Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 36 - 43, 15.06.2018


This study was
carried out in order to identify the ensiling ability of plantago and the
effect of molasses additives to plantago on some silage quality criteria. In
this context 0 % of (control) and 3% of molasses were added to plantago and
ensiling period lasted for 60 days. According to the obtained results, with 3 %
of molasses additives to plantago, dry matter contents of the silages increased
compared to the control group (P<0.05). However, no significant difference
was identified between the groups in terms of other parameters (OM, HP, NDF,
ADF, pH, LA, AA, PA) (P>0.05). Butyric acid and ammonia nitrogen contents
were not determined in the silages obtained from the plantago. According to
sensual analysis results, although odour and total quality properties of the
group with 3 % of molasses additives were significantly higher compared to the
control group, both groups were identified to be in “Very Good” quality class.
According to these data, it was concluded that plantago could be ensilaged
without using additives. 


  • Ankom, 1998. Procedures for fibre and in vitro analysis. Asseda Anonymous, 2017. Torunoğlu Tohumculuk, Hayvan Sağlığı Tic. Ltd. erişim tarihi 21.09.2017. AOAC, 1999. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 16th Ed.,Arlington VA.Bingöl N. T., Karslı M. A. ve Akça İ. (2010). Yerelması (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Hasılına Katılan Melas ve Formik Asit Katkısının Silaj Kalitesi ve Sindirilebilirliği Üzerine Etkileri. YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 21 (1), 11-14. Arbabi, S., Ghoorchi, T.,2008, “The effect of different levels of molasses as silage additives on fermentation quality of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) silage”, Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2 (2): 43-50. Baytok, E., Aksu, T., Karslı M. A., Muruz, H., 2005, “The effects of formic acid, molasses and ınoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep”, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29: 469474. Bingöl, N. T., Karslı, M. A., Akça, İ., 2010, “Yerelması (Helianthus tuberosus L.) hasılına katılan melas ve formik asit katkısının silaj kalitesi ve sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkileri”, YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1): 1114. Berit Samuelsen, A., 2000. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago major L. A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology vol: 71, ıssues 1-2, pp:1-21. Bureenok, S., Suksombat, W., Kawamoto, Y., 2011. Effects of the fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB) and molasses on digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics of ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) silages. Livestock Science 138 (2011) 266–271. Davis, P.H., 1975. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Vol. 5. Edinburgh University Press Desta S.T., Yuan X., Li J., Shao T., 2016. Ensiling characteristics, structural and nonstructural carbohydrate composition and enzymatic digestibility of Napier grass ensiled with additives. Bioresour. Technol. 221, 447–454. DLG, 1987. Energie- und Na¨hrstoffbedarf land wirtschaftlicher Nutztiere. 4. Schweine. DLG-Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany. Duru, A., 2012, “Zeytinyağı sanayi yan ürünü yaş zeytin posasının silolanabilme olanaklarının araştırılması”, Doktora Tezi, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hatay, 149 syf. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş. D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M. K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2013. Yemler Yem Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi. Pozitif matbaacılık, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 61-97. Foster, S. and J.A. Duke. 1990. Medicinal Plants. The Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, 366 p, New York. Fracoise F, A., Gargadennec, A. Gueiffier, J.L. Roussel and C. Andary. 1998. Effects of Cinnamic acid on polyphenol production in Plantago lanceolata. Phytochem. 49: 697-702. Gençkan, M.S., 1983. Yem Bitkileri Tarimi.Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayın No:467.İzmir. Harrington, K.C., Thatcher, A., Kemp, P.D. 2006. Mıneral compositon and nutritive value of some common pasture weeds, Arable and Pastoral Weeds, New Zealand Plant Protection 59: 261-265. Kara, K., 2016. Permakültür Yem Bitkisi olarak Sinirotu (Plantago); Türkiye klinikleri hayvan besleme ve beslenme hastalıkları özel dergisi cilt:2, Sayı:1; 71-75. McDonald, P., Henderson, A. R., Herson,S. J. E. 1991. The Biochemistry of Silage, 2nd edition. Chalcombe Publication, Marlow, UK. Moselhy, M. A., Borba, J. P., & Borba, A. E. S. (2015). Improving the nutritive value, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of Hedychium gardnerianum silage through application of additives at ensiling time. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 206, 8–18. Leung, A.Y., Foster. S. 1996. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. 2nd ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons. Li, M., Zi, X., Zhou, H., Hou, G., Cai, Y., 2014. Effects of sucrose, glucose, molasses and cellulase on fermentation quality and in vitro gas production of king grass silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 197, 206-2012. Okatan, V., Polat, M., Aşkın, M.A., Çolak, A.M., 2015. Determination of some physical properties of currant (Ribes spp.), Jostaberry (Ribes × Nidigrolaria Bauer) and goosberry (Ribes grossularia L.) cultivars. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 10, 83–89. Petterson, K., 1988, “Ensiling of Forages: Factors Affecting Silage Fermantation and Quality”, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, 46 p,Uppsala. Polan, C. E., Stive, D. E., Garrett, J. L., 1998. Protein Preservation and Ruminal Degradation of Ensiled Forage Treated with Heat, Formic Acid, Ammonia, or Microbial İnoculant. Journal of Dairy Science, 81, 765-776. Sanderson MA, Labreveux M, Hall MH, Elwinger GF 2003. Nutritive value of chicory and English plantain forage. Crop Science 43: 1797-1804. Sarıhan, E.O., İpek, A., Khawar, K.M., Atak, M., Gurbuz, B. 2005. Role of GA3 and KNO3 in improving the frequency of seed germination in Plantago Lanceolata L. Pakistan J. Of Botany 37(4): 883-887. Tan, M. ve Yolcu, H., 2001. Yabanci Ot Karakterindeki Bazi Bitkilerin Kaba Yem Olarak Besin Degeri Özellikleri. Türkiye 4. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi C.3.S:199-204.Tekirdağ. Van Soest, P. J., Robertson, J. D., Lewis, B. A., 1991. Methods for Dietary Fibre, Neutral Detergent Fibre and Non-Starch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583–3597. Yuan, X., Wen, A., Wang, J., Guo, G., Desta, S.T., Shao, T., 2016. Effects of ethanol, molasses and Lactobacillus plantarum on the fermentation quality, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silages in the Tibetan plateau of China Anim. Sci. J., 87 (2016), pp. 681-689. Yunus M, Ohba N, Shimojo M, Furuse M, Masuda Y. Effects of adding urea and molasses on Napiergrass silage quality. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci. 2000;13:1542–1547.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 36 - 43, 15.06.2018



