Research Article
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Year 2019, , 327 - 345, 15.12.2019



  • Akkoç, İ., Çalışkan, A., ve Turunç, Ö. (2012). Örgütlerde Gelişim Kültürü ve Algılanan Örgütsel Desteğin İş Tatmini ve İş Performansına Etkisi: Güvenin Aracılık Rolü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 19(1), 105-109.
  • Allen, D., Shore, L.M., and Grıffeth, R.W. (2003). The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Supportive Human Resource Practices in the turnover Process”, Journal of Management, 29(1), 99-118. doi: 10.1016/S0149-2063(02)00222-2
  • Armstrong-Stassen, M., and Ursel, N.D. (2009). Perceived organizational support, career satisfaction, and the retention of older workers, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 201-220.
  • Baron, R. M. and Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182.
  • Blau, P. (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Wiley
  • Büte, M. (2011). Etik İklim Örgütsel Güven ve Bireysel Performans Arasındaki İlişki. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte Dergisi, 25(1), 171-192.
  • Cankül, D., Kılıç, İ., ve Doğantekin, A. (2018). Restoran Çalışanlarının Algılamış Oldukları Örgütsel Güven Düzeylerinin ÖrgütselVatandaşlık ve İş Performansına Etkisi Eskişehir Örneği, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(1), 372-389.
  • Celep, C., ve Yılmazturk, O.E. (2012). The relationship among organizational trust, multidimensional organizational commitment and perceived organizational support in educational organizations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 5763-5776.
  • Cropanzano, R., Howes, J. C., Grandey, A.A., and Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(2), 159-180.
  • Çöl, G. (2008). Algılanan Güçlendirmenin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(1), 35-46.
  • Dirks, K.T. (1999). The effects of interpersonal trust on work group performance, Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, s445-455.
  • Dirks, K.T. ve Ferrin, D.L. (2001). The role of trust in organizational settings, Organization science, 12(4), 450-.467.
  • Driscoll, J. (1978). Trust and participation in organizational decision making as predictors of satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 21, 44-56.
  • Earley, P. C. (1986). Trust, Perceived Importance of Praise And Criticism, and Work Performance: An Examination of Feedback in The United States and England, Journal of Management, 12(4), 457-473. doi:10.1177/014920638601200402
  • Eder, P. and Eisenberger R. (2008). Perceived Organizational Support: Reducing the Negative Influence of Co-Worker Withdrawal Behavior, Journal of Management 34 (1): 55-68. doi:10.1177/0149206307309259.
  • Einsenberger, R., Cummings, J., Aemeli, S., and Lynch, P. (1997). Perceived organizational support, discretionary treatment, and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(5), 812-820.
  • Eisenberger, R., Armeli, S., Rexwinkel, B., Lynch, P.D., and Rhoades, L. (2001). Reciprocation of perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 42-54.
  • Eisenberger, R., Fasolo, P., and Davis-LaMastro, V.D. (1990). Perceived organizational support and employee diligence, commitment, and innovation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(1), 51-59.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntingon, R., Hutchison, S. and Sowa, D. (1986). Perceived Organizational Support, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 500-510.
  • Eisenberger, R., Stinglhamber, F., Vandenberghe, C., Sucharski, I. L., and Rhoades, L. (2002). Perceived supervisor support: contributions to perceived organizational support and employee retention. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 565-573.
  • Friedlander, F. (1970), “The Primacy of Trust As A Facilitator of Further Group Accomplishment. Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science, 6(3), 387–400. doi: 10.1177/002188637000600401
  • Furumo, K. (2009). The impact of conflict and conflict management style on deadbeats and deserters in virtual teams. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), 66-73.
  • Gillet, N., Colombat, P., Michinov, E., Pronost, A. M. and Fouquereau, E. (2013). Procedural justice, supervisor autonomy support, work satisfaction, organizational identification and job performance: The mediating role of need satisfaction and perceived organizational support, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(11), 2560-2571.
  • Gouldner, A. (1960). The Norm of Reciprocity: A Preliminary Statement. American Sociological Review 25(2), 161-178. doi:10.2307/2092623.
  • Huang, X., Shi, K., Zhang, Z. and Cheung, Y. L. (2006), “The impact of participative leadership behavior on psychological empowerment and organizational commitment in Chinese stateowned enterprises: The moderating role of organizational tenure”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23(3), 345-367.
