Research Article
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Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 12 - 19, 22.06.2021


In this study, it was aimed to investigate the relationship between three SNP on the BRCA1 gene and subclinical mastitis, as well as milk yields during four lactation periods in Holstein breed cattle. The animal material of the study consisted of 151 Holstein cows reared under the same care and feeding conditions. Complete DNA was isolated from blood samples by using phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol method. Genotyping of G22231T, T25025A and C28300A SNPs on the BRCA1 was done by the PCR-RFLP method. Subclinical mastitis of animals was determined in milk samples by California Mastitis Test (CMT). In the study, CMT data, four lactation periods’ milk yields, and proportional distributions of SNP genotypes were calculated. Statistical significance of the data was determined by the Pearson chi-square test. The relationship between C28300A SNP, which was monomorphic, and subclinical mastitis has not been analyzed. In the samples examined, the difference between the proportional distribution of SNP genotypes of G22231T and T25025A in subclinical mastitis and healthy groups was not found statistically significant (P>0.05). As a result of the Chi-square (χ2) analysis conducted, it was observed that the Holstein cattle were in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in terms of G22231T and T25025A SNPs. Considering the physiological processes in which the BRCA1 gene is involved, it was thought that these genes and SNPs should be evaluated with more samples in studies on resistance to mastitis.


