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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 178 - 192, 29.08.2020


In food industry, 3D printing gives the opportunity to fabricate a 3D food structure using layer-by-layer deposition of the food material that may not be possible using conventional food production techniques. 3D food printing technology has been used to develop foods with different shapes or textures. Also, different food materials can be printed in different layers for creating functional food with a complete nutritional balance. The novel and appealing textures with 3D printing are launched for elderly people having swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) or children and athletes who have different energy and nutrition requirements. Moreover, 3D food printing technology has a great potential to reduce food waste by making use of discarded food parts such as meat scraps, and damaged fruits and vegetables. However, there are some obstacles regarding the building of a 3D structure, as well as retaining the designed geometry in the post-deposition period. The composition and properties of food materials and processing parameters are effective on the characteristics of the final 3D printed foods. This review focuses on the recent developments on 3D food printing process according to different food categories, and pre or post processing parameters.


  • Liu, Z., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Wang, Y., “3D printing: Printing precision and application in food sector”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 69, 83-94, 2017.
  • Caporizzi, R., Derossi, A., and Severini, C., “Cereal-based and insect-enriched printable food: from formulation to postprocessing treatments. Status and perspectives”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 93-116, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • He, C., Zhang, M., and Fang, Z., “3D printing of food: pretreatment and post-treatment of materials”, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-14, 2019.
  • Prakash, S., Bhandari, B.R., Godoi, F.C., and Zhang, M., “Future outlook of 3D food printing”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 373-381, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • Godoi, F. C., Prakash, S., and Bhandari, B. R., “3d printing technologies applied for food design: Status and prospects”, Journal of Food Engineering, 179, 44-54, 2016.
  • Dankar, I., Haddarah, A., Omar, F.E., Sepulcre, F., and Pujolà, M., “3D printing technology: The new era for food customization and elaboration”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 75, 231-242, 2018.
  • IDDSI, “The international dysphagia diet standardisation initiative framework testing methods 2.0”, Access date: 18.05.2020, 2020.
  • Lipton, J. I., Cutler, M., Nigl, F., Cohen, D., and Lipson, H., “Additive manufacturing for the food industry”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 43(1), 114-123, 2015.
  • Godoi, F.C., Bhandari, B.R., Prakash, S., Zhang, M., “An introduction to the principles of 3D food printing”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 1-18, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • Le-Bail, A., Maniglia, B. C., and Le-Bail, P., “Recent advances and future perspective in additive manufacturing of foods based on 3D printing”, Current Opinion in Food Science, 35, 54-64, 2020.
  • Hamilton, C. A., Alici, G., and in het Panhuis, M., “3D printing Vegemite and Marmite: redefining “breadboards””, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 83-88, 2018.
  • Derossi, A., Caporizzi, R., Azzollini, D., and Severini, C., “Application of 3D printing for customized food. A case on the development of a fruit-based snack for children”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 65-75, 2018.
  • Lupton, D., Turner, B., “Both fascinating and disturbing: consumer responses to 3D food printing and implications for food activism”, In Schneider T, Eli K, Dolan C, Ulijaszek S, Digital food activism, Pages 151-168, Routledge, London, 2017.
  • Severini, C., Azzollini, D., Albenzio, M., and Derossi, A., “On printability, quality and nutritional properties of 3D printed cereal based snacks enriched with edible insects” Food Research International, 106, 666-676, 2018a.
  • Yang, F., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Liu, Y., “Investigation on lemon juice gel as food material for 3D printing and optimization of printing parameters”, LWT, 87, 67-76, 2018.
  • Wang, L., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., Yang, C., “Investigation on fish surimi gel as promising food material for 3D printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 101-108, 2018.
  • Liu, Z., Chen, H., Zheng, B., Xie, F., and Chen, L., “Understanding the structure and rheological properties of potato starch induced by hot-extrusion 3D printing”, Food Hydrocolloids, 105812, 2020d.
  • Ricci, I., Derossi, A., Severini, C., “3D Printed Food From Fruits and Vegetables”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 117-149, Academic Press, London, 2019.
  • Lipton, J., Arnold, D., Nigl, F., Lopez, N., Cohen, D.L., Norén, N., and Lipson, H., “Multi-material food printing with complex internal structure suitable for conventional post-processing”, 21st Solid freeform fabrication symposium, 809-815, Austin, 2010.
  • Van der Linden, D., “3D Food printing Creating shapes and textures”,, Access date: 23.05.2020, 2015.
