Research Article
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Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 161 - 164, 18.12.2024


The objective of this study was to ascertain the levels of urea, creatinine (Crea) and the urea/creatinine ratio (UCR) in calves presenting with diarrhoea. The material of the study consisted of 20 calves with diarrhoea and 10 healthy calves. Once the aetiology of diarrhoeal calves had been determined, blood samples were taken, and urea, creatinine and UCR levels were determined. The findings of the study indicated that the levels of urea and UCR were statistically significantly elevated in calves with diarrhoea in comparison to the control group. However, the increase in creatinine level was statistically insignificant. The results of the study revealed that UCR is an important biomarker in the evaluation of renal failure in calves with diarrhoea.


  • Akyüz E, Kükürt A, 2021: Evaluation of oxidative stress index and some biochemical parameters in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Acta Sci Vet Sci, 3(9).
  • Akyüz E, Sezer M, Kuru M, Naseri A, 2022: Changes in hematology, some clinical biochemical parameters and mineral levels in neonatal calves with sepsis due to diarrhea. Van Vet J, 33(1), 26-30.
  • Balıkçı C, Gülersoy E, Şahan A, Günal İ, Akdağ F, Kısmet E, İlginoğlu B, 2024: Investigation of etiological prevalence of neonatal calves with acute diarrhea in Şanlıurfa province with immunochromatographic test. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, 13(1), 22-27.
  • Balıkçı C, Ural K, Erdoğan H, Gönülveren G, Gültekin M, 2023: Prevalence of enteropathogens in neonatal calves with acute diarrhea in Aydın province. Kocatepe Vet J, 16(3).
  • Brookes EM, Power DA, 2022: Elevated serum urea-to-creatinine ratio is associated with adverse inpatient clinical outcomes in non-end stage chronic kidney disease. Sci Rep, 12(1), 20827.
  • Coşkun MR, Şahin M, 2023: Prevalence of neonatal calf diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli and investigation of virulence factors, serotypes, and antibiotic susceptibility. Pol J Vet Sci, 26(3), 335-341.
  • Eğlenti N, Kozat S, Denizhan V, 2020: Investigation of immunoglobulin (IgE, IgA, IgG, IgM) concentrations in calves naturally infected with coccidiosis. J Istanbul Vet Sci, 4(1), 1-7.
  • Kasa A, Tulu D, Negera C, 2020: Review of common bacterial cause and management of neonatal calf diarrhea in cattle. Int J Microbiol Res, 11(2), 98-104.
  • Keleş İ, Ekinci G, Tüfekçi E, Çitil M, Güneş V, Aslan Ö, Onmaz AC, Bekdik İK, Varol K, Deniz Ö, 2022: Etiological and predisposing factors in calves with neonatal diarrhea: a clinical study in 270 case series. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 28(3).
  • Kozat S, 2021: Treatment principles in calf diarrhea. Proceedings Book, 113.
  • Lau WL, Vaziri ND, 2017: Urea, a true uremic toxin: the empire strikes back. Clin Sci, 131(1), 3-12.
  • Lobetti R, 2012: Changes in the serum urea: creatinine ratio in dogs with babesiosis, haemolytic anaemia, and experimental haemoglobinaemia. The Vet J, 191(2), 253-256.
  • Maier GU, Breitenbuecher J, Gomez JP, Samah F, Fausak E, Van Noord M, 2022: Vaccination for the prevention of neonatal calf diarrhea in cow-calf operations: a scoping review. Vet Anim Sci, 15, 100238.
  • Mamak N, Kıyıcı R, Şahinduran Ş, Şensoy S, Akkan HA, Karaca M, Yıldız R, Musabeşeoğlu Y, Gökçe Hİ, 2023. Etiological examination of neonatal calf diarrhea cases detected in Burdur region. MAE Vet Fak Derg, 8(2), 55-60.
  • Molitoris BA, 2022: Low-flow acute kidney injury: the pathophysiology of prerenal azotemia, abdominal compartment syndrome, and obstructive uropathy. CJASN, 17(7), 1039-1049.
  • Nguyen TD, Vo TT, Vu-Khac H, 2011: Virulence factors in Escherichia coli isolated from calves with diarrhea in Vietnam. J Vet Sci, 12(2), 159-164.
  • Saleh N, Allam T, Nayel M, Ahmed R, Elkhatam A, 2022: Hematological, serum biochemical and parasitological investigation of calf diarrhea. J Curr Vet Res, 4(1), 58-68.
  • Seki M, Nakayama M, Sakoh T, Yoshitomi R, Fukui A, Katafuchi E, Tsuda S, Nakano T, Kitazono T, 2019: Blood urea nitrogen is independently associated with renal outcomes in Japanese patients with stage 3–5 chronic kidney disease: a prospective observational study. BMC nephrology, 20, 1-10.
  • Shehta A, El-Zahar H, Mansour A, Mustafa B, Shety T, 2022: Clinical, hematological and some biochemical alterations during diarrhea in Friesian calves naturally infected with E. coli and Salmonella. BJBAS, 11(1), 128.
  • Statlender L, Shochat T, Robinson E, Fishman G, Hellerman-Itzhaki M, Bendavid I, Singer P, Kagan I, 2024: Urea to creatinine ratio as a predictor of persistent critical illness. J Crit Care, 83, 154834.
  • Stellato T, Rhodes RS, McDougal WS, 1980: Azotemia in upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. A review. Am J Gastroenterol, 73:486–489.
  • Tomizawa M, Shinozaki F, Hasegawa R, Shirai Y, Motoyoshi Y, Sugiyama T, Yamomoto S, Ishige, N. 2015: Patient characteristics with high or low blood urea nitrogen in upper gastrointestinal bleeding. WJG, 21(24), 7500.
  • Tonomura S, Uchiyama K, Nakayama T, Mitsuno R, Kojima D, Hama EY, Nagasaka T, Nishimura ES, Kusahana E, Takahashi R, Yoshimoto N, Yamaguchi S, Morimoto K, Yoshida T, Hayashi K, Kanda T, Washida N, Itoh H, 2023: Clinical significance of serum urea‐to‐creatinine ratio in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Ther Apher Dial, 27(6), 1103-1112.
  • Torche S, Boussena S, Beroual K, Guidoum BM, Kerrour M, Moula N, 2020: Physiopathology of diarrhea in young calves: clinical signs and metabolic disturbances. J New Sci, 76, 4443-4451.
  • Tümer KÇ, Dincer PFP, 2024: Evaluation of serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, cystatin c, and clusterin concentrations in neonatal calf diarrhea. Large Anim Rev, 30(1), 7-11.
  • Valtonen MH, Uusi-Rauva A, Eriksson L, 1982: The effect of protein deprivation on the validity of creatinine and urea in evaluation of renal function. An experimental study in the goat. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 42(6), 507-512.
  • van der Slikke EC, Star BS, de Jager VD, Leferink MB, Klein LM, Quinten VM, Olgers TJ, Maaten JC, Bouma HR, 2020: A high urea-to-creatinine ratio predicts long-term mortality independent of acute kidney injury among patients hospitalized with an infection. Sci Rep, 10(1), 15649.
  • Wiest D, Klee W, 1998: Retrospective evaluation of urea and creatinine blood levels in calves with diarrhea. DTW. Dtsch Tierärztl Wochenschr, 105(9), 335-339.
  • Yanar KE, Eren E, Aktaş MS, Eroğlu MS, Kandemir Ö, Aydın G, 2023: Prognostic potential of inflammatory markers, oxidative status, thrombocyte indices, and renal biochemical markers in neonatal calf diarrhoea-induced systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Vet immunol immunopathol, 265, 110680.
  • Yang B, Bankir L, 2005: Urea and urine concentrating ability: new insights from studies in mice. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 288(5), F881–96

