Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 120 - 123, 23.06.2020



  • AOAC (1990). Official method of analysis 15th ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists Washington, DC, USA. pp.66-88.)
  • Banik, BK, Durmic, Z, Erskine, W, Ghamkar, K, Revel, C (2013). In vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics and methane production differ in selected key pasture species in Australia. Crop Pas Sci; 64:935-942.
  • Goel, G, Makkar, HPS, Becker, K (2008). Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim. Feed Sci Technol 147 (1-3): 72-89.
  • Heckman, M, Hejcmanova, P, Stesjskalova, M, Pavlu, V (2014). Nutritive value of winter-collected annual twigs of main European woody species, mistletoe and ivy and its possible consequences for winter foddering of livestock in prehistory. 24(6):659-667.
  • Johnson, KA, and Johnson, DE (1995). ‘Methane emissions from cattle’, Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 73, No. 8, pp.2483–2492.
  • Lopez, S, Makkar, HPS, and Soliva, CR (2010). Screening plants and plant products for methane inhibitors. In, Vercoe PE, Makkar HPS, Schlink A (Eds): In vitro screening of plant resources for extra-nutritional attributes in ruminants: Nuclear and Related Methodologies. London, New York. pp.191-231,
  • Menke, KH, Raab, L, Salewski, A, Steingass, H, Fritz, D, Schneider, W (1979). The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agric Sci (Camb) 93:217-222.
  • Menke, KH, Steingass, H (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev 28:7-55.
  • Minson, D (1990). Forage in Ruminant Nutrition, Academic Press, London, UK. pp 1-483
  • Navarro-Villa, A, O’Brien, M, Lopez, S, Boland, TMP, O’Kiely, P (2011). In vitro rumen methane output of red clover and perennial ryegrass assayed using the gas production technique (GPT). Anim Feed Sci Technol 168:152-164.
  • Ramantsi, KR, Mnisi, CM, Ravhuhali, KE (2019). Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter degradability of mistletoe (Viscum verrucosum) (Harv.) on Vachellia nilotica (L) in North West Province of South Africa
  • Saleh, I, Maigandi, SA, Hudu, MI, Abubakar, MI, Shehu, AU (2015). Uses and chemical composition of Misletoe (Viscum album) obtained from different species. Dutse Journal of Agriculture and Food Security, 2(1):8-12.
  • Ture, C, Bocuk, H, Asan, Z (2010). Nutritional relationship between hemi-parasitic mistletoe and some of its deciduous hosts in different habitats. Biologia, 65(5):859-867.
  • Umucular, HD, Gulsen, N, Coskun, B, Hayırlı, A, Dural, H (2007). Nutrient composition of mistletoe (Viscum album) and its nutritive value for ruminant animals. Agroforestry Systems. 71:77-87.
  • Uslu, OS, Kurt, O, Kaya, E, Kamalak, A (2018). Effect of species on the chemical composition, metabolisable energy, organic matter digestibility and methane production of some legume plants grown in Turkey. J App Anim Res 46(1):1158-1161.
  • Van Soest, PV, Robertson, JB, Lewis, BA (1991). Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 74(10): 3583- 3597.

Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 120 - 123, 23.06.2020


The purpose of the current study was to evaluate effect of host on chemical composition, in vitro gas production, methane production, metabolisable energy (ME) and organic matter digestibility (OM). The host had a significant effect on the chemical composition, in vitro gas production, methane production, ME and OMD of mistletoe leaves. Crude ash (CA) and crude protein (CP) contents of mistletoe leaves ranged from 5.33 to 8.93 % and 8.53 to 12.16% respectively. The CA and CP contents of leaves of mistletoe grown on Prunus armeniaca were significantly higher than the others. The host had no significant effect on the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents whereas the host had significant effect on acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of leaves of mistletoe. NDF and ADF contents of leaves of mistletoe ranged from 32.50 to 34.80% and 19.43 to 21.56 % respectively. Gas and methane production of mistletoe leaves ranged from 39.53 to 44.50 ml, 6.26 to 7.06 ml. Gas production of mistletoe leaves grown on Prunus domestica was significantly higher than those of mistletoe leaves grown on Prunus armeniaca and Pirus communis. ME and OMD of mistletoe leaves ranged from 8.26 to 9.20 MJ (kg /DM) and 51.16 to 55.30 % respectively. ME and OMD of mistletoe leaves grown on Prunus domestica was significantly higher than those for Prunus armeniaca and Pirus communis. Leaves of mistletoe can be used during the food shortage to meet the forage requirement of ruminant animals. However leaves of mistletoe grown on Prunus domestica and Prunus dulcis should be supplemented with protein sources to prevent the possible protein deficiencies in mistletoe leave consuming ruminants. Further investigations are required to determine the effect mistletoe leaves on feed intake of ruminant animals.


