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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 21 - 28, 23.06.2020



  • Aijun Z., Chen H., Li Z., 2005. Air Pressure Pulsation Solid State Production of Alkaline Protease by Bacillus pumilus 1.1625 Process Biochemistry vol.40, p.1547–1551. .
  • Angold R., Beech G.and Taggart J., 1989. Food Biotechnology, Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 1-27.
  • Anonymous 2011, Ünal Ü. Enzimoloji Ders Notları. Cukurova University, (in Turkish)
  • Anonymous 2013a, Yildiz Technical University, Protein Mühendisliği Yöntemleri, Yönlendirilmiş Evrim Ders Notları. (Accessed on 20.05.2019). file: /// C: /Users/USER/Downloads/Protein+Mh.4%20 (1) .pdf, (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous 2013b, Yildiz Technical University, Protein Mühendisliği Ders Notları. (Accessed on 20.05.2019). file: /// C: /users/user/downloads/proteinm%c3%bchendisligi_ders3.pdf
  • Anonymous 2019. Biyoteknolojide Enzimler. (Accessed 05.05. 2019) (in Turkish).
  • Babagil A., 2018. Pektin Liyaz Enziminin Mikroorganizmalardan Saflaştırılması ve Karakterize Edilmesi, Enzimin Ca²+ -Hibrit Nanoçiçek Yapısının Hazırlanması ve Meyve Suyu Durultmasında Kullanılmasının Araştırılması.Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology Nano Engineering, Erzurum, PhD Thesis, 173s, (in Turkish).
  • Bornscheuer U.T., Huisman G.W., Kazlauskas R.J., Lutz S., Moore J.C., Robins K ., 2012. Engineering the Third Wave of Biocatalysis. Nature. 2012;485:185–194. .
  • Boyacioglu D., Erdil D.N., Guven E.Ç., 2012. Enzimlerin Gıda Endüstrilerinde Kullanım Alanları. Gıda Biyoteknolojisi TR Ed. Aran N. Nobel Publications. 105-137, (in Turkish).
  • Carmona E.C., Fialho M.B., Buchgnani É.B., Coelho G.D., Brocheto-Braga M.R.and Jorge J.A., 2005. Production, Purification and Characterization of A Minor Form of Xylanase from Aspergillus versicolor. Process Biochemistry, 40 (1), 359-364. .
  • Chen C, Chen J.L., L, T.Y., 1997. Purification and Characterization of a Xylanase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum for Xylooligosaccharide Production. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 21 (2), 91-96. .
  • Çerçi B., Kocyigit A., Karaboz İ., 2011. Gıdaların İşlenmesinde Kullanılan Enzimlerin Rekombinant DNA Teknolojisi ile Üretimi. Elektronik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. TR. Volume: 09 Issue: 3 Page: (in Turkish). Fox, B.A.and Cameron, A.G., 1977. Food Science: A Chemical Approach. Hodder and Stoughton, London, s 33-41.
  • Demiralp B., Buyuk I., Aras S., 2015. Cansaran-Duman D. Lakkaz enziminin endüstriyel ve biyoteknoloji alanında kullanımı Turk Hij Den Biyol Journal, 2015; 72 (4): 351-68. URL: (in Turkish).
  • Dikmen C.D., 2018. Soğukta Aktik Enzim Üretimi ve Anjiyotensin Dönüştürücü Enzim İnhibitörü Biyoaktif Peptid Eldesinde Kullanılması. ITU. Science. Ensor. Department of Food Engineering, İstanbul, PhD Thesis, 152s. (in Turkish).
  • Gerhartz W., 1990. Enzymes ın Industry. Weinheim, Germany.
  • Grabski A.C. and Jeffries T.W., 1991. Production, Purification, and Characterization of β-(1-4)-Endoxylanase of Streptomyces roseiscleroticus. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 57 (4), 987-992.(PMID:16348475). URL:
  • Gurung N., Ray S., Bose S., Rai V.A, 2013 Broader view: Microbial Enzymes and Their Relevance in Industries, Medicine, and Beyond. BioMed Res Int. 2013;(2013).
  • Güder S., 2014. Scytalidium thermophilum Ksilanazının Kromatografik Yöntemlerle Saflaştırılması ve Biyokimyasal Karakterizasyonu. Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Karaman, Master Thesis, 82s. (in Turkish).