  • Ankom, 1998. Procedures for fibre and in vitro analysis. Asseda Anonymous, 2017. Torunoğlu Tohumculuk, Hayvan Sağlığı Tic. Ltd. erişim tarihi 21.09.2017. AOAC, 1999. Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 16th Ed.,Arlington VA.Bingöl N. T., Karslı M. A. ve Akça İ. (2010). Yerelması (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Hasılına Katılan Melas ve Formik Asit Katkısının Silaj Kalitesi ve Sindirilebilirliği Üzerine Etkileri. YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 21 (1), 11-14. Arbabi, S., Ghoorchi, T.,2008, “The effect of different levels of molasses as silage additives on fermentation quality of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) silage”, Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2 (2): 43-50. Baytok, E., Aksu, T., Karslı M. A., Muruz, H., 2005, “The effects of formic acid, molasses and ınoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep”, Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29: 469474. Bingöl, N. T., Karslı, M. A., Akça, İ., 2010, “Yerelması (Helianthus tuberosus L.) hasılına katılan melas ve formik asit katkısının silaj kalitesi ve sindirilebilirliği üzerine etkileri”, YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1): 1114. Berit Samuelsen, A., 2000. The traditional uses, chemical constituents and biological activities of Plantago major L. A review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology vol: 71, ıssues 1-2, pp:1-21. Bureenok, S., Suksombat, W., Kawamoto, Y., 2011. Effects of the fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB) and molasses on digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics of ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) silages. Livestock Science 138 (2011) 266–271. Davis, P.H., 1975. Flora of Turkey and The East Aegean Islands. Vol. 5. Edinburgh University Press Desta S.T., Yuan X., Li J., Shao T., 2016. Ensiling characteristics, structural and nonstructural carbohydrate composition and enzymatic digestibility of Napier grass ensiled with additives. Bioresour. Technol. 221, 447–454. DLG, 1987. Energie- und Na¨hrstoffbedarf land wirtschaftlicher Nutztiere. 4. Schweine. DLG-Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany. Duru, A., 2012, “Zeytinyağı sanayi yan ürünü yaş zeytin posasının silolanabilme olanaklarının araştırılması”, Doktora Tezi, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hatay, 149 syf. Ergün, A., Tuncer, Ş. D., Çolpan, İ., Yalçın, S., Yıldız, G., Küçükersan, M. K., Küçükersan, S., Şehu, A., Saçaklı, P., 2013. Yemler Yem Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi. Pozitif matbaacılık, Ankara, Türkiye, pp. 61-97. Foster, S. and J.A. Duke. 1990. Medicinal Plants. The Peterson Field Guide Series, Houghton Mifflin Company, 366 p, New York. Fracoise F, A., Gargadennec, A. Gueiffier, J.L. Roussel and C. Andary. 1998. Effects of Cinnamic acid on polyphenol production in Plantago lanceolata. Phytochem. 49: 697-702. Gençkan, M.S., 1983. Yem Bitkileri Tarimi.Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayın No:467.İzmir. Harrington, K.C., Thatcher, A., Kemp, P.D. 2006. Mıneral compositon and nutritive value of some common pasture weeds, Arable and Pastoral Weeds, New Zealand Plant Protection 59: 261-265. Kara, K., 2016. Permakültür Yem Bitkisi olarak Sinirotu (Plantago); Türkiye klinikleri hayvan besleme ve beslenme hastalıkları özel dergisi cilt:2, Sayı:1; 71-75. McDonald, P., Henderson, A. R., Herson,S. J. E. 1991. The Biochemistry of Silage, 2nd edition. Chalcombe Publication, Marlow, UK. Moselhy, M. A., Borba, J. P., & Borba, A. E. S. (2015). Improving the nutritive value, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of Hedychium gardnerianum silage through application of additives at ensiling time. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 206, 8–18. Leung, A.Y., Foster. S. 1996. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics. 2nd ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons. Li, M., Zi, X., Zhou, H., Hou, G., Cai, Y., 2014. Effects of sucrose, glucose, molasses and cellulase on fermentation quality and in vitro gas production of king grass silage. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 197, 206-2012. Okatan, V., Polat, M., Aşkın, M.A., Çolak, A.M., 2015. Determination of some physical properties of currant (Ribes spp.), Jostaberry (Ribes × Nidigrolaria Bauer) and goosberry (Ribes grossularia L.) cultivars. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi 10, 83–89. Petterson, K., 1988, “Ensiling of Forages: Factors Affecting Silage Fermantation and Quality”, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, 46 p,Uppsala. Polan, C. E., Stive, D. E., Garrett, J. L., 1998. Protein Preservation and Ruminal Degradation of Ensiled Forage Treated with Heat, Formic Acid, Ammonia, or Microbial İnoculant. Journal of Dairy Science, 81, 765-776. Sanderson MA, Labreveux M, Hall MH, Elwinger GF 2003. Nutritive value of chicory and English plantain forage. Crop Science 43: 1797-1804. Sarıhan, E.O., İpek, A., Khawar, K.M., Atak, M., Gurbuz, B. 2005. Role of GA3 and KNO3 in improving the frequency of seed germination in Plantago Lanceolata L. Pakistan J. Of Botany 37(4): 883-887. Tan, M. ve Yolcu, H., 2001. Yabanci Ot Karakterindeki Bazi Bitkilerin Kaba Yem Olarak Besin Degeri Özellikleri. Türkiye 4. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi C.3.S:199-204.Tekirdağ. Van Soest, P. J., Robertson, J. D., Lewis, B. A., 1991. Methods for Dietary Fibre, Neutral Detergent Fibre and Non-Starch Polysaccharides in Relation to Animal Nutrition, Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583–3597. Yuan, X., Wen, A., Wang, J., Guo, G., Desta, S.T., Shao, T., 2016. Effects of ethanol, molasses and Lactobacillus plantarum on the fermentation quality, in vitro digestibility and aerobic stability of total mixed ration silages in the Tibetan plateau of China Anim. Sci. J., 87 (2016), pp. 681-689. Yunus M, Ohba N, Shimojo M, Furuse M, Masuda Y. Effects of adding urea and molasses on Napiergrass silage quality. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci. 2000;13:1542–1547.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Original Papers

Asuman Arslan Duru

Ercüment Osman Sarıhan

İbrahim Bulduk

Publication Date June 15, 2018
Submission Date March 22, 2018
Acceptance Date May 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Arslan Duru, A., Sarıhan, E. O., & Bulduk, İ. (2018). DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 2(1), 36-43.
AMA Arslan Duru A, Sarıhan EO, Bulduk İ. DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L. Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2018;2(1):36-43.
Chicago Arslan Duru, Asuman, Ercüment Osman Sarıhan, and İbrahim Bulduk. “DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 2, no. 1 (June 2018): 36-43.
EndNote Arslan Duru A, Sarıhan EO, Bulduk İ (June 1, 2018) DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 2 1 36–43.
IEEE A. Arslan Duru, E. O. Sarıhan, and İ. Bulduk, “DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L”., Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 36–43, 2018.
ISNAD Arslan Duru, Asuman et al. “DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 2/1 (June 2018), 36-43.
MLA Arslan Duru, Asuman et al. “DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 2, no. 1, 2018, pp. 36-43.
Vancouver Arslan Duru A, Sarıhan EO, Bulduk İ. DETERMINATION OF ENSILING POSSIBILITIES OF PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2018;2(1):36-43.

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