Analysis of the Validity of Purchasing Power Parity in E7 Countries Through Linear and Non-Linear Unit Root Tests
Year 2017,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 (ICEFM 2017 Özel Sayısı / Special Issue of ICEFM 2017), 33 - 46, 01.02.2018
Burak Güriş
Yaşar Serhat Yaşgül
Muhammed Tıraşoğlu
Purchasing Power Parity has been one of the most popular topics in
international economy and has been studied by many researchers for different
countries and country groups to date. The purpose of this study is to analyze
the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity in emerging seven countries (E7)
using relevant econometric methods. The Harvey and Leybourne (2007) and Harvey
et al. (2008) linearity tests have been used to investigate the linearity of
real exchange rate series. The validity of the Purchasing Power Parity was analyzed
using the Lee and Strazicich (2003) unit root test that allows for two
structural breaks for linear series. The Purchasing Power Parity for nonlinear
series was analyzed using the Sollis (2009) nonlinear unit root test. As a result of the analysis, purchasing
power parity is valid only for the model that allows for breaks in both the
level and trend in Brazil and India for linear series. Purchasing power parity
is valid only in the demeaned model for China. The findings
indicate that the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity is not accepted for
E7 countries in many cases.
- AKHTAR, Kalsoom, Mubeen MUJAHID, Muhammad A. ZUBERI, and Muhammad SHAZİB, “Purchasing Power Parity:Implacation with Respect to Pakistan and USA” Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 5(4), 2014, s.193-201.
- BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, Mohsen, Tsangyao CHANG, and Kuei-Chiu LEE, “Purchasing Power Parity in the BRICS and the MIST Countries: Sequential Panel Selection Method”. Review of Economics & Finance, Vol.4, 2014, s.1-12.
- BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, Mohsen, Tsangyao CHANG, Tsung-Hsien CHEN and Han-Wen TZENG, “Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity in Eastern European Countries: Quantile Unit Root Tests”, Empirical Economics, Vol.52(2), 2017, s.463-483.
- BOZOKLU, Şeref ve Veli YILANCI, “Reel Döviz Kurlarının Durağanlığı: E7 Ülkeleri İçin Ampirik Bir İncele” Maliye Dergisi, Vol.158, 2010, s.587-606.
- CERRATO, Mario and Nicholas SARANTİS, “Does Purchasing Power Parity Hold in Emerging Markets? Evidence from a Panel of Black Market Exchange Rates”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 12, 2007, s.427-444.
- CHANG, Hsu-Ling, Chi-Wei SU, Meng-Nan ZHU and Pei LIU, “Long-run Purchasing Power Parity and Asymetric Adjustment in BRICs”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.17, 2010, s.1083-1087.
- CHANG, Tsangyao, Chia-Hao LEE and Ken HUNG, “Can the PPP Stand on the BRICS? The ADL Test for Threshold Cointegration” Applied Economics Letters, Vol.19, 2012, s.1123-1127.
- CUESTAS, Juan Carlos and Paulo J. REGIS, “Purchasing Power Parity in OECD Countries: Nonlinear Unit Root Tests Revisited” Economic Modelling, Vol.32, 2013, s. 343-346.
- ÇAĞLAYAN, Ebru ve Nazan ŞAK, “OECD Ülkelerinde Satınalma Gücü Paritesi: Panel Eşbütünleşme Yaklaşımı”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, C:26 (1), 483-500.
- ÇEVİŞ, İsmail ve Reşat CEYLAN, “Kırılgan Beşlide Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi (SAGP) Hipotezinin Test Edilmesi”, Journal of Yasar University, Vol.10(37), 2015, s.6381-6477.
- GÜRİŞ, Burak and Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU, “The Validity of Purchasing Power Parity in the BRICS Countries”, Prague Economic Papers, 2017, DOI:, [Online] pep/654.
- GÜRİŞ, Burak, Yaşar Serhat YAŞGÜL and Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU, “An Empirical Investigation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for NORDIC Countries: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Unit Root Tests”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 10(1), 2016, s. 133.
- HARVEY, David I., and Stephen J. LEYBOURNE, “Testing for Time Series Linearity”, Econometrics Journal, Vol.10, 2007, s. 149-165.
HARVEY, David I., Stephen J. LEYBOURNE and Bin XIAO, “A Powerful Test for Linearity When the Order of Integration is Unknown”, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol.12 (3), 2008, (article 2).
