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Year 2014, , 83 - 115, 01.12.2014


The objective of this study is to determine the changes at ports and to reveal the relationship between these changes and port effectiveness. A survey study with a sample of 51 ports in Turkey was carried out. Factor analysis was used for grouping organisational change implementations. MannWhitney U tests, correlation and regression analyses were used for hypothesis testing. As a consequence; perceptions regarding organisational change implementations and effectiveness measures were compared according to port characteristics and the causal relationships between organisational change and effectiveness variables were determined within the context of value chain systems


  • Ansari, S.L. and Bell, J.E. (1997). Target Costing-The Next Frontier in Strategic Cost Management. Chicago, IL: Irwin.
  • Baltazar, R. and Brooks, M.R. (2007). Chapter 17: Port governance, devolution and the matching framework: a configuration theory approach. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.379-403). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Baruch, Y. and Ramalho, N. (2006). Communalities and distinctions in the measurement of organizational performance and effectiveness across for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35(1), 39-65.
  • Beckhard, R. (1969). Organization Development: Strategies and Models. California: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
  • Berrien, F.K. (1976). A general systems approach to organizations. In: M.D. Dunnette (Ed), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp.41-62). Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Company.
  • Bichou, K. and Gray, R. (2005). A critical review of conventional terminology for classifying seaports. Transportation Research A, 39(1), 75-92.
  • Brooks, M.R. (2007). Chapter 25: Issues in port devolution program performance: a managerial perspective. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.599-629). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Brooks, M.R., Schellinck, T. and Pallis, A.A. (2011). A systematic approach for evaluating port effectiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 38(3), 315-334.
  • Carbone, V. and De Martino, M. (2003). The changing role of ports in supply chain management: an empirical analysis. Maritime Policy and Management, 30(4), 305-320.
  • Carnall, C.A. (2003). Managing Change in Organizations. UK: Pearson Education.
  • Chlomoudis, C.I., Karalis, A.V. and Pallis, A.A. (2003). Port reorganisations and worlds of production theory. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 3(1), 77-94.
  • Cleland, D.I. and King, W.R. (1972). Management: A Systems Approach. USA: McGraw Hill.
  • Coltof, H. (2000). Port Organisation and Management in Developing Countries. Delft: Eburon Publishers.
  • Connor, P.E. and Lake, L.K. (1994). Managing Organizational Change. Westport: Praeger Publishers.
  • Cullinane, K. (2005). The container shipping industry and the impact of China’s accession to the WTO. In: K. Cullinane (Ed.) Shipping Economics (pp.221-245). Research in Transportation Economics 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • De Langen, P.W. and Chouly, A. (2004). Hinterland access regimes in seaports. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 4(4), 361-380.
  • De Langen, P.W. and Van der Lugt, L. (2007). Chapter 5: Governance Structures of Port Authorities in the Netherlands. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.109-137). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • De Martino, M. and Morvillo, A. (2008). Activities, resources and inter- organizational relationships: key factors in port competitiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(6), 571-589.
  • Donelan, J.G. and Kaplan, E.A. (1998). Value chain analysis: a strategic approach to cost management. Journal of Cost Management, March/April, 7-15.
  • Estache, A. and Trujillo, L. (2009). Global economic changes and the future of port authorities. In: H. Meersman, E. Van de Voorde and T. Vanelslander (Eds), Future Challenges for the Port and the Shipping Sector (pp.69-87). London: Informa.
  • European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies (2009). The Evolving Role of EU Seaports in Global Maritime Logistics- Capacities, Challenges and Strategies. Brussels.
  • Friedlander, F. and Pickle, H. (1968). Components of effectiveness in small organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 13(3), 289- 304.
  • Gegez, A.E. (2010). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Georgopoulos, B. and Tannenbaum, A. (1957). A study of organizational effectiveness. American Sociological Review, 22(5), 534-540.
  • Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005). The governance of global value chains. Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), 78-104.
  • Haralambides, H.E. and Veenstra, A.W. (2002). Chapter 34: Port pricing. In: C.Th. Grammenos (Ed), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp.782-802). London and Hong Kong: Informa.
  • Haugstetter, H. and Cahoon, S. (2010). Strategic intent: guiding port authorities to their new world? Research in Transportation Economics, 27, 30-36.