  • Zhang, L., Lou, Y., and Schutyser, M.A., “3D printing of cereal-based food structures containing probiotics”, Food Structure, 18, 14-22, 2018.
  • Pulatsu, E., Su, J. W., Lin, J., and Lin, M., “Factors affecting 3D printing and post-processing capacity of cookie dough”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 61, 102316, 2020.
  • Liu, Y., Tang, T., Duan, S., Qin, Z., Zhao, H., Wang, M., ... and Wu, D., “Applicability of rice doughs as promising food materials in extrusion-based 3D printing”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 13(3), 548-563, 2020c.
  • Alonso, R., Aguirre, A., and Marzo, F., “Effects of extrusion and traditional processing methods on antinutrients and in vitro digestibility of protein and starch in faba and kidney beans”, Food Chemistry, 68, 159–165, 2000.
  • USDA, “All about the fruit group”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020a.
  • USDA, “All about the vegetable group”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020b.
  • WHO, “Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption around the World”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020.
  • Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P., “Food Chemistry”, Pages 1-2, Springer Berlin, 2009.
  • Severini, C., Derossi, A., Ricci, I., Caporizzi, R., and Fiore, A., “Printing a blend of fruit and vegetables. New advances on critical variables and shelf life of 3D edible objects”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 89e100, 2018b.
  • Azam, S.R., Zhang, M., Mujumdar, A.S., and Yang, C., “Study on 3D printing of orange concentrate and material characteristics”, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(5), e12689, 2018.
  • Mantihal, S., Prakash, S., Godoi, F.C., and Bhandari, B., “Optimization of chocolate 3D printing by correlating thermal and flow properties with 3D structure modeling”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 44, 21-29, 2017.
  • Lanaro, M., Forrestal, D.P., Scheurer, S., Slinger, D.J., Liao, S., Powell, S.K., and Woodruff, M.A., “3D printing complex chocolate objects: Platform design, optimization and evaluation”, Journal of Food Engineering, 215, 13-22, 2017.
  • Karyappa, R., and Hashimoto, M. “Chocolate-based ink three-dimensional printing (Ci3DP)”, Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-11, 2019.
  • Karavasili, C., Gkaragkounis, A., Moschakis, T., Ritzoulis, C., and Fatouros, D.G., “Paediatric-friendly chocolate-based dosage forms for the oral administration of both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs fabricated with extrusion-based 3D printing”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105291, 2020.
  • Xu, L., Gu, L., Su, Y., Chang, C., Wang, J., Dong, S., ... and Li, J., “Impact of thermal treatment on the rheological, microstructural, protein structures and extrusion 3D printing characteristics of egg yolk”, Food Hydrocolloids, 100, 105399, 2020.
  • Liu, L., Meng, Y., Dai, X., Chen, K., and Zhu, Y., “3D printing complex egg white protein objects: Properties and optimization”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12(2), 267-279, 2019a.
  • Liu, Y., Yu, Y., Liu, C., Regenstein, J.M., Liu, X., and Zhou, P., “Rheological and mechanical behavior of milk protein composite gel for extrusion-based 3D food printing”, LWT, 102, 338-346, 2019b.
  • Zhou, Q., Wang, M., Li, H., Wang, S., Sun, W., Chen, X., ... and Ruan, Z., “Application of Maillard reaction product of xylose–pea protein enzymatic hydrolysate in 3D printing”, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(7), 2982-2990, 2020.
  • Chuanxing, F., Qi, W., Hui, L., Quancheng, Z., and Wang, M., “Effects of pea protein on the properties of potato starch-based 3D printing materials” International Journal of Food Engineering, 14(3), 20170297, 2018.
  • Chen, J., Mu, T., Goffin, D., Blecker, C., Richard, G., Richel, A., and Haubruge, E., “Application of soy protein isolate and hydrocolloids based mixtures as promising food material in 3D food printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 261, 76-86, 2019.
  • Huang, M.S., Zhang, M., and Guo, C.F., “3D printability of brown rice gel modified by some food hydrocolloids”, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e14502, 2020.
  • Rumpold, B.A. and Schlüter, O.K., “Nutritional composition and safety aspects of edible insects”, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 57(5), 802-823, 2013.
  • Soares, S., and Forkes, A. , “Insects Au Gratin - An investigation into the experiences of developing a 3d printer that uses insect protein based flour as a building medium for the production of sustainable food”, 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Pages 426-431, The Netherlands, 2014.
