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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 407 - 433, 29.07.2022


Meksika’da, devletin 2006’dan itibaren artan güvenlikleştirilmiş ve militarize hâle gelmiş uyuşturucu karşıtı stratejileri, daha önce görülmemiş bir seviyede şiddet ve zaiyatla sonuçlanmıştır. Buna ek olarak, siyasal ve adli kanallar, süregiden şiddet ve uyuşturucuya karşı savaştan zarar gören sivil topluma büyük ölçüde kapanmıştır. Bu çalışma, 2011’de sivil toplum sürekli artan yargısız infaz cinayetlerine karşı bir tepki olarak ortaya çıkan ve gelişen Adalet ve Saygınlıkla Barış Hareketi’ni (MPJD) ele almaktadır. Hem Meksikalı mercilerin siyasalarının ve stratejilerinin hem de hareketin ilişkisel biçimde birbirlerini nasıl şekillendirdiğini ve MPJD’nin seyrine yön verdiğine analiz etmeyi amaçlayan çalışma, Siyasal Fırsatlar Yapısı (SFY) yaklaşımını kullanmaktadır. SFY’nin kuramsal ve kavramsal araçlarından faydalanmak suretiyle, çalışma, MPJD’nin en başta uyuşturucuya karşı savaşın kurbanlarını görünür hâle getirmek olmak üzere birçok hedefine ulaştığını ve Meksika siyasetinde önemli bir siyasal harekete dönüştüğünü savunmaktadır. Meksika’da devam eden uyuşturucuya karşı savaş sırasında ortaya çıkan ve büyüyen MPJD örneğini inceleyerek, çalışma, uyuşturucu savaşlarını ve bu şartlarda ortaya çıkan siyasal fırsatlarını anlamayı hedefleyen toplumsal hareketler çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmaktadır.


  • Ameglio Patella, P. (2016). Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad: construir paz en la guerra de México. Polis: Revista Latinoamericana, 43.
  • Anaya-Muñoz, A, and Saltalamacchia, N. (2019). Factors Blocking the Compliance with International Human Rights Norms in Mexico. Anaya-Muñoz, A., and Frey, B. (Eds.). Mexico’s Human Rights Crisis. (pp. 207-225). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Anderson, E. (2018). Policy Entrepreneurs and the Origins of the Regulatory Welfare State: Child Labor Reform in Nineteenth-Century Europe. American Sociological Review. 83(1): 173-211. doi:10.1177/0003122417753112.
  • Azaola, E. (2012). El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Desacatos. 40: 159-170.
  • Bail, C. A. (2012). The Fringe Effect: Civil Society Organizations and the Evolution of Media Discourse about Islam since the September 11th Attacks. American Sociological Review. 77 (6): 855-879. doi:10.1177/0003122412465743.
  • Bail, C. A., Brown, T. W., and Mann, M (2017). Channeling Hearts and Minds: Advocacy Organizations, Cognitive-Emotional Currents, and Public Conversation. American Sociological Review. 82 (6): 1188-1213. doi:10.1177/0003122417733673.
  • Barroso, J. (2014), ‘Javier Sicilia: Public Mourning for the Sons of Mexico’, Castillo, D. A., and Day, S. A. (Eds.). Mexican Public Intellectuals. (pp. 217-235). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bateson, R. (2012). Crime Victimization and Political Participation. The American Political Science Review. 106 (3): 570-587.
  • Belausteguigoitia, M. (2012). Emplazamientos: construcción de estrategias políticas desde el padre subvertido y sus narrativas del consuelo. Debate Feminista, 46: 29-46.
  • Berents, H., and ten Have, C. (2018). Staying Safe in Colombia and Mexico: Skilled Navigation and Everyday Insecurity. Carrington, K. et al. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South. (pp. 433-450). [eBook].
  • Bizberg, I. (2015). Los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales en México: El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad y #YoSoy132. Foro Internacional. 219: 262-301.
  • Boullosa, C., and Wallace, M. (2015). A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War”. London: OR Books [eBook].
  • Bowden, C. (2010). Murder City: Ciudad Juárez and the Global Economy’s New Killing Fields. New York: Nation Books [eBook].