  • Haynes, K.E., Hsing, Y. and Stough, R. (1997). Regional port dynamics in the global economy: the case of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Maritime Policy and Management, 24(1), 93-113.
  • Karataş-Çetin, Ç. and Cerit, A.G. (2010a). Chapter 32: Organisational change and effectiveness in seaports from a systems viewpoint. In: C.Th. Grammenos (Ed), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp.947-984). London: Lloyd’s List.
  • Karataş-Çetin, Ç. and Cerit, A.G. (2010b). Organizational effectiveness at seaports: a systems approach. Maritime Policy and Management, 37(3), 195-219.
  • Kök, R. and Deliktaş, E. (2003). Endüstri İktisadında Verimlilik Ölçme ve Strateji Geliştirme Teknikleri, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi.
  • Marlow, P.B. and Paixao, A.C. (2003). Measuring lean ports performance. International Journal of Transport Management, 1, 189-202.
  • Martin, J. and Thomas, B.J. (2001). The container terminal community. Maritime Policy and Management, 28(3), 279-292.
  • Ministry of Transport, Turkish Republic (2009). 10. Ulaştırma Şurası Hedef 2023, Denizcilik Sektörü Raporu.
  • Ninnemann, J. (2008). Relevance of efficient hinterland access for the inter-port competitiveness of European container ports. In: C. Heideloff and T. Pawlik (Eds), Handbook of Container Shipping Management, Volume 2: Management Issues in Container Shipping (pp.133-145). Bremen: Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics.
  • Notteboom, T.E. (2007). Chapter 19: Concession Agreements as Port Governance Tools. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.437-455). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Olowokudejo, F. and Aduloju, S.A. (2011). Corporate social responsibility and organizational effectiveness of insurance companies in Nigeria. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12(3), 156-167.
  • Paixao, A.C. and Marlow, P.B. (2003). Fourth generation ports – a question of agility? International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 33(4), 355-376.
  • Panayides, Ph.M. (2006). Maritime logistics and global supply chains: towards a research agenda. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 8(2), 3-18.
  • Panayides, Ph.M. (2007). Global supply chain integration and competitiveness of port terminals. In: J. Wang, D. Olivier, T. Notteboom and B. Slack (Eds), Ports, Cities and Global Supply Chains (pp.27-39). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Park, R. and De, P. (2004). An alternative approach to efficiency measurement of seaports. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6, 53-69.
  • Pettit, S.J. and Beresford, A.K.C. (2009). Port development: from gateways to logistics hubs. Maritime Policy and Management, 36(3), 253-267.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free Press.
  • Prastacos, G., Derquist, K., Spanos, Y. and Wassenhove, L. (2002). An integrated framework for managing change in the new competitive landscape. European Management Journal, 20(1), 55-71.
  • Rieley, J.B. and Clarkson, I. (2001). The impact of change on performance. Journal of Change Management, 2(2), 160-172.
  • Robbins, S. (1990). Organization Theory: Structure, Design and Applications. USA: Prentice-Hall International Editions.
  • Robinson, R. (2002). Ports as Elements in Value-driven Chain Systems: The New Paradigm. Maritime Policy and Management, 29(3), 241- 255.
  • Rodrigue, J.P. (2010). Maritime transportation: drivers for the shipping and port industries. In: International Transport Forum 2010 Papers: Transport and Innovation. OECD/ITF.
  • Sayareh, J. and Lewarn, B. (2006). Efficient supply chains through effective seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2006 Annual Conference, July 12-14, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Sayareh, J. (2007). Benefits of regular organisational effectiveness (OE) assessment in seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2007 Annual Conference, July 4-6, Athens, Greece.
  • Sayareh, J. (2009). A model for organisational effectiveness assessment in seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2009 Annual Conference, July 24-26, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Shilbury, S. and Moore, K.A. (2006). A study of organizational effectiveness for National Olympic Sporting Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35(1), 5-38.
  • Song, D-W. and Panayides, Ph.M. (2008). Global supply chain and port/terminal: integration and competitiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(1), 73-87.
  • Tongzon, J. and Heng, W. (2005). Port privatization, efficiency and competitiveness: some empirical evidence from container ports. Transportation Research Part A, 39, 405-424.
  • Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs (2010). Türk Limanları için Liman Yönetim Modeli Oluşturulması Hakkında Rapor, Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Denizcilik Müsteşarlığı.
  • UNESCAP and KMI (2005). Free Trade Zone and Port Hinterland Development. New York: United Nations Publications.
  • Verhoeven, P. (2010). A review of port authority functions: towards a renaissance? Maritime Policy and Management, 37(3), 247-270.