  • Gürsel, G., 2006. Nanobiyoteknolojide Yeni Ufuklar, Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, December, 12. (in Turkish). Hatti-Kaul R., Mattiasson B., 2001. Downstream Processing in Biotechnology. In Basic Biotechnology, Ed. By Ratledge C., Kristiansen B., Cambrige University Press, Cambridge, 187-211.
  • Higgins I.J., 1985. What is Biotechnology? In Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Ed. Higgins I.J., Best D.J., Jones J. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1-23.
  • Irshada M., Murtzaa A., Zafara M., Bihattib K.H., Rehmanc A., Anwar Z., 2017. Chitosan-Immobilized Pectinolytics with Novel Catalytic Features and Fruit juice Clarification Potentialities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (104) 242–250. /10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.06.027
  • Jarvis B., Holmes W. 1982. Biotechnology in Relation to the Food Industry. J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol., 32:224-232.
  • Kıran E.Ö., Çömlekçioğlu U., Dostbil N., 2006 . Bazı Mikrobiyal Enzimler ve Endüstrideki Kullanım Alanları. KSÜ. Journal of Science and Engineering 9 (1). (in Turkish).
  • Kapucu N.C., 2003. Lipaz Enziminin Katalizlediği bir Ester Üretiminin Süper Kritik Karbondioksitte İncelenmesi. Ankara Univ. Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara, PhD Thesis. (in Turkish).
  • Karataş H., 2008. Solid Bazı Bitki Atıklarından Katı Faz Fermantasyon (SSF) Tekniği ile Ekstraselüler Enzim Üretimi Dicle University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biology, Diyarbakır, PhD Thesis, 121s, (in Turkish).
  • Kilara A., Desai M., 2002. Enzyme, P.P., 661-700. Chapter 22, Food Additives, Second Edition, Eds, A.L., Brean, P.M., Davidson. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Koc B., Ertekin F.K., 2009. Response Surface Methodology and Food Processing Applications. The Journal Of Food (Published by the Association of Food Technology; Turkey) Volume: 35 • Number: 1 • 2010 . S 63-70. URL: file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/GIDA%202010%2035%2001.pdf
  • Koç M.V., 2016. Farklı Boyut ve Morfolojiye Sahip Yabanturpu Peroksidaz- Bakır İyonu İçeren Hibrit Nano Yapıların Sentezi ve Aktivitelerinin Test Edilmesi.. Erciyes University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kayseri, Graduation Project. (in Turkish).
  • Koolman J., and Roehm K.H., 2005. Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed. Thieme, Stuttgart, s88-94.
  • Koksal H., Donmez S., Ozkaya H., 1989. Rekombinant DNA Teknolojisinin Enzimlerin Üretiminde Kullanılma Olanakları. Gıda 1989 14 (1) 43-49, (in Turkish). Kumar K.S., Varma G.M., Kiran V.A., Mahesh E., Kanth L.D., Sekhar S.C., Parvathi L.A., 2012. Industrially Produced Enzymes and their Applications- An Overviev. Internatıonal Journal of Pharmaceutıcal and Chemıcal Scıences, 1 (3), 1418-1421.
  • Lee, S.W., Cheon S.A., Kim M.I., Park T.J., 2015. Organic–inorganic Hybrid Nanoflowers: Types, Characteristics, and Future Prospects. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13:54. .
  • Mahmood M.S., Rasul F., Saleem M., Afroz A., Malik M.F., Ashraf N.M., Rashid U., Naz S., Zeeshan N., 2019. Characterization of Recombinant endo-1,4-β-xylanase of Bacillus haloduransC-125 and Rational Identification of Hot Spot Amino AcidResidues Responsible for Enhancing Thermostability by an in-SilicoApproach. Molecular Biology Reports. .
  • Marrufo-Hernandez, N.A., Palma-Orozco G, Beltran HI, Najera H, 2017. Purification, Partial Biochemical Characterization and Inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase from Mexican Golden Delicious apple (Malus domestica). Journal of Food Biochemistry, 41:e12356. .
  • Özata A., Kutlu M. 2000. Enzimooji Ders Notları. T. C. Anadolu University Publications, No.1254. Faculty of Science Publications. No. 15, (in Turkish).