- HOOI, Lean Hooi and Russell SMYTH, “Are Asian Real Exchange Rates Mean Reverting? Evidence from Univariate and Panel LM Unit Root Tests with One and Two Structural Breaks”, Applied Economics, Vol:39, 2007, s.2109-2120.
- KAPETANIOS, George, Yongcheol SHIN, and Andy SNELL, “Testing for a Unit Root in the Nonlinear STAR Framework”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol.112, 2003, s. 359-379.
- LEE, Junsoo and Mark C. STRAZICICH, “Minimum Lagrange Multiplier Unit Root Test with Structural Breaks” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.85(4), 2003, s.1082-1089.
- NUSAIR, Salah A. “Testing the Validty of Puchasing Power Parity for Asian countries During the Current Float”, Journal of Economic Development, Vol.28 (2), 2003, s.129-147.
- PENG, Hongfeng, Zhijie LIU, and Tsangyao CHANG, “Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity in BRICS Countries Using more Powerful Quantile Unit Root Tests with Stationary Covariates” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2016. s. 1-7.
- SCHWERT, G. William, “Tests for Unit Roots: A Monte Carlo Investigation”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol.7, 1989, s.147-160.
- SOLLIS, Robert, “A Simple Unit Root Test against Asymmetrical STAR Nonlinearity with an Application to Real Exchange Rates in Nordic Countries”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 26(1), 2009, s. 118–125.
- ŞENER, Sefer, Veli YILANCI ve Esra CANPOLAT, “Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi ve Varyasyonlarının Türkiye için Sınanması”, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, Vol.11(5), 2015, s.53-63.
- TIRAŞOĞLU, Burcu Yıldırım, “Yapısal Kırılmalı Birim Kök Testleri ile OECD Ülkelerinde Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi Geçerliliğinin Testi”, Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, Sayı.20, s.68-87.
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E7 Ülkelerinde Satınalma Gücü Paritesinin Geçerliliğinin Doğrusal ve Doğrusal Olmayan Birim Kök Testleri ile Analizi
Year 2017,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 (ICEFM 2017 Özel Sayısı / Special Issue of ICEFM 2017), 33 - 46, 01.02.2018
Burak Güriş
Yaşar Serhat Yaşgül
Muhammed Tıraşoğlu
ekonominin ilgi çeken konularından olan Satınalma Gücü Paritesi, farklı ülke ve
ülke grupları için birçok araştırmacı tarafından analiz edilmiştir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı, gelişen yedi ülkede (E7) Satınalma Gücü Paritesi’nin
geçerliliğinin uygun ekonometrik yöntemler ile analiz edilmesidir. Bu amaçla
öncelikle reel döviz kuru serilerinin doğrusal olup olmadığı Harvey ve
Leybourne (2007) ve Harvey vd. (2008) doğrusallık testleri ile incelenmiştir.
Doğrusal seriler için Satınalma Gücü Paritesi geçerliliği Lee ve Strazicich
(2003) iki yapısal kırılmaya izin veren birim kök testi ile analiz edilmiştir.
Doğrusal olmayan seriler için Satınalma Gücü Paritesi geçerliliği Sollis (2009)
doğrusal olmayan birim kök testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda,
doğrusal seriler için sadece Brezilya ve Hindistan’da sabitte ve trendde
kırılmaya izin veren modelde Satınalma Gücü Paritesi geçerlidir. Doğrusal
olmayan seriler için ise sadece Çin’de ortalamadan arındırılmış modelde
Satınalma Gücü Paritesi geçerlidir. Elde edilen bulgular birçok durumda E7
ülkelerinde Satınalma Gücü Paritesinin geçerliliğinin kabul edilmediğini göstermektedir.
- AKHTAR, Kalsoom, Mubeen MUJAHID, Muhammad A. ZUBERI, and Muhammad SHAZİB, “Purchasing Power Parity:Implacation with Respect to Pakistan and USA” Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 5(4), 2014, s.193-201.
- BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, Mohsen, Tsangyao CHANG, and Kuei-Chiu LEE, “Purchasing Power Parity in the BRICS and the MIST Countries: Sequential Panel Selection Method”. Review of Economics & Finance, Vol.4, 2014, s.1-12.
- BAHMANI-OSKOOEE, Mohsen, Tsangyao CHANG, Tsung-Hsien CHEN and Han-Wen TZENG, “Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity in Eastern European Countries: Quantile Unit Root Tests”, Empirical Economics, Vol.52(2), 2017, s.463-483.
