Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 01.01.2020



  • Ahi, B., Atasoy, V., & Balci, S. (2018). An analysis of plant blindness in Turkish textbooks used at the basic education level. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), 277-287.
  • Arnett, R.C. (1999). Metaphorical guidance: administration as building and renovation. Journal of Educational Administration, 37(1), 80-89.
  • Aktamış, H., & Dönmez, G. (2016). Metaphoric perceptions of students’ towards science course, science, science teacher and scientist. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Faculty of Education, 35(1), 7-30.
  • Akturan, U., & Esen, A.(2008). Fenomenoloji: Nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Phenomenology: Qualitative research methods], (Ed. Baş, T. and Akturan, U.), Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. Ataman, A. (2009). Special needs children and introduction of special education.Gifted and talented children. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publishing.
  • Ateş, M., & Karatepe, A.(2013). Üniversite öğrencilerinin ‘Çevre’ kavramına ilişkin algılarının metaforlar yardımıyla analizi [The analysis of university students’ perceptions towards ‘Environment’ concept with the help of metaphors]. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 6(2), 1327-1348.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methology]. 8. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Cerit, Y. (2008). Öğretmen kavramı ile ilgili metaforlara ilişkin öğrenci, öğretmen ve yöneticilerin görüşleri. [Students, teachers and administrators’ views on metaphors with respect to the concept of teacher], Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 6(4), 693-712. Creswell, J. W., Hanson, W. E., Clark Plano, V. L., & Morales, A. (2007). Qualitative research designs: Selection and implementation. Counseling Psychologist, 35(2), 236-264.
  • Cross, T. L. (2011). On the social and emotional lives of gifted children. Prufrock Press Inc.
  • Çağlar, D. (2004). Okulda başarısız olan üstün zekâlı çocuklar. Üstün yetenekli çocuklar seçilmiş makaleler kitabı [Gifted children who fail at school. Gifted congress selected articles book], Istanbul: Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 409-415.
  • Çeliker, H. D., & A. Akar. (2015). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin doğaya ilişkin metaforları [Metaphors regarding to nature of middle school students]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 16(2), 101-119.
  • Çitil, M. (2016). Üstün yetenekli öğrencilere sunulan olumlu davranışsal destek temelli problem davranışları önleyici sınıf yönetimi uygulamaları: Eylem araştırması [Positive behaviour support based preventive classroom management practices for gifted students: An action research]. Doktora tezi (Doctoral thesis), Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • De Guerrero, M. C. M., & Villamil, O. S. (2002). Metaphorical conceptualization of ESL teaching and learning. Language Teaching Research, 6, 95-120.
  • Doğan, Y. (2017). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin çevre kavramına ilişkin sezgisel algıları: Bir metafor analizi [Middle school students' intuitive perceptions related to concept of the environment: A Metaphor analysis]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 18(1), 721-740.
  • Dönmez, N. (2004). Bilim Sanat Merkezleri’nin kuruluşu ve işleyişinde yapılması gereken düzenlemeler [Arrangements to be made in the establishment and operation of Science Art Centers.]. (Ed. Kulaksızoğlu A., Bilgili A. E and Şirin M. R.), I. Türkiye üstün yetenekli çocuklar kongresi, seçilen bildiriler kitabı [1st gifted congress selected articles book], İstanbul: Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 69–84.
  • Ekici, G. (2016). Biyoloji öğretmeni adaylarının mikroskop kavramına ilişkin algılarının belirlenmesi: Bir metafor analizi çalışması [Determination of the preservice biology teachers’ perceptions of microscope: Example for metaphor analysis]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 17(1), 615-636.
  • Eschenhagen, D., U. Katmann, & Rodi, D. (2008). Fachdidaktik biologie. 4th Edition, (Ed. Ulrich Kattman), Koeln: Aulis Verlag Deubner.Fredriksson, A., & Pelger, S. (2016). Metaphorical concepts in molecular biology students’ texts–a way to improve subject-matter understanding. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 12(1), 90-106.
  • Genç, H., H. Demirkaya, & Karasakal, G. (2010). İlköğretim yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin orman kavramını algılamaları: Fenomenografik bir araştırma [Seventh grade primary school students’ understanding of forest: A phenomenographic study]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University), 1, 34-48.
  • Girmen, P. (2007). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin konuşma ve yazma sürecinde metaforlardan yararlanma durumları.[The capacity of the primary students usage of metaphors in the speakıing and writing expression], Doktora tezi (Doctoral thesis), Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Gökdere, M. (2004). Üstün yetenekli çocukların fen bilimleri öğretmenlerin eğitimine yönelik bir model geliştirme çalışması [A model suggestion for the education of science teachers of gifted students]. Doctoral thesis, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Hage, R., & Rauckiene, A. (2004). Ecocentric worldview paradigm: The reconstruction of consciousness. Journal of Baltic Science Education, (6), 60-68.
