Research Article
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Resilient Supplier Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP-Fuzzy ARAS Methods

Year 2022, , 275 - 296, 30.10.2022


Since the success of suppliers affects the success of the entire supply chain, the main source of external risks in supply chains is accepted as suppliers. The ability of suppliers to manage risks and deal with uncertain situations will increase the resilience of the supply chain. In an increasing and varying competitive environment, supplier selection is a complex process that requires decision-makers to consider multiple quantitative and qualitative criteria in order to achieve the best result. The aim of this study is to propose a new multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach for resilient supplier selection in the textile industry. In the first stage, the criteria affecting the resilience of the supply chain are defined using expert opinion. As fuzzy set theory helps us better understand and predict uncertainty, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is used to determine the weight of the defined criteria and the Fuzzy Additive Ratio ASsessment (FARAS) to rank suppliers. A real case study is conducted for a company in the textile industry to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MCDM approach. The findings show that the most important factor in the selection of resilient suppliers is resiliency, and the supplier flexibility and responsiveness are found the most important sub-criteria within this factor. The results of this research will assist researchers and decision makers in identifying and applying appropriate methods to identify the most accurate suppliers in the textile industry.


  • ALAMI MERROUNI, A., ELWALI ELALAOUI, F., MEZRHAB, A., MEZRHAB, A., & GHENNIOUI, A. (2018). Large scale PV sites selection by combining GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Case study: Eastern Morocco. Renewable Energy, 119, 863–873.
  • ARABAMERI, A., PRADHAN, B., POURGHASEMI, H. R., & REZAEI, K. (2018). Identification of erosion-prone areas using different multi-criteria decision-making techniques and GIS. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 1129–1155.
  • ARABAMERI, A., REZAEI, K., CERDÀ, A., CONOSCENTI, C., & KALANTARI, Z. (2019). A comparison of statistical methods and multi-criteria decision making to map flood hazard susceptibility in Northern Iran. Science of the Total Environment, 660, 443–458.
  • AWASTHI, A., GOVINDAN, K., & GOLD, S. (2018). Multi-tier sustainable global supplier selection using a fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 106–117.
  • AZADI, M., JAFARIAN, M., SAEN, R. F., & MIRHEDAYATIAN, S. M. (2015). A new fuzzy DEA model for evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of suppliers in sustainable supply chain management context. Computers and Operations Research, 54, 274–285.
  • AZIMIFARD, A., MOOSAVIRAD, S. H., & ARIAFAR, S. (2018). Selecting sustainable supplier countries for Iran’s steel industry at three levels by using AHP and TOPSIS methods. Resources Policy, 57, 30–44.
  • BALKI, M. K., ERDOĞAN, S., AYDIN, S., & SAYIN, C. (2020). The optimization of engine operating parameters via SWARA and ARAS hybrid method in a small SI engine using alternative fuels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120685.
  • BANAEIAN, N., MOBLI, H., FAHIMNIA, B., NIELSEN, I. E., & OMID, M. (2018). Green supplier selection using fuzzy group decision making methods: A case study from the agri-food industry. Computers & Operations Research, 89, 337–347.
  • BRANDON-JONES, E., SQUIRE, B., AUTRY, C. W., & PETERSEN, K. J. (2014). A Contingent Resource-Based Perspective of Supply Chain Resilience and Robustness. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(3), 55–73.
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  • BÜYÜKÖZKAN, G., & GÖÇER, F. (2018). An extension of ARAS methodology under Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy environment for Digital Supply Chain. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 69, 634–654.
  • ÇALIK, A. (2018). Bulanık Çok-Amaçlı Doğrusal Programlama ve Aralık Tip-2 Bulanık AHP Yöntemi ile Yeşil Tedarikçi Seçimi. Içinde Selçuk Ün. Sos. Bil. Ens. Der (C. 0). Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • ÇALIK, A. (2020). A Comparative Perspective in Sustainable Supplier Selection by Integrated MCDM Techniques. Sigma: Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences/Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 38(2), 835–852.