  • Boyce, G. A., Banister, J. M., and Slack, J. (2015). You and What Army? Violence, The State, and Mexico's War on Drugs. Territory, Politics, Governance. 3(4): 446-468.
  • Brown, H. E. (2013). Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of Anti-Immigration Mobilization. American Sociological Review. 78 (2): 290-314. doi:10.1177/0003122413476712.
  • Bröer, C., and Duyvendak, J. W. (2009). Discursive opportunities, feeling rules, and the rise of protests against aircraft noise. Mobilization. 14: 337–356.
  • Calderón, F. H, and Cedillo, A. (Eds.) (2012). Challenging Authoritarianism in Mexico: Revolutionary Struggles and the Dirty War, 1964-1982. New York: Routledge.
  • Campbell, H. (2014). Narco-Propaganda in the Mexican “Drug War”: An Anthropological Perspective. Latin American Perspectives. 41 (2): 60-77.
  • Carpinteiro, F. J. (2013). The Subject’s Tracks: The Other Campaign, Self-Knowledge, and Subjectivity in the Liberal Democratic Cycle. Latin American Perspectives. 40 (5): 138-152.
  • Carrillo, A. M., Pérez-Torres, A., and Tavera, L. (2014). Protesta Social, Política Deliberativa, y Democracia: Un Análisis de los “Diálogos por la Paz” en México. Revista de Ciencia Política. 34 (3): 623-643.
  • Díaz Cepeda, L. R. (2020). Social Movements and Latin America: From Ciudad Juárez to Ayotzinapa. London: Lexington Books [eBook].
  • Eisinger, P. K. (1973). The Conditions of Protest Behavior in American Cities. The American Political Science Review. 67 (1): 11-28.
  • Espinosa, R., and Gordillo, J. (2017). Ley General de Víctimas: Una victoria colectiva sin precedente. Hernández, M. I., and Parra, L. P. (Eds.). Cabildeo Ciudadano y Democracia en México. 10 años de sociedad civil e incidencia efectiva. (pp. 255-293). Ciudad de México: Centro de Colaboración Cívica.
  • Ferree, M. M. (2003). Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany. American Journal of Sociology. 109 (2): 304-44.
  • Ferree, M. M., Gamson, W. A., Gerhards, J., andi Rucht, D. (2002). Shaping abortion discourse: Democracy and the public sphere in Germany and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Galán Castro, E. (2017). Espiritualidad, identidad y acción colectiva en el Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. El Cotidiano. 206: 19-31.
  • Galaviz Armenta, T. (2012). Províctima... ¿una paradoja? Análisis sistémico de la Procuraduría Social de Atención a Víctimas. Revista Mexicana de Sociología. 74 (4): 561-585.
  • Gallardo Gómez, L. R. (2017). Movimientos sociales mexicanos del quinquenio 2011-2016. Denuncia y resistencia a la economía criminal y al Estado narco. Gallardo-Gómez, L. R. (Ed.). Movimientos Sociales del México Contemporáneo: Denuncia, Resistencia, Construcción de Alternativas (pp. 73-120). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • Gamson, W. A., and Meyer, D. S. (1996). Framing Political Opportunity. McAdam, D., McCarthy, J. D., and Zald, M. N. (Eds.). Comparative Perspectives on social movements: Opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings. (pp. 275-290). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • García, R. G., and Treré, E. (2014). The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico. The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies.
  • García, L. Á, (2017). Los Medios de Comunicación y su Relación con los Movimientos Sociales por la Paz en México (2011-2013). Comunicación. 7 (3): 95-119.
  • Garza-Placencia J. (2015). Políticas públicas y violencia en México: la incidencia del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Iberoamérica Social: Revista-red de estudios sociales. 5: 55-66.
  • Gibler, J. (2011). To Die in Mexico, Dispatches from Inside the Drug War. San Francisco: City Light Books [eBook].
  • Giugni, M. (2011). Political Opportunity: still a useful concept? Hanagan, M., and Tilly, C. (Eds.). Contention and Trust in Cities and States. (pp. 271-283). New York: Springer.
  • Guigni, M., Koopmans, R., Passy, F., and Statham, P. (2005) Institutional and discursive opportunities for extreme-right mobilization in five countries. Mobilization 10, 145–162.