  • Jensen, F. N. (2006). Metaphors as a bridge to understanding educational and social contexts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(1), 1-17.
  • Kahyaoğlu, M. (2015). İlköğretim öğrencilerin doğa kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor yoluyla incelenmesi [An investigation of the concept of nature among elementary school students through metaphors analysis]. Journal of Turkish Studies, 10(11), 821-831.
  • Kahyaoğlu, M., & H. Kırıktaş. (2016). Ortaöğretim ve üniversite öğrencilerinin ‘Doğa’ kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor analizi yoluyla incelenmesi [An investigation of the concept of ‘Nature’ among high school and university students through metaphor analysis]. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi (Marmara Geographical Review), 33, 58-76.
  • Kaplan, K., & Topsakal, U. U. (2013). Primary school students’ attitudes toward plants. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 598-606.
  • Karaçam, S.,& Aydın, F. (2014). Metaphor analysis of secondary school students’ perceptions related to technology concept. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(2), 545-572.
  • Kaya, H., Coşkun, M.,& Aydın, F. (2010). The analysis of high school studenst’s perceptions towards ‘Environment’ concept. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(13), 1591-1597.
  • Kök, B. (2012). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerde farklılaştırılmış geometri öğretiminin yaratıcılığa, uzamsal yeteneğe ve başarıya etkisi [The Influence of differentiated geometry teaching on creativity, spatial ability and success in gifted and talented students].Doctoral Thesis, Institute of Social Sciences of Istanbul University, Istanbul.
  • Lakoff, G. (1993). The contemporary theory of metaphor. (Ed. A. Ortony), Metaphor and thought (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2008). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.MEB Biyoloji Dersi Öğretim Programı [MoNE Biology Course Curriculum]. (2013). Güncellenen Ortaöğretim Biyoloji Dersi (9, 10,11 ve 12. sınıflar) Öğretim Programı. [Updated Secondary Education Biology Courses (9, 10, 11 and 12th Grades) Course Curriculum]. Last accessed on 2018 July 14, Available from
  • Meral, E., B. Küçük, & F. Gedik. (2016). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının çevre kavramına ilişkin metaforik algıları [Metaphoric comprehension of training teachers of social studies as regards the concept of environment]. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(1), 65-78.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman. A. M. (2015). Genişletilmiş bir kaynak kitap: Nitel veri analizi [An expanded resource book: Qualitative data analysis] (Trans. Ed. S. Akbaba Altun and A. Ersoy), Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Ocak, G., & Gündüz, M. (2006). Eğitim fakültesini yeni kazanan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine giriş dersini almadan önce ve aldıktan sonra öğretmenlik mesleği hakkındaki metaforlarının karşılaştırılması. [The comparison of pre-service teachers’ metaphors about the teacher-profession before and after the ‘introduction to teacher-profession’ course],Afyon KocatepeUniversity Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 293-311.
  • Özarslan, M., G. Çetin, & Yıldırım, O. (2017). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrenci ailelerinin bilsem biyoloji proje çalışmaları hakkındaki görüşleri [Parental views of gifted and talented students about biology projects in science and art centre]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Abant İzzet Baysal University Educational Faculty), 17(3), 1411-1436.
  • Özarslan, M.(2019). The comparison of gifted and talented students and non gifted students’ perception of biology: Metaphoric Study. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 45 (45).
  • Özarslan, M., & Cetin, G. (2018). Gifted and talented students' views about Biology activities in a science and art center. Science Education International, 29(1), 49-59.
  • Özel, M., Sürücü, A., & Bilen, K. (2013). Primary school students’ attitudes toward plants. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 34(34), 119-132.Pallant, J. (2001). SPSS survival manual. Maidenhead, PA: Open University Press.
  • Piechowski, M. M. 1997. Emotional giftedness: The measure of intrapersonal intelligence, (Ed. N. Colangelo and G. A. Davis), Handbook of gifted education (2nd ed.), Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Renzulli, J. S. (2005). The three-ring conception of giftedness. (Ed. R. J. Sternberg andJ. E. Davidson), New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roczen, N., Kaiser, F.G., Bogner, F.X., &Wilson, M., (2014). A competence model for environmental education. Environment and Behavior, 46, 972–992.
  • Saban, A., Koçbeker, B. N.,& Saban, A. (2006). Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmen kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor analizi yoluyla incelenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri (Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice),6 (2), 461-522.
