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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 155 - 160, 30.12.2020



  • Açıkgöz, Z. and Önenç, S., S. (2006). Fonksiyonel Yumurta Üretimi, Hayvansal Üretim, 47(1), 36-46.
  • Adadi, P., Barakova, N., V., Muravyov, K., Y. and Krivoshapkina E. F. (2019). Designing selenium functional foodss and beverages: A review, Food Research International, 120, 708–725.
  • Afrin, S., Giampieri, ,F., Cianciosi, D., Pistollato, F., Ansary, J., Pacetti, M., Amici, A., Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., Simal-Gandara, J., Quiles, J. L., Forbes-Hernández T. Y. and Battino, M. (2019). Strawberry tree honey as a new potential functional foods. Part 1: Strawberry tree honey reduces colon cancer cell proliferation and colony formation ability, inhibits cell cycle and promotes apoptosis by regulating EGFR and MAPKs signaling pathways). Journal of Functional foods,57, 439–452.
  • Ajanth, Praveen, M., Karthika, Parvathy, K.R., Jayabalan, R. and Balasubramanian, P., (2019). Dietary fiber from Indian edible seaweeds and its in-vitro prebiotic effect on the gut microbiota. Food Hydrocolloids, 96, 343–353.
  • Alaşalvar, C. And Pelvan, E., (2009). Günümüzün ve Geleceğin Gıdaları Fonksiyonel Gıdalar, Bilim ve Teknik, Ağustos.
  • Amorim, C., . Silvério, S. C., Cardoso, B. B., Alves, J. I., Pereira, M. A. and Rodrigues L., R. (2019). In vitro assessment of prebiotic properties of xylooligosaccharides produced by Bacillus subtilis 3610. Carbohydrate Polymers,
  • Anderson, J.W.B. and Carner, S.C. (1997). The effects of phytoestrogens on bone. Nutr. Res. 17:1617-1632.
  • Anthony, M.S., Clarkson, T.B. and Williams, J.K. (1998). Effects of soy isoflavones on atherosclerosis: potential mechanisms. Am J. Clin. Nutr. 68(suppl):1390S-1393S.
  • Ashwini, A., Ramya, H.N., Ramkumar, C., Reddy, K. R., Kulkarni R., V., Abinaya, V., Naveen, S. and Raghu, A., V., (2019). Reactive mechanism and the applications of bioactive prebiotics for human health: Review. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 159, 128–137.
  • Barat, A. and Özcan, T., (2016). Fermente sut iceceğinde probiyotik bakterilerin gelişimi uzerine meyve ilavesinin etkisi. Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., , 53 (3):259-267. Boluda, K., I. and Vidal-Capilla, I. (2017). Consumer Attitudes İn The Election Of Functional foods, Spanish Journal Of Marketing – Esıc, 21(S1), 65-79.
  • Cassidy, Y.M., . Mcsorley, E.M. and Allsopp, P.J., (2018). Effect Of Soluble Dietary Fibre On Postprandial Blood Glucose Response And İts Potential As A Functional foods İngredient, Journal Of Functional foods, 46, 423–439.
  • Chang, S., K., C. (2002). Isoflavones from soybeans and soy foods. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 40-62), CRC Press.
  • Chiralt, A., Martinez-Monzo, T. and Fito, P. (2002). Limonene from citrus. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects, (pp. 169-184), CRC Press.
  • Conte, P., Caro, A., D., Balestra, F., Piga, A. and Fadda, C. (2018). Bee pollen as a functional ingredient in gluten-free bread: A physicalchemical, technological and sensory approach, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 90, 1–7.
  • Coşkun, T. (2005). Fonksiyonel Besinlerin Sağlığımız Üzerine Etkileri, Çocuk Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 48, 69-84.
  • Dayısoylu, K., S., Gezginç Y. and Cingöz A. (2014), Fonksiyonel Gıda Mı, Fonksiyonel Bileşen Mi? Gıdalarda Fonksiyonellik. Gıda, 39 (1), 57-62. doi: 10.5505/gida.03511.