  • Gräbner, C. (2015). Public Spaces and Global Listening Spaces: Poetic Resonances from the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. 11(3).
  • Guerra, E. (2017). Política de drogas, violencia criminal y protesta social, ¿Cómo ha respondido la sociedad ante el terror? Movimientos. 1: 14-42. DOI: 10.24201/es.2018v36n106.1432.
  • Human Rights Watch (2011). Neither Rights nor Security: Killings, Torture, and Disappearances in Mexico’s “War on Drugs”. Retrieved from
  • Jacinto, L. (2011). Javier Sicilia: el Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad en México. México Interdisciplinario, 1(1), 58-73.
  • Jiménez, S. H., & López, J. A. (2016). Ciclos de movilización y crisis de derechos humanos. La acción colectiva de las ONG nacionales y los derechos humanos en México. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 56, 26-38.
  • Johnston, H. (2014). What is a Social Movement? Cambridge: Polity. Press.
  • Koopmans, R., and Statham, P. (1999). Political claims analysis: Integrating protest event and political discourse approaches. Mobilization. 4: 203–221.
  • Koopmans and Duyvendak (1995). The Political Construction of the Nuclear-Energy Issue and Its Impact on the Mobilization of Antinuclear Movements in Western Europe. Social Problems. 42: 235-251.
  • Koopmans, R. and Olzak, S. (2004). Discursive opportunities and the evolution of right-wing violence in Germany. American Journal of Sociology. 110: 198–230.
  • Koopmans et al. (2005). Contested Citizenship: Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Europe. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Linares Ortiz, J. (2012). Opacidad y Visibilización. Prácticas de Visibilización y Resistencia Simbólica ante la Violencia de la Guerra Contra el Narco. Razón y Palabra. 80.
  • López, J. A. (2017). Ong de derechos humanos y violencia en México. Institucionalización, fragmentación y dinámicas contenciosas. Estévez, A., and Vázquez, D. (Eds.). Razones para (des)confiar de las luchas por los derechos humanos. (pp. 31-55). México, D. F.: Flasco.
  • Madrazo Lajous, A. et al. (2018). La “guerra contra las drogas”: Análisis de los combates de las fuerzas públicas 2006-2011. Política y gobierno. 25 (2): 379-402.
  • Marroquín Pineda, T. I. (2017). Incidencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales en el proceso de democratización en México. Gomez, L. R. G. (Ed.). Movimientos Sociales del México Contemporáneo: Denuncia, Resistencia, Construcción de Alternativas. (pp. 121-156). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • McAdam, D. (1982). Political Processes and the Development of Black Insurgency. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • McAdam, D. (1996). Political Opportunities: Conceptual Origins, Current Problems, Future Directions. McAdam, D., McCarthy, J. D. and, Zald, M. N. (Eds.). Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. (pp. 23-40). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • McCammon, H. J. (2013). Discursive opportunity structure. Snow, D. et al. (Eds.). The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. (pp. 211-215). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • McCammon, H.J., Muse, C.S., Newman, H.D., and Terrell, T.M. (2007). Movement framing and discursive opportunity structures: The political successes of the US Women’s Jury movements. American Sociological Review. 72: 725–749.
  • Misra, A. (2018). Towards a Philosophy of Narco Violence in Mexico. Palgrave Macillan [eBook].
  • Morton, A. D. (2012). The War on Drugs in Mexico: a failed state? Third World Quarterly. 33 (9): 1631-1645.
  • Motta, R. (2014). Transnational Discursive Opportunities and Social Movement Risk Frames Opposing GMOs. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest.
  • Muñoz-Martínez, H. (2015). The politics of scale, place, and mobility in the Mexican peace movement, 2006-2012. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes. 40 (2): 157-175.
  • Opp, K. (2013). Rational Choice Theory and Social Movements. Snow, D. et al. (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. (pp. 540-546). John Wiley & Sons [eBook]. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbespm073.
  • Polletta, F. (2008). Culture and Movements. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 619 (1): 78-96.
  • Rathbun, L. (2019). Javier Sicilia: Advocate of deliberative democracy in the Americas. Annales: Ethnics in Economic Life. 21 (4): 113-133.
