Research Article
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Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Asian Countries

Year 2024, , 198 - 227, 31.12.2024


Human capital is a critical factor of economic growth and economic development. In the last few decades, scholars, economists, and policymakers have paid close attention to the significance of human capital as they have attempted to understand the complex relationship between a country's economic growth, and quantity and quality of its labor force. Therefore, all countries are building up their economy with their spending so that they can achieve sustainable and equitable economic growth. This study aimed to investigate the impact of government spending on education and health, life expectancy at birth and secondary school enrollment on the economic growth of 48 Asian countries from 2014 to 2021. From the diagnostic test and Hausman test, the study found fixed effect model as the best model to describe regression. Due to the problem of heteroskedasticity, a robust fixed effect model was employed. The results found that gross fixed capital formation, government expenditure on health, life expectancy at birth, secondary school enrollment have positively and significantly influence economic growth, whereas government expenditure on education and population growth have negatively and significantly influence economic growth in Asian countries. Most of these countries are facing several economic, political, and social issues and among all they are facing a vicious circle of poverty. The rapid rise of the population may put strain on limited resources, while deficiencies in the distribution of funds for education could hinder economic advancement. Therefore, authorities should consider implementing population management measures and optimizing education expenditures to align with economic goals. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive and inclusive framework for understanding and fostering economic growth in Asian countries.

Ethical Statement

We, Niroj Duwal and Shantosh Paudel, the lead author and co-author of the manuscript, hereby disclose any ethical conflict. The manuscript do not hamper anyone.


