Research Article
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Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 69 - 76, 25.03.2025


The power produced by the combustion of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines is transferred to the powertrain, and this generated power causes carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter emissions. Systems that do not cause CO2 and other harmful emissions or cause less emissions are a strong alternative. In this context, methanol and natural gas are added to the engine to reduce emissions. In this study, engine performance and emissions were examined using three fuel mixtures. A two-cylinder gasoline engine was run using M20 fuel and natural gas was added at different rates from the engine manifold. The engine was operated at a constant 3000 rpm and using 6 different fuels (gasoline, M20, M20+50 g natural gas, M20+100 g natural gas, M20+150 g natural gas, M20+200 g natural gas), at different torque values (5, 10, 15 and 20 Nm) engine performance and emission values were compared. When fuel consumption is compared to gasoline fuel, the overall cycle average is 6% higher in M20, 3% higher in M20+50 and M20+100, 1% higher in M20+150 and 6% higher in M20+200, and emissions are reduced compared to gasoline in other fuels.


  • Schafer, A., Heywood, JB., Weiss, MA., Future fuel cell and internal combustion engine automobile technologies: a 25-year life cycle and fleet impact assessment, Energy, 31(12):2064-2087, 2006.
  • Oh, S., Park, C., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Choi,Y., Kim, C., Natural gaseammonia dual-fuel combustion in spark-ignited engine with various airefuel ratios and split ratios of ammonia under part load condition, Fuel, 290:120095, 2021.
  • Xie, Y., Li, Y., Zhao, Z., Dong, H., Wang, S., Liu, J., Microsimulation of electric vehicle energy consumption and driving range, Applied Energy, 267: 115081, 2020.
  • Zhang, B., Carlson, RB., Smart, JG., Dufek, EJ., Liaw, B., Challenges of future high power wireless power transfer for light-duty electric vehicles technology and risk management, eTransportation, 2:100012, 2019.
  • Inci, M., Büyük, M., Demir, MH., Ilbey, G., A review and research on fuel cell electric vehicles: topologies, power electronic converters, energy management methods, technical challenges, marketing and future aspects, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137:110648, 2021.
  • Zhuang, W., Li, S., Zhang, X., Kum, D., Song, Z., Yin, G., A survey of powertrain configuration studies on hybrid electric vehicles, Applied Energy, 262:114553, 2020.
  • Li, Y., Wang, S., Duan, X., Liu, S., Liu, J., Hu, S., Multi-objective energy management for Atkinson cycle engine and series hybrid electric vehicle based on evolutionary NSGA-II algorithm using digital twins, Energy Conversion and Managment, 230: 113788, 2021.
  • Chen, Z., He, J., Chen, H., Wang, L., Geng, L., Experimental study of the effects of spark timing and water injection on combustion and emissions of a heavyduty natural gas engine, Fuel, 276:118025, 2020.
  • Zhang, S., Li, Y., Wang, S., Zeng, H., Liu, J., Duan, X., et al. Experimental and numerical study the effect of EGR strategies on in-cylinder flow, combustion and emissions characteristics in a heavy-duty higher CR lean-burn NGSI engine coupled with detail combustion mechanism, Fuel, 276:118082, 2020.
  • Chen, Z., Chen, H., Geng, L., Influence of water port injection on cycle-to-cycle variations in heavy-duty natural gas engine under low load, Fuel, 280:118678, 2020.
  • Chen, H., He, J., Zhong, X., Engine combustion and emission fuelled with natural gas: a review, Journal of the Energy Institute, 92(4):1123-1136, 2019.
  • Cho, HM., He, B-Q., Spark ignition natural gas enginesda review, Energy Conversion and Managment, 48(2):608-618, 2007.
  • Wang, J., Huang, Z., Tang, C., Zheng, J., Effect of hydrogen addition on early flame growth of lean burn natural gaseair mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(13):7246-7252, 2010.
  • Wang, J., Huang, Z., Zheng, J., Miao, H., Effect of partially premixed and hydrogen addition on natural gas direct-injection lean combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(22):9239-9247, 2009.
  • Gong, C., Li, Z., Sun, J., Liu, F., Evaluation on combustion and lean-burn limitof a medium compression ratio hydrogen/methanol dual-injection spark-ignition engine under methanol late-injection, Applied Energy, 277:115622, 2020.
  • Veloo, PS., Wang, YL., Egolfopoulos, FN., Westbrook, CK., A comparative experimental and computational study of methanol, ethanol, and n-butanol flame, Combustion and Flame, 157(10):1989-2004, 2010.
  • Gong, C., Yi, L., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Liu, F., Assessment of ultra-lean burn characteristics for a stratified-charge direct-injection spark-ignition methanol engine under different high compression ratios, Applied Energy, 261:114478, 2020.