  • Deschenes, L. (2007). Packaging Technologies of functional foods. John Shi (Ed), Functional foods ingredients and nutraceuticals, (pp. 329-335), Taylor&Francis group.
  • Dülger, D. and Şahan, Y. (2011). Diyet Lifin Özellikleri Ve Sağlık Üzerindeki Etkileri, U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 25, Sayı 2, 147-157.
  • Echeverríaa, F., Valenzuelaa, R., Hernandez-Rodasa, M. C. and Valenzuelab A. (2017). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fundamental fatty acid for the brain: New dietary sources. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 124, 1–10.
  • Ekici, L. and Ercoskun H. (2007). Et Ürünlerinde Diyet Lif Kullanımı, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, (1), 83-90.
  • Erbaş, M., Gül S. and Sekerci H., (2008). Fonksiyonel Gıda Bileşeni Olarak Diyetsel Antioksidanlar, Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum.
  • Fanga, Z., Xua, X., Chenga, H., Lic, J., Guanga, C. and Liang, L. (2019). Comparison of whey protein particles and emulsions for the encapsulation and protection of α-tocopherol, Journal of Food Engineering, 247, 56–63.
  • Ghazalea, H., Ramadana, N., Mantasha, S., Zibarab, K., El-Sitta, S., Darwisha, H., Chamaad, F., Boustanya, R. M., Mondellog, S., Abou-Kheird, W., Soueida, J. and Kobeissya, F. (2018). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enhances the therapeutic potential of neonatal neural stem cell transplantation post—Traumatic brain injury. Behavioural Brain Research, 340, 1–13.
  • Giray, F., H. and Şahin, A., (2012). Raflardaki Yeni Ürün Fonksiyonel Gıdalar Ve Getirdikleri, 10. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, Konya.
  • Gould, J., F., Treyvaud, K., Yelland, L.N. Anderson, P.,J., Smithers, L. G., McPhee, A., J. And Makrides, M. (2017). Seven-year follow-up of children born to women in a randomized trial of prenatal DHA supplementation. JAMA, 317 1173–1175.
  • Granato, D., Nunes, D., S. and Barba, F., J. (2017). An İntegrated Strategy Between Food Chemistry, Biology, Nutrition, Pharmacology, And Statistics İn The Development Of Functional foodss: A Proposal. Trends İn Food Science & Technology, 62, 13-22.
  • Gurpilharesa, D., B., Cinellia, L., P., Simas, Pessoa, Jr, A. and Settee, L., D. (2019). Marine prebiotics: Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides obtained by using microbial enzymes. Food Chemistry, 280, 175–186.
  • Holden, J.M., Eldridge, A.L., Beech, G.R., Buzzard, I., Marilyn, B., Seema, C.S., Douglass, L.W., Gebhardt, Susan H.D. and Schakel, S., (1999). Caretenoid content of U.S. foods: an update of the database. J.Food Composit. Analy., 12, 169,.
  • Ji1, X. and Huang, H., (2009). Engineering microbes to produce polyunsaturated fatty acids. Trends in Biotechnology, Vol. 37, No. 4.
  • Kınık, Ö. and Gürsoy, O. (2002). Süt proteinleri kaynaklı biyoaktif peptitler. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 8, Sayı 2, Sayfa 195-203.
  • Leyva-Daniel, D. E., Escobedo-Avellaneda, Z., Villalobos-Castillejos, F., Alamilla-Beltrán, L. and Welti-Chanes, J. ( 2 0 1 7 ). Effect of high hydrostatic pressure applied to a Mexican honey to increase its microbiological andfunctional quality. Food And Bioproducts Processing 1 0 2, 299–306.
  • Li X., Liua, J., Chena, G., Zhangd, J., Wanga, C. and Liuc, B. (2019). Extraction and purification of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid from microalgae: A critical review. Algal Research, 43, 101619.
  • Mak, K., K., Tan, J., J., Marappan, P., Balijepalli, M., K., Choudhury, H., Ramamurthy, S. and Pichika, M., R. (2018). Galangin’s potential as a functional foods ingredient, Journal of Functional foods, 46, 490–503.
