Aim: Individuals who have lost someone due to Covid-19 are entered into the process of mourning. Not being able to get rid of the psychological effect that is created by mourning causes an outcrop of nonfunctional mourning. The aim of this study is to analyze the Turkish validity and reliability of the "Pandemic Grief Scale (PGS)," which is a short mental health screening at identifying related possible nonfunctional bereavement cases.
Method: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted for the structure validity of the Pandemic Grief Scale. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) results for this study were obtained with the AMOS 26 Package Program. Maximum Likelihood Method (MLE) and CFA were applied to the model obtained as the result of EFA.
Results: According to the results of Exploratory Factor Analysis; The structure of the Pandemic Grief Scale developed by Lee and Neimeyer was similar to the structure obtained in this study. It is seen that relating to the scale items of the factor loads vary between 0,720 and 0,826. According to the results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the goodness of fit values were found as RMSEA=0,046; GFI=0,994; AGFI=0,977; CFI=0,995; NFI=0,992; TLI=0,989; IFI=0,995. And the fit values related to the model showed a good fit in a single-factor structure.
Conclusion: The results that are obtained point up that PGS of Turkish society is a valid and reliable screening tool that can be used in clinical studies and practices during a pandemic.