  • Kouzani, A.Z., Adams, S., Whyte, D.J., Oliver, R., Hemsley, B., Palmer, S., and Balandin, S., “3D printing of food for people with swallowing difficulties”, DesTech 2016: International Conference on Design and Technology, Pages 23-29, Geelong, 2017.
  • Dick, A., Bhandari, B., Dong, X., and Prakash, S., “Feasibility study of hydrocolloid incorporated 3D printed pork as dysphagia food”, Food Hydrocolloids, 105940, 2020.
  • Zhao, H., Wang, J., Ren, X., Li, J., Yang, Y.L., and Jin, X., “Personalized food printing for portrait images”, Computers & Graphics, 70, 188-19, 2018.
  • Voon, S.L., An, J., Wong, G., Zhang, Y., and Chua, C.K., “3D food printing: a categorised review of inks and their development”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 14(3), 203-218, 2019.
  • Dick, A., Bhandari, B., and Prakash, S., “Post-processing feasibility of composite-layer 3D printed beef”, Meat Science, 153, 9-18, 2019.
  • Yang, F., Zhang, M., and Bhandari, B., “Recent development in 3D food printing” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(14), 3145-3153, 2017.
  • Kim, H.W., Lee, I.J., Park, S.M., Lee, J.H., Nguyen, M.H., and Park, H.J., “Effect of hydrocolloid addition on dimensional stability in post-processing of 3D printable cookie dough” LWT, 101, 69-7, 2019.
  • Kim, H.W., Lee, J.H., Park, S.M., Lee, M.H., Lee, I.W., Doh, H.S., and Park, H.J. “Effect of hydrocolloids on rheological properties and printability of vegetable inks for 3D food printing”. Journal of Food Science, 83(12), 2923-2932, 2018.
  • Kim, H. W., Bae, H., and Park, H.J., “Classification of the printability of selected food for 3D printing: Development of an assessment method using hydrocolloids as reference material”, Journal of Food Engineering, 215, 23-32, 2017.
  • Liu, L., Yang, X., Bhandari, B., Meng, Y., and Prakash, S., “Optimization of the formulation and properties of 3D-printed complex egg white protein objects”, Foods, 9(2), 164, 2020a.
  • Feng, C., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Ye, Y., “Use of potato processing by-product: Effects on the 3D printing characteristics of the yam and the texture of air-fried yam snacks”, LWT, 125, 109265, 2020.
  • Holland, S., Foster, T., MacNaughtan, W., and Tuck, C., “Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 12-19, 2018.
  • Le Tohic, C., O'Sullivan, J.J., Drapala, K.P., Chartrin, V., Chan, T., Morrison, A.P., ... & Kelly, A.L., “Effect of 3D printing on the structure and textural properties of processed cheese”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 56-64, 2018.
  • Rapisarda, M., Valenti, G., Carbone, D.C., Rizzarelli, P., Recca, G., La Carta, S., ... and Fincchiaro, S., “Strength, fracture and compression properties of gelatins by a new 3D printed tool”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 38-48, 2018.
  • Liu, Y., Tang, T., Duan, S., Li, C., Zhang, Z., Liu, A., ... and He, J., “Effects of sodium alginate and rice variety on the physicochemical characteristics and 3D printing feasibility of rice paste”, LWT, 109360, 2020b.
  • Kouzani, A.Z., Adams, S., Oliver, R., Nguwi, Y.Y., Hemsley, B., and Balandin, S., “3D printing of a pavlova”, 2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Pages 2281-2285, Marina Bay Sands, 2016.
  • Yang, F., Zhang, M., and Liu, Y., “Effect of post-treatment microwave vacuum drying on the quality of 3D-printed mango juice gel”, Drying Technology, 37(14), 1757-1765, 2019.
  • McClements, D.J., “Future foods: how modern science is transforming the way we eat” Pages 27-60, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2019.
  • Lin, Y., Punpongsanon, P., Wen, X., Iwai, D., Sato, K., Obrist, M. and Muller, S., “FoodFab: creating food perception illusions using food 3D printing”, 2020 CHI Conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’20), Pages 1-13, New York, 2020.


Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 178 - 192, 29.08.2020


Gıda endüstrisinde 3B baskı, gıda maddesinin katman katman birikimini kullanarak geleneksel gıda üretim teknikleri kullanılarak mümkün olamayabilecek bir 3B gıda yapısı üretme fırsatı verir. 3B gıda baskı teknolojisi farklı şekil ve dokulara sahip gıdalar geliştirmek için kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca, farklı gıda maddeleri farklı katmanlarda basılabilerek tam bir beslenme dengesi oluşturmak için fonksiyonel gıdalar üretilebilmektedir. 3B gıda basımı ile yutma güçlüğü çeken (disfaji hastası) yaşlılar veya farklı enerji ve beslenme gereksinimleri olan çocuklar ve sporcular için yeni ve ilgi çekici dokuya sahip gıdalar üretilebilmektedir. Ayrıca, 3B gıda baskı teknolojisi, et artıkları, hasar görmüş meyve ve sebzeler gibi atığa ayrılan gıda parçalarını kullanımıyla gıda atıklarını azaltmak için büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, 3B yapının inşasında ve baskı sonrası dönemde tasarlanan geometrik şeklin korunmasında bazı güçlükler vardır. Gıda maddelerinin bileşimi, özellikleri ve işleme parametreleri nihai 3B baskı yapılan gıdaların özellikleri üzerinde etkilidir. Bu derleme, 3B gıda baskı sürecindeki son gelişmelere farklı gıda kategorilerine göre ve işleme öncesi veya sonrası parametrelerine odaklanmaktadır.


  • Liu, Z., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Wang, Y., “3D printing: Printing precision and application in food sector”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 69, 83-94, 2017.
  • Caporizzi, R., Derossi, A., and Severini, C., “Cereal-based and insect-enriched printable food: from formulation to postprocessing treatments. Status and perspectives”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 93-116, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • He, C., Zhang, M., and Fang, Z., “3D printing of food: pretreatment and post-treatment of materials”, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-14, 2019.
  • Prakash, S., Bhandari, B.R., Godoi, F.C., and Zhang, M., “Future outlook of 3D food printing”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 373-381, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • Godoi, F. C., Prakash, S., and Bhandari, B. R., “3d printing technologies applied for food design: Status and prospects”, Journal of Food Engineering, 179, 44-54, 2016.
  • Dankar, I., Haddarah, A., Omar, F.E., Sepulcre, F., and Pujolà, M., “3D printing technology: The new era for food customization and elaboration”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 75, 231-242, 2018.
  • IDDSI, “The international dysphagia diet standardisation initiative framework testing methods 2.0”, Access date: 18.05.2020, 2020.
  • Lipton, J. I., Cutler, M., Nigl, F., Cohen, D., and Lipson, H., “Additive manufacturing for the food industry”, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 43(1), 114-123, 2015.
  • Godoi, F.C., Bhandari, B.R., Prakash, S., Zhang, M., “An introduction to the principles of 3D food printing”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 1-18, Academic Press. London, 2019.
  • Le-Bail, A., Maniglia, B. C., and Le-Bail, P., “Recent advances and future perspective in additive manufacturing of foods based on 3D printing”, Current Opinion in Food Science, 35, 54-64, 2020.
  • Hamilton, C. A., Alici, G., and in het Panhuis, M., “3D printing Vegemite and Marmite: redefining “breadboards””, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 83-88, 2018.
  • Derossi, A., Caporizzi, R., Azzollini, D., and Severini, C., “Application of 3D printing for customized food. A case on the development of a fruit-based snack for children”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 65-75, 2018.
  • Lupton, D., Turner, B., “Both fascinating and disturbing: consumer responses to 3D food printing and implications for food activism”, In Schneider T, Eli K, Dolan C, Ulijaszek S, Digital food activism, Pages 151-168, Routledge, London, 2017.
  • Severini, C., Azzollini, D., Albenzio, M., and Derossi, A., “On printability, quality and nutritional properties of 3D printed cereal based snacks enriched with edible insects” Food Research International, 106, 666-676, 2018a.
  • Yang, F., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Liu, Y., “Investigation on lemon juice gel as food material for 3D printing and optimization of printing parameters”, LWT, 87, 67-76, 2018.
  • Wang, L., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., Yang, C., “Investigation on fish surimi gel as promising food material for 3D printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 101-108, 2018.
  • Liu, Z., Chen, H., Zheng, B., Xie, F., and Chen, L., “Understanding the structure and rheological properties of potato starch induced by hot-extrusion 3D printing”, Food Hydrocolloids, 105812, 2020d.
  • Ricci, I., Derossi, A., Severini, C., “3D Printed Food From Fruits and Vegetables”, In Fernanda C, Godoi BR, Prakash BS, Zhang M editors, Fundamentals of 3D food printing and applications, Pages 117-149, Academic Press, London, 2019.