Year 2014, , 83 - 115, 01.12.2014


Çalışmanın amacı, liman örgütlerinde ortaya çıkan değişimleri belirlemek ve bu değişimler ve liman etkililiği arasındaki ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaçla, Türkiye’deki 51 liman örnekleminde bir saha araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örgütsel değişim uygulamalarını gruplandırmak için faktör analizi uygulanmıştır. Hipotez testleri için ise, Mann-Whitney U testi, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, limanlardaki değişim uygulamaları ve etkililik ölçütlerine ilişkin algılar, limanların özelliklerine göre karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiş ve örgütsel değişim ve etkililik arasındaki sebep-sonuç ilişkileri değer zinciri sistemleri kapsamında belirlenmiştir


  • Ansari, S.L. and Bell, J.E. (1997). Target Costing-The Next Frontier in Strategic Cost Management. Chicago, IL: Irwin.
  • Baltazar, R. and Brooks, M.R. (2007). Chapter 17: Port governance, devolution and the matching framework: a configuration theory approach. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.379-403). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Baruch, Y. and Ramalho, N. (2006). Communalities and distinctions in the measurement of organizational performance and effectiveness across for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35(1), 39-65.
  • Beckhard, R. (1969). Organization Development: Strategies and Models. California: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
  • Berrien, F.K. (1976). A general systems approach to organizations. In: M.D. Dunnette (Ed), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (pp.41-62). Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Company.
  • Bichou, K. and Gray, R. (2005). A critical review of conventional terminology for classifying seaports. Transportation Research A, 39(1), 75-92.
  • Brooks, M.R. (2007). Chapter 25: Issues in port devolution program performance: a managerial perspective. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.599-629). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Brooks, M.R., Schellinck, T. and Pallis, A.A. (2011). A systematic approach for evaluating port effectiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 38(3), 315-334.
  • Carbone, V. and De Martino, M. (2003). The changing role of ports in supply chain management: an empirical analysis. Maritime Policy and Management, 30(4), 305-320.
  • Carnall, C.A. (2003). Managing Change in Organizations. UK: Pearson Education.
  • Chlomoudis, C.I., Karalis, A.V. and Pallis, A.A. (2003). Port reorganisations and worlds of production theory. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 3(1), 77-94.
  • Cleland, D.I. and King, W.R. (1972). Management: A Systems Approach. USA: McGraw Hill.
  • Coltof, H. (2000). Port Organisation and Management in Developing Countries. Delft: Eburon Publishers.
  • Connor, P.E. and Lake, L.K. (1994). Managing Organizational Change. Westport: Praeger Publishers.
  • Cullinane, K. (2005). The container shipping industry and the impact of China’s accession to the WTO. In: K. Cullinane (Ed.) Shipping Economics (pp.221-245). Research in Transportation Economics 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • De Langen, P.W. and Chouly, A. (2004). Hinterland access regimes in seaports. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 4(4), 361-380.
  • De Langen, P.W. and Van der Lugt, L. (2007). Chapter 5: Governance Structures of Port Authorities in the Netherlands. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.109-137). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • De Martino, M. and Morvillo, A. (2008). Activities, resources and inter- organizational relationships: key factors in port competitiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(6), 571-589.
  • Donelan, J.G. and Kaplan, E.A. (1998). Value chain analysis: a strategic approach to cost management. Journal of Cost Management, March/April, 7-15.