  • AOAC (1990). Official method of analysis 15th ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists Washington, DC, USA. pp.66-88.)
  • Banik, BK, Durmic, Z, Erskine, W, Ghamkar, K, Revel, C (2013). In vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics and methane production differ in selected key pasture species in Australia. Crop Pas Sci; 64:935-942.
  • Goel, G, Makkar, HPS, Becker, K (2008). Effect of Sesbania sesban and Carduus pycnocephalus leaves and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds and their extract on partitioning of nutrients from roughage and concentrate-based feeds to methane. Anim. Feed Sci Technol 147 (1-3): 72-89.
  • Heckman, M, Hejcmanova, P, Stesjskalova, M, Pavlu, V (2014). Nutritive value of winter-collected annual twigs of main European woody species, mistletoe and ivy and its possible consequences for winter foddering of livestock in prehistory. 24(6):659-667.
  • Johnson, KA, and Johnson, DE (1995). ‘Methane emissions from cattle’, Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 73, No. 8, pp.2483–2492.
  • Lopez, S, Makkar, HPS, and Soliva, CR (2010). Screening plants and plant products for methane inhibitors. In, Vercoe PE, Makkar HPS, Schlink A (Eds): In vitro screening of plant resources for extra-nutritional attributes in ruminants: Nuclear and Related Methodologies. London, New York. pp.191-231,
  • Menke, KH, Raab, L, Salewski, A, Steingass, H, Fritz, D, Schneider, W (1979). The estimation of the digestibility and metabolizable energy content of ruminant feedingstuffs from the gas production when they are incubated with rumen liquor in vitro. J Agric Sci (Camb) 93:217-222.
  • Menke, KH, Steingass, H (1988). Estimation of the energetic feed value obtained from chemical analysis and in vitro gas production using rumen fluid. Anim Res Dev 28:7-55.
  • Minson, D (1990). Forage in Ruminant Nutrition, Academic Press, London, UK. pp 1-483
  • Navarro-Villa, A, O’Brien, M, Lopez, S, Boland, TMP, O’Kiely, P (2011). In vitro rumen methane output of red clover and perennial ryegrass assayed using the gas production technique (GPT). Anim Feed Sci Technol 168:152-164.
  • Ramantsi, KR, Mnisi, CM, Ravhuhali, KE (2019). Chemical composition and in vitro dry matter degradability of mistletoe (Viscum verrucosum) (Harv.) on Vachellia nilotica (L) in North West Province of South Africa
  • Saleh, I, Maigandi, SA, Hudu, MI, Abubakar, MI, Shehu, AU (2015). Uses and chemical composition of Misletoe (Viscum album) obtained from different species. Dutse Journal of Agriculture and Food Security, 2(1):8-12.
  • Ture, C, Bocuk, H, Asan, Z (2010). Nutritional relationship between hemi-parasitic mistletoe and some of its deciduous hosts in different habitats. Biologia, 65(5):859-867.
  • Umucular, HD, Gulsen, N, Coskun, B, Hayırlı, A, Dural, H (2007). Nutrient composition of mistletoe (Viscum album) and its nutritive value for ruminant animals. Agroforestry Systems. 71:77-87.
  • Uslu, OS, Kurt, O, Kaya, E, Kamalak, A (2018). Effect of species on the chemical composition, metabolisable energy, organic matter digestibility and methane production of some legume plants grown in Turkey. J App Anim Res 46(1):1158-1161.
  • Van Soest, PV, Robertson, JB, Lewis, BA (1991). Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci 74(10): 3583- 3597.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Original Papers

Ali İhsan Atalay 0000-0002-7379-9082

Publication Date June 23, 2020
Submission Date May 11, 2020
Acceptance Date June 16, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Atalay, A. İ. (2020). Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 4(1), 120-123.
AMA Atalay Aİ. Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host. Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2020;4(1):120-123.
Chicago Atalay, Ali İhsan. “Determination of Nutritive Value and Anti-Methanogenic Potential of Mistletoe Leaves (Viscum Album) Grown on Different Host”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 2020): 120-23.
EndNote Atalay Aİ (June 1, 2020) Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4 1 120–123.
IEEE A. İ. Atalay, “Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 120–123, 2020.
ISNAD Atalay, Ali İhsan. “Determination of Nutritive Value and Anti-Methanogenic Potential of Mistletoe Leaves (Viscum Album) Grown on Different Host”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4/1 (June 2020), 120-123.
JAMA Atalay Aİ. Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4:120–123.
MLA Atalay, Ali İhsan. “Determination of Nutritive Value and Anti-Methanogenic Potential of Mistletoe Leaves (Viscum Album) Grown on Different Host”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2020, pp. 120-3.
Vancouver Atalay Aİ. Determination of nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of mistletoe leaves (Viscum album) grown on different host. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4(1):120-3.

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