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Year 2015, , 117 - 133, 01.12.2015


Şirket Birleşme ve Satın Almaları şirketlerin büyümesi ve faaliyetlerini geliştirmesi için uygulanan stratejik bir karardır (Saxena, 2012). Bu stratejik kararın savunucuları verimlilikteki artışa dikkat çekerken karşı grup monopolleşmeye ve tüketicilerin aleyhindeki etkilere dikkat çekmektedir(Coontz, 2004). Aynı zamanda Şirket Birleşme ve Satın Almalarının ekonomik çevredeki kaynak dağıtımına olumlu yönde katkı verdiğine dair araştırmalar bulunmaktadır. Tüm bu tartışmaların yanısıra Şirket Birleşme ve Satın Almaları özellikle küreselleşme etkisi ile tüm dünyada önem arz etmekte ve iş dünyasının dikkatini çekmektedir. Grubb and Lamb’a (2000) göre bu tür birleşmelerin sadece %20 si başarı ile sonuçlanmaktadır. 2014 yılında Türkiye’de 130 adet birleşme raporlanmış ve toplam değer 51 milyar TL’ye ulaşmıştır. Bu işlemlerin sadece 4 tanesi toplam değerin %51’ine denk gelmektedir. Bu çalışma Şirket Birleşme ve Satın Almalarında nasıl değer oluşturulduğuna odaklanmakta ve kritik başarı faktörlerini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. 2014 yılında Türkiye pazarında yaşanan birleşmeler de değerlendirmeye alınmıştır