  • Lipton, J., Arnold, D., Nigl, F., Lopez, N., Cohen, D.L., Norén, N., and Lipson, H., “Multi-material food printing with complex internal structure suitable for conventional post-processing”, 21st Solid freeform fabrication symposium, 809-815, Austin, 2010.
  • Van der Linden, D., “3D Food printing Creating shapes and textures”,, Access date: 23.05.2020, 2015.
  • Zhang, L., Lou, Y., and Schutyser, M.A., “3D printing of cereal-based food structures containing probiotics”, Food Structure, 18, 14-22, 2018.
  • Pulatsu, E., Su, J. W., Lin, J., and Lin, M., “Factors affecting 3D printing and post-processing capacity of cookie dough”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 61, 102316, 2020.
  • Liu, Y., Tang, T., Duan, S., Qin, Z., Zhao, H., Wang, M., ... and Wu, D., “Applicability of rice doughs as promising food materials in extrusion-based 3D printing”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 13(3), 548-563, 2020c.
  • Alonso, R., Aguirre, A., and Marzo, F., “Effects of extrusion and traditional processing methods on antinutrients and in vitro digestibility of protein and starch in faba and kidney beans”, Food Chemistry, 68, 159–165, 2000.
  • USDA, “All about the fruit group”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020a.
  • USDA, “All about the vegetable group”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020b.
  • WHO, “Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption around the World”,, Access date: 04.05.2020, 2020.
  • Belitz, H.D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P., “Food Chemistry”, Pages 1-2, Springer Berlin, 2009.
  • Severini, C., Derossi, A., Ricci, I., Caporizzi, R., and Fiore, A., “Printing a blend of fruit and vegetables. New advances on critical variables and shelf life of 3D edible objects”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 89e100, 2018b.
  • Azam, S.R., Zhang, M., Mujumdar, A.S., and Yang, C., “Study on 3D printing of orange concentrate and material characteristics”, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 41(5), e12689, 2018.
  • Mantihal, S., Prakash, S., Godoi, F.C., and Bhandari, B., “Optimization of chocolate 3D printing by correlating thermal and flow properties with 3D structure modeling”, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 44, 21-29, 2017.
  • Lanaro, M., Forrestal, D.P., Scheurer, S., Slinger, D.J., Liao, S., Powell, S.K., and Woodruff, M.A., “3D printing complex chocolate objects: Platform design, optimization and evaluation”, Journal of Food Engineering, 215, 13-22, 2017.
  • Karyappa, R., and Hashimoto, M. “Chocolate-based ink three-dimensional printing (Ci3DP)”, Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-11, 2019.
  • Karavasili, C., Gkaragkounis, A., Moschakis, T., Ritzoulis, C., and Fatouros, D.G., “Paediatric-friendly chocolate-based dosage forms for the oral administration of both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs fabricated with extrusion-based 3D printing”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 105291, 2020.
  • Xu, L., Gu, L., Su, Y., Chang, C., Wang, J., Dong, S., ... and Li, J., “Impact of thermal treatment on the rheological, microstructural, protein structures and extrusion 3D printing characteristics of egg yolk”, Food Hydrocolloids, 100, 105399, 2020.
  • Liu, L., Meng, Y., Dai, X., Chen, K., and Zhu, Y., “3D printing complex egg white protein objects: Properties and optimization”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12(2), 267-279, 2019a.
  • Liu, Y., Yu, Y., Liu, C., Regenstein, J.M., Liu, X., and Zhou, P., “Rheological and mechanical behavior of milk protein composite gel for extrusion-based 3D food printing”, LWT, 102, 338-346, 2019b.
  • Zhou, Q., Wang, M., Li, H., Wang, S., Sun, W., Chen, X., ... and Ruan, Z., “Application of Maillard reaction product of xylose–pea protein enzymatic hydrolysate in 3D printing”, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(7), 2982-2990, 2020.
  • Chuanxing, F., Qi, W., Hui, L., Quancheng, Z., and Wang, M., “Effects of pea protein on the properties of potato starch-based 3D printing materials” International Journal of Food Engineering, 14(3), 20170297, 2018.
  • Chen, J., Mu, T., Goffin, D., Blecker, C., Richard, G., Richel, A., and Haubruge, E., “Application of soy protein isolate and hydrocolloids based mixtures as promising food material in 3D food printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 261, 76-86, 2019.
  • Huang, M.S., Zhang, M., and Guo, C.F., “3D printability of brown rice gel modified by some food hydrocolloids”, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, e14502, 2020.
  • Rumpold, B.A. and Schlüter, O.K., “Nutritional composition and safety aspects of edible insects”, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 57(5), 802-823, 2013.