  • Jarvenpaa, S. L., Knoll, K. and Leıdner, D.E. (1998), “Is Anybody Out There? Antecedents of Trust in Global Virtual Teams”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 14(4), 29-64.
  • Kara, S.B.K., Güneş, D.Z., and Aydoğan, N.N. (2015). Perceived organizational support and organizational trust in primary schools. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 385-393.
  • Karayel, M., Akkoç, İ., ve Birer, İ. (2018). Örgütsel Destek Sosyal Destek Ve Lider Desteğinin İş Performansına Etkisinde Lider Üye Etkileşiminin Aracılık Rolü. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 301-332. doi:10.24889/ifede.457738
  • Kegan, D.L. and Rubenstein A.H. (1973). Trust, effectiveness, and organizational development: A field study in R&D, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 9(4), 498-513. doi:10.1177/002188637300900409
  • Kirkman, B.L. and Rosen, B. (1999). Beyond Self-Management: Antecedents And Consequences Of Team Empowerment. The Academy of Management Journal, 42(1), 58-74. doi: 10.2307/256874
  • Kraimer, M.L. and Sandy J.W. (2004), “An Examination of Perceived Organizational Support as a Multidimensional Construct in the Context of an Expatriate Assignment”, Journal of Management, 30(2), s. 209–237. doi:10.1016/
  • Kramer, R. M. and Tyler, T. R. (1996), Trust in organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lewis, J. D. and Weigert, A. (1985). Trust as a Social Reality, Social Forces, 63(4), 967-985.
  • Luhmann, N. (1979). Trust and Power. New York: John Wiley.
  • Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H. and Schoorman, F.D. (1995). An integrative model of organisational trust. Academy of Management Rewiev, 20 (3), 709-734.
  • Michael, J.H., Evans, D.D., Jansen, K.J., and Haight, J.M. (2005). Management commitment to safety as organizational support: Relationships with non-safety outcomes in wood manufacturing employees. Journal of Safety Research, 36, 171-179.
  • Oldham, G.R. (1975). The Impact of Supervisory Characteristics on Goal Acceptance, Academy of Management Journal, 18(3), 461-475.
  • Organ D.W. (1977). A Reappraisal and Reinterpretation of the Satisfaction-Causes-Performance Hypothesis, Academy of Management Review, 2(1), 46–53. doi: 10.2307/257604
  • Pfeffer, J. (1998), The Human Equation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Randall, M. L., Cropanzano, R., Bormann, C.A. and Birjulin A. (1999). Organizational Politics and Organizational Support as Predictors of Work Attitudes, Job Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(2), 159-174.
  • Rhoades, L. and Eisenberger, R. (2002). Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4), 698-714.
  • Rhoades, L., Eisenberger, R., and Armeli, S. (2001). Affective commitment to the organization: The contribution of perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 825–836. 0021‐9010.86.5.825
  • Rich, G. A. (1997). The Sales Manager As A Role Model: Effects on Trust, Job Satisfaction and Performance of Salespeople”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 25(4) 319–328, doi:10.1177/0092070397254004
  • Robinson, S.L. (1996), Trust And The Breach of The Psychological Contract, Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4), 574-599. doi: 10.2307/2393868
  • Rousseau, D. M., Sıtkın, S. B., Burt, R. S., and Camerer, C. (1998). Not So Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust, Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 393-404.
  • Sekaran, U. (1992). Research Methods For Business, Canada: John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P., Ellis, K., and Winograd, G. (2000). Organizational trust: What it means, why it matters. Organization Development Journal, 18(4), 35-48.
  • Sigler, T.H. and Pearson, C.M. (2000). Creating An Empowering Culture: Examining The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Perceptions of Empowerment, Journal of Quality Management, 5(1), 27-52. doi: 10.1016/S1084-8568(00)00011-0
  • Singh, U. and Srivastava, K.B.L. (2016). Organizational Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Global Business Review, 17(3), 594-609. doi: 10.1177/0972150916630804
  • Suliman, A.M.T. (2001). Work performance: is it one thing or many things? The multidimensionality of performance in a Middle Eastern context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 12(6), 1049-1061.