  • Rivera-Hernández, R. D. (2015). Contra Estados Unidos. Crónicas desamparadas, de Diego Enrique Osorno. Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea. 66: 145-148.
  • Rohlinger, D. A. and Gentile, H. (2017). Sociological Understandings of Social Movements: A North American Perspective. Roggeband, C., and Klandermans, B. (Eds.). Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines (pp. 9-31). Springer [eBook].
  • Kathleen, S., and Méndez, Z. Y. (2015). Courage, Resistance, and Women in Ciudad Juárez: Challenges to Militarization. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Suh, D. (2001). How Do Political Opportunities Matter for Social Movements? Political Opportunity Misframing, Pseudosuccess, and Pseudofailure. The Sociological Quarterly. 42 (3): 437-460.
  • Tarrow, S. (2011). Power in Movement: Social Movements, Collective Action and Mass Politics in the Modern State, 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tirado Segura, R. (2019a). Javier Sicilia como celebridad trágica y los performances del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 237: 95-118.
  • Tirado Segura, R. (2019b). La política del sacrificio: símbolos y mitos en el Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad de Javier Sicilia. Cultura y Representaciones Sociales. 26: 161-196.
  • Trére, E., and Cargnelutti, D. (2014). Movimientos sociales, redes sociales y Web 2.0: el caso del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Communication & Society / Comunicación y Sociedad. 27 (1): 183-203.
  • Ushiyama, R. (2019). Discursive opportunities and the transnational diffusion of ideas: ‘brainwashing’ and ‘mind control’ in Japan after the Aum Affair. The British Journal of Sociology.
  • Vasi, I. B., Walker, E. T., Johnson J. S., Tan, H. F. (2015). “No Fracking Way!” Documentary Film, Discursive Opportunity, and Local Opposition against Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States, 2010 to 2013. American Sociological Review. 80 (5): 934-959. doi:10.1177/0003122415598534.
  • Villarreal Martínez, M. T. (2014). La Desaparición de Personas en Veracruz. Revista Clivajes, 1.
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3, 407 - 433, 29.07.2022


From 2006, the state’s highly securitised and militarised anti-narcotics strategies resulted in an unprecedented level of violence and casualties in Mexico. Furthermore, political and judicial channels have been partially closed to the civil society suffering from the ongoing violence and war on drugs. This study elaborates on the emergence and development of Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad (MPJD), which took place in 2011 as a civil society response to the increasing extrajudicial killings. Aiming to analyse how Mexican authorities’ policies and strategies of the movement relationally shaped each other and forged the pathway of MPJD, the paper deploys the Discursive Opportunities Structure (DOS) approach. Drawing on the theoretical and conceptual toolkit of DOS and its conceptualisations, the article argues that MPJD has succeeded in achieving many of its goals, most notably making the victims of the war on drugs visible and becoming a considerable political movement in Mexican politics. By analysing the case of MPJD, which emerged and developed during the ongoing war on drugs in Mexico, the study contributes to the social movements studies that aim to understand the drug wars and political opportunities that arise in these environments.


  • Ameglio Patella, P. (2016). Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad: construir paz en la guerra de México. Polis: Revista Latinoamericana, 43.
  • Anaya-Muñoz, A, and Saltalamacchia, N. (2019). Factors Blocking the Compliance with International Human Rights Norms in Mexico. Anaya-Muñoz, A., and Frey, B. (Eds.). Mexico’s Human Rights Crisis. (pp. 207-225). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Anderson, E. (2018). Policy Entrepreneurs and the Origins of the Regulatory Welfare State: Child Labor Reform in Nineteenth-Century Europe. American Sociological Review. 83(1): 173-211. doi:10.1177/0003122417753112.
  • Azaola, E. (2012). El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Desacatos. 40: 159-170.
  • Bail, C. A. (2012). The Fringe Effect: Civil Society Organizations and the Evolution of Media Discourse about Islam since the September 11th Attacks. American Sociological Review. 77 (6): 855-879. doi:10.1177/0003122412465743.
  • Bail, C. A., Brown, T. W., and Mann, M (2017). Channeling Hearts and Minds: Advocacy Organizations, Cognitive-Emotional Currents, and Public Conversation. American Sociological Review. 82 (6): 1188-1213. doi:10.1177/0003122417733673.