  • Pellis A., Cantone S., Ebert C., Gardossi L., 2018. Evolving Biocatalysis to Meet Bioeconomy Challenges and Opportunities. N. Biotechnol. 40(Pt A), 154-169. .
  • Pinheiro R., Belo I., Mota M., 2003. Growth and beta-galactosidase Activity of Kluyveromyces Marxsianus Under Increased air Pressure, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37: 438-422. .x
  • Polaina, J. and MacCabe A.P., 2007. Applicationof Glycosidases and Transglycosidases in the synthesis of Oligosaccharides Industril Enzymes. Ed. Springer, The Netherlands, 9. Page: 141-157.
  • Raveendran S., Parameswaran B., Ummalyma S.B., Abraham A., Mathew A.K., MadhavanA., Rebello S., Pandey A., 2018. Applications of Microbial Enzymes in Food Industry. Food Technology and Biotechnology, Vol: 56 No:1 ss 15-30. 10.17113/ftb.
  • Rehm F., Chen S., & Rehm., B 2016. Enzyme Engineering for In Situ Immobilization. Molecules, 21(10), 1370.
  • Saldamlı İ., 2007. Gıda Kimyası. Enzimler. Hacettepe University Publications. 287-362, (in Turkish). Sandri I.G., Lorenzoni C.M.T., Fontana R.C., Silveira M.M., 2013. Use of Pectinases Produced by a new strain of Aspergillus Niger for the Enzymatic Treatment of Apple and Blueberry Juice. Food Science and Technology, (51), 469-475.
  • Sookheo B., Sinchaikul S.,Phutrakul S.T.C., 2000. Purification and Characterization of Higly Thermostable Protease from Bacillus stearothermophilusTLS33 Protein Expression and Purification. vol. 20, p. 142-151. .
  • Swaisgood H.E., 2003. Use of İmmobilized Enzymes in theFood Indstry, pp. 359-365. In Handbook of Food Enzymology, Eds. Whitaker J.R., Voragen A.G.J., Wong D.W.S. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Simon N., Schuster N.Y., Pfeiffer J., 1959. Enzymes. Physics and Chemistry of Life. Pg 171-173.
  • Telefoncu A.,1996, Biyoteknoloji, p. 1-4, Ege University Fen-Edb. Fake. Publications No: 159 Izmir, (in Turkish). Uday U.S.,Choudhury P., Bandyopadhyay T.K., Bhunia B., 2016. Classification, mode of action and production strategy of xylanase and its application for biofuel production from water hyacinth. Int J Biol Macromol 82:1041–1054. .
  • Ueda M., Murai T., Tanak A., 2003. Genetic Immobilization of Enzymes on Yeast Cell Surface pp. 343-358. In: Handbook of Food Enzymology, Eds. J.R., Whitaker, A.G.J. Voragen, Wong D.W.S. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York.
  • Yadav S., Yadav P.K., Yadav D., Yadav K.D.S., 2008. Purification and Characterization of an Alkaline Pectin Lyase from Aspergillus flavus. Process Biochemistry, 43, 547–552.
  • Yesilcubuk N.S., 2012. Genetik Modifiye Gıdalar. Gıda Biyoteknolojisi, TR Ed. Aran N. Nobel Publications. 415-414, (in Turkish).

Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 21 - 28, 23.06.2020


The use of enzymes in industrial applications is of a great commercial importance. The enzyme industry, which has a high market value, comprises many areas.One of them is the food industry.Enzymes have an important role in terms of properties such as taste, aroma fragrance components in foods and their ability to produce the desired flavor in food. In addition to these, it has features such as facilitating the digestion of the food, improving the quality, improving the nutritional value, facilitating production, increasing the efficiency and reducing the cost. Enzymes are found naturally in foods, as well as animal, vegetable and microbial sources and enzymes are produced.In this review, it is aimed to give information about researches and current developments related to biotechnological production of enzymes which are widely used in food industry.


  • Aijun Z., Chen H., Li Z., 2005. Air Pressure Pulsation Solid State Production of Alkaline Protease by Bacillus pumilus 1.1625 Process Biochemistry vol.40, p.1547–1551. .
  • Angold R., Beech G.and Taggart J., 1989. Food Biotechnology, Cambridge Press, Cambridge, 1-27.