  • Soares, S., and Forkes, A. , “Insects Au Gratin - An investigation into the experiences of developing a 3d printer that uses insect protein based flour as a building medium for the production of sustainable food”, 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Pages 426-431, The Netherlands, 2014.
  • Kouzani, A.Z., Adams, S., Whyte, D.J., Oliver, R., Hemsley, B., Palmer, S., and Balandin, S., “3D printing of food for people with swallowing difficulties”, DesTech 2016: International Conference on Design and Technology, Pages 23-29, Geelong, 2017.
  • Dick, A., Bhandari, B., Dong, X., and Prakash, S., “Feasibility study of hydrocolloid incorporated 3D printed pork as dysphagia food”, Food Hydrocolloids, 105940, 2020.
  • Zhao, H., Wang, J., Ren, X., Li, J., Yang, Y.L., and Jin, X., “Personalized food printing for portrait images”, Computers & Graphics, 70, 188-19, 2018.
  • Voon, S.L., An, J., Wong, G., Zhang, Y., and Chua, C.K., “3D food printing: a categorised review of inks and their development”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 14(3), 203-218, 2019.
  • Dick, A., Bhandari, B., and Prakash, S., “Post-processing feasibility of composite-layer 3D printed beef”, Meat Science, 153, 9-18, 2019.
  • Yang, F., Zhang, M., and Bhandari, B., “Recent development in 3D food printing” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57(14), 3145-3153, 2017.
  • Kim, H.W., Lee, I.J., Park, S.M., Lee, J.H., Nguyen, M.H., and Park, H.J., “Effect of hydrocolloid addition on dimensional stability in post-processing of 3D printable cookie dough” LWT, 101, 69-7, 2019.
  • Kim, H.W., Lee, J.H., Park, S.M., Lee, M.H., Lee, I.W., Doh, H.S., and Park, H.J. “Effect of hydrocolloids on rheological properties and printability of vegetable inks for 3D food printing”. Journal of Food Science, 83(12), 2923-2932, 2018.
  • Kim, H. W., Bae, H., and Park, H.J., “Classification of the printability of selected food for 3D printing: Development of an assessment method using hydrocolloids as reference material”, Journal of Food Engineering, 215, 23-32, 2017.
  • Liu, L., Yang, X., Bhandari, B., Meng, Y., and Prakash, S., “Optimization of the formulation and properties of 3D-printed complex egg white protein objects”, Foods, 9(2), 164, 2020a.
  • Feng, C., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B., and Ye, Y., “Use of potato processing by-product: Effects on the 3D printing characteristics of the yam and the texture of air-fried yam snacks”, LWT, 125, 109265, 2020.
  • Holland, S., Foster, T., MacNaughtan, W., and Tuck, C., “Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 12-19, 2018.
  • Le Tohic, C., O'Sullivan, J.J., Drapala, K.P., Chartrin, V., Chan, T., Morrison, A.P., ... & Kelly, A.L., “Effect of 3D printing on the structure and textural properties of processed cheese”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 56-64, 2018.
  • Rapisarda, M., Valenti, G., Carbone, D.C., Rizzarelli, P., Recca, G., La Carta, S., ... and Fincchiaro, S., “Strength, fracture and compression properties of gelatins by a new 3D printed tool”, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 38-48, 2018.
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Articles

Hülya Çakmak 0000-0002-4936-939X

Cansu Ekin Gümüş This is me 0000-0003-3137-5617

Publication Date August 29, 2020
Submission Date June 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Çakmak, H., & Gümüş, C. E. (2020). 3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 4(2), 178-192.
AMA Çakmak H, Gümüş CE. 3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW. IJ3DPTDI. August 2020;4(2):178-192. doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.746389
Chicago Çakmak, Hülya, and Cansu Ekin Gümüş. “3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4, no. 2 (August 2020): 178-92.
EndNote Çakmak H, Gümüş CE (August 1, 2020) 3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4 2 178–192.
IEEE H. Çakmak and C. E. Gümüş, “3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW”, IJ3DPTDI, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 178–192, 2020, doi: 10.46519/ij3dptdi.746389.
ISNAD Çakmak, Hülya - Gümüş, Cansu Ekin. “3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 4/2 (August 2020), 178-192.
MLA Çakmak, Hülya and Cansu Ekin Gümüş. “3D FOOD PRINTING WITH IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES: A REVIEW”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, vol. 4, no. 2, 2020, pp. 178-92, doi:10.46519/ij3dptdi.746389.


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