  • Barroso, J. (2014), ‘Javier Sicilia: Public Mourning for the Sons of Mexico’, Castillo, D. A., and Day, S. A. (Eds.). Mexican Public Intellectuals. (pp. 217-235). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bateson, R. (2012). Crime Victimization and Political Participation. The American Political Science Review. 106 (3): 570-587.
  • Belausteguigoitia, M. (2012). Emplazamientos: construcción de estrategias políticas desde el padre subvertido y sus narrativas del consuelo. Debate Feminista, 46: 29-46.
  • Berents, H., and ten Have, C. (2018). Staying Safe in Colombia and Mexico: Skilled Navigation and Everyday Insecurity. Carrington, K. et al. (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South. (pp. 433-450). [eBook].
  • Bizberg, I. (2015). Los Nuevos Movimientos Sociales en México: El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad y #YoSoy132. Foro Internacional. 219: 262-301.
  • Boullosa, C., and Wallace, M. (2015). A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico Jointly Created the “Mexican Drug War”. London: OR Books [eBook].
  • Bowden, C. (2010). Murder City: Ciudad Juárez and the Global Economy’s New Killing Fields. New York: Nation Books [eBook].
  • Boyce, G. A., Banister, J. M., and Slack, J. (2015). You and What Army? Violence, The State, and Mexico's War on Drugs. Territory, Politics, Governance. 3(4): 446-468.
  • Brown, H. E. (2013). Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of Anti-Immigration Mobilization. American Sociological Review. 78 (2): 290-314. doi:10.1177/0003122413476712.
  • Bröer, C., and Duyvendak, J. W. (2009). Discursive opportunities, feeling rules, and the rise of protests against aircraft noise. Mobilization. 14: 337–356.
  • Calderón, F. H, and Cedillo, A. (Eds.) (2012). Challenging Authoritarianism in Mexico: Revolutionary Struggles and the Dirty War, 1964-1982. New York: Routledge.
  • Campbell, H. (2014). Narco-Propaganda in the Mexican “Drug War”: An Anthropological Perspective. Latin American Perspectives. 41 (2): 60-77.
  • Carpinteiro, F. J. (2013). The Subject’s Tracks: The Other Campaign, Self-Knowledge, and Subjectivity in the Liberal Democratic Cycle. Latin American Perspectives. 40 (5): 138-152.
  • Carrillo, A. M., Pérez-Torres, A., and Tavera, L. (2014). Protesta Social, Política Deliberativa, y Democracia: Un Análisis de los “Diálogos por la Paz” en México. Revista de Ciencia Política. 34 (3): 623-643.
  • Díaz Cepeda, L. R. (2020). Social Movements and Latin America: From Ciudad Juárez to Ayotzinapa. London: Lexington Books [eBook].
  • Eisinger, P. K. (1973). The Conditions of Protest Behavior in American Cities. The American Political Science Review. 67 (1): 11-28.
  • Espinosa, R., and Gordillo, J. (2017). Ley General de Víctimas: Una victoria colectiva sin precedente. Hernández, M. I., and Parra, L. P. (Eds.). Cabildeo Ciudadano y Democracia en México. 10 años de sociedad civil e incidencia efectiva. (pp. 255-293). Ciudad de México: Centro de Colaboración Cívica.
  • Ferree, M. M. (2003). Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany. American Journal of Sociology. 109 (2): 304-44.
  • Ferree, M. M., Gamson, W. A., Gerhards, J., andi Rucht, D. (2002). Shaping abortion discourse: Democracy and the public sphere in Germany and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Galán Castro, E. (2017). Espiritualidad, identidad y acción colectiva en el Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. El Cotidiano. 206: 19-31.
  • Galaviz Armenta, T. (2012). Províctima... ¿una paradoja? Análisis sistémico de la Procuraduría Social de Atención a Víctimas. Revista Mexicana de Sociología. 74 (4): 561-585.