- BOZOKLU, Şeref ve Veli YILANCI, “Reel Döviz Kurlarının Durağanlığı: E7 Ülkeleri İçin Ampirik Bir İncele” Maliye Dergisi, Vol.158, 2010, s.587-606.
- CERRATO, Mario and Nicholas SARANTİS, “Does Purchasing Power Parity Hold in Emerging Markets? Evidence from a Panel of Black Market Exchange Rates”, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 12, 2007, s.427-444.
- CHANG, Hsu-Ling, Chi-Wei SU, Meng-Nan ZHU and Pei LIU, “Long-run Purchasing Power Parity and Asymetric Adjustment in BRICs”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.17, 2010, s.1083-1087.
- CHANG, Tsangyao, Chia-Hao LEE and Ken HUNG, “Can the PPP Stand on the BRICS? The ADL Test for Threshold Cointegration” Applied Economics Letters, Vol.19, 2012, s.1123-1127.
- CUESTAS, Juan Carlos and Paulo J. REGIS, “Purchasing Power Parity in OECD Countries: Nonlinear Unit Root Tests Revisited” Economic Modelling, Vol.32, 2013, s. 343-346.
- ÇAĞLAYAN, Ebru ve Nazan ŞAK, “OECD Ülkelerinde Satınalma Gücü Paritesi: Panel Eşbütünleşme Yaklaşımı”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, C:26 (1), 483-500.
- ÇEVİŞ, İsmail ve Reşat CEYLAN, “Kırılgan Beşlide Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi (SAGP) Hipotezinin Test Edilmesi”, Journal of Yasar University, Vol.10(37), 2015, s.6381-6477.
- GÜRİŞ, Burak and Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU, “The Validity of Purchasing Power Parity in the BRICS Countries”, Prague Economic Papers, 2017, DOI:, [Online] pep/654.
- GÜRİŞ, Burak, Yaşar Serhat YAŞGÜL and Muhammed TIRAŞOĞLU, “An Empirical Investigation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for NORDIC Countries: Evidence from Linear and Nonlinear Unit Root Tests”, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 10(1), 2016, s. 133.
- HARVEY, David I., and Stephen J. LEYBOURNE, “Testing for Time Series Linearity”, Econometrics Journal, Vol.10, 2007, s. 149-165.
HARVEY, David I., Stephen J. LEYBOURNE and Bin XIAO, “A Powerful Test for Linearity When the Order of Integration is Unknown”, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol.12 (3), 2008, (article 2).
- HOOI, Lean Hooi and Russell SMYTH, “Are Asian Real Exchange Rates Mean Reverting? Evidence from Univariate and Panel LM Unit Root Tests with One and Two Structural Breaks”, Applied Economics, Vol:39, 2007, s.2109-2120.
- KAPETANIOS, George, Yongcheol SHIN, and Andy SNELL, “Testing for a Unit Root in the Nonlinear STAR Framework”, Journal of Econometrics, Vol.112, 2003, s. 359-379.
- LEE, Junsoo and Mark C. STRAZICICH, “Minimum Lagrange Multiplier Unit Root Test with Structural Breaks” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.85(4), 2003, s.1082-1089.
- NUSAIR, Salah A. “Testing the Validty of Puchasing Power Parity for Asian countries During the Current Float”, Journal of Economic Development, Vol.28 (2), 2003, s.129-147.
- PENG, Hongfeng, Zhijie LIU, and Tsangyao CHANG, “Revisiting Purchasing Power Parity in BRICS Countries Using more Powerful Quantile Unit Root Tests with Stationary Covariates” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2016. s. 1-7.
- SCHWERT, G. William, “Tests for Unit Roots: A Monte Carlo Investigation”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Vol.7, 1989, s.147-160.
- SOLLIS, Robert, “A Simple Unit Root Test against Asymmetrical STAR Nonlinearity with an Application to Real Exchange Rates in Nordic Countries”, Economic Modelling, Vol. 26(1), 2009, s. 118–125.
- ŞENER, Sefer, Veli YILANCI ve Esra CANPOLAT, “Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi ve Varyasyonlarının Türkiye için Sınanması”, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, Vol.11(5), 2015, s.53-63.
- TIRAŞOĞLU, Burcu Yıldırım, “Yapısal Kırılmalı Birim Kök Testleri ile OECD Ülkelerinde Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi Geçerliliğinin Testi”, Ekonometri ve İstatistik Dergisi, Sayı.20, s.68-87.
- TÜİK, “Satınalma Gücü Paritesi”, TÜİK Yayınları, Yayın No:3145, Ankara, 2008.