  • Sak, U. (2012). Üstün zekalılar: Özellikleri tanılanmaları eğitimleri [Gifted: Features identified their training], 2. baskı. Ankara: Vize Yayıncılık.
  • Stuart, T., & Beste, A. (2011). Farklı olduğumu biliyordum: Ustun yeteneklileri anlayabilmek [I knew I was different: To understand the gifted]. 3 Baskı, (Trans. Gönenli A.), Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık.
  • Sturm, H., & F. X. Bogner (2010). Learning at workstations in two different environments: A Museum and a classroom. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 36, 14-19.
  • Şahin, F. (2015). Educational programs, services and support for gifted students in Turkey.Journal of Theory and Practice in Education,11(4), 1207-1223.
  • Şahin, F., & Levent, F. (2015). Examining the methods and strategies which classroom teachers use in the education of gifted students. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 5(3), 73-82.
  • Trna, J. (2014). IBSE and gifted students. Science Education International, 25(1), 19-28.
  • Van der Meulen, R. T., Van der Bruggen, C. O., Spilt, J. L., Verouden, J., Berkhout, M., & Bögels, S. M. (2014). The pullout program day a week school for gifted children: Effects on social–emotional and academic functioning. In Child & Youth Care Forum, 43(3), 287-314.
  • Yapıcı, Ü. İ. (2015). Lise öğrencilerinin biyoloji kavramına ilişkin metaforik algıları [High school students’ metaphorical perceptions towards biology].Electronic Journal of Social Sciences,14(55),139-147.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimsek, H. (2011). Nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods], 7. Baskı. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık
  • Yıldızlı, H., Acar Erdol, T.,Baştuğ, M.,&Bayram, K. (2018). Meta-Synthesis on turkish metaphor studies of teachers. Education and Science, 43 (193), 1-43.
  • Yılmaz,O., & Altıntaş, G. (2018). The metaphors developed by students for the concepts in ‘I learn my past’ unit of social studies. Kastamonu Education Journal, 26(2), 613-619. doi:10.24106/kefdergi. 405471.
  • Yörek, N. (2006). Ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin biyolojik çeşitlilik (Biyoçeşitlilik) konusundakavramsal anlama düzeylerinin araştırılması [Investigation of secondary school students’conceptual understandings of the topic of biological diversity ‘Biodiversity’]. Doctoral thesis, DEÜ Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü (DEU Institute of Education Department), İzmir.
  • Yücel Cengiz, İ., & Ekici, G. (2016). Biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının laboratuvar kavramına ilişkin görsel imajları. Visual images of biology teacher candidates regarding laboratory concepts. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 5(3), 164-177.

Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 01.01.2020



The aim of this study is to compare the perceptions of the gifted and talented
(GAT) students and normally developing (ND) students concerning plants through
metaphors. The phenomenology design, which is one of the qualitative research
designs, was used in this study. The research group was comprised of 136 GAT
students from the Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM) in two different cities in
the Marmara region and 136 ND students studying at a secondary school in the
Marmara region in the fall semester of the 2015-2016 academic year. The research
group was selected through convenience sampling method. The data were collected
using the sentence "The plants are like / similar to .......; because
........." that was completed by the participant students. The data were
analyzed through the content analysis and the Chi-Square test methods. As the
conclusion of the research study, it was determined that both the GAT and the ND
students mostly emphasized metaphors such as life/living, life source, water,
oxygen, and oxygen source, etc., generally forming a benefit-oriented
perception concerning plants. Moreover, it was observed that both student
groups particularly emphasized the "Plant analogous to the human"
category and that their perceptions concerning plants were shaped as
anthropocentrically and in a self centered way. In addition to these, it was
determined that giftedness and talentedness had no influence on the perceptions
of the students concerning plants. However, it was determined that the ND
students emphasized the "Plant, as the source of peace and happiness"
category more, while the GAT students were emphasizing the "Plant
structure" category more. As the conclusion, it was observed that there
was not a significant difference between the perceptions of the GAT and ND
students concerning plants. 


  • Ahi, B., Atasoy, V., & Balci, S. (2018). An analysis of plant blindness in Turkish textbooks used at the basic education level. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), 277-287.
  • Arnett, R.C. (1999). Metaphorical guidance: administration as building and renovation. Journal of Educational Administration, 37(1), 80-89.
  • Aktamış, H., & Dönmez, G. (2016). Metaphoric perceptions of students’ towards science course, science, science teacher and scientist. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Faculty of Education, 35(1), 7-30.