  • Martin, F., F., Mateos, M., P., . Dadashi, S., . Gomez-Guillen, C., M., and Sanz, P., D., (2017). Impact Of Magnetic Assisted Freezing İn The Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of Egg Components. Part 1: Egg White, Innovative Food Science And Emerging Technologies, 44, 131–138.
  • Martin, F., F., Mateos, M., P., . Dadashi, S., Gomez-Guillen, C., M., and Sanz, P., D. (2018). Impact Of Magnetic Assisted Freezing İn The Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of Egg Components. Part 2: Egg Yolk, Innovative Food Science And Emerging Technologies, 49, 176–183.
  • Meral, R., Doğan, İ., S. And Kanberoğlu, G., S. (2012). Fonksiyonel Gıda Bileşeni Olarak Antioksidanlar, Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech., 2(2), 45-50.
  • Mısır, G., B., (2012). Denizel Kaynaklı Bazı Fonksiyonel Gıdalar Ve Gıda Bileşenleri. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, (1):1-7.
  • Nawata, K., Yamauchi, M., Takaoka, S., Yamaguchi, T. and Sugimoto T. (2013). Association of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Calcif. Tissue Int. 93, 147–154. DOI 10.1007/s00223-013-9743-5.
  • Nilüfer, D. and Boyacıoğlu, D., (2008). Soya ve soya ürünlerinin fonksiyonel gıda bileşenleri. Gıda, 33 (5), 241-250.
  • Özdemir, P., Ö., Fettahlıoğlu, S. and Topoyan, M. (2009). Fonksiyonel Gıda Ürünlerine Yönelik Tüketici Tutumlarını Belirleme Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Ege Akademik Bakış / Ege Academic Review, 9 (4), 1079-1099.
  • Raia, A., K., Pandey, A. and Sahoo, D., (2019). Biotechnological potential of yeasts in functional foods industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 83, 129–137.
  • Rao, A.V., Waseem, Z. and Agarwal, S. (1998). Lycopene content of tomatoes and tomato products and their contribution to dietary lycopene. Food Res. Int., 31, 737.
  • Sağdıç, O., Küçüköner, E. And Özçelik, S. (2004). .Probiyotik ve prebiyotiklerin fonksiyonel özellikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(3-4):221-228. Seçkin, A., K. and Baladura, E. (2011). Süt ve süt ürünlerinin fonksiyonel özellikleri. C.B.U. Journal Of Science, 7.1, 27–38.
  • Shi, J., Maguer M., L. And Bryan, M. (2002). Lycopene from Tomatoes. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 136-160), CRC Press.
  • Skrede, G. and Wrolstad, R., E. (2002). Flavonoids from berries and grapes. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 72-101), CRC Press.
  • Şimsek, A. and Kılıç, B. (2016). Et Kaynaklı Bıyoaktıf Peptıtler Ve Fonksıyonel Özellıklerı, Gıda, 41 (4), 267-274. doi: 10.15237/gida.GD16013.
  • Tewari, K., Dahuja, A., Sachdev, A., Kumar, V., Ali, K., Kumar, A., and Kumari, S. (2017). Molecular cloning, heterologous expression and functional characterization of gamma tocopherol methyl transferase (g-TMT) from Glycine max. Protein Expression and Purification, 140, 81-89.
  • Wang, S., Y. (2007). Fruits with High Antioxidant Activity as Functional foods. John Shi (Ed), Functional foods ingredients and nutraceuticals, (pp. 372-398), Taylor&Francis group.
  • Wu, A.H., Horn-Ross, P.L.,Nomura, A.M., West, D.W.,Kolonel, L.N.,Rosenthal, J.F., Hoover, R.N. and Pike, M.C. (1996). Tofu and risk of breast cancer in Asian-Americans. Canser Epidemol., Biomarkers Prevent, 5:901-906.
  • Xavier, A., A., O. and Mercadante, A.,Z. (2019). The bioaccessibility of carotenoids impacts the design of functional foods, Current Opinion in Food Science, 26:1–8.