  • ÇALIŞ BOYACI, A. (2020). Selection of eco-friendly cities in Turkey via a hybrid hesitant fuzzy decision making approach. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 89, 106090.
  • CHRISTOPHER, M., & PECK, H. (2004). Building the Resilient Supply Chain. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 15(2), 1–14.
  • DAVOUDABADI, R., MOUSAVI, S. M., & SHARIFI, E. (2020). An integrated weighting and ranking model based on entropy, DEA and PCA considering two aggregation approaches for resilient supplier selection problem. Journal of Computational Science, 40, 101074.
  • DENIZHAN, B., & YALÇINER, A. Y. (2017). Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses ve Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Yeşil Tedarikçi Seçimi Uygulaması. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 63–78.
  • ECER, F. (2018a). An integrated fuzzy AHP and ARAS model to evaluate mobile banking services. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 670–695.
  • ECER, F. (2018b). Third-party logistics (3PLs) provider selection via fuzzy AHP and EDAS integrated model. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 615–634.
  • ERBAŞ, M., KABAK, M., ÖZCEYLAN, E., & ÇETINKAYA, C. (2018). Optimal siting of electric vehicle charging stations: A GIS-based fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Energy, 163, 1017–1031.
  • FATTAHI, R., & KHALILZADEH, M. (2018). Risk evaluation using a novel hybrid method based on FMEA, extended MULTIMOORA, and AHP methods under fuzzy environment. Safety Science, 102, 290–300.
  • FU, Y. K. (2019). An integrated approach to catering supplier selection using AHP-ARAS-MCGP methodology. Journal of Air Transport Management, 75, 164–169.
  • GAN, J., ZHONG, S., LIU, S., & YANG, D. (2019). Resilient Supplier Selection Based on Fuzzy BWM and GMo-RTOPSIS under Supply Chain Environment. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019, 2456260.
  • GHENAI, C., ALBAWAB, M., & BETTAYEB, M. (2020). Sustainability indicators for renewable energy systems using multi-criteria decision-making model and extended SWARA/ARAS hybrid method. Renewable Energy, 146, 580–597.
  • GHIMIRE, L. P., & KIM, Y. (2018). An analysis on barriers to renewable energy development in the context of Nepal using AHP. Renewable Energy, 129, 446–456.
  • GOVINDAN, K., & SIVAKUMAR, R. (2016). Green supplier selection and order allocation in a low-carbon paper industry: integrated multi-criteria heterogeneous decision-making and multi-objective linear programming approaches. Annals of Operations Research, 238(1), 243–276.
  • HALDAR, A., RAY, A., BANERJEE, D., & GHOSH, S. (2012). A hybrid MCDM model for resilient supplier selection. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 7(4), 284–292.
  • HOSSEINI, S., & KHALED, A. Al. (2019). A Hybrid Ensemble and AHP Approach for Resilient Supplier Selection. J. Intell. Manuf., 30(1), 207–228.
  • IGHRAVWE, D. E., & OKE, S. A. (2019). A multi-criteria decision-making framework for selecting a suitable maintenance strategy for public buildings using sustainability criteria. Journal of Building Engineering, 24, 100753.
  • ILBAHAR, E., KARAŞAN, A., CEBI, S., & KAHRAMAN, C. (2018). A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system. Safety Science, 103, 124–136.
  • IVANOV, D. (2018). New Drivers for Supply Chain Structural Dynamics and Resilience: Sustainability, Industry 4.0, Self-Adaptation BT - Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management. Içinde D. Ivanov (Ed.), Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management (ss. 293–313). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • JAIN, V., SANGAIAH, A. K., SAKHUJA, S., THODUKA, N., & AGGARWAL, R. (2018). Supplier selection using fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS: a case study in the Indian automotive industry. Neural Computing and Applications, 29(7), 555–564.
  • KABAK, M., ERBAŞ, M., ÇETINKAYA, C., & ÖZCEYLAN, E. (2018). A GIS-based MCDM approach for the evaluation of bike-share stations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 49–60.
  • KERŠULIENE, V., & TURSKIS, Z. (2011). Integrated fuzzy multiple criteria decision making model for architect selection. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 17(4), 645–666.
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  • KRAUSE, D. R., VACHON, S., & ROBERT D., K. (2009). Special Topic Forum on Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Introduction and Reflections on the Role of Purchasing Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(4), 18–25.
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Bulanık AHP-Bulanık ARAS Yöntemlerine Dayalı Dayanıklı Tedarikçi Seçimi