  • Asaf VM, Bhushan B, Panigrahi M, Dewangan P, Kumar A, Kumar P, Gaur GK, 2014a: Association study of genetic variants at single nucleotide polymorphism rs109231409 of mannose-binding lectins 1 gene with mastitis susceptibility in Vrindavani crossbred cattle. Vet. World, 7 (10), 807-810.
  • Asaf VM, Kumar A, Rahim A, Sebastian R, Mohan V, Dewangan P, Panigrahi M, 2014b: An overview on single nucleotide polymorphism studies in mastitis Research. Vet. World, 7 (6), 416-421.
  • Aytekin İ, Boztepe S, 2014: Süt sığırlarında somatik hücre sayısı, önemi ve etki eden faktörler. TURJAF, 2: 112-121.
  • Bennewitz J, Reinsch N, Guiard V, Fritz S, Thomsen H, Looft C, Kuhn C, Schwerin M, Weimann C, Erhardt G, Reinhardt F, Reents R, Boichard D, Kalm E, 2004: Multiple quantitative trait loci mapping with cofactors and application of alternative variants of the false discovery rate in an enlarged granddaughter design. Genetics, 168:1019–1027.
  • Biendima CC, Ramos SC, Uy MRD, Mingala CN, 2017: Molecular Characterization of BRCA1 as Candidate Gene Marker for Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). PJS, 146 (3): 293-298.
  • Blöttner S, Heins BJ, Wensch-Dorendorf M, Hansen LB, Swalve HH, 2011: A Comparison between Purebred Holstein and Brown Swiss × Holstein Cows for Milk Production, Somatic Cell Score, Milking Speed, and Udder Measurements in The First 3 Lactations. J Dairy Sci, 94: 5212-5216.
  • Chu MX, Ye SC, Qiao L, Wang JX, Feng T, Huang DW, Cao GL, Di R, Fang L, Chen GH 2012: Polymorphism of exon 2 of BoLA-DRB3 gene and its relationship with somatic cell score in Beijing Holstein cows. Mol Biol Rep, 39 (3), 2909-2914.
  • Claridge J, Diggle P, McCann CM, Mulcahy G, Flynn R, McNai J, Williams DJ, 2012: Fasciola hepatica is associated with the failure to detect bovine tuberculosis in dairy cattle. Nat Commun, 3, 853.
  • Çoban Ö, Tüzemen N, 2007: Siyah Alaca ve Esmer ineklerde subklinik mastitis için risk faktörleri. Uludag Üniv J Fac Vet Med, 26 (1-2): 27-31.
  • Daetwyler HD, Schenkel FS, Sargolzaei M, Robinson JA, 2008: A genome scan to detect quantitative trait loci for economically important traits in Holstein cattle using two methods and a dense single nucleotide polymorphism map. J Dairy Sci, 91:3225–3236.
  • Deb R, Singh U, Kumar S, Singh R, Sengar G, Sharma A, 2014: Profiling of bovine breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1) gene among Frieswal (HF× Sahiwal) cows and their association with mastitis. Natl Acad Sci Lett, 37 (6), 579-583.
  • Egger-Danner C., Cole JB, Pryce JE, Gengler N, Heringstad B, Bradley A, Stock KF, 2015: Invited review: overview of new traits and phenotyping strategies in dairy cattle with a focus on functional traits. Animal, 9 (2), 191-207.
  • Ensembl2020.;g=ENSBTAG00000022520;r=19:43069372-43139018, Date: 01.08.2020.
  • Francoz D, Wellemans V, Dupré JP, Roy JP, Labelle F, Lacasse P, Dufour S, 2017: Invited review: A systematic review and qualitative analysis of treatments other than conventional antimicrobials for clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 100 (10), 7751-7770.
  • Friedman LS, Ostermeyer EA, Szabo CI, Dowd P, Lynch ED, Rowell SE, King MC, 1994: Confirmation of BRCA1 by analysis of germline mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer in ten families. Nat genetics, 8 (4), 399.
  • Fthenakis GC, 1995: California Mastitis Test and Whiteside Test in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis of dairy ewes. Small Rumin Res,16 (3), 271-276.
  • Gabrielli SS, Lasagno MC, Alencar TA, Ribeiro L, Dubenczuk FC, Oliva MS, Coelho SM, 2015: AmpC-lactamase production in Enterobacteria associated with bovine mastitis in Brazil. Afr J Microbiol Res, 9 (8): 503-508.
  • Guerrero A, Dallas DC, Contreras S, Bhandari A, Cánovas A, Islas-Trejo A, Chee S, 2015: Peptidomic analysis of healthy and subclinically mastitic bovine milk. Int Dairy J, 46: 46-52.
  • Halasa T, Huijps K, Østerås O, Hogeveen H, 2007: Economic effects of bovine mastitis and mastitis management: A review. Vet. Q. 29:18–31.
  • Heringstad B, Gianola D, Chang YM, Odegard J, Klemetsdal G, 2006: Genetic associations between clinical mastitis and somatic cell score in early first-lactation cows. J Dairy Sci, 89:2236–2244.
  • Jacob KK, Radhika G, Aravindakshan TV, 2018: An in-silico evaluation of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of mastitis resistance genes in cattle. Animal biotechnology, 31 (1), 25-31.
  • Janzen JJ: Economic losses resulting from mastitis. A review, 1970: J Dairy Sci, 53; 1151-1161.
  • Krum SA, Womack JE, Lane TF, 2003: Bovine BRCA1 shows classic responses to genotoxic stress but low in vitro transcriptional activation activity. Oncogene, 22 (38), 6032.
  • Kumar AA, Rahal SK, Dwivedi SK, Gupta MK, 2010: Bacterial prevalence and antibiotic resistance profile from bovine mastitis in Mathura, India. Egypt. J Dairy Sci, 38: 31-34.
  • Rupp R, Hernandez A, Mallard BA, 2007: Association of bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA) DRB3.2 with immune response, mastitis, and production and type traits in Canadian Holsteins. J Dairy Sci; 90 (2): 1029–1038.
  • Saini V, McClure JT, Léger D, Keefe GP, Scholl DT, Morck DW, Barkema HW, 2012: Antimicrobial resistance profiles of common mastitis pathogens on Canadian dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 95 (8), 4319-4332.
  • Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual Appendixes Second Edition. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989; p. 20.
  • Tepeli SÖ, Zorba NN, 2017: Çanakkale (Yenice) ilinde üretilen çiğ sütlerin bazı özellikleri ve subklinik (gizli) mastitis görülme oranı. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, 18 (1); 41-47.
  • Tolone M, Mastrangelo S, Di Gerlando R, Sutera AM, Monteleone G, Sardina MT, Portolano B, 2016: Association study between β-defensin gene polymorphisms and mastitis resistance in Valle del Belice dairy sheep breed. Small Rumin Res, 136, 18-21.
  • Wang Q, Zhang H, Fishel R, Greene MI, 2000: BRCA1 and cell signaling. Oncogene, 19 (53), 6152-6158.
  • Weigel KA, Shook GE, 2018: Genetic selection for mastitis resistance. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 34 (3), 457-472.
  • Yalçın M, Argun MŞ, 2017: Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin süt ve süt ürünleri tüketim alışkanlıklarının ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (1): 51-60.
  • Yaylak E, Akbaş Y, Özsoy AN, 2015: Siyah Alaca ile Bazı Süt Sığır Irkları Arasında Yapılan Melezlemeler ve Melez İneklerin Performansları. SDÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10 (1), 97-106.
  • Youngerman SM, Saxton AM, Oliver SP, Pighetti GM, 2004: Association of CXCR2 polymorphisms with subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, 87 (8):2442–2448
  • Yuan Z, Li J, Li J, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao HJ, Xu S, 2012a: Investigation on BRCA1 SNPs and its effects on mastitis in Chinese commercial cattle. Gene, 505 (1), 190-194.
  • Yuan Z, Chu G, Dan Y, Li J, Zhang L, Gao X, Liu Z, 2012b: BRCA1: A new candidate gene for bovine mastitis and its association analysis between single nucleotide polymorphisms and milk somatic cell score. Mol Biol Rep, 39 (6), 6625-6631.

BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polimorfizmlerinin Holştayn Sığırlarında subklinik mastitis ve süt verimi ile ilişkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 12 - 19, 22.06.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı Holstein ırkı sığırlarda BRCA1 geninde meydana gelen üç farklı tek nokta mutasyonun, subklinik mastitis ve süt verimi arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla hayvan materyali olarak aynı bakım ve beslenme koşullarına sahip 151 dişi Holstein ırkı sığır seçildi ve bu sığırların dört laktasyon dönemi boyunca verim kayıtları kullanıldı. Total DNA, kan örneklerinden fenol:kloroform:izoamil alkol yöntemiyle izole edildi. Elde edilen DNA örneklerinden BRCA1 genindeki G22231T, T25025A ve C28300A tek nokta mutasyonları için PCR-RFLP yöntemi ile genotipleme yapıldı. Hayvanlarda subklinik mastitisinin bulunup bulunmadığı, süt örneklerine yapılan California Mastitis Testi (CMT) ile belirlendi. Çalışmada CMT verileri, dört laktasyon dönemi süt verim bilgileri ve tek nokta mutasyonları sonucu ortaya çıkan genotiplerinin orantılı olarak dağılımları hesaplanmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel anlamlılığı Pearson ki-kare testi ile yapılmıştır. İncelenen örneklerde monomorfik olan C28300A tek nokta mutasyonunun subklinik mastitis ile bir ilişkisi analiz edilmemiştir. G22231T, T25025A tek nokta mutasyonlarından sonra oluşan genotiplerin ise orantılı dağılımı arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır (P>0.05). Yapılan Ki-kare (χ2) analizi sonucunda Holstein ırkı sığırların G22231T ve T25025A tek nokta mutasyonları açısından Hardy-Weinberg dengesinde olduğu görülmüştür. BRCA1 geninin görev aldığı fizyolojik süreçler göz önüne alındığında mastitise direnç ile ilgili çalışmalarda bu gen ve SNP’lerin daha çok örnekle değerlendirilmesi gerektiği düşünülmüştür.