  • Xavier-Santosa, D., Bedania, R., Limad, E., D. and Saada, S., M., I. (2009). Impact of probiotics and prebiotics targeting metabolic syndrome. Journal of Functional foodss,
  • Xi, X., Feng, X., Shi, N., Ma, X., Lin, H. and Han, Y., (2016). Immobilized phospholipase A1-catalyzed acidolysis ofphosphatidylcholine from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) fordocosahexaenoic acid enrichment under supercritical conditions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 126, 46–55.
  • Yılmaz, E., Tekinay A. A. and Çevik N. (2006). Deniz Ürünleri Kaynaklı Fonksiyonel Gıda Maddeleri, E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Science, Volume 23, Suppl. (1/1), 523-527.
  • Yildiz, G., Ding, J., Gaur, S., Andrade, J., Engeseth, N. E. and Feng, H. (2018). Microencapsulation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with four Wall materials including pea protein-modified starch complex). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 114, 935–941.
  • Yüccer, M., Temizkan, R. and Caner, C. (2012). Fonksiyonel Gıda Olarak Yumurta: Bileşenleri ve Fonksiyonel Özellikleri. Akademik Gıda, 10(4), 70-76.
  • Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Sun, Y., Wang, X. and Li L. (2019). Effect of α-tocopherol antioxidant on rheological and physicochemical properties of chitosan/zein edible films. LWT - Food Science and Technology,

Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 155 - 160, 30.12.2020


Functional foods are the food or food components that provide additional benefits on human metabolic functions and physiology. With these features, functional foods are effective both in protection from diseases and in reaching a healthier life. Prebiotics, probiotics, dried food (fibers, tea, herbs etc.), fermented foods (yogurt, kefir, vegetables) and a wide range of products are counted as functional foods. Food components such as omega-3 fatty acids, isoflavones, carotenoids, beta-carotene and lycopene, sulforophane, polyphenols, soluble fibers (barley and oats) are effective in preventing diseases. Recently, world states have been focusing on creating a healthy and sustainable nutrition policy. It is thought that functional foods will be on the agenda in the future with the increasing awareness of people in the direction of healthy nutrition and their importance will increase.


  • Açıkgöz, Z. and Önenç, S., S. (2006). Fonksiyonel Yumurta Üretimi, Hayvansal Üretim, 47(1), 36-46.
  • Adadi, P., Barakova, N., V., Muravyov, K., Y. and Krivoshapkina E. F. (2019). Designing selenium functional foodss and beverages: A review, Food Research International, 120, 708–725.
  • Afrin, S., Giampieri, ,F., Cianciosi, D., Pistollato, F., Ansary, J., Pacetti, M., Amici, A., Reboredo-Rodríguez, P., Simal-Gandara, J., Quiles, J. L., Forbes-Hernández T. Y. and Battino, M. (2019). Strawberry tree honey as a new potential functional foods. Part 1: Strawberry tree honey reduces colon cancer cell proliferation and colony formation ability, inhibits cell cycle and promotes apoptosis by regulating EGFR and MAPKs signaling pathways). Journal of Functional foods,57, 439–452.
  • Ajanth, Praveen, M., Karthika, Parvathy, K.R., Jayabalan, R. and Balasubramanian, P., (2019). Dietary fiber from Indian edible seaweeds and its in-vitro prebiotic effect on the gut microbiota. Food Hydrocolloids, 96, 343–353.
  • Alaşalvar, C. And Pelvan, E., (2009). Günümüzün ve Geleceğin Gıdaları Fonksiyonel Gıdalar, Bilim ve Teknik, Ağustos.
  • Amorim, C., . Silvério, S. C., Cardoso, B. B., Alves, J. I., Pereira, M. A. and Rodrigues L., R. (2019). In vitro assessment of prebiotic properties of xylooligosaccharides produced by Bacillus subtilis 3610. Carbohydrate Polymers,
  • Anderson, J.W.B. and Carner, S.C. (1997). The effects of phytoestrogens on bone. Nutr. Res. 17:1617-1632.
  • Anthony, M.S., Clarkson, T.B. and Williams, J.K. (1998). Effects of soy isoflavones on atherosclerosis: potential mechanisms. Am J. Clin. Nutr. 68(suppl):1390S-1393S.