  • Estache, A. and Trujillo, L. (2009). Global economic changes and the future of port authorities. In: H. Meersman, E. Van de Voorde and T. Vanelslander (Eds), Future Challenges for the Port and the Shipping Sector (pp.69-87). London: Informa.
  • European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies (2009). The Evolving Role of EU Seaports in Global Maritime Logistics- Capacities, Challenges and Strategies. Brussels.
  • Friedlander, F. and Pickle, H. (1968). Components of effectiveness in small organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 13(3), 289- 304.
  • Gegez, A.E. (2010). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Beta.
  • Georgopoulos, B. and Tannenbaum, A. (1957). A study of organizational effectiveness. American Sociological Review, 22(5), 534-540.
  • Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005). The governance of global value chains. Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), 78-104.
  • Haralambides, H.E. and Veenstra, A.W. (2002). Chapter 34: Port pricing. In: C.Th. Grammenos (Ed), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp.782-802). London and Hong Kong: Informa.
  • Haugstetter, H. and Cahoon, S. (2010). Strategic intent: guiding port authorities to their new world? Research in Transportation Economics, 27, 30-36.
  • Haynes, K.E., Hsing, Y. and Stough, R. (1997). Regional port dynamics in the global economy: the case of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Maritime Policy and Management, 24(1), 93-113.
  • Karataş-Çetin, Ç. and Cerit, A.G. (2010a). Chapter 32: Organisational change and effectiveness in seaports from a systems viewpoint. In: C.Th. Grammenos (Ed), The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business (pp.947-984). London: Lloyd’s List.
  • Karataş-Çetin, Ç. and Cerit, A.G. (2010b). Organizational effectiveness at seaports: a systems approach. Maritime Policy and Management, 37(3), 195-219.
  • Kök, R. and Deliktaş, E. (2003). Endüstri İktisadında Verimlilik Ölçme ve Strateji Geliştirme Teknikleri, İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi.
  • Marlow, P.B. and Paixao, A.C. (2003). Measuring lean ports performance. International Journal of Transport Management, 1, 189-202.
  • Martin, J. and Thomas, B.J. (2001). The container terminal community. Maritime Policy and Management, 28(3), 279-292.
  • Ministry of Transport, Turkish Republic (2009). 10. Ulaştırma Şurası Hedef 2023, Denizcilik Sektörü Raporu.
  • Ninnemann, J. (2008). Relevance of efficient hinterland access for the inter-port competitiveness of European container ports. In: C. Heideloff and T. Pawlik (Eds), Handbook of Container Shipping Management, Volume 2: Management Issues in Container Shipping (pp.133-145). Bremen: Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics.
  • Notteboom, T.E. (2007). Chapter 19: Concession Agreements as Port Governance Tools. In: M.R. Brooks and K. Cullinane (Eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Port Performance (pp.437-455). Research in Transportation Economics, 17. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Olowokudejo, F. and Aduloju, S.A. (2011). Corporate social responsibility and organizational effectiveness of insurance companies in Nigeria. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12(3), 156-167.
  • Paixao, A.C. and Marlow, P.B. (2003). Fourth generation ports – a question of agility? International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 33(4), 355-376.
  • Panayides, Ph.M. (2006). Maritime logistics and global supply chains: towards a research agenda. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 8(2), 3-18.
  • Panayides, Ph.M. (2007). Global supply chain integration and competitiveness of port terminals. In: J. Wang, D. Olivier, T. Notteboom and B. Slack (Eds), Ports, Cities and Global Supply Chains (pp.27-39). Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Park, R. and De, P. (2004). An alternative approach to efficiency measurement of seaports. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 6, 53-69.