  • Şentürk, F.K., and Tekin, Y. (2015). Örgütsel Bağlılık Örgütsel Destek ve İş Arkadaşı Desteğinin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri AVM Çalışanları Örneği. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 195–206.
  • Taşdan, M., ve Yalçın, T. (2010). İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin algıladıkları sosyal destek ile örgütsel güven düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki düzeyi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 10(4), 2569- 2620.
  • Turhan, M., Köprülü, O., ve Helvacı, İ. (2018). Örgütsel Güven ile Bireysel İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişki. Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management, 6(5), 47–54.
  • Uzun, T. (2018). Öğretmenlerin Algıladığı Örgütsel Destek ile Örgütsel Özdeşleşme ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Örgütsel Güvenin Aracı Rolü. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(18), 133-155.
  • Wayne, S. J., Shore, L. M. and Liden, R. C. (1997). Perceived Organizational Support and Leader -Member Exchange: A Social Exchange Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 40(1), 82-111.
  • Yoon, M.H. and Suh J. (2003). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Service Quality As External Effectiveness of Contact Employees, Journal of Business Research

The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses

Year 2019, , 327 - 345, 15.12.2019


aim of this study is to investigate the mediating role of trust in the effect
of perceived organizational support on the job performance of nurses. The
nurses were included in the study because of their need for high level of
organizational support and trust perception due to the nature of nursing profession.
The sample of the study consisted of 452 nurses working in a university
hospital (N = 550) in the city center of Eskisehir. The research data were
collected by using the "Personal Information Form", "Perceived
Organizational Support Scale", "Job Performance Scale" and
"Trust Scale". The relationships between variables were analysed with
factor analysis, regression analysis and the sobel test. It was found that
perceived organizational support positively and significantly affected job
performance and trust; trust had a partial mediating effect in this


  • Akkoç, İ., Çalışkan, A., ve Turunç, Ö. (2012). Örgütlerde Gelişim Kültürü ve Algılanan Örgütsel Desteğin İş Tatmini ve İş Performansına Etkisi: Güvenin Aracılık Rolü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 19(1), 105-109.
  • Allen, D., Shore, L.M., and Grıffeth, R.W. (2003). The Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Supportive Human Resource Practices in the turnover Process”, Journal of Management, 29(1), 99-118. doi: 10.1016/S0149-2063(02)00222-2
  • Armstrong-Stassen, M., and Ursel, N.D. (2009). Perceived organizational support, career satisfaction, and the retention of older workers, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 201-220.
  • Baron, R. M. and Kenny, D. A. (1986). The Moderator Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182.
  • Blau, P. (1964). Exchange and Power in Social Life. New York: Wiley
  • Büte, M. (2011). Etik İklim Örgütsel Güven ve Bireysel Performans Arasındaki İlişki. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakülte Dergisi, 25(1), 171-192.
  • Cankül, D., Kılıç, İ., ve Doğantekin, A. (2018). Restoran Çalışanlarının Algılamış Oldukları Örgütsel Güven Düzeylerinin ÖrgütselVatandaşlık ve İş Performansına Etkisi Eskişehir Örneği, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 6(1), 372-389.
  • Celep, C., ve Yılmazturk, O.E. (2012). The relationship among organizational trust, multidimensional organizational commitment and perceived organizational support in educational organizations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 5763-5776.
  • Cropanzano, R., Howes, J. C., Grandey, A.A., and Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(2), 159-180.
  • Çöl, G. (2008). Algılanan Güçlendirmenin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(1), 35-46.
  • Dirks, K.T. (1999). The effects of interpersonal trust on work group performance, Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, s445-455.
  • Dirks, K.T. ve Ferrin, D.L. (2001). The role of trust in organizational settings, Organization science, 12(4), 450-.467.
  • Driscoll, J. (1978). Trust and participation in organizational decision making as predictors of satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 21, 44-56.
  • Earley, P. C. (1986). Trust, Perceived Importance of Praise And Criticism, and Work Performance: An Examination of Feedback in The United States and England, Journal of Management, 12(4), 457-473. doi:10.1177/014920638601200402
  • Eder, P. and Eisenberger R. (2008). Perceived Organizational Support: Reducing the Negative Influence of Co-Worker Withdrawal Behavior, Journal of Management 34 (1): 55-68. doi:10.1177/0149206307309259.