  • Ashwini, A., Ramya, H.N., Ramkumar, C., Reddy, K. R., Kulkarni R., V., Abinaya, V., Naveen, S. and Raghu, A., V., (2019). Reactive mechanism and the applications of bioactive prebiotics for human health: Review. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 159, 128–137.
  • Barat, A. and Özcan, T., (2016). Fermente sut iceceğinde probiyotik bakterilerin gelişimi uzerine meyve ilavesinin etkisi. Ege Univ. Ziraat Fak. Derg., , 53 (3):259-267. Boluda, K., I. and Vidal-Capilla, I. (2017). Consumer Attitudes İn The Election Of Functional foods, Spanish Journal Of Marketing – Esıc, 21(S1), 65-79.
  • Cassidy, Y.M., . Mcsorley, E.M. and Allsopp, P.J., (2018). Effect Of Soluble Dietary Fibre On Postprandial Blood Glucose Response And İts Potential As A Functional foods İngredient, Journal Of Functional foods, 46, 423–439.
  • Chang, S., K., C. (2002). Isoflavones from soybeans and soy foods. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 40-62), CRC Press.
  • Chiralt, A., Martinez-Monzo, T. and Fito, P. (2002). Limonene from citrus. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects, (pp. 169-184), CRC Press.
  • Conte, P., Caro, A., D., Balestra, F., Piga, A. and Fadda, C. (2018). Bee pollen as a functional ingredient in gluten-free bread: A physicalchemical, technological and sensory approach, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 90, 1–7.
  • Coşkun, T. (2005). Fonksiyonel Besinlerin Sağlığımız Üzerine Etkileri, Çocuk Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, 48, 69-84.
  • Dayısoylu, K., S., Gezginç Y. and Cingöz A. (2014), Fonksiyonel Gıda Mı, Fonksiyonel Bileşen Mi? Gıdalarda Fonksiyonellik. Gıda, 39 (1), 57-62. doi: 10.5505/gida.03511.
  • Deschenes, L. (2007). Packaging Technologies of functional foods. John Shi (Ed), Functional foods ingredients and nutraceuticals, (pp. 329-335), Taylor&Francis group.
  • Dülger, D. and Şahan, Y. (2011). Diyet Lifin Özellikleri Ve Sağlık Üzerindeki Etkileri, U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 25, Sayı 2, 147-157.
  • Echeverríaa, F., Valenzuelaa, R., Hernandez-Rodasa, M. C. and Valenzuelab A. (2017). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a fundamental fatty acid for the brain: New dietary sources. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 124, 1–10.
  • Ekici, L. and Ercoskun H. (2007). Et Ürünlerinde Diyet Lif Kullanımı, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, (1), 83-90.
  • Erbaş, M., Gül S. and Sekerci H., (2008). Fonksiyonel Gıda Bileşeni Olarak Diyetsel Antioksidanlar, Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs 2008, Erzurum.
  • Fanga, Z., Xua, X., Chenga, H., Lic, J., Guanga, C. and Liang, L. (2019). Comparison of whey protein particles and emulsions for the encapsulation and protection of α-tocopherol, Journal of Food Engineering, 247, 56–63.
  • Ghazalea, H., Ramadana, N., Mantasha, S., Zibarab, K., El-Sitta, S., Darwisha, H., Chamaad, F., Boustanya, R. M., Mondellog, S., Abou-Kheird, W., Soueida, J. and Kobeissya, F. (2018). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enhances the therapeutic potential of neonatal neural stem cell transplantation post—Traumatic brain injury. Behavioural Brain Research, 340, 1–13.
  • Giray, F., H. and Şahin, A., (2012). Raflardaki Yeni Ürün Fonksiyonel Gıdalar Ve Getirdikleri, 10. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, Konya.
  • Gould, J., F., Treyvaud, K., Yelland, L.N. Anderson, P.,J., Smithers, L. G., McPhee, A., J. And Makrides, M. (2017). Seven-year follow-up of children born to women in a randomized trial of prenatal DHA supplementation. JAMA, 317 1173–1175.