  • Akturan, U., & Esen, A.(2008). Fenomenoloji: Nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Phenomenology: Qualitative research methods], (Ed. Baş, T. and Akturan, U.), Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. Ataman, A. (2009). Special needs children and introduction of special education.Gifted and talented children. Ankara: Gündüz Education and Publishing.
  • Ateş, M., & Karatepe, A.(2013). Üniversite öğrencilerinin ‘Çevre’ kavramına ilişkin algılarının metaforlar yardımıyla analizi [The analysis of university students’ perceptions towards ‘Environment’ concept with the help of metaphors]. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 6(2), 1327-1348.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methology]. 8. Baskı, Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
  • Cerit, Y. (2008). Öğretmen kavramı ile ilgili metaforlara ilişkin öğrenci, öğretmen ve yöneticilerin görüşleri. [Students, teachers and administrators’ views on metaphors with respect to the concept of teacher], Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 6(4), 693-712. Creswell, J. W., Hanson, W. E., Clark Plano, V. L., & Morales, A. (2007). Qualitative research designs: Selection and implementation. Counseling Psychologist, 35(2), 236-264.
  • Cross, T. L. (2011). On the social and emotional lives of gifted children. Prufrock Press Inc.
  • Çağlar, D. (2004). Okulda başarısız olan üstün zekâlı çocuklar. Üstün yetenekli çocuklar seçilmiş makaleler kitabı [Gifted children who fail at school. Gifted congress selected articles book], Istanbul: Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 409-415.
  • Çeliker, H. D., & A. Akar. (2015). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin doğaya ilişkin metaforları [Metaphors regarding to nature of middle school students]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 16(2), 101-119.
  • Çitil, M. (2016). Üstün yetenekli öğrencilere sunulan olumlu davranışsal destek temelli problem davranışları önleyici sınıf yönetimi uygulamaları: Eylem araştırması [Positive behaviour support based preventive classroom management practices for gifted students: An action research]. Doktora tezi (Doctoral thesis), Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • De Guerrero, M. C. M., & Villamil, O. S. (2002). Metaphorical conceptualization of ESL teaching and learning. Language Teaching Research, 6, 95-120.
  • Doğan, Y. (2017). Ortaokul öğrencilerinin çevre kavramına ilişkin sezgisel algıları: Bir metafor analizi [Middle school students' intuitive perceptions related to concept of the environment: A Metaphor analysis]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 18(1), 721-740.
  • Dönmez, N. (2004). Bilim Sanat Merkezleri’nin kuruluşu ve işleyişinde yapılması gereken düzenlemeler [Arrangements to be made in the establishment and operation of Science Art Centers.]. (Ed. Kulaksızoğlu A., Bilgili A. E and Şirin M. R.), I. Türkiye üstün yetenekli çocuklar kongresi, seçilen bildiriler kitabı [1st gifted congress selected articles book], İstanbul: Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 69–84.
  • Ekici, G. (2016). Biyoloji öğretmeni adaylarının mikroskop kavramına ilişkin algılarının belirlenmesi: Bir metafor analizi çalışması [Determination of the preservice biology teachers’ perceptions of microscope: Example for metaphor analysis]. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Educational Faculty), 17(1), 615-636.
  • Eschenhagen, D., U. Katmann, & Rodi, D. (2008). Fachdidaktik biologie. 4th Edition, (Ed. Ulrich Kattman), Koeln: Aulis Verlag Deubner.Fredriksson, A., & Pelger, S. (2016). Metaphorical concepts in molecular biology students’ texts–a way to improve subject-matter understanding. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 12(1), 90-106.
  • Genç, H., H. Demirkaya, & Karasakal, G. (2010). İlköğretim yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin orman kavramını algılamaları: Fenomenografik bir araştırma [Seventh grade primary school students’ understanding of forest: A phenomenographic study]. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (The Journal of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University), 1, 34-48.
  • Girmen, P. (2007). İlköğretim öğrencilerinin konuşma ve yazma sürecinde metaforlardan yararlanma durumları.[The capacity of the primary students usage of metaphors in the speakıing and writing expression], Doktora tezi (Doctoral thesis), Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
  • Gökdere, M. (2004). Üstün yetenekli çocukların fen bilimleri öğretmenlerin eğitimine yönelik bir model geliştirme çalışması [A model suggestion for the education of science teachers of gifted students]. Doctoral thesis, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Hage, R., & Rauckiene, A. (2004). Ecocentric worldview paradigm: The reconstruction of consciousness. Journal of Baltic Science Education, (6), 60-68.
  • Jensen, F. N. (2006). Metaphors as a bridge to understanding educational and social contexts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5(1), 1-17.