  • Adelakun, O. J. (2011). Human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 29-39.
  • Aghion, P. & Howitt, P. (2005). Growth with quality-improving innovations: An integrated framework. In Aghion, P. & Howitt, P. (Eds.), Handbook of economic growth (1A Vol.) (pp. 67-110). Elsevier.
  • Aiyar, S. & Ebeke, C. H. (2016). The impact of workforce aging on European productivity (IMF Working Paper No. 2016/238). International Monetary Fund.
  • Ajmair, M., Gilal, M., Farooq, S., & Hussain, K. (2018). Factors determining economic growth in Pakistan: An ARDL bound testing with general to specific approach. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, 28(1), 51-67.
  • Akinwale, Y. O. (2021). Health expenditure, economic growth and life expectancy at birth in resource rich developing countries: A case of Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 42(2), 13-36.
  • Alatas, S., & Cakir, M. (2016). The effect of human capital on economic growth: Case of Iran. Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(27), 539–555.
  • Alexiou, C. (2009). Government spending and economic growth: Econometric evidence from south-eastern Europe (SEE). Journal of Economic and Social Research, 11(1), 1–16.
  • Balaji, B. (2011). Causal nexus between public health expenditure and economic growth in four southern Indian States. The IUP Journal of Public Finance, 9(3), 7-22.
  • Barro, R. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section of countries. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 407-443.
  • Barro, R. J. & Lee, J. W. (1993). International comparisons of educational attainment. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 363-394.
  • Bats, J. V. (2015). The effect of health expenditure on economic growth. [Ph. D. Thesis, University of Groningen].
  • Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 9(49).
  • Beckerman, W., & Denison, E. F. (1962). The sources of economic growth in the United States and the alternatives before us. The Economic Journal, 72(288), 935.
  • Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (1994). The role of human capital in economic development evidence from aggregate cross-country data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 34(2), 143–173.
  • Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (2004). Human capital and technology diffusion (Working Paper No. 2003-02). FRB of San Francisco.
  • Blankenau, W. F., Simpson, N. B., & Tomljanovich, M. (2007). Public education expenditures, taxation, and growth: Linking data to theory. American Economic Review, 97(2), 393–397.
  • Boamah, J., Adongo, A., Essieku, R. & Lewis, A. (2018). Financial depth, gross fixed capital formation and economic growth: Empirical analysis of 18 Asian economies. International Journal of Scientific and Education Research, 2(4), 120-130.
  • Colombier, C. (2009). Growth effects of fiscal policies; An application of robust modified M-estimator. Applied Economics, 41, 899-912.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods Approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Cypher, J. & Dietz, J. (2009). The process of economic development (3rd Ed.). Routledge.
  • Dahal, G. (2016). The contribution of education to economic growth: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2, 22–41.
  • Dangal, D. N. & Gajurel, R. P. (2019). Public financing in education and economic growth of Nepal. The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies, 27(1-2). 23-30.
  • Dauda, R. O. (2010). Role of human capital in economic development: an empirical study of Nigerian case. Oxford: Oxford Business and Economics Conference Program.
  • Devarajan, S., Swaroop, V., & Zou, H. F. (1996). The composition of public expenditure and economic growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 37(2), 313–344.
  • Dickens, W. T., Sawhill, I. V., & Tebbs, J. (2006). The effects of investing in early education on economic growth. Brookings Institution.
  • Doyle, E. & Martinez-Zarzoso, I. (2011). Productivity, trade, and institutional quality: A panel analysis. Southern Economic Journal, 77(3), 726-752.
  • Duwal, N. & Acharya, A. (2023). Education and economic growth in Nepal: An ARDL Approach. Economic Journal of Development Issues, 35-36(1-2), 24-42.
  • Duwal, N. & Suwal, S. (2024). Institutional quality and economic growth: A panel data analysis in Asian developing countries. Journal of Empirical Economics and Social Sciences, 6(1), 13-31.
  • Eggoh, J., Houeninvo, H. & Sossou, G. A. (2015). Education, health and economic growth in African countries. Journal of Economic Development, 40(1), 93-111.
  • Gajurel, R. P. & Dangal, D. N. (2023). Does fiscal deficit cause economic growth? Evidence from Nepal. Gyanjyoti, 3(1), 40-57.
  • Garza-Rodriguez, J., Almeida-Velasco, N., Gonzalez-Morales, S., & Leal-Ornelas, A. P. (2020a). The impact of human capital on economic growth: the case of Mexico. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 11, 660–675.
  • Goode, R. B. (1959). Adding to the stock of physical and human capital. The American Economic Review, 49(2), 147–155.
  • Guandong, L. (2016). The effect of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particular matter (PM2.5) concentrations in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(21), 11452-11459.
  • Hanif, N. & Arshed, N. (2016). Relationship between school education and economic growth: SAARC countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 294-300.
  • He, L. & Li, N. (2020). The linkages between life expectancy and economic growth: Some new evidence. Empirical Economics, 58(5), 2381-2402.
  • Heckman, J. J. (2000). Policies to foster human capital. Research in Economics, 54(1), 3–56.
  • Ifa, A. & Guetat, I. (2019). The short and long run causality relationship between public health spending and economic growth: Evidence from Tunisia and Morocco. Journal of Economic Development, 44(3), 19-39.
  • Johnson, A. O. (2011). Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 29–38.
  • Karki, D., Dahal, R. K., Bhattarai, G., Ghimire, B. & Joshi, S. P. (2024). Impact of fiscal and macroeconomic imbalances on economic growth: A context of regulation. Journal of Governance and Regulation. 13(3), 84-95.
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  • Mladenovic, I., Milovančević, M., Mladenović, S. S., Marjanović, V. & Petković, B. (2016). Analyzing and management of health care expenditure and gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate by adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 524–530.
  • Mabrouki, M. (2022). Patent, education, human capital, and economic growth in Scandinavian countries: A dynamic panel CS-ARDL analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(2), 3028-3043.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Mammadov, I. & Humbatava, S. (2020). The relationship between government expenditures on education and economic growth: The case of Azerbaijan. Research in world economy, 11(1), 195-201.
  • Mulok, D., Asid, R., Kogid, M., & Lily, J. (2011). Economic growth and population growth: Empirical testing using Malaysian data. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, 1(5), 17–24.
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  • Ndaomobwa, S. Z. (2023). Assessing the impact of public expenditure on economic growth of Malawi [Bachelor dissertation, The Catholic University of Malawi]. https://
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Year 2024, , 198 - 227, 31.12.2024


Human capital is a critical factor of economic growth and economic development. In the last few decades, scholars, economists, and policymakers have paid close attention to the significance of human capital as they have attempted to understand the complex relationship between a country's economic growth, and quantity and quality of its labor force. Therefore, all countries are building up their economy with their spending so that they can achieve sustainable and equitable economic growth. This study aimed to investigate the impact of government spending on education and health, life expectancy at birth and secondary school enrollment on the economic growth of 48 Asian countries from 2014 to 2021. From the diagnostic test and Hausman test, the study found fixed effect model as the best model to describe regression. Due to the problem of heteroskedasticity, a robust fixed effect model was employed. The results found that gross fixed capital formation, government expenditure on health, life expectancy at birth, secondary school enrollment have positively and significantly influence economic growth, whereas government expenditure on education and population growth have negatively and significantly influence economic growth in Asian countries. Most of these countries are facing several economic, political, and social issues and among all they are facing a vicious circle of poverty. The rapid rise of the population may put strain on limited resources, while deficiencies in the distribution of funds for education could hinder economic advancement. Therefore, authorities should consider implementing population management measures and optimizing education expenditures to align with economic goals. Overall, the study provides a comprehensive and inclusive framework for understanding and fostering economic growth in Asian countries.