  • Asaf VM, Bhushan B, Panigrahi M, Dewangan P, Kumar A, Kumar P, Gaur GK, 2014a: Association study of genetic variants at single nucleotide polymorphism rs109231409 of mannose-binding lectins 1 gene with mastitis susceptibility in Vrindavani crossbred cattle. Vet. World, 7 (10), 807-810.
  • Asaf VM, Kumar A, Rahim A, Sebastian R, Mohan V, Dewangan P, Panigrahi M, 2014b: An overview on single nucleotide polymorphism studies in mastitis Research. Vet. World, 7 (6), 416-421.
  • Aytekin İ, Boztepe S, 2014: Süt sığırlarında somatik hücre sayısı, önemi ve etki eden faktörler. TURJAF, 2: 112-121.
  • Bennewitz J, Reinsch N, Guiard V, Fritz S, Thomsen H, Looft C, Kuhn C, Schwerin M, Weimann C, Erhardt G, Reinhardt F, Reents R, Boichard D, Kalm E, 2004: Multiple quantitative trait loci mapping with cofactors and application of alternative variants of the false discovery rate in an enlarged granddaughter design. Genetics, 168:1019–1027.
  • Biendima CC, Ramos SC, Uy MRD, Mingala CN, 2017: Molecular Characterization of BRCA1 as Candidate Gene Marker for Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). PJS, 146 (3): 293-298.
  • Blöttner S, Heins BJ, Wensch-Dorendorf M, Hansen LB, Swalve HH, 2011: A Comparison between Purebred Holstein and Brown Swiss × Holstein Cows for Milk Production, Somatic Cell Score, Milking Speed, and Udder Measurements in The First 3 Lactations. J Dairy Sci, 94: 5212-5216.
  • Chu MX, Ye SC, Qiao L, Wang JX, Feng T, Huang DW, Cao GL, Di R, Fang L, Chen GH 2012: Polymorphism of exon 2 of BoLA-DRB3 gene and its relationship with somatic cell score in Beijing Holstein cows. Mol Biol Rep, 39 (3), 2909-2914.
  • Claridge J, Diggle P, McCann CM, Mulcahy G, Flynn R, McNai J, Williams DJ, 2012: Fasciola hepatica is associated with the failure to detect bovine tuberculosis in dairy cattle. Nat Commun, 3, 853.
  • Çoban Ö, Tüzemen N, 2007: Siyah Alaca ve Esmer ineklerde subklinik mastitis için risk faktörleri. Uludag Üniv J Fac Vet Med, 26 (1-2): 27-31.
  • Daetwyler HD, Schenkel FS, Sargolzaei M, Robinson JA, 2008: A genome scan to detect quantitative trait loci for economically important traits in Holstein cattle using two methods and a dense single nucleotide polymorphism map. J Dairy Sci, 91:3225–3236.
  • Deb R, Singh U, Kumar S, Singh R, Sengar G, Sharma A, 2014: Profiling of bovine breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1) gene among Frieswal (HF× Sahiwal) cows and their association with mastitis. Natl Acad Sci Lett, 37 (6), 579-583.
  • Egger-Danner C., Cole JB, Pryce JE, Gengler N, Heringstad B, Bradley A, Stock KF, 2015: Invited review: overview of new traits and phenotyping strategies in dairy cattle with a focus on functional traits. Animal, 9 (2), 191-207.
  • Ensembl2020.;g=ENSBTAG00000022520;r=19:43069372-43139018, Date: 01.08.2020.
  • Francoz D, Wellemans V, Dupré JP, Roy JP, Labelle F, Lacasse P, Dufour S, 2017: Invited review: A systematic review and qualitative analysis of treatments other than conventional antimicrobials for clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 100 (10), 7751-7770.
  • Friedman LS, Ostermeyer EA, Szabo CI, Dowd P, Lynch ED, Rowell SE, King MC, 1994: Confirmation of BRCA1 by analysis of germline mutations linked to breast and ovarian cancer in ten families. Nat genetics, 8 (4), 399.
  • Fthenakis GC, 1995: California Mastitis Test and Whiteside Test in diagnosis of subclinical mastitis of dairy ewes. Small Rumin Res,16 (3), 271-276.
  • Gabrielli SS, Lasagno MC, Alencar TA, Ribeiro L, Dubenczuk FC, Oliva MS, Coelho SM, 2015: AmpC-lactamase production in Enterobacteria associated with bovine mastitis in Brazil. Afr J Microbiol Res, 9 (8): 503-508.
  • Guerrero A, Dallas DC, Contreras S, Bhandari A, Cánovas A, Islas-Trejo A, Chee S, 2015: Peptidomic analysis of healthy and subclinically mastitic bovine milk. Int Dairy J, 46: 46-52.
  • Halasa T, Huijps K, Østerås O, Hogeveen H, 2007: Economic effects of bovine mastitis and mastitis management: A review. Vet. Q. 29:18–31.
  • Heringstad B, Gianola D, Chang YM, Odegard J, Klemetsdal G, 2006: Genetic associations between clinical mastitis and somatic cell score in early first-lactation cows. J Dairy Sci, 89:2236–2244.
  • Jacob KK, Radhika G, Aravindakshan TV, 2018: An in-silico evaluation of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms of mastitis resistance genes in cattle. Animal biotechnology, 31 (1), 25-31.
  • Janzen JJ: Economic losses resulting from mastitis. A review, 1970: J Dairy Sci, 53; 1151-1161.
  • Krum SA, Womack JE, Lane TF, 2003: Bovine BRCA1 shows classic responses to genotoxic stress but low in vitro transcriptional activation activity. Oncogene, 22 (38), 6032.
  • Kumar AA, Rahal SK, Dwivedi SK, Gupta MK, 2010: Bacterial prevalence and antibiotic resistance profile from bovine mastitis in Mathura, India. Egypt. J Dairy Sci, 38: 31-34.
  • Rupp R, Hernandez A, Mallard BA, 2007: Association of bovine leukocyte antigen (BoLA) DRB3.2 with immune response, mastitis, and production and type traits in Canadian Holsteins. J Dairy Sci; 90 (2): 1029–1038.
  • Saini V, McClure JT, Léger D, Keefe GP, Scholl DT, Morck DW, Barkema HW, 2012: Antimicrobial resistance profiles of common mastitis pathogens on Canadian dairy farms. J Dairy Sci, 95 (8), 4319-4332.
  • Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual Appendixes Second Edition. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989; p. 20.
  • Tepeli SÖ, Zorba NN, 2017: Çanakkale (Yenice) ilinde üretilen çiğ sütlerin bazı özellikleri ve subklinik (gizli) mastitis görülme oranı. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, 18 (1); 41-47.
  • Tolone M, Mastrangelo S, Di Gerlando R, Sutera AM, Monteleone G, Sardina MT, Portolano B, 2016: Association study between β-defensin gene polymorphisms and mastitis resistance in Valle del Belice dairy sheep breed. Small Rumin Res, 136, 18-21.
  • Wang Q, Zhang H, Fishel R, Greene MI, 2000: BRCA1 and cell signaling. Oncogene, 19 (53), 6152-6158.
  • Weigel KA, Shook GE, 2018: Genetic selection for mastitis resistance. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 34 (3), 457-472.
  • Yalçın M, Argun MŞ, 2017: Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin süt ve süt ürünleri tüketim alışkanlıklarının ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi. BEÜ Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (1): 51-60.
  • Yaylak E, Akbaş Y, Özsoy AN, 2015: Siyah Alaca ile Bazı Süt Sığır Irkları Arasında Yapılan Melezlemeler ve Melez İneklerin Performansları. SDÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10 (1), 97-106.
  • Youngerman SM, Saxton AM, Oliver SP, Pighetti GM, 2004: Association of CXCR2 polymorphisms with subclinical and clinical mastitis in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, 87 (8):2442–2448
  • Yuan Z, Li J, Li J, Zhang L, Gao X, Gao HJ, Xu S, 2012a: Investigation on BRCA1 SNPs and its effects on mastitis in Chinese commercial cattle. Gene, 505 (1), 190-194.
  • Yuan Z, Chu G, Dan Y, Li J, Zhang L, Gao X, Liu Z, 2012b: BRCA1: A new candidate gene for bovine mastitis and its association analysis between single nucleotide polymorphisms and milk somatic cell score. Mol Biol Rep, 39 (6), 6625-6631.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Fadime Daldaban 0000-0001-5795-8859

Korhan Arslan 0000-0002-2440-884X

Aytaç Akçay 0000-0001-6263-5181

Md Mahmodul Hasan Sohel 0000-0003-2224-085X

Bilal Akyüz 0000-0001-7548-9830

Publication Date June 22, 2021
Submission Date October 19, 2020
Acceptance Date February 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Daldaban, F., Arslan, K., Akçay, A., Sohel, M. M. H., et al. (2021). Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 10(1), 12-19.
AMA Daldaban F, Arslan K, Akçay A, Sohel MMH, Akyüz B. Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2021;10(1):12-19. doi:10.31196/huvfd.806050
Chicago Daldaban, Fadime, Korhan Arslan, Aytaç Akçay, Md Mahmodul Hasan Sohel, and Bilal Akyüz. “Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) Polymorphisms With Subclinical Mastitis and Milk Yields in Holstein Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10, no. 1 (June 2021): 12-19.
EndNote Daldaban F, Arslan K, Akçay A, Sohel MMH, Akyüz B (June 1, 2021) Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10 1 12–19.
IEEE F. Daldaban, K. Arslan, A. Akçay, M. M. H. Sohel, and B. Akyüz, “Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 12–19, 2021, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.806050.
ISNAD Daldaban, Fadime et al. “Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) Polymorphisms With Subclinical Mastitis and Milk Yields in Holstein Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 10/1 (June 2021), 12-19.
JAMA Daldaban F, Arslan K, Akçay A, Sohel MMH, Akyüz B. Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10:12–19.
MLA Daldaban, Fadime et al. “Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) Polymorphisms With Subclinical Mastitis and Milk Yields in Holstein Cattle”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 10, no. 1, 2021, pp. 12-19, doi:10.31196/huvfd.806050.
Vancouver Daldaban F, Arslan K, Akçay A, Sohel MMH, Akyüz B. Association of BRCA1 (G22231T, T25025A, C28300A) polymorphisms with subclinical mastitis and milk yields in Holstein Cattle. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2021;10(1):12-9.