  • Kahyaoğlu, M. (2015). İlköğretim öğrencilerin doğa kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor yoluyla incelenmesi [An investigation of the concept of nature among elementary school students through metaphors analysis]. Journal of Turkish Studies, 10(11), 821-831.
  • Kahyaoğlu, M., & H. Kırıktaş. (2016). Ortaöğretim ve üniversite öğrencilerinin ‘Doğa’ kavramına ilişkin algılarının metafor analizi yoluyla incelenmesi [An investigation of the concept of ‘Nature’ among high school and university students through metaphor analysis]. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi (Marmara Geographical Review), 33, 58-76.
  • Kaplan, K., & Topsakal, U. U. (2013). Primary school students’ attitudes toward plants. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 89, 598-606.
  • Karaçam, S.,& Aydın, F. (2014). Metaphor analysis of secondary school students’ perceptions related to technology concept. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(2), 545-572.
  • Kaya, H., Coşkun, M.,& Aydın, F. (2010). The analysis of high school studenst’s perceptions towards ‘Environment’ concept. African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(13), 1591-1597.
  • Kök, B. (2012). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrencilerde farklılaştırılmış geometri öğretiminin yaratıcılığa, uzamsal yeteneğe ve başarıya etkisi [The Influence of differentiated geometry teaching on creativity, spatial ability and success in gifted and talented students].Doctoral Thesis, Institute of Social Sciences of Istanbul University, Istanbul.
  • Lakoff, G. (1993). The contemporary theory of metaphor. (Ed. A. Ortony), Metaphor and thought (2nd ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (2008). Metaphors we live by. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.MEB Biyoloji Dersi Öğretim Programı [MoNE Biology Course Curriculum]. (2013). Güncellenen Ortaöğretim Biyoloji Dersi (9, 10,11 ve 12. sınıflar) Öğretim Programı. [Updated Secondary Education Biology Courses (9, 10, 11 and 12th Grades) Course Curriculum]. Last accessed on 2018 July 14, Available from
  • Meral, E., B. Küçük, & F. Gedik. (2016). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının çevre kavramına ilişkin metaforik algıları [Metaphoric comprehension of training teachers of social studies as regards the concept of environment]. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(1), 65-78.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman. A. M. (2015). Genişletilmiş bir kaynak kitap: Nitel veri analizi [An expanded resource book: Qualitative data analysis] (Trans. Ed. S. Akbaba Altun and A. Ersoy), Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Ocak, G., & Gündüz, M. (2006). Eğitim fakültesini yeni kazanan öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik mesleğine giriş dersini almadan önce ve aldıktan sonra öğretmenlik mesleği hakkındaki metaforlarının karşılaştırılması. [The comparison of pre-service teachers’ metaphors about the teacher-profession before and after the ‘introduction to teacher-profession’ course],Afyon KocatepeUniversity Social Sciences Journal, 8(2), 293-311.
  • Özarslan, M., G. Çetin, & Yıldırım, O. (2017). Üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli öğrenci ailelerinin bilsem biyoloji proje çalışmaları hakkındaki görüşleri [Parental views of gifted and talented students about biology projects in science and art centre]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (Journal of Abant İzzet Baysal University Educational Faculty), 17(3), 1411-1436.
  • Özarslan, M.(2019). The comparison of gifted and talented students and non gifted students’ perception of biology: Metaphoric Study. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 45 (45).
  • Özarslan, M., & Cetin, G. (2018). Gifted and talented students' views about Biology activities in a science and art center. Science Education International, 29(1), 49-59.
  • Özel, M., Sürücü, A., & Bilen, K. (2013). Primary school students’ attitudes toward plants. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 34(34), 119-132.Pallant, J. (2001). SPSS survival manual. Maidenhead, PA: Open University Press.
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There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Papers

Murat Ozarslan 0000-0003-2139-4347

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Ozarslan, M. (2020). Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 10(1), 1-15.
AMA Ozarslan M. Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors. IEJEE-Green. January 2020;10(1):1-15.
Chicago Ozarslan, Murat. “Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 10, no. 1 (January 2020): 1-15.
EndNote Ozarslan M (January 1, 2020) Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 10 1 1–15.
IEEE M. Ozarslan, “Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors”, IEJEE-Green, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2020.
ISNAD Ozarslan, Murat. “Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education 10/1 (January 2020), 1-15.
JAMA Ozarslan M. Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors. IEJEE-Green. 2020;10:1–15.
MLA Ozarslan, Murat. “Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors”. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-15.
Vancouver Ozarslan M. Comparison of the Perceptions of the GiftedTalented Students and Normally Developing Students Concerning Plants Through Metaphors. IEJEE-Green. 2020;10(1):1-15.