  • Gong, C., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Chen, Y., Liu, F., Computational study of nozzle spray-line distribution effects on stratified mixture formation, combustion and emissions of a high compression ratio DISI methanol engine under lean-burn condition, Energy, 205:118080, 2020.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., Investigation of the effect of boron additive to lubricating oil on engine performance, exhaust, and emissions, Fuel, 312, 122931, 2022.
  • Verhels,t S., Turner, JWG., Sileghem, L., Vancoillie, J., Methanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 70:43-88, 2019.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., Energy and exergy analysis with emissions evaluation of a gasoline engine using different fuels, 2023, 345, 128189, Fuel.
  • Chen, Z., Wang, L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Yang, B., Zeng, K., Effects of spark timing and methanol addition on combustion characteristics and emissions of dual-fuel engine fuelled with natural gas and methanol under lean-burn condition, Energy Conversion and Managment,181:519-527, 2019.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., The effect of boron-doped addition to spark ignition engine oil on engine emission, performance and lubricating oil properties, 2022, 324, 124783, Fuel.
  • Dumanlı, A.T., Çeper, B.A., Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Experimental Investigation of Energy Analysis of Methanol-Gasoline Mixtures at Different Torque Values Energy, Enviroment and Storage, 15-20, 2024.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Çeper, B.A., Investigation of The Effect of Adding Natural Gas to A Gasoline Engine On Engine Performance and Emissions Energy, Enviroment and Storage, 116-120, 2024.
  • Chen, Z., Wang, L., Yuan, X., Duan, Q., Yang, B., Zeng, K., Experimental investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of spark-ignition dual-fuel engine fueled with methanol/natural gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 150:164-174, 2019.
  • Wang, L., Chen, Z., Zhang, T., Zeng, K., Effect of excess air/fuel ratio and methanol addition on the performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of a natural gas/methanol dual-fuel engine, Fuel, 255:115799, 2019.
  • Singh, E., Morganti, K., Dibble, R., Dual-fuel operation of gasoline and natural gas in a turbocharged engine, Fuel, 237:694-706, 2019.
  • Pan. J., Li, N,, Wei, H., Hua, J., Shu, G., Experimental investigations on combustion acceleration behavior of methane/gasoline under partial load conditions of SI engines, Applied Thermal Engineering, 139:432-44, 2018.
  • Yin, X., Yan, Y., Ren, X., Yu, L., Duan, H., Hu, E., Zeng, K., Effects of methanol energy substitution ratio and diesel injection timing on a methanol/diesel dual-fuel direct injection engine, Fuel, Volume 382, Part B, 15 February, 133773, 2025.
  • Simio, L., D., Iannaccone, S., Guido, C., Napolitano, P., Maiello, A., Natural Gas/Hydrogen blends for heavy-duty spark ignition engines: Performance and emissions analysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 50, Part B, 2 January, Pages 743-757, 2024.
  • Balki, M.K., Sayin, C., Canakci, M., The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine, Fuel, 145, 2012.
  • Bayındır, H., Yücesu, H.S., Effects of ethanol-gasoline mixtures and intake manifold filler temperature on engine performance and exhaust emissions, 6th International Combustion Symposium, 19-21 July, Istanbul, Türkiye, p.395-408, 1999.
  • Salman, M.S., Sümer, M., Effect of using ethanol and ethanol-gasoline mixture on engine performance in spark ignition engines, Journal of Polytechnic, 2(2), 27-35 1999.
  • Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Xyradakis, P., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Ethanol and Methanol Gasoline Blended Fuels, Alternative Fuel, Manzanera, M. Editor.; Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, p.155-174, 2011.

Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions

Year 2025, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 69 - 76, 25.03.2025


The power produced by the combustion of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines is transferred to the powertrain, and this generated power causes carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter emissions. Systems that do not cause CO2 and other harmful emissions or cause less emissions are a strong alternative. In this context, methanol and natural gas are added to the engine to reduce emissions. In this study, engine performance and emissions were examined using three fuel mixtures. A two-cylinder gasoline engine was run using M20 fuel and natural gas was added at different rates from the engine manifold. The engine was operated at a constant 3000 rpm and using 6 different fuels (gasoline, M20, M20+50 g natural gas, M20+100 g natural gas, M20+150 g natural gas, M20+200 g natural gas), at different torque values (5, 10, 15 and 20 Nm) engine performance and emission values were compared. When fuel consumption is compared to gasoline fuel, the overall cycle average is 6% higher in M20, 3% higher in M20+50 and M20+100, 1% higher in M20+150 and 6% higher in M20+200, and emissions are reduced compared to gasoline in other fuels.


