assay for detection of lentivirus infections in small ruminants. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 6, 734-740.
  • Schreuder BEC, Yonguç AD, Girgin H, Akçora A, 1988: Antibodies to maedi-visna in indigenous sheep in eastern Turkey. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 63, 47-53.
  • Sihvonen L, Hirvela-Koski V, Nuotio L, Kokkonen UM, 1999: Serological survey and epidemiological investigation of maedi-visna in sheep in Finland. Vet Microbiol, 65, 265-270.
  • Sihvonen L, Nuotio L, Rikula U, Hirvela-Koski V, Kokkonen UM, 2000: Preventing the spread of maedi-visna in sheep through a voluntary control programme in Finland. Prev Vet Med, 47, 213-220.
  • Simard C, Morley RS, 1991: Seroprevalence of maedi-visna in Canadian sheep. Can J Vet Res, 55, 269-273.
  • Straub OC, 2004: Maedi-Visna virus infection in sheep. History and present knowledge. Comp Immun Mic and Inf Dis, 271, 1-5.
  • Tan MT, Alkan F, 1998: Türkiye’de Visna-maedi enfeksiyonunun seroepidemiyolojisi ve virus izolasyonu. III. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 23-25 Eylül 1998, Bursa.
  • Williams-Fulton NR, Simard CL, 1989: Evaluation of two management procedures for the control of maedi-visna. Am J Vet Res, 53, 419-423.
  • Yavru S, Şimşek A, Bulut O, Kale M, 2012: Konya bölgesi koyunlarında Maedi-Visna virus enfeksiyonu üzerine serolojik araştırma. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 28(3), 142-148.
  • Yılmaz H, Gürel A, Turan N, Bilal T, Kuşçu B, Dawson MM, Morgon KL, 2002: Abottoir study of Maedi-Visna virus infection in Turkey. Vet Rec, 151, 358-360

Serologically Investigation of Maedi-Visna Virus Infection (MVV) in Şanlıurfa Precincts

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 144 - 148, 27.12.2018


Maedi-visna virus (MVV) infection or ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP) is
a lentivirus infections of sheep. In this study, the serological situation of
MVV infection was investigated in Şanlıurfa precincts. For this purpose, 1096
serum samples were collected from slaughtered sheeps in slaughterhouse. Serum
samples were tested for specific antibodies to maedi-visna virus by using agar
gel immunodiffusion test (AGID). The seroprevalance of MVV infection in animal
population was 5.29% (58/1096). The presence of MVV infection has been
demonstrated in the sampled animals and it has been thought that planning of
effective control and eradication programs in the region may be beneficial in
order to prevent economic losses due to infection.