  • Adelakun, O. J. (2011). Human capital development and economic growth in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 29-39.
  • Aghion, P. & Howitt, P. (2005). Growth with quality-improving innovations: An integrated framework. In Aghion, P. & Howitt, P. (Eds.), Handbook of economic growth (1A Vol.) (pp. 67-110). Elsevier.
  • Aiyar, S. & Ebeke, C. H. (2016). The impact of workforce aging on European productivity (IMF Working Paper No. 2016/238). International Monetary Fund.
  • Ajmair, M., Gilal, M., Farooq, S., & Hussain, K. (2018). Factors determining economic growth in Pakistan: An ARDL bound testing with general to specific approach. Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, 28(1), 51-67.
  • Akinwale, Y. O. (2021). Health expenditure, economic growth and life expectancy at birth in resource rich developing countries: A case of Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 42(2), 13-36.
  • Alatas, S., & Cakir, M. (2016). The effect of human capital on economic growth: Case of Iran. Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14(27), 539–555.
  • Alexiou, C. (2009). Government spending and economic growth: Econometric evidence from south-eastern Europe (SEE). Journal of Economic and Social Research, 11(1), 1–16.
  • Balaji, B. (2011). Causal nexus between public health expenditure and economic growth in four southern Indian States. The IUP Journal of Public Finance, 9(3), 7-22.
  • Barro, R. (1991). Economic growth in a cross section of countries. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 407-443.
  • Barro, R. J. & Lee, J. W. (1993). International comparisons of educational attainment. Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), 363-394.
  • Bats, J. V. (2015). The effect of health expenditure on economic growth. [Ph. D. Thesis, University of Groningen].
  • Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 9(49).
  • Beckerman, W., & Denison, E. F. (1962). The sources of economic growth in the United States and the alternatives before us. The Economic Journal, 72(288), 935.
  • Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (1994). The role of human capital in economic development evidence from aggregate cross-country data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 34(2), 143–173.
  • Benhabib, J., & Spiegel, M. M. (2004). Human capital and technology diffusion (Working Paper No. 2003-02). FRB of San Francisco.
  • Blankenau, W. F., Simpson, N. B., & Tomljanovich, M. (2007). Public education expenditures, taxation, and growth: Linking data to theory. American Economic Review, 97(2), 393–397.
  • Boamah, J., Adongo, A., Essieku, R. & Lewis, A. (2018). Financial depth, gross fixed capital formation and economic growth: Empirical analysis of 18 Asian economies. International Journal of Scientific and Education Research, 2(4), 120-130.
  • Colombier, C. (2009). Growth effects of fiscal policies; An application of robust modified M-estimator. Applied Economics, 41, 899-912.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods Approaches (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Cypher, J. & Dietz, J. (2009). The process of economic development (3rd Ed.). Routledge.
  • Dahal, G. (2016). The contribution of education to economic growth: Evidence from Nepal. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2, 22–41.
  • Dangal, D. N. & Gajurel, R. P. (2019). Public financing in education and economic growth of Nepal. The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies, 27(1-2). 23-30.
  • Dauda, R. O. (2010). Role of human capital in economic development: an empirical study of Nigerian case. Oxford: Oxford Business and Economics Conference Program.
  • Devarajan, S., Swaroop, V., & Zou, H. F. (1996). The composition of public expenditure and economic growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 37(2), 313–344.
  • Dickens, W. T., Sawhill, I. V., & Tebbs, J. (2006). The effects of investing in early education on economic growth. Brookings Institution.
  • Doyle, E. & Martinez-Zarzoso, I. (2011). Productivity, trade, and institutional quality: A panel analysis. Southern Economic Journal, 77(3), 726-752.
  • Duwal, N. & Acharya, A. (2023). Education and economic growth in Nepal: An ARDL Approach. Economic Journal of Development Issues, 35-36(1-2), 24-42.
  • Duwal, N. & Suwal, S. (2024). Institutional quality and economic growth: A panel data analysis in Asian developing countries. Journal of Empirical Economics and Social Sciences, 6(1), 13-31.
  • Eggoh, J., Houeninvo, H. & Sossou, G. A. (2015). Education, health and economic growth in African countries. Journal of Economic Development, 40(1), 93-111.
  • Gajurel, R. P. & Dangal, D. N. (2023). Does fiscal deficit cause economic growth? Evidence from Nepal. Gyanjyoti, 3(1), 40-57.
  • Garza-Rodriguez, J., Almeida-Velasco, N., Gonzalez-Morales, S., & Leal-Ornelas, A. P. (2020a). The impact of human capital on economic growth: the case of Mexico. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 11, 660–675.