  • Schafer, A., Heywood, JB., Weiss, MA., Future fuel cell and internal combustion engine automobile technologies: a 25-year life cycle and fleet impact assessment, Energy, 31(12):2064-2087, 2006.
  • Oh, S., Park, C., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Choi,Y., Kim, C., Natural gaseammonia dual-fuel combustion in spark-ignited engine with various airefuel ratios and split ratios of ammonia under part load condition, Fuel, 290:120095, 2021.
  • Xie, Y., Li, Y., Zhao, Z., Dong, H., Wang, S., Liu, J., Microsimulation of electric vehicle energy consumption and driving range, Applied Energy, 267: 115081, 2020.
  • Zhang, B., Carlson, RB., Smart, JG., Dufek, EJ., Liaw, B., Challenges of future high power wireless power transfer for light-duty electric vehicles technology and risk management, eTransportation, 2:100012, 2019.
  • Inci, M., Büyük, M., Demir, MH., Ilbey, G., A review and research on fuel cell electric vehicles: topologies, power electronic converters, energy management methods, technical challenges, marketing and future aspects, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137:110648, 2021.
  • Zhuang, W., Li, S., Zhang, X., Kum, D., Song, Z., Yin, G., A survey of powertrain configuration studies on hybrid electric vehicles, Applied Energy, 262:114553, 2020.
  • Li, Y., Wang, S., Duan, X., Liu, S., Liu, J., Hu, S., Multi-objective energy management for Atkinson cycle engine and series hybrid electric vehicle based on evolutionary NSGA-II algorithm using digital twins, Energy Conversion and Managment, 230: 113788, 2021.
  • Chen, Z., He, J., Chen, H., Wang, L., Geng, L., Experimental study of the effects of spark timing and water injection on combustion and emissions of a heavyduty natural gas engine, Fuel, 276:118025, 2020.
  • Zhang, S., Li, Y., Wang, S., Zeng, H., Liu, J., Duan, X., et al. Experimental and numerical study the effect of EGR strategies on in-cylinder flow, combustion and emissions characteristics in a heavy-duty higher CR lean-burn NGSI engine coupled with detail combustion mechanism, Fuel, 276:118082, 2020.
  • Chen, Z., Chen, H., Geng, L., Influence of water port injection on cycle-to-cycle variations in heavy-duty natural gas engine under low load, Fuel, 280:118678, 2020.
  • Chen, H., He, J., Zhong, X., Engine combustion and emission fuelled with natural gas: a review, Journal of the Energy Institute, 92(4):1123-1136, 2019.
  • Cho, HM., He, B-Q., Spark ignition natural gas enginesda review, Energy Conversion and Managment, 48(2):608-618, 2007.
  • Wang, J., Huang, Z., Tang, C., Zheng, J., Effect of hydrogen addition on early flame growth of lean burn natural gaseair mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(13):7246-7252, 2010.
  • Wang, J., Huang, Z., Zheng, J., Miao, H., Effect of partially premixed and hydrogen addition on natural gas direct-injection lean combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(22):9239-9247, 2009.
  • Gong, C., Li, Z., Sun, J., Liu, F., Evaluation on combustion and lean-burn limitof a medium compression ratio hydrogen/methanol dual-injection spark-ignition engine under methanol late-injection, Applied Energy, 277:115622, 2020.
  • Veloo, PS., Wang, YL., Egolfopoulos, FN., Westbrook, CK., A comparative experimental and computational study of methanol, ethanol, and n-butanol flame, Combustion and Flame, 157(10):1989-2004, 2010.
  • Gong, C., Yi, L., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Liu, F., Assessment of ultra-lean burn characteristics for a stratified-charge direct-injection spark-ignition methanol engine under different high compression ratios, Applied Energy, 261:114478, 2020.
  • Gong, C., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Chen, Y., Liu, F., Computational study of nozzle spray-line distribution effects on stratified mixture formation, combustion and emissions of a high compression ratio DISI methanol engine under lean-burn condition, Energy, 205:118080, 2020.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., Investigation of the effect of boron additive to lubricating oil on engine performance, exhaust, and emissions, Fuel, 312, 122931, 2022.
  • Verhels,t S., Turner, JWG., Sileghem, L., Vancoillie, J., Methanol as a fuel for internal combustion engines, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 70:43-88, 2019.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., Energy and exergy analysis with emissions evaluation of a gasoline engine using different fuels, 2023, 345, 128189, Fuel.
  • Chen, Z., Wang, L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Yang, B., Zeng, K., Effects of spark timing and methanol addition on combustion characteristics and emissions of dual-fuel engine fuelled with natural gas and methanol under lean-burn condition, Energy Conversion and Managment,181:519-527, 2019.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Taner, T., The effect of boron-doped addition to spark ignition engine oil on engine emission, performance and lubricating oil properties, 2022, 324, 124783, Fuel.
  • Dumanlı, A.T., Çeper, B.A., Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Experimental Investigation of Energy Analysis of Methanol-Gasoline Mixtures at Different Torque Values Energy, Enviroment and Storage, 15-20, 2024.
  • Akbıyık, T., Kahraman, N., Çeper, B.A., Investigation of The Effect of Adding Natural Gas to A Gasoline Engine On Engine Performance and Emissions Energy, Enviroment and Storage, 116-120, 2024.
  • Chen, Z., Wang, L., Yuan, X., Duan, Q., Yang, B., Zeng, K., Experimental investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of spark-ignition dual-fuel engine fueled with methanol/natural gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 150:164-174, 2019.
  • Wang, L., Chen, Z., Zhang, T., Zeng, K., Effect of excess air/fuel ratio and methanol addition on the performance, emissions, and combustion characteristics of a natural gas/methanol dual-fuel engine, Fuel, 255:115799, 2019.
  • Singh, E., Morganti, K., Dibble, R., Dual-fuel operation of gasoline and natural gas in a turbocharged engine, Fuel, 237:694-706, 2019.
  • Pan. J., Li, N,, Wei, H., Hua, J., Shu, G., Experimental investigations on combustion acceleration behavior of methane/gasoline under partial load conditions of SI engines, Applied Thermal Engineering, 139:432-44, 2018.
  • Yin, X., Yan, Y., Ren, X., Yu, L., Duan, H., Hu, E., Zeng, K., Effects of methanol energy substitution ratio and diesel injection timing on a methanol/diesel dual-fuel direct injection engine, Fuel, Volume 382, Part B, 15 February, 133773, 2025.
  • Simio, L., D., Iannaccone, S., Guido, C., Napolitano, P., Maiello, A., Natural Gas/Hydrogen blends for heavy-duty spark ignition engines: Performance and emissions analysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 50, Part B, 2 January, Pages 743-757, 2024.
  • Balki, M.K., Sayin, C., Canakci, M., The effect of different alcohol fuels on the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine, Fuel, 145, 2012.
  • Bayındır, H., Yücesu, H.S., Effects of ethanol-gasoline mixtures and intake manifold filler temperature on engine performance and exhaust emissions, 6th International Combustion Symposium, 19-21 July, Istanbul, Türkiye, p.395-408, 1999.
  • Salman, M.S., Sümer, M., Effect of using ethanol and ethanol-gasoline mixture on engine performance in spark ignition engines, Journal of Polytechnic, 2(2), 27-35 1999.
  • Gravalos, I., Moshou, D., Gialamas, T., Xyradakis, P., Kateris, D., Tsiropoulos, Z., Performance and Emission Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fuelled with Ethanol and Methanol Gasoline Blended Fuels, Alternative Fuel, Manzanera, M. Editor.; Intech, Rijeka, Croatia, p.155-174, 2011.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering
Journal Section Article