  • Gallardo Gómez, L. R. (2017). Movimientos sociales mexicanos del quinquenio 2011-2016. Denuncia y resistencia a la economía criminal y al Estado narco. Gallardo-Gómez, L. R. (Ed.). Movimientos Sociales del México Contemporáneo: Denuncia, Resistencia, Construcción de Alternativas (pp. 73-120). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • Gamson, W. A., and Meyer, D. S. (1996). Framing Political Opportunity. McAdam, D., McCarthy, J. D., and Zald, M. N. (Eds.). Comparative Perspectives on social movements: Opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings. (pp. 275-290). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • García, R. G., and Treré, E. (2014). The #YoSoy132 movement and the struggle for media democratization in Mexico. The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies.
  • García, L. Á, (2017). Los Medios de Comunicación y su Relación con los Movimientos Sociales por la Paz en México (2011-2013). Comunicación. 7 (3): 95-119.
  • Garza-Placencia J. (2015). Políticas públicas y violencia en México: la incidencia del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad. Iberoamérica Social: Revista-red de estudios sociales. 5: 55-66.
  • Gibler, J. (2011). To Die in Mexico, Dispatches from Inside the Drug War. San Francisco: City Light Books [eBook].
  • Giugni, M. (2011). Political Opportunity: still a useful concept? Hanagan, M., and Tilly, C. (Eds.). Contention and Trust in Cities and States. (pp. 271-283). New York: Springer.
  • Guigni, M., Koopmans, R., Passy, F., and Statham, P. (2005) Institutional and discursive opportunities for extreme-right mobilization in five countries. Mobilization 10, 145–162.
  • Gräbner, C. (2015). Public Spaces and Global Listening Spaces: Poetic Resonances from the Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity in Mexico. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. 11(3).
  • Guerra, E. (2017). Política de drogas, violencia criminal y protesta social, ¿Cómo ha respondido la sociedad ante el terror? Movimientos. 1: 14-42. DOI: 10.24201/es.2018v36n106.1432.
  • Human Rights Watch (2011). Neither Rights nor Security: Killings, Torture, and Disappearances in Mexico’s “War on Drugs”. Retrieved from
  • Jacinto, L. (2011). Javier Sicilia: el Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad en México. México Interdisciplinario, 1(1), 58-73.
  • Jiménez, S. H., & López, J. A. (2016). Ciclos de movilización y crisis de derechos humanos. La acción colectiva de las ONG nacionales y los derechos humanos en México. Revista de Estudios Sociales, 56, 26-38.
  • Johnston, H. (2014). What is a Social Movement? Cambridge: Polity. Press.
  • Koopmans, R., and Statham, P. (1999). Political claims analysis: Integrating protest event and political discourse approaches. Mobilization. 4: 203–221.
  • Koopmans and Duyvendak (1995). The Political Construction of the Nuclear-Energy Issue and Its Impact on the Mobilization of Antinuclear Movements in Western Europe. Social Problems. 42: 235-251.
  • Koopmans, R. and Olzak, S. (2004). Discursive opportunities and the evolution of right-wing violence in Germany. American Journal of Sociology. 110: 198–230.
  • Koopmans et al. (2005). Contested Citizenship: Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Europe. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Linares Ortiz, J. (2012). Opacidad y Visibilización. Prácticas de Visibilización y Resistencia Simbólica ante la Violencia de la Guerra Contra el Narco. Razón y Palabra. 80.
  • López, J. A. (2017). Ong de derechos humanos y violencia en México. Institucionalización, fragmentación y dinámicas contenciosas. Estévez, A., and Vázquez, D. (Eds.). Razones para (des)confiar de las luchas por los derechos humanos. (pp. 31-55). México, D. F.: Flasco.
  • Madrazo Lajous, A. et al. (2018). La “guerra contra las drogas”: Análisis de los combates de las fuerzas públicas 2006-2011. Política y gobierno. 25 (2): 379-402.
  • Marroquín Pineda, T. I. (2017). Incidencia de los nuevos movimientos sociales en el proceso de democratización en México. Gomez, L. R. G. (Ed.). Movimientos Sociales del México Contemporáneo: Denuncia, Resistencia, Construcción de Alternativas. (pp. 121-156). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  • McAdam, D. (1982). Political Processes and the Development of Black Insurgency. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
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Onur Ağkaya 0000-0003-3044-5978

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 3

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