  • Goode, R. B. (1959). Adding to the stock of physical and human capital. The American Economic Review, 49(2), 147–155.
  • Guandong, L. (2016). The effect of economic growth, urbanization, and industrialization on fine particular matter (PM2.5) concentrations in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(21), 11452-11459.
  • Hanif, N. & Arshed, N. (2016). Relationship between school education and economic growth: SAARC countries. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(1), 294-300.
  • He, L. & Li, N. (2020). The linkages between life expectancy and economic growth: Some new evidence. Empirical Economics, 58(5), 2381-2402.
  • Heckman, J. J. (2000). Policies to foster human capital. Research in Economics, 54(1), 3–56.
  • Ifa, A. & Guetat, I. (2019). The short and long run causality relationship between public health spending and economic growth: Evidence from Tunisia and Morocco. Journal of Economic Development, 44(3), 19-39.
  • Johnson, A. O. (2011). Human Capital Development and Economic Growth in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(9), 29–38.
  • Karki, D., Dahal, R. K., Bhattarai, G., Ghimire, B. & Joshi, S. P. (2024). Impact of fiscal and macroeconomic imbalances on economic growth: A context of regulation. Journal of Governance and Regulation. 13(3), 84-95.
  • Kesar, A., Bandi, K., Jena, P. K. & Yadav, M. P. (2022). Dynamics of governance, gross capital formation, and growth: Evidence from Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Journal of Public Affairs, 23(1), e2831.
  • Keyifli, N. & Recepoglu, M. S. H. (2020). CO2 emisyonu, yenilenebilir enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme: Bootstrap panel nedensellik testinden kanitlar. Karadeniz Tek. Üniversitesi Sos. Bilim. Enstitüsü Sos. Bilim. Derg. 2020, 10, 285–305.
  • Kiran, B. (2014). Testing the impact of educational expenditures on economic growth: new evidence from Latin American countries. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology, 48(3), 1181–1190.
  • Lawal, N. A., Opeloyeru, O. S., Adegbola, O. C. (2023). Life expectancy, public healthcare expenditure and economic growth: The Nigerian experience. Studies of Applied Economics, 41(3), 1-11.
  • Lee, J. W. & Barro, R. J. (1997). Schooling quality in a cross section of countries (NBER Working Papers 6198). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Levine, R., & Renelt, D. (1992). A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions. American Economic Review, 82, 942-963
  • Lucas, R. (1988). On the mechanics of economic development. Journal of Monetary Economics, 22, 30–42.
  • Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D., & Weil, D. N. (1992). A contribution to the empirics of economic growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107, 407-437.
  • Mincer, J. (1958). Investment in human capital and personal income distribution. Journal of Political Economy, 66(4), 281–302.
  • Mladenovic, I., Milovančević, M., Mladenović, S. S., Marjanović, V. & Petković, B. (2016). Analyzing and management of health care expenditure and gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate by adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 524–530.
  • Mabrouki, M. (2022). Patent, education, human capital, and economic growth in Scandinavian countries: A dynamic panel CS-ARDL analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(2), 3028-3043.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Mammadov, I. & Humbatava, S. (2020). The relationship between government expenditures on education and economic growth: The case of Azerbaijan. Research in world economy, 11(1), 195-201.
  • Mulok, D., Asid, R., Kogid, M., & Lily, J. (2011). Economic growth and population growth: Empirical testing using Malaysian data. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, 1(5), 17–24.
  • Mumuni, S. & Njong, A. M. (2023). Public sector spending, governance, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Economics and Management, Sciendo, 45(1), 147-181.
  • Naby, M. A. & Sallam, M. A. E. M. (2016). Factors promoting economic growth in Egypt: Evidence from ARDL approach. Journal of Business and Economics, 7(11), 1842-1852.
  • Nasreen, S. (2021). Association between health expenditures, economic growth and environmental pollution: Long-run and causality analysis from Asian economies. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 36(3), 925-944.
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There are 96 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Growth
Journal Section Articles

Niroj Duwal

Shantosh Paudel This is me

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date May 25, 2024
Acceptance Date November 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Duwal, N., & Paudel, S. (2024). IMPACT OF HUMAN CAPITAL ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ASIAN COUNTRIES. Izmir Democracy University Social Sciences Journal, 7(2), 198-227.