  • Pettit, S.J. and Beresford, A.K.C. (2009). Port development: from gateways to logistics hubs. Maritime Policy and Management, 36(3), 253-267.
  • Porter, M.E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free Press.
  • Prastacos, G., Derquist, K., Spanos, Y. and Wassenhove, L. (2002). An integrated framework for managing change in the new competitive landscape. European Management Journal, 20(1), 55-71.
  • Rieley, J.B. and Clarkson, I. (2001). The impact of change on performance. Journal of Change Management, 2(2), 160-172.
  • Robbins, S. (1990). Organization Theory: Structure, Design and Applications. USA: Prentice-Hall International Editions.
  • Robinson, R. (2002). Ports as Elements in Value-driven Chain Systems: The New Paradigm. Maritime Policy and Management, 29(3), 241- 255.
  • Rodrigue, J.P. (2010). Maritime transportation: drivers for the shipping and port industries. In: International Transport Forum 2010 Papers: Transport and Innovation. OECD/ITF.
  • Sayareh, J. and Lewarn, B. (2006). Efficient supply chains through effective seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2006 Annual Conference, July 12-14, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Sayareh, J. (2007). Benefits of regular organisational effectiveness (OE) assessment in seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2007 Annual Conference, July 4-6, Athens, Greece.
  • Sayareh, J. (2009). A model for organisational effectiveness assessment in seaport organizations. In: Proceedings of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2009 Annual Conference, July 24-26, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Shilbury, S. and Moore, K.A. (2006). A study of organizational effectiveness for National Olympic Sporting Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 35(1), 5-38.
  • Song, D-W. and Panayides, Ph.M. (2008). Global supply chain and port/terminal: integration and competitiveness. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(1), 73-87.
  • Tongzon, J. and Heng, W. (2005). Port privatization, efficiency and competitiveness: some empirical evidence from container ports. Transportation Research Part A, 39, 405-424.
  • Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs (2010). Türk Limanları için Liman Yönetim Modeli Oluşturulması Hakkında Rapor, Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Denizcilik Müsteşarlığı.
  • UNESCAP and KMI (2005). Free Trade Zone and Port Hinterland Development. New York: United Nations Publications.
  • Verhoeven, P. (2010). A review of port authority functions: towards a renaissance? Maritime Policy and Management, 37(3), 247-270.
There are 57 citations in total.


Other ID JA54MN97TD
Journal Section Articles

Çimen Karataşçetin This is me

A Güldem Cerit This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Karataşçetin, Ç., & Cerit, A. G. (2014). LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 83-115.
AMA Karataşçetin Ç, Cerit AG. LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2014;15(2):83-115. doi:10.24889/ifede.268172
Chicago Karataşçetin, Çimen, and A Güldem Cerit. “LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 15, no. 2 (December 2014): 83-115.
EndNote Karataşçetin Ç, Cerit AG (December 1, 2014) LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 15 2 83–115.
IEEE Ç. Karataşçetin and A. G. Cerit, “LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 83–115, 2014, doi: 10.24889/ifede.268172.
ISNAD Karataşçetin, Çimen - Cerit, A Güldem. “LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 15/2 (December 2014), 83-115.
MLA Karataşçetin, Çimen and A Güldem Cerit. “LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, 2014, pp. 83-115, doi:10.24889/ifede.268172.
Vancouver Karataşçetin Ç, Cerit AG. LİMANLARDA ÖRGÜTSEL DEĞİŞİM VE DEĞER ZİNCİRİ SİSTEMLERİNDE ETKİLİLİK ANALİZİ: BİR SAHA ARAŞTIRMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2014;15(2):83-115.

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