Talip Akbıyık 0000-0001-8580-8890

Publication Date March 25, 2025
Submission Date November 26, 2024
Acceptance Date February 19, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Akbıyık, T. (2025). Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 14(1), 69-76.
AMA Akbıyık T. Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. March 2025;14(1):69-76. doi:10.18245/ijaet.1591576
Chicago Akbıyık, Talip. “Examining the Effect of Adding Natural Gas to an Engine Using a Gasoline-Methanol Mixture As Fuel on Engine Performance and Emissions”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14, no. 1 (March 2025): 69-76.
EndNote Akbıyık T (March 1, 2025) Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14 1 69–76.
IEEE T. Akbıyık, “Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 69–76, 2025, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.1591576.
ISNAD Akbıyık, Talip. “Examining the Effect of Adding Natural Gas to an Engine Using a Gasoline-Methanol Mixture As Fuel on Engine Performance and Emissions”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 14/1 (March 2025), 69-76.
JAMA Akbıyık T. Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14:69–76.
MLA Akbıyık, Talip. “Examining the Effect of Adding Natural Gas to an Engine Using a Gasoline-Methanol Mixture As Fuel on Engine Performance and Emissions”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, vol. 14, no. 1, 2025, pp. 69-76, doi:10.18245/ijaet.1591576.
Vancouver Akbıyık T. Examining the effect of adding natural gas to an engine using a gasoline-methanol mixture as fuel on engine performance and emissions. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2025;14(1):69-76.