  • Einsenberger, R., Cummings, J., Aemeli, S., and Lynch, P. (1997). Perceived organizational support, discretionary treatment, and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(5), 812-820.
  • Eisenberger, R., Armeli, S., Rexwinkel, B., Lynch, P.D., and Rhoades, L. (2001). Reciprocation of perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 42-54.
  • Eisenberger, R., Fasolo, P., and Davis-LaMastro, V.D. (1990). Perceived organizational support and employee diligence, commitment, and innovation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(1), 51-59.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntingon, R., Hutchison, S. and Sowa, D. (1986). Perceived Organizational Support, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3), 500-510.
  • Eisenberger, R., Stinglhamber, F., Vandenberghe, C., Sucharski, I. L., and Rhoades, L. (2002). Perceived supervisor support: contributions to perceived organizational support and employee retention. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 565-573.
  • Friedlander, F. (1970), “The Primacy of Trust As A Facilitator of Further Group Accomplishment. Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science, 6(3), 387–400. doi: 10.1177/002188637000600401
  • Furumo, K. (2009). The impact of conflict and conflict management style on deadbeats and deserters in virtual teams. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), 66-73.
  • Gillet, N., Colombat, P., Michinov, E., Pronost, A. M. and Fouquereau, E. (2013). Procedural justice, supervisor autonomy support, work satisfaction, organizational identification and job performance: The mediating role of need satisfaction and perceived organizational support, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(11), 2560-2571.
  • Gouldner, A. (1960). The Norm of Reciprocity: A Preliminary Statement. American Sociological Review 25(2), 161-178. doi:10.2307/2092623.
  • Huang, X., Shi, K., Zhang, Z. and Cheung, Y. L. (2006), “The impact of participative leadership behavior on psychological empowerment and organizational commitment in Chinese stateowned enterprises: The moderating role of organizational tenure”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23(3), 345-367.
  • Jarvenpaa, S. L., Knoll, K. and Leıdner, D.E. (1998), “Is Anybody Out There? Antecedents of Trust in Global Virtual Teams”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 14(4), 29-64.
  • Kara, S.B.K., Güneş, D.Z., and Aydoğan, N.N. (2015). Perceived organizational support and organizational trust in primary schools. Journal of Human Sciences, 12(2), 385-393.
  • Karayel, M., Akkoç, İ., ve Birer, İ. (2018). Örgütsel Destek Sosyal Destek Ve Lider Desteğinin İş Performansına Etkisinde Lider Üye Etkileşiminin Aracılık Rolü. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(2), 301-332. doi:10.24889/ifede.457738
  • Kegan, D.L. and Rubenstein A.H. (1973). Trust, effectiveness, and organizational development: A field study in R&D, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 9(4), 498-513. doi:10.1177/002188637300900409
  • Kirkman, B.L. and Rosen, B. (1999). Beyond Self-Management: Antecedents And Consequences Of Team Empowerment. The Academy of Management Journal, 42(1), 58-74. doi: 10.2307/256874
  • Kraimer, M.L. and Sandy J.W. (2004), “An Examination of Perceived Organizational Support as a Multidimensional Construct in the Context of an Expatriate Assignment”, Journal of Management, 30(2), s. 209–237. doi:10.1016/
  • Kramer, R. M. and Tyler, T. R. (1996), Trust in organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Lewis, J. D. and Weigert, A. (1985). Trust as a Social Reality, Social Forces, 63(4), 967-985.
  • Luhmann, N. (1979). Trust and Power. New York: John Wiley.
  • Mayer, R.C., Davis, J.H. and Schoorman, F.D. (1995). An integrative model of organisational trust. Academy of Management Rewiev, 20 (3), 709-734.
  • Michael, J.H., Evans, D.D., Jansen, K.J., and Haight, J.M. (2005). Management commitment to safety as organizational support: Relationships with non-safety outcomes in wood manufacturing employees. Journal of Safety Research, 36, 171-179.
  • Oldham, G.R. (1975). The Impact of Supervisory Characteristics on Goal Acceptance, Academy of Management Journal, 18(3), 461-475.
  • Organ D.W. (1977). A Reappraisal and Reinterpretation of the Satisfaction-Causes-Performance Hypothesis, Academy of Management Review, 2(1), 46–53. doi: 10.2307/257604
  • Pfeffer, J. (1998), The Human Equation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Randall, M. L., Cropanzano, R., Bormann, C.A. and Birjulin A. (1999). Organizational Politics and Organizational Support as Predictors of Work Attitudes, Job Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(2), 159-174.
