This paper is concerned to relationship between the sets of
associated primes of the $d$-local cohomology modules and the
ordinary local cohomology
modules. Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring, $M$ an
$R$-module and $d, t$ two integers. We prove that
${\rm Ass}(H^t_d(M))=\bigcup_{I\in \Phi} {\rm Ass}(H^t_I(M))$ whenever $H^i_d(M)=0$ for all
$i< t$ and $\Phi=\{I: I \text{ is an ideal of}\ $R$
\text{ with} \dim R/I\leq d \}$. We give some information about
the non-vanishing of the $d$-local cohomology modules. To be more precise, we prove that
$H^i_d(R)\neq 0$ if and only if $i=n-d$ whenever $R$ is a
Gorenstein ring of dimension $n$. This result leads to an example which shows that ${\rm Ass}(H^{n-d}_d(R))$
is not necessarily a finite set.