Year 2022, , 275 - 296, 30.10.2022


Tedarikçilerin başarısı tüm tedarik zincirinin başarısını etkilediğinden tedarik zincirlerinde dış risklerin esas kaynağı tedarikçiler olmaktadır. Tedarikçilerin riskleri yönetme ve belirsiz durumlarla başa çıkma yeteneği, tedarik zincirinin dayanıklılığını artıracaktır. Artan ve farklılaşan bir rekabet ortamında tedarikçi seçimi, karar vericilerin en iyi sonucu elde etmesi için nicel ve nitel çoklu kriterleri dikkate almalarını gerektiren karmaşık bir süreçtir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tekstil sektöründe dayanıklı tedarikçi seçimi için yeni bir çok kriterli bir karar verme (ÇKKV) yaklaşımı önermektir. İlk aşamada, tedarik zincirinin dayanıklılığını etkileyen kriterler uzman görüşü kullanılarak tanımlanmıştır. Bulanık küme teorisi belirsizliği daha iyi anlamamıza ve daha iyi tahmin etmemize yardımcı olduğu için, tanımlanan kriterlerin ağırlığını belirlemek için Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (BAHP) ve tedarikçileri sıralamak için Bulanık Additive Ratio ASsessment (BARAS) kullanılmıştır. Önerilen ÇKKV yaklaşımının etkililiğini göstermek için tekstil sektöründeki bir firma için gerçek bir örnek olay uygulaması yapılmıştır. Bulgular, dayanıklı tedarikçi seçiminde en önemli faktörün dayanıklılık olduğunu ve bu faktör içerisinde tedarikçinin esnekliği ve cevap verilebilirlik alt kriterlerinin en önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, tekstil sektöründeki en doğru tedarikçileri belirlemek için uygun yöntemleri belirleme ve uygulama konusunda araştırmacılara ve karar vericilere yardımcı olacaktır.