  • Granato, D., Nunes, D., S. and Barba, F., J. (2017). An İntegrated Strategy Between Food Chemistry, Biology, Nutrition, Pharmacology, And Statistics İn The Development Of Functional foodss: A Proposal. Trends İn Food Science & Technology, 62, 13-22.
  • Gurpilharesa, D., B., Cinellia, L., P., Simas, Pessoa, Jr, A. and Settee, L., D. (2019). Marine prebiotics: Polysaccharides and oligosaccharides obtained by using microbial enzymes. Food Chemistry, 280, 175–186.
  • Holden, J.M., Eldridge, A.L., Beech, G.R., Buzzard, I., Marilyn, B., Seema, C.S., Douglass, L.W., Gebhardt, Susan H.D. and Schakel, S., (1999). Caretenoid content of U.S. foods: an update of the database. J.Food Composit. Analy., 12, 169,.
  • Ji1, X. and Huang, H., (2009). Engineering microbes to produce polyunsaturated fatty acids. Trends in Biotechnology, Vol. 37, No. 4.
  • Kınık, Ö. and Gürsoy, O. (2002). Süt proteinleri kaynaklı biyoaktif peptitler. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 8, Sayı 2, Sayfa 195-203.
  • Leyva-Daniel, D. E., Escobedo-Avellaneda, Z., Villalobos-Castillejos, F., Alamilla-Beltrán, L. and Welti-Chanes, J. ( 2 0 1 7 ). Effect of high hydrostatic pressure applied to a Mexican honey to increase its microbiological andfunctional quality. Food And Bioproducts Processing 1 0 2, 299–306.
  • Li X., Liua, J., Chena, G., Zhangd, J., Wanga, C. and Liuc, B. (2019). Extraction and purification of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid from microalgae: A critical review. Algal Research, 43, 101619.
  • Mak, K., K., Tan, J., J., Marappan, P., Balijepalli, M., K., Choudhury, H., Ramamurthy, S. and Pichika, M., R. (2018). Galangin’s potential as a functional foods ingredient, Journal of Functional foods, 46, 490–503.
  • Martin, F., F., Mateos, M., P., . Dadashi, S., . Gomez-Guillen, C., M., and Sanz, P., D., (2017). Impact Of Magnetic Assisted Freezing İn The Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of Egg Components. Part 1: Egg White, Innovative Food Science And Emerging Technologies, 44, 131–138.
  • Martin, F., F., Mateos, M., P., . Dadashi, S., Gomez-Guillen, C., M., and Sanz, P., D. (2018). Impact Of Magnetic Assisted Freezing İn The Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of Egg Components. Part 2: Egg Yolk, Innovative Food Science And Emerging Technologies, 49, 176–183.
  • Meral, R., Doğan, İ., S. And Kanberoğlu, G., S. (2012). Fonksiyonel Gıda Bileşeni Olarak Antioksidanlar, Iğdır Univ. J. Inst. Sci. & Tech., 2(2), 45-50.
  • Mısır, G., B., (2012). Denizel Kaynaklı Bazı Fonksiyonel Gıdalar Ve Gıda Bileşenleri. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, (1):1-7.
  • Nawata, K., Yamauchi, M., Takaoka, S., Yamaguchi, T. and Sugimoto T. (2013). Association of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake with bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. Calcif. Tissue Int. 93, 147–154. DOI 10.1007/s00223-013-9743-5.
  • Nilüfer, D. and Boyacıoğlu, D., (2008). Soya ve soya ürünlerinin fonksiyonel gıda bileşenleri. Gıda, 33 (5), 241-250.
  • Özdemir, P., Ö., Fettahlıoğlu, S. and Topoyan, M. (2009). Fonksiyonel Gıda Ürünlerine Yönelik Tüketici Tutumlarını Belirleme Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Ege Akademik Bakış / Ege Academic Review, 9 (4), 1079-1099.
  • Raia, A., K., Pandey, A. and Sahoo, D., (2019). Biotechnological potential of yeasts in functional foods industry. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 83, 129–137.