  • Adair BM, 1986: Serological surveilance for maedi/visna virus and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus in Northern Ireland. Vet Rec, 118, 422-423.
  • Albayrak HH, Yazıcı Z, Okur-Gümüşova S, Ozan E, 2012: Maedi-visna virus infection in Karakaya and Amasya Herik breed sheep from provinces in northern Turkey. Trop. Anim Health Prod, 445, 939-941.
  • Alibaşoğlu M, Arda M, 1975: Koyun pulmoner adenomatosis’inin Türkiye’de durumu ile patolojisi ve etiyolojik araştırılması. TÜBITAK-VHAG yayınları, 273/4:111.
  • Alkan F, Tan MT, 1998: A comparative study on the diagnosis of maedi-visna infection in serum and colostrum samples using agar gel immunodiffusion AGID technique. Dtsch tierarztl Wschr, 105, 276-278.
  • Arslan S, Savsunlu Z, Vural T, Arslan H, Yüksel M, Şelli MŞ, Badıllı M, Demir R, Aydoğdu M, Çabalar M, 2012: Şanlıurfa ilindeki koyunlarda maedi-visna enfeksiyonunun varlığı ve yaygınlığının araştırılması. 10. Ulusal Veteriner Hekimleri Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 24-27 Eylül 2012. Kuşadası, AYDIN. S.374.
  • Burgu İ, Toker A, AkçanY, Alkan F, Yazıcı Z, Özkul A, 1990: Türkiye’de visna-maedi enfeksiyonunun serolojik olarak araştırılması. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 373, 538-553.
  • Çimtay İ, Keskin O, Şahin T, 2004: Şanlıurfa yöresindeki koyun ve keçilerde bazı lentivirus enfeksiyonlarının araştırılması. Uludağ Univ J Fac Vet Med, 23(1-2-3), 33-38.
  • Cutlip RC, Jackson TA, Laird GA, 1977: Immunudiffusion test for ovine progressive pneumonia. AmJVetRes, 38, 1081-1084.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD,1986: Eradication of ovine progressive pneumonia from sheep flocks. JAVMA 1889, 1026-1027.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD, Sacks JM, Waever AL, 1992: Seroprevalence of ovine progressive pneumonia virus in sheep in the United States as assessed by analyses of voluntarily submitted samples. Am J Vet Res, 536, 976-979.
  • Cutlip RC, Lehmkuhl HD, Schmerr MJF, Brogden KA, 1988: Ovine progressive pneumonia Maedi-Visna in sheep. Vet Microbiol, 17, 237-250.
  • Dohoo IR, Heaney DP, Stevenson RG, Samagh BS, Rhodes CS, 1987: The effects of maedi-visna virus infection on productivity in ewes. Prev Vet Med, 4, 471-484.
  • Fauquet CM, Mayo MA, Maniloff J, Desselberger U, Ball LA, 2005: Virus Taxonomy, the Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Academic Press, New York.
  • Giangaspero M, Tabbaa D, Nishikawa H, Vanopdenbosh E, 1993: Epidemiological survey of the Maedi-Visna MV virus in Syrian Awassi sheep. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 463, 431-434.
  • Girgin H, Aydın N, Yonguç AD, Aksoy E, Çorak R, 1987: Ve şimdi koyunların viral maedi-visna’sı Türkiye’de. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 61, 9-22.
  • Gürçay M, Parmaksız A, 2013: An Investigation of Visna-Maedivirus Infection in Şanlıurfa Province, Southeast Anatolia, Turkey. AVKAE Derg, 3(1), 46-50.
  • Houwers DJ, Schaeke J, De Boer GF, 1984: Maedi-visna control in sheep. II. Half yearly serological testing with culling of positive ewes and progeny. Vet Microbiol, 9, 29-36.
  • Kandil M, Metin N, Özdarendereli A, Yüksel H, 1997: Elazığ’da koyunlarda Visna-Maedi virus enfeksiyonu üzerinde serolojik araştırma. FÜ Sağlıklı Bil Dergisi, 11, 283-287.
  • Keen J, Kwang J, Littledike ET, Hungerford LL, 1996: Ovine lentivirus antibody detection in serum, colostrum and milk using a recombinant transmembrane protein ELISA. Vet Immun Immunpathol, 51, 253-275.
  • Kita J, Cutlip RC, Kempski W, Sacks J, 1990: Survey for antibodies against maedi-visna in sheep in Poland. Pol Arch Weter, 30(1-2), 5-11.
  • Lairmore MD, 2011. Retroviridae, Chapter 14, In “Fenner’s Veterinary Virology”, Eds; MacLachlan NJ, Dubovi E, fourth edition, Academic Press, London, UK, pp.243-274
  • Lujan L, Badiola JJ, Marin G, Moreno B, Vargas D, de Luco F, Perez V, 1993: Seroprevalence of maedi-visna infection in sheep in the north-east of Spain. Prev Vet Med, 15, 181-190.
  • Markson LM, Spence JB, Dawson M, 1983: Investigations of a flock heavily infected with maedi-visna. Vet Rec, 112, 267-271.
  • Muz D, Oğuzoglu TC, Rosati S, Reine R, Bertolotti L, Burgu İ, 2013: First Molecular Characterization of Visna/Maedi Viruses from Naturally Infected Sheep in Turkey. Archives of Virology, 1583: 559-570, DOI: 10.1007/s00705-012-1518-1.