  • ALAMI MERROUNI, A., ELWALI ELALAOUI, F., MEZRHAB, A., MEZRHAB, A., & GHENNIOUI, A. (2018). Large scale PV sites selection by combining GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Case study: Eastern Morocco. Renewable Energy, 119, 863–873.
  • ARABAMERI, A., PRADHAN, B., POURGHASEMI, H. R., & REZAEI, K. (2018). Identification of erosion-prone areas using different multi-criteria decision-making techniques and GIS. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9(1), 1129–1155.
  • ARABAMERI, A., REZAEI, K., CERDÀ, A., CONOSCENTI, C., & KALANTARI, Z. (2019). A comparison of statistical methods and multi-criteria decision making to map flood hazard susceptibility in Northern Iran. Science of the Total Environment, 660, 443–458.
  • AWASTHI, A., GOVINDAN, K., & GOLD, S. (2018). Multi-tier sustainable global supplier selection using a fuzzy AHP-VIKOR based approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 106–117.
  • AZADI, M., JAFARIAN, M., SAEN, R. F., & MIRHEDAYATIAN, S. M. (2015). A new fuzzy DEA model for evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of suppliers in sustainable supply chain management context. Computers and Operations Research, 54, 274–285.
  • AZIMIFARD, A., MOOSAVIRAD, S. H., & ARIAFAR, S. (2018). Selecting sustainable supplier countries for Iran’s steel industry at three levels by using AHP and TOPSIS methods. Resources Policy, 57, 30–44.
  • BALKI, M. K., ERDOĞAN, S., AYDIN, S., & SAYIN, C. (2020). The optimization of engine operating parameters via SWARA and ARAS hybrid method in a small SI engine using alternative fuels. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120685.
  • BANAEIAN, N., MOBLI, H., FAHIMNIA, B., NIELSEN, I. E., & OMID, M. (2018). Green supplier selection using fuzzy group decision making methods: A case study from the agri-food industry. Computers & Operations Research, 89, 337–347.
  • BRANDON-JONES, E., SQUIRE, B., AUTRY, C. W., & PETERSEN, K. J. (2014). A Contingent Resource-Based Perspective of Supply Chain Resilience and Robustness. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(3), 55–73.
  • BUCKLEY, J. J. (1985). Fuzzy hierarchical analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 17(3), 233–247.
  • BÜYÜKÖZKAN, G., & GÖÇER, F. (2018). An extension of ARAS methodology under Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy environment for Digital Supply Chain. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 69, 634–654.
  • ÇALIK, A. (2018). Bulanık Çok-Amaçlı Doğrusal Programlama ve Aralık Tip-2 Bulanık AHP Yöntemi ile Yeşil Tedarikçi Seçimi. Içinde Selçuk Ün. Sos. Bil. Ens. Der (C. 0). Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • ÇALIK, A. (2020). A Comparative Perspective in Sustainable Supplier Selection by Integrated MCDM Techniques. Sigma: Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences/Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 38(2), 835–852.
  • ÇALIŞ BOYACI, A. (2020). Selection of eco-friendly cities in Turkey via a hybrid hesitant fuzzy decision making approach. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 89, 106090.
  • CHRISTOPHER, M., & PECK, H. (2004). Building the Resilient Supply Chain. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 15(2), 1–14.
  • DAVOUDABADI, R., MOUSAVI, S. M., & SHARIFI, E. (2020). An integrated weighting and ranking model based on entropy, DEA and PCA considering two aggregation approaches for resilient supplier selection problem. Journal of Computational Science, 40, 101074.
  • DENIZHAN, B., & YALÇINER, A. Y. (2017). Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses ve Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Proses Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Yeşil Tedarikçi Seçimi Uygulaması. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 63–78.
  • ECER, F. (2018a). An integrated fuzzy AHP and ARAS model to evaluate mobile banking services. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 670–695.
  • ECER, F. (2018b). Third-party logistics (3PLs) provider selection via fuzzy AHP and EDAS integrated model. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 615–634.
  • ERBAŞ, M., KABAK, M., ÖZCEYLAN, E., & ÇETINKAYA, C. (2018). Optimal siting of electric vehicle charging stations: A GIS-based fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Energy, 163, 1017–1031.
  • FATTAHI, R., & KHALILZADEH, M. (2018). Risk evaluation using a novel hybrid method based on FMEA, extended MULTIMOORA, and AHP methods under fuzzy environment. Safety Science, 102, 290–300.
  • FU, Y. K. (2019). An integrated approach to catering supplier selection using AHP-ARAS-MCGP methodology. Journal of Air Transport Management, 75, 164–169.
  • GAN, J., ZHONG, S., LIU, S., & YANG, D. (2019). Resilient Supplier Selection Based on Fuzzy BWM and GMo-RTOPSIS under Supply Chain Environment. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019, 2456260.
  • GHENAI, C., ALBAWAB, M., & BETTAYEB, M. (2020). Sustainability indicators for renewable energy systems using multi-criteria decision-making model and extended SWARA/ARAS hybrid method. Renewable Energy, 146, 580–597.
  • GHIMIRE, L. P., & KIM, Y. (2018). An analysis on barriers to renewable energy development in the context of Nepal using AHP. Renewable Energy, 129, 446–456.
  • GOVINDAN, K., & SIVAKUMAR, R. (2016). Green supplier selection and order allocation in a low-carbon paper industry: integrated multi-criteria heterogeneous decision-making and multi-objective linear programming approaches. Annals of Operations Research, 238(1), 243–276.
  • HALDAR, A., RAY, A., BANERJEE, D., & GHOSH, S. (2012). A hybrid MCDM model for resilient supplier selection. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 7(4), 284–292.
  • HOSSEINI, S., & KHALED, A. Al. (2019). A Hybrid Ensemble and AHP Approach for Resilient Supplier Selection. J. Intell. Manuf., 30(1), 207–228.
  • IGHRAVWE, D. E., & OKE, S. A. (2019). A multi-criteria decision-making framework for selecting a suitable maintenance strategy for public buildings using sustainability criteria. Journal of Building Engineering, 24, 100753.
  • ILBAHAR, E., KARAŞAN, A., CEBI, S., & KAHRAMAN, C. (2018). A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system. Safety Science, 103, 124–136.
  • IVANOV, D. (2018). New Drivers for Supply Chain Structural Dynamics and Resilience: Sustainability, Industry 4.0, Self-Adaptation BT - Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management. Içinde D. Ivanov (Ed.), Structural Dynamics and Resilience in Supply Chain Risk Management (ss. 293–313). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • JAIN, V., SANGAIAH, A. K., SAKHUJA, S., THODUKA, N., & AGGARWAL, R. (2018). Supplier selection using fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS: a case study in the Indian automotive industry. Neural Computing and Applications, 29(7), 555–564.
  • KABAK, M., ERBAŞ, M., ÇETINKAYA, C., & ÖZCEYLAN, E. (2018). A GIS-based MCDM approach for the evaluation of bike-share stations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 49–60.
  • KERŠULIENE, V., & TURSKIS, Z. (2011). Integrated fuzzy multiple criteria decision making model for architect selection. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 17(4), 645–666.
  • KPMG Türkiye. (2020). Covid-19’un Tedarik Zinciri Üzerindeki Etkilerini Yönetmek Için Olası Stratejik Hamleler. Tarihinde adresinden erişildi
  • KRAUSE, D. R., VACHON, S., & ROBERT D., K. (2009). Special Topic Forum on Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Introduction and Reflections on the Role of Purchasing Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(4), 18–25.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Çalık 0000-0002-6796-0052

Publication Date October 30, 2022
Acceptance Date March 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Çalık, A. (2022). Bulanık AHP-Bulanık ARAS Yöntemlerine Dayalı Dayanıklı Tedarikçi Seçimi. İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 275-296.

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