  • Anonymous 2011, Ünal Ü. Enzimoloji Ders Notları. Cukurova University, (in Turkish)
  • Anonymous 2013a, Yildiz Technical University, Protein Mühendisliği Yöntemleri, Yönlendirilmiş Evrim Ders Notları. (Accessed on 20.05.2019). file: /// C: /Users/USER/Downloads/Protein+Mh.4%20 (1) .pdf, (in Turkish).
  • Anonymous 2013b, Yildiz Technical University, Protein Mühendisliği Ders Notları. (Accessed on 20.05.2019). file: /// C: /users/user/downloads/proteinm%c3%bchendisligi_ders3.pdf
  • Anonymous 2019. Biyoteknolojide Enzimler. (Accessed 05.05. 2019) (in Turkish).
  • Babagil A., 2018. Pektin Liyaz Enziminin Mikroorganizmalardan Saflaştırılması ve Karakterize Edilmesi, Enzimin Ca²+ -Hibrit Nanoçiçek Yapısının Hazırlanması ve Meyve Suyu Durultmasında Kullanılmasının Araştırılması.Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology Nano Engineering, Erzurum, PhD Thesis, 173s, (in Turkish).
  • Bornscheuer U.T., Huisman G.W., Kazlauskas R.J., Lutz S., Moore J.C., Robins K ., 2012. Engineering the Third Wave of Biocatalysis. Nature. 2012;485:185–194. .
  • Boyacioglu D., Erdil D.N., Guven E.Ç., 2012. Enzimlerin Gıda Endüstrilerinde Kullanım Alanları. Gıda Biyoteknolojisi TR Ed. Aran N. Nobel Publications. 105-137, (in Turkish).
  • Carmona E.C., Fialho M.B., Buchgnani É.B., Coelho G.D., Brocheto-Braga M.R.and Jorge J.A., 2005. Production, Purification and Characterization of A Minor Form of Xylanase from Aspergillus versicolor. Process Biochemistry, 40 (1), 359-364. .
  • Chen C, Chen J.L., L, T.Y., 1997. Purification and Characterization of a Xylanase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum for Xylooligosaccharide Production. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 21 (2), 91-96. .
  • Çerçi B., Kocyigit A., Karaboz İ., 2011. Gıdaların İşlenmesinde Kullanılan Enzimlerin Rekombinant DNA Teknolojisi ile Üretimi. Elektronik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi. TR. Volume: 09 Issue: 3 Page: (in Turkish). Fox, B.A.and Cameron, A.G., 1977. Food Science: A Chemical Approach. Hodder and Stoughton, London, s 33-41.
  • Demiralp B., Buyuk I., Aras S., 2015. Cansaran-Duman D. Lakkaz enziminin endüstriyel ve biyoteknoloji alanında kullanımı Turk Hij Den Biyol Journal, 2015; 72 (4): 351-68. URL: (in Turkish).
  • Dikmen C.D., 2018. Soğukta Aktik Enzim Üretimi ve Anjiyotensin Dönüştürücü Enzim İnhibitörü Biyoaktif Peptid Eldesinde Kullanılması. ITU. Science. Ensor. Department of Food Engineering, İstanbul, PhD Thesis, 152s. (in Turkish).
  • Gerhartz W., 1990. Enzymes ın Industry. Weinheim, Germany.
  • Grabski A.C. and Jeffries T.W., 1991. Production, Purification, and Characterization of β-(1-4)-Endoxylanase of Streptomyces roseiscleroticus. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 57 (4), 987-992.(PMID:16348475). URL:
  • Gurung N., Ray S., Bose S., Rai V.A, 2013 Broader view: Microbial Enzymes and Their Relevance in Industries, Medicine, and Beyond. BioMed Res Int. 2013;(2013).
  • Güder S., 2014. Scytalidium thermophilum Ksilanazının Kromatografik Yöntemlerle Saflaştırılması ve Biyokimyasal Karakterizasyonu. Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Karaman, Master Thesis, 82s. (in Turkish).
  • Gürsel, G., 2006. Nanobiyoteknolojide Yeni Ufuklar, Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi, December, 12. (in Turkish). Hatti-Kaul R., Mattiasson B., 2001. Downstream Processing in Biotechnology. In Basic Biotechnology, Ed. By Ratledge C., Kristiansen B., Cambrige University Press, Cambridge, 187-211.