  • Rhoades, L. and Eisenberger, R. (2002). Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4), 698-714.
  • Rhoades, L., Eisenberger, R., and Armeli, S. (2001). Affective commitment to the organization: The contribution of perceived organizational support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 825–836. 0021‐9010.86.5.825
  • Rich, G. A. (1997). The Sales Manager As A Role Model: Effects on Trust, Job Satisfaction and Performance of Salespeople”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 25(4) 319–328, doi:10.1177/0092070397254004
  • Robinson, S.L. (1996), Trust And The Breach of The Psychological Contract, Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4), 574-599. doi: 10.2307/2393868
  • Rousseau, D. M., Sıtkın, S. B., Burt, R. S., and Camerer, C. (1998). Not So Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust, Academy of Management Review, 23(3), 393-404.
  • Sekaran, U. (1992). Research Methods For Business, Canada: John Wiley ve Sons.
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P., Ellis, K., and Winograd, G. (2000). Organizational trust: What it means, why it matters. Organization Development Journal, 18(4), 35-48.
  • Sigler, T.H. and Pearson, C.M. (2000). Creating An Empowering Culture: Examining The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Perceptions of Empowerment, Journal of Quality Management, 5(1), 27-52. doi: 10.1016/S1084-8568(00)00011-0
  • Singh, U. and Srivastava, K.B.L. (2016). Organizational Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Global Business Review, 17(3), 594-609. doi: 10.1177/0972150916630804
  • Suliman, A.M.T. (2001). Work performance: is it one thing or many things? The multidimensionality of performance in a Middle Eastern context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 12(6), 1049-1061.
  • Şentürk, F.K., and Tekin, Y. (2015). Örgütsel Bağlılık Örgütsel Destek ve İş Arkadaşı Desteğinin İşgören Performansı Üzerine Etkileri AVM Çalışanları Örneği. Uluslararası Alanya İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 195–206.
  • Taşdan, M., ve Yalçın, T. (2010). İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin algıladıkları sosyal destek ile örgütsel güven düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki düzeyi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 10(4), 2569- 2620.
  • Turhan, M., Köprülü, O., ve Helvacı, İ. (2018). Örgütsel Güven ile Bireysel İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişki. Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management, 6(5), 47–54.
  • Uzun, T. (2018). Öğretmenlerin Algıladığı Örgütsel Destek ile Örgütsel Özdeşleşme ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Arasındaki İlişki Örgütsel Güvenin Aracı Rolü. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(18), 133-155.
  • Wayne, S. J., Shore, L. M. and Liden, R. C. (1997). Perceived Organizational Support and Leader -Member Exchange: A Social Exchange Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 40(1), 82-111.
  • Yoon, M.H. and Suh J. (2003). Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Service Quality As External Effectiveness of Contact Employees, Journal of Business Research
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology
Journal Section Articles

İrfan Akkoç 0000-0002-5653-0508

Aysun Türe Yılmaz 0000-0003-2513-0904

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Akkoç, İ., & Türe Yılmaz, A. (2019). The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 327-345.
AMA Akkoç İ, Türe Yılmaz A. The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2019;20(2):327-345. doi:10.24889/ifede.629870
Chicago Akkoç, İrfan, and Aysun Türe Yılmaz. “The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 20, no. 2 (December 2019): 327-45.
EndNote Akkoç İ, Türe Yılmaz A (December 1, 2019) The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 20 2 327–345.
IEEE İ. Akkoç and A. Türe Yılmaz, “The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 327–345, 2019, doi: 10.24889/ifede.629870.
ISNAD Akkoç, İrfan - Türe Yılmaz, Aysun. “The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi 20/2 (December 2019), 327-345.
JAMA Akkoç İ, Türe Yılmaz A. The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;20:327–345.
MLA Akkoç, İrfan and Aysun Türe Yılmaz. “The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 2, 2019, pp. 327-45, doi:10.24889/ifede.629870.
Vancouver Akkoç İ, Türe Yılmaz A. The Mediating Role of Trust in the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Nurses. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;20(2):327-45.
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