İshalli buzağılarda üre, kreatinin ve üre/kreatinin oranlarının belirlenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 161 - 164, 18.12.2024


Bu çalışmada ishalli buzağılarda üre, kreatin (Crea) ve üre/kreatinin oranının (UCR) belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmanın materyalini 20 ishalli buzağı ve 10 sağlıklı buzağı oluşturdu. İshalli buzağıların etiyolojileri belirlendikten sonra kan örnekleri alındı ve üre, kreatinin ve UCR düzeyleri belirlendi. Çalışmanın sonuçları ishalli buzağılarda kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede yüksek üre ve UCR düzeyi tespit edildi. Crea düzeyindeki artış ise istatistiksel olarak önemsizdi. Çalışmanın sonuçları ishalli buzağılarda böbrek yetmezliğinin değerlendirilmesinde UCR’nin önemli bir biyobelirteç olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Akyüz E, Kükürt A, 2021: Evaluation of oxidative stress index and some biochemical parameters in neonatal calves with diarrhea. Acta Sci Vet Sci, 3(9).
  • Akyüz E, Sezer M, Kuru M, Naseri A, 2022: Changes in hematology, some clinical biochemical parameters and mineral levels in neonatal calves with sepsis due to diarrhea. Van Vet J, 33(1), 26-30.
  • Balıkçı C, Gülersoy E, Şahan A, Günal İ, Akdağ F, Kısmet E, İlginoğlu B, 2024: Investigation of etiological prevalence of neonatal calves with acute diarrhea in Şanlıurfa province with immunochromatographic test. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, 13(1), 22-27.
  • Balıkçı C, Ural K, Erdoğan H, Gönülveren G, Gültekin M, 2023: Prevalence of enteropathogens in neonatal calves with acute diarrhea in Aydın province. Kocatepe Vet J, 16(3).
  • Brookes EM, Power DA, 2022: Elevated serum urea-to-creatinine ratio is associated with adverse inpatient clinical outcomes in non-end stage chronic kidney disease. Sci Rep, 12(1), 20827.
  • Coşkun MR, Şahin M, 2023: Prevalence of neonatal calf diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli and investigation of virulence factors, serotypes, and antibiotic susceptibility. Pol J Vet Sci, 26(3), 335-341.
  • Eğlenti N, Kozat S, Denizhan V, 2020: Investigation of immunoglobulin (IgE, IgA, IgG, IgM) concentrations in calves naturally infected with coccidiosis. J Istanbul Vet Sci, 4(1), 1-7.
  • Kasa A, Tulu D, Negera C, 2020: Review of common bacterial cause and management of neonatal calf diarrhea in cattle. Int J Microbiol Res, 11(2), 98-104.
  • Keleş İ, Ekinci G, Tüfekçi E, Çitil M, Güneş V, Aslan Ö, Onmaz AC, Bekdik İK, Varol K, Deniz Ö, 2022: Etiological and predisposing factors in calves with neonatal diarrhea: a clinical study in 270 case series. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 28(3).
  • Kozat S, 2021: Treatment principles in calf diarrhea. Proceedings Book, 113.
  • Lau WL, Vaziri ND, 2017: Urea, a true uremic toxin: the empire strikes back. Clin Sci, 131(1), 3-12.
  • Lobetti R, 2012: Changes in the serum urea: creatinine ratio in dogs with babesiosis, haemolytic anaemia, and experimental haemoglobinaemia. The Vet J, 191(2), 253-256.
  • Maier GU, Breitenbuecher J, Gomez JP, Samah F, Fausak E, Van Noord M, 2022: Vaccination for the prevention of neonatal calf diarrhea in cow-calf operations: a scoping review. Vet Anim Sci, 15, 100238.
  • Mamak N, Kıyıcı R, Şahinduran Ş, Şensoy S, Akkan HA, Karaca M, Yıldız R, Musabeşeoğlu Y, Gökçe Hİ, 2023. Etiological examination of neonatal calf diarrhea cases detected in Burdur region. MAE Vet Fak Derg, 8(2), 55-60.