  • OIE, 2012: Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis & Maedi-Visna, In: Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals. Chapter 2.7.3/4., erişim tarihi:05.03.2013.
  • Palsson PA, 1979: Maedi and visna in sheep. In “Slow viruses of animals and man”, Ed. R.H. Kimberlin, 179-2000, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherland.
  • Pépin M, Vitu C, Russo P, Mornex JF, Peterhans E, 1998: Maedi-visna virus infection in sheep: a review. Vet Res, 293(4), 341-367.
  • Preziuso S, Or ME, Giammarioli M, Kayar A, Feliziani F, Gönül R, Farneti S, Yaramış ÇP, Valente C, Cuteri V, 2010: Maedi-visna virus in Turkish sheep: a preliminary serological survey using ELISA tests. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 343, 289-293.
  • Pritchard GC, Done SH, 1990: Concurrent maedi-visna virus infection and pulmonary adenomatosis in commercial breeding flock in East Anglia. Vet Rec, 127, 197-200.
  • Pritchard GC, Spence JB, Arthur MJ, Dawson M, 1984: Maedi-visna virus infection in commercial flocks of indigenous sheep in Britania. Vet Rec, 115, 427-429.
  • Saman E, Eynde GV, Lujan L, Extramiana B, Harkiss G, Tolari F, Gonzalez L, Amorena B, Watt N, Badiola J, 1999: A new sensitive serological assay for detection of lentivirus infections in small ruminants. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 6, 734-740.
  • Schreuder BEC, Yonguç AD, Girgin H, Akçora A, 1988: Antibodies to maedi-visna in indigenous sheep in eastern Turkey. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 63, 47-53.
  • Sihvonen L, Hirvela-Koski V, Nuotio L, Kokkonen UM, 1999: Serological survey and epidemiological investigation of maedi-visna in sheep in Finland. Vet Microbiol, 65, 265-270.
  • Sihvonen L, Nuotio L, Rikula U, Hirvela-Koski V, Kokkonen UM, 2000: Preventing the spread of maedi-visna in sheep through a voluntary control programme in Finland. Prev Vet Med, 47, 213-220.
  • Simard C, Morley RS, 1991: Seroprevalence of maedi-visna in Canadian sheep. Can J Vet Res, 55, 269-273.
  • Straub OC, 2004: Maedi-Visna virus infection in sheep. History and present knowledge. Comp Immun Mic and Inf Dis, 271, 1-5.
  • Tan MT, Alkan F, 1998: Türkiye’de Visna-maedi enfeksiyonunun seroepidemiyolojisi ve virus izolasyonu. III. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 23-25 Eylül 1998, Bursa.
  • Williams-Fulton NR, Simard CL, 1989: Evaluation of two management procedures for the control of maedi-visna. Am J Vet Res, 53, 419-423.
  • Yavru S, Şimşek A, Bulut O, Kale M, 2012: Konya bölgesi koyunlarında Maedi-Visna virus enfeksiyonu üzerine serolojik araştırma. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 28(3), 142-148.
  • Yılmaz H, Gürel A, Turan N, Bilal T, Kuşçu B, Dawson MM, Morgon KL, 2002: Abottoir study of Maedi-Visna virus infection in Turkey. Vet Rec, 151, 358-360
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research

Hikmet Ün

İrfan Özgünlük This is me

Mehmet Çabalar This is me

Publication Date December 27, 2018
Submission Date May 4, 2018
Acceptance Date June 19, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Ün, H., Özgünlük, İ., & Çabalar, M. (2018). Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 7(2), 144-148.
AMA Ün H, Özgünlük İ, Çabalar M. Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2018;7(2):144-148. doi:10.31196/huvfd.508962
Chicago Ün, Hikmet, İrfan Özgünlük, and Mehmet Çabalar. “Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7, no. 2 (December 2018): 144-48.
EndNote Ün H, Özgünlük İ, Çabalar M (December 1, 2018) Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7 2 144–148.
IEEE H. Ün, İ. Özgünlük, and M. Çabalar, “Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 144–148, 2018, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.508962.
ISNAD Ün, Hikmet et al. “Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 7/2 (December 2018), 144-148.
JAMA Ün H, Özgünlük İ, Çabalar M. Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7:144–148.
MLA Ün, Hikmet et al. “Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018, pp. 144-8, doi:10.31196/huvfd.508962.
Vancouver Ün H, Özgünlük İ, Çabalar M. Şanlıurfa Yöresinde Maedi-Visna Virus (MVV) Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;7(2):144-8.