  • Higgins I.J., 1985. What is Biotechnology? In Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Ed. Higgins I.J., Best D.J., Jones J. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1-23.
  • Irshada M., Murtzaa A., Zafara M., Bihattib K.H., Rehmanc A., Anwar Z., 2017. Chitosan-Immobilized Pectinolytics with Novel Catalytic Features and Fruit juice Clarification Potentialities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, (104) 242–250. /10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.06.027
  • Jarvis B., Holmes W. 1982. Biotechnology in Relation to the Food Industry. J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol., 32:224-232.
  • Kıran E.Ö., Çömlekçioğlu U., Dostbil N., 2006 . Bazı Mikrobiyal Enzimler ve Endüstrideki Kullanım Alanları. KSÜ. Journal of Science and Engineering 9 (1). (in Turkish).
  • Kapucu N.C., 2003. Lipaz Enziminin Katalizlediği bir Ester Üretiminin Süper Kritik Karbondioksitte İncelenmesi. Ankara Univ. Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara, PhD Thesis. (in Turkish).
  • Karataş H., 2008. Solid Bazı Bitki Atıklarından Katı Faz Fermantasyon (SSF) Tekniği ile Ekstraselüler Enzim Üretimi Dicle University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biology, Diyarbakır, PhD Thesis, 121s, (in Turkish).
  • Kilara A., Desai M., 2002. Enzyme, P.P., 661-700. Chapter 22, Food Additives, Second Edition, Eds, A.L., Brean, P.M., Davidson. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Koc B., Ertekin F.K., 2009. Response Surface Methodology and Food Processing Applications. The Journal Of Food (Published by the Association of Food Technology; Turkey) Volume: 35 • Number: 1 • 2010 . S 63-70. URL: file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/GIDA%202010%2035%2001.pdf
  • Koç M.V., 2016. Farklı Boyut ve Morfolojiye Sahip Yabanturpu Peroksidaz- Bakır İyonu İçeren Hibrit Nano Yapıların Sentezi ve Aktivitelerinin Test Edilmesi.. Erciyes University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Kayseri, Graduation Project. (in Turkish).
  • Koolman J., and Roehm K.H., 2005. Color Atlas of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed. Thieme, Stuttgart, s88-94.
  • Koksal H., Donmez S., Ozkaya H., 1989. Rekombinant DNA Teknolojisinin Enzimlerin Üretiminde Kullanılma Olanakları. Gıda 1989 14 (1) 43-49, (in Turkish). Kumar K.S., Varma G.M., Kiran V.A., Mahesh E., Kanth L.D., Sekhar S.C., Parvathi L.A., 2012. Industrially Produced Enzymes and their Applications- An Overviev. Internatıonal Journal of Pharmaceutıcal and Chemıcal Scıences, 1 (3), 1418-1421.
  • Lee, S.W., Cheon S.A., Kim M.I., Park T.J., 2015. Organic–inorganic Hybrid Nanoflowers: Types, Characteristics, and Future Prospects. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13:54. .
  • Mahmood M.S., Rasul F., Saleem M., Afroz A., Malik M.F., Ashraf N.M., Rashid U., Naz S., Zeeshan N., 2019. Characterization of Recombinant endo-1,4-β-xylanase of Bacillus haloduransC-125 and Rational Identification of Hot Spot Amino AcidResidues Responsible for Enhancing Thermostability by an in-SilicoApproach. Molecular Biology Reports. .
  • Marrufo-Hernandez, N.A., Palma-Orozco G, Beltran HI, Najera H, 2017. Purification, Partial Biochemical Characterization and Inactivation of Polyphenol Oxidase from Mexican Golden Delicious apple (Malus domestica). Journal of Food Biochemistry, 41:e12356. .
  • Özata A., Kutlu M. 2000. Enzimooji Ders Notları. T. C. Anadolu University Publications, No.1254. Faculty of Science Publications. No. 15, (in Turkish).
  • Pellis A., Cantone S., Ebert C., Gardossi L., 2018. Evolving Biocatalysis to Meet Bioeconomy Challenges and Opportunities. N. Biotechnol. 40(Pt A), 154-169. .