  • Amoateng, K. A. (2006). Innovation accounting analysis on cross-border mergers and acquisitions between Europe and the USA since the late 1990s.Review of Accounting and Finance, 5(1), 72-87.
  • Amihud, Y., & Lev, B. (1981). Risk reduction as a managerial motive for conglomerate mergers. The bell journal of economics, 605-617.
  • Andrade, G., & Stafford, E. (2004). Investigating the economic role of mergers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(1), 1-36.
  • Brian H. .( 2015). Financial Decision Making, CMA Prep Book
  • Beladi, H., & Choi, E. K. (2008). Frontiers of Economics and Globalization.Forecasting in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Model Uncertainty (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 3) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. v, 3.
  • Brock, J. (2002). Regulating the Reverse Takeover. U. Toronto Fac. L. Rev.,60, 1.
  • Byington, J. R., Christensen, J. A., & McGee, W. J. (2006). M&A checklists for a post‐ SOX world. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 17(2), 31-36.
  • Chanmugam, R., Shill, W., Mann, D., Ficery, K., & Pursche, B. (2005). The intelligent clean room: ensuring value capture in mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Business Strategy, 26(3), 43-49
  • Coontz, G. (2004). Economic impact of corporate mergers and acquisitions on acquiring firm shareholder wealth. The Park Place Economist, 12(1), 62-70.
  • Dash, A. P. (2010). Mergers and Acquisitions. IK International Pvt Ltd.
  • Deloitte (2014) Annual Turkish M&A Review
  • Deman, S. (1949) The Theory of Corporate Takeover Bids: A Subgame Perfect Approach” Managerial and Decision Economics, 15: 4, Special Issue: Aspects of Corporate Governance, 383-397.
  • Eckbo, B. E. (1983). Horizontal mergers, collusion, and stockholder wealth.Journal of financial Economics, 11(1), 241-273.
  • Edwards, J. B. (2014). The Urge to Merge. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 25(2), 51-55.
  • Engert, O., Gandhi, N., Schaninger, W., & So, J. (2010). Assessing cultural compatibility: A McKinsey perspective on getting practical about culture in M&A. Perspectives on merger integration.
  • Ernst and Young (2015). Mergers and Acquisitions Report Turkey 2014
  • Fairholm, G. W. (2015). Overcoming Workplace Pathologies.
  • Goyal, K. A., & Joshi, V. (2012). Merger and Acquisition in Banking Industry: A Case Study of ICICI Bank Ltd. International Journal of Research in Management, 2(2), 30-40.
  • Gitman LJ (1991). Principles of managerial finance. 6th edn. San Diego: Harper Collins
  • Gitman, L. J., & Zutter, C. J. (2011). Principles of Managerial Finance 13th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  • Gurusamy, S. (2009). Financial services and system. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited.
  • Harroch, R. & Lipkin, D. (2014) 20 Key Due Diligence Activities In A Merger And Acquisition Transaction.
  • Haberberg, A., & Rieple, A. (2008). Strategic management: theory and application. Oxford University Press.
  • Knilans, G. (2009). Mergers and acquisitions: Best practices for successful integration. Employment Relations Today, 35(4), 39-46.
  • Levy, H., & Sarnat, M. (1970). Diversification, portfolio analysis and the uneasy case for conglomerate mergers. Journal of Finance, 795- 802.
  • Markovits, R. S. (2012). Economics and the Interpretation and Application of US and EU Antitrust Law. Springer.
  • Makamson, E. L. (2010). The reverse takeover: implications for strategy.Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(1), 111.
  • McDonald, J., Coulthard, M., & De Lange, P. (2005). Planning for a successful merger or acquisition: Lessons from an Australian study. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 1(2), 1-11.
  • Naudé, A., Heyns, D., Bester, C., Puig, J., & Tucker, G. (2002). Synergies within Barloworld. Unpublished manuscript, Barloworld Executive Development Programme, Gordon Institute of Business Science, Johannesburg.
  • Petitt, B. S., & Ferris, K. R. (2013). Valuation for mergers and acquisitions. FT Press.
  • Pavkov, A. R. (2005). Ghouls and Godsends-A Critique of Reverse Merger Policy. Berkeley Bus. LJ, 3, 465-475.
  • Pettersson, A., Pop, C., Petersson, T., & Svanberg, J. (2013). Who benefits?.
  • Rossi, S., Volpin, P. F. (2004) Cross-country determinants of mergers and acquisitions,” Journal of Financial Economics, 74 (2), 277-304.
  • Ravenscraft, D. J., & Scherer, F. M. (2011). Mergers, sell-offs, and economic efficiency. Brookings Institution Press.
  • Roll, R. (1986) The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Takeovers,” Journal of Business, 59, 197-216.
  • Saxena, S. P. (2012). Mergers and Acquisitions as a Strategic Tool to Gain Competitive Advantage by Exploiting Synergies: A Study of Merging & Non Merging Firms in Indian Aluminium Industry. This paper was published in edited volume titled Innovation and Adaptability: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, by Bhakar SS and Pandey VK, Excel Books, New Delhi (2010) ISBN, 978-81.
  • Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E. (2001), HR issues and activities in mergers and acquisitions, European Management Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 239-53.
  • Schmid, A. S., Sánchez, C. M., & Goldberg, S. R. (2012). M&A today: Great challenges, but great opportunities. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 23(2), 3-8.
  • Servaes, H. (1996). The value of diversification during the conglomerate merger wave. Journal of Finance, 1201-1225.
  • Tamosiuniene, R., & Duksaite, E. The Importance of Mergers and Acquisitions in Today’s Economy.
  • Wu, J. (2009). Analysis of the Risk of Enterprise Merger as Viewed from Merger Motivation. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(4), 82-96.
  • Venema, W. H. (2015). Integration: The Critical M&A Success Factor. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 26(4), 23-27.
  • Weber, Y. (2013). A comprehensive guide to mergers & acquisitions: Managing the critical success factors across every stage of the M&A process. FT Press.
  • Weiner, Jeffrey (2010). Due Diligence in M&A Transactions: A Conceptual Framework.
  • Zhu, P. C., Jog , V., Otchere, I. (2010) Partial acquisitions in emerging markets: A test of the strategic market entry and corporate control hypotheses” Journal of Corporate Finance, 288-305.