  • Molitoris BA, 2022: Low-flow acute kidney injury: the pathophysiology of prerenal azotemia, abdominal compartment syndrome, and obstructive uropathy. CJASN, 17(7), 1039-1049.
  • Nguyen TD, Vo TT, Vu-Khac H, 2011: Virulence factors in Escherichia coli isolated from calves with diarrhea in Vietnam. J Vet Sci, 12(2), 159-164.
  • Saleh N, Allam T, Nayel M, Ahmed R, Elkhatam A, 2022: Hematological, serum biochemical and parasitological investigation of calf diarrhea. J Curr Vet Res, 4(1), 58-68.
  • Seki M, Nakayama M, Sakoh T, Yoshitomi R, Fukui A, Katafuchi E, Tsuda S, Nakano T, Kitazono T, 2019: Blood urea nitrogen is independently associated with renal outcomes in Japanese patients with stage 3–5 chronic kidney disease: a prospective observational study. BMC nephrology, 20, 1-10.
  • Shehta A, El-Zahar H, Mansour A, Mustafa B, Shety T, 2022: Clinical, hematological and some biochemical alterations during diarrhea in Friesian calves naturally infected with E. coli and Salmonella. BJBAS, 11(1), 128.
  • Statlender L, Shochat T, Robinson E, Fishman G, Hellerman-Itzhaki M, Bendavid I, Singer P, Kagan I, 2024: Urea to creatinine ratio as a predictor of persistent critical illness. J Crit Care, 83, 154834.
  • Stellato T, Rhodes RS, McDougal WS, 1980: Azotemia in upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. A review. Am J Gastroenterol, 73:486–489.
  • Tomizawa M, Shinozaki F, Hasegawa R, Shirai Y, Motoyoshi Y, Sugiyama T, Yamomoto S, Ishige, N. 2015: Patient characteristics with high or low blood urea nitrogen in upper gastrointestinal bleeding. WJG, 21(24), 7500.
  • Tonomura S, Uchiyama K, Nakayama T, Mitsuno R, Kojima D, Hama EY, Nagasaka T, Nishimura ES, Kusahana E, Takahashi R, Yoshimoto N, Yamaguchi S, Morimoto K, Yoshida T, Hayashi K, Kanda T, Washida N, Itoh H, 2023: Clinical significance of serum urea‐to‐creatinine ratio in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Ther Apher Dial, 27(6), 1103-1112.
  • Torche S, Boussena S, Beroual K, Guidoum BM, Kerrour M, Moula N, 2020: Physiopathology of diarrhea in young calves: clinical signs and metabolic disturbances. J New Sci, 76, 4443-4451.
  • Tümer KÇ, Dincer PFP, 2024: Evaluation of serum neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, cystatin c, and clusterin concentrations in neonatal calf diarrhea. Large Anim Rev, 30(1), 7-11.
  • Valtonen MH, Uusi-Rauva A, Eriksson L, 1982: The effect of protein deprivation on the validity of creatinine and urea in evaluation of renal function. An experimental study in the goat. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 42(6), 507-512.
  • van der Slikke EC, Star BS, de Jager VD, Leferink MB, Klein LM, Quinten VM, Olgers TJ, Maaten JC, Bouma HR, 2020: A high urea-to-creatinine ratio predicts long-term mortality independent of acute kidney injury among patients hospitalized with an infection. Sci Rep, 10(1), 15649.
  • Wiest D, Klee W, 1998: Retrospective evaluation of urea and creatinine blood levels in calves with diarrhea. DTW. Dtsch Tierärztl Wochenschr, 105(9), 335-339.
  • Yanar KE, Eren E, Aktaş MS, Eroğlu MS, Kandemir Ö, Aydın G, 2023: Prognostic potential of inflammatory markers, oxidative status, thrombocyte indices, and renal biochemical markers in neonatal calf diarrhoea-induced systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Vet immunol immunopathol, 265, 110680.
  • Yang B, Bankir L, 2005: Urea and urine concentrating ability: new insights from studies in mice. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 288(5), F881–96
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Internal Medicine
Journal Section Research

Kerim Emre Yanar 0000-0001-7302-7077

M. Sinan Aktaş 0000-0002-7206-5757

Ali Can Özcan 0000-0001-8636-0610

Publication Date December 18, 2024
Submission Date September 13, 2024
Acceptance Date December 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


APA Yanar, K. E., Aktaş, M. S., & Özcan, A. C. (2024). Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 13(2), 161-164.
AMA Yanar KE, Aktaş MS, Özcan AC. Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2024;13(2):161-164. doi:10.31196/huvfd.1549685
Chicago Yanar, Kerim Emre, M. Sinan Aktaş, and Ali Can Özcan. “Determination of Urea, Creatinine and urea/Creatinine Ratios in Calves With Diarrhoea”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13, no. 2 (December 2024): 161-64.
EndNote Yanar KE, Aktaş MS, Özcan AC (December 1, 2024) Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13 2 161–164.
IEEE K. E. Yanar, M. S. Aktaş, and A. C. Özcan, “Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 161–164, 2024, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.1549685.
ISNAD Yanar, Kerim Emre et al. “Determination of Urea, Creatinine and urea/Creatinine Ratios in Calves With Diarrhoea”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 13/2 (December 2024), 161-164.
JAMA Yanar KE, Aktaş MS, Özcan AC. Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13:161–164.
MLA Yanar, Kerim Emre et al. “Determination of Urea, Creatinine and urea/Creatinine Ratios in Calves With Diarrhoea”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 13, no. 2, 2024, pp. 161-4, doi:10.31196/huvfd.1549685.
Vancouver Yanar KE, Aktaş MS, Özcan AC. Determination of urea, creatinine and urea/creatinine ratios in calves with diarrhoea. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2024;13(2):161-4.