  • Pinheiro R., Belo I., Mota M., 2003. Growth and beta-galactosidase Activity of Kluyveromyces Marxsianus Under Increased air Pressure, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 37: 438-422. .x
  • Polaina, J. and MacCabe A.P., 2007. Applicationof Glycosidases and Transglycosidases in the synthesis of Oligosaccharides Industril Enzymes. Ed. Springer, The Netherlands, 9. Page: 141-157.
  • Raveendran S., Parameswaran B., Ummalyma S.B., Abraham A., Mathew A.K., MadhavanA., Rebello S., Pandey A., 2018. Applications of Microbial Enzymes in Food Industry. Food Technology and Biotechnology, Vol: 56 No:1 ss 15-30. 10.17113/ftb.
  • Rehm F., Chen S., & Rehm., B 2016. Enzyme Engineering for In Situ Immobilization. Molecules, 21(10), 1370.
  • Saldamlı İ., 2007. Gıda Kimyası. Enzimler. Hacettepe University Publications. 287-362, (in Turkish). Sandri I.G., Lorenzoni C.M.T., Fontana R.C., Silveira M.M., 2013. Use of Pectinases Produced by a new strain of Aspergillus Niger for the Enzymatic Treatment of Apple and Blueberry Juice. Food Science and Technology, (51), 469-475.
  • Sookheo B., Sinchaikul S.,Phutrakul S.T.C., 2000. Purification and Characterization of Higly Thermostable Protease from Bacillus stearothermophilusTLS33 Protein Expression and Purification. vol. 20, p. 142-151. .
  • Swaisgood H.E., 2003. Use of İmmobilized Enzymes in theFood Indstry, pp. 359-365. In Handbook of Food Enzymology, Eds. Whitaker J.R., Voragen A.G.J., Wong D.W.S. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Simon N., Schuster N.Y., Pfeiffer J., 1959. Enzymes. Physics and Chemistry of Life. Pg 171-173.
  • Telefoncu A.,1996, Biyoteknoloji, p. 1-4, Ege University Fen-Edb. Fake. Publications No: 159 Izmir, (in Turkish). Uday U.S.,Choudhury P., Bandyopadhyay T.K., Bhunia B., 2016. Classification, mode of action and production strategy of xylanase and its application for biofuel production from water hyacinth. Int J Biol Macromol 82:1041–1054. .
  • Ueda M., Murai T., Tanak A., 2003. Genetic Immobilization of Enzymes on Yeast Cell Surface pp. 343-358. In: Handbook of Food Enzymology, Eds. J.R., Whitaker, A.G.J. Voragen, Wong D.W.S. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York.
  • Yadav S., Yadav P.K., Yadav D., Yadav K.D.S., 2008. Purification and Characterization of an Alkaline Pectin Lyase from Aspergillus flavus. Process Biochemistry, 43, 547–552.
  • Yesilcubuk N.S., 2012. Genetik Modifiye Gıdalar. Gıda Biyoteknolojisi, TR Ed. Aran N. Nobel Publications. 415-414, (in Turkish).
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Review Papers

Kenan Sinan Dayısoylu 0000-0002-0673-3526

Burcu Yeşiltoprak 0000-0002-0362-0200

Publication Date June 23, 2020
Submission Date December 3, 2019
Acceptance Date March 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Dayısoylu, K. S., & Yeşiltoprak, B. (2020). Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 4(1), 21-28.
AMA Dayısoylu KS, Yeşiltoprak B. Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology. Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2020;4(1):21-28.
Chicago Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan, and Burcu Yeşiltoprak. “Recent Developments of industrıal Enzyme Production in Food Biotechnology”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 2020): 21-28.
EndNote Dayısoylu KS, Yeşiltoprak B (June 1, 2020) Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4 1 21–28.
IEEE K. S. Dayısoylu and B. Yeşiltoprak, “Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 21–28, 2020.
ISNAD Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan - Yeşiltoprak, Burcu. “Recent Developments of industrıal Enzyme Production in Food Biotechnology”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4/1 (June 2020), 21-28.
JAMA Dayısoylu KS, Yeşiltoprak B. Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4:21–28.
MLA Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan and Burcu Yeşiltoprak. “Recent Developments of industrıal Enzyme Production in Food Biotechnology”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 21-28.
Vancouver Dayısoylu KS, Yeşiltoprak B. Recent developments of industrıal enzyme production in food biotechnology. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4(1):21-8.

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