Year 2015, , 117 - 133, 01.12.2015


Merger and acquisitions is defined as a strategic decision to increase a firm’s growth and enhance its operations (Saxena, 2012). Some proponents argue that mergers increase efficiency whereas opponents argue that they decrease consumer welfare by monopoly power (Coontz, 2004). There is a growing empirical literature documenting that mergers are efficient means for assets to be reallocated within the economy. In line with all these discussions Mergers and Acquisitions in the corporate world are achieving increasing importance and attention especially in the era of intense globalization. Grubb and Lamb (2000) states that only about 20 percent of all mergers really succeed. In 2014, there was a total of 130 deals with disclosed values totaling US$17.7 billion in Turkey. Of these, 4 of them were above one billion US dollars and accounted for 51% of total transaction volume. This paper analyzes the sources of value creation in mergers and acquisitions; focus on critical success factors in merger & acquisition strategies and examines the transactions that took place in Turkey in 2014


  • Amoateng, K. A. (2006). Innovation accounting analysis on cross-border mergers and acquisitions between Europe and the USA since the late 1990s.Review of Accounting and Finance, 5(1), 72-87.
  • Amihud, Y., & Lev, B. (1981). Risk reduction as a managerial motive for conglomerate mergers. The bell journal of economics, 605-617.
  • Andrade, G., & Stafford, E. (2004). Investigating the economic role of mergers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(1), 1-36.
  • Brian H. .( 2015). Financial Decision Making, CMA Prep Book
  • Beladi, H., & Choi, E. K. (2008). Frontiers of Economics and Globalization.Forecasting in the Presence of Structural Breaks and Model Uncertainty (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 3) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. v, 3.
  • Brock, J. (2002). Regulating the Reverse Takeover. U. Toronto Fac. L. Rev.,60, 1.
  • Byington, J. R., Christensen, J. A., & McGee, W. J. (2006). M&A checklists for a post‐ SOX world. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 17(2), 31-36.
  • Chanmugam, R., Shill, W., Mann, D., Ficery, K., & Pursche, B. (2005). The intelligent clean room: ensuring value capture in mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Business Strategy, 26(3), 43-49
  • Coontz, G. (2004). Economic impact of corporate mergers and acquisitions on acquiring firm shareholder wealth. The Park Place Economist, 12(1), 62-70.
  • Dash, A. P. (2010). Mergers and Acquisitions. IK International Pvt Ltd.
  • Deloitte (2014) Annual Turkish M&A Review
  • Deman, S. (1949) The Theory of Corporate Takeover Bids: A Subgame Perfect Approach” Managerial and Decision Economics, 15: 4, Special Issue: Aspects of Corporate Governance, 383-397.
  • Eckbo, B. E. (1983). Horizontal mergers, collusion, and stockholder wealth.Journal of financial Economics, 11(1), 241-273.
  • Edwards, J. B. (2014). The Urge to Merge. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 25(2), 51-55.
  • Engert, O., Gandhi, N., Schaninger, W., & So, J. (2010). Assessing cultural compatibility: A McKinsey perspective on getting practical about culture in M&A. Perspectives on merger integration.
  • Ernst and Young (2015). Mergers and Acquisitions Report Turkey 2014
  • Fairholm, G. W. (2015). Overcoming Workplace Pathologies.
  • Goyal, K. A., & Joshi, V. (2012). Merger and Acquisition in Banking Industry: A Case Study of ICICI Bank Ltd. International Journal of Research in Management, 2(2), 30-40.
  • Gitman LJ (1991). Principles of managerial finance. 6th edn. San Diego: Harper Collins
  • Gitman, L. J., & Zutter, C. J. (2011). Principles of Managerial Finance 13th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  • Gurusamy, S. (2009). Financial services and system. Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited.
  • Harroch, R. & Lipkin, D. (2014) 20 Key Due Diligence Activities In A Merger And Acquisition Transaction.
  • Haberberg, A., & Rieple, A. (2008). Strategic management: theory and application. Oxford University Press.
  • Knilans, G. (2009). Mergers and acquisitions: Best practices for successful integration. Employment Relations Today, 35(4), 39-46.
  • Levy, H., & Sarnat, M. (1970). Diversification, portfolio analysis and the uneasy case for conglomerate mergers. Journal of Finance, 795- 802.
  • Markovits, R. S. (2012). Economics and the Interpretation and Application of US and EU Antitrust Law. Springer.
  • Makamson, E. L. (2010). The reverse takeover: implications for strategy.Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(1), 111.
  • McDonald, J., Coulthard, M., & De Lange, P. (2005). Planning for a successful merger or acquisition: Lessons from an Australian study. Journal of Global Business and Technology, 1(2), 1-11.
  • Naudé, A., Heyns, D., Bester, C., Puig, J., & Tucker, G. (2002). Synergies within Barloworld. Unpublished manuscript, Barloworld Executive Development Programme, Gordon Institute of Business Science, Johannesburg.
  • Petitt, B. S., & Ferris, K. R. (2013). Valuation for mergers and acquisitions. FT Press.
  • Pavkov, A. R. (2005). Ghouls and Godsends-A Critique of Reverse Merger Policy. Berkeley Bus. LJ, 3, 465-475.
  • Pettersson, A., Pop, C., Petersson, T., & Svanberg, J. (2013). Who benefits?.
  • Rossi, S., Volpin, P. F. (2004) Cross-country determinants of mergers and acquisitions,” Journal of Financial Economics, 74 (2), 277-304.
  • Ravenscraft, D. J., & Scherer, F. M. (2011). Mergers, sell-offs, and economic efficiency. Brookings Institution Press.
  • Roll, R. (1986) The Hubris Hypothesis of Corporate Takeovers,” Journal of Business, 59, 197-216.
  • Saxena, S. P. (2012). Mergers and Acquisitions as a Strategic Tool to Gain Competitive Advantage by Exploiting Synergies: A Study of Merging & Non Merging Firms in Indian Aluminium Industry. This paper was published in edited volume titled Innovation and Adaptability: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, by Bhakar SS and Pandey VK, Excel Books, New Delhi (2010) ISBN, 978-81.
  • Schuler, R.S. and Jackson, S.E. (2001), HR issues and activities in mergers and acquisitions, European Management Journal, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 239-53.
  • Schmid, A. S., Sánchez, C. M., & Goldberg, S. R. (2012). M&A today: Great challenges, but great opportunities. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 23(2), 3-8.
  • Servaes, H. (1996). The value of diversification during the conglomerate merger wave. Journal of Finance, 1201-1225.
  • Tamosiuniene, R., & Duksaite, E. The Importance of Mergers and Acquisitions in Today’s Economy.
  • Wu, J. (2009). Analysis of the Risk of Enterprise Merger as Viewed from Merger Motivation. International Journal of Business and Management, 3(4), 82-96.
  • Venema, W. H. (2015). Integration: The Critical M&A Success Factor. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 26(4), 23-27.
  • Weber, Y. (2013). A comprehensive guide to mergers & acquisitions: Managing the critical success factors across every stage of the M&A process. FT Press.
  • Weiner, Jeffrey (2010). Due Diligence in M&A Transactions: A Conceptual Framework.
  • Zhu, P. C., Jog , V., Otchere, I. (2010) Partial acquisitions in emerging markets: A test of the strategic market entry and corporate control hypotheses” Journal of Corporate Finance, 288-305.
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA54JU65PT
Journal Section Articles

Ali Fatih Dalkılıç This is me

Melissa Nihal Cagle

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Dalkılıç, A. F., & Cagle, M. N. (2015). ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 117-133.
AMA Dalkılıç AF, Cagle MN. ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2015;16(2):117-133. doi:10.24889/ifede.268160
Chicago Dalkılıç, Ali Fatih, and Melissa Nihal Cagle. “ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 16, no. 2 (December 2015): 117-33.
EndNote Dalkılıç AF, Cagle MN (December 1, 2015) ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 16 2 117–133.
IEEE A. F. Dalkılıç and M. N. Cagle, “ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 117–133, 2015, doi: 10.24889/ifede.268160.
ISNAD Dalkılıç, Ali Fatih - Cagle, Melissa Nihal. “ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 16/2 (December 2015), 117-133.
MLA Dalkılıç, Ali Fatih and Melissa Nihal Cagle. “ŞİRKET BİRLEŞMELERİ VE SATIN ALMALARDA KRİTİK BAŞARI FAKTÖRLERİ: TÜRKİYE PAZARI BAĞLAMINDA BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 2, 2015, pp. 117-33, doi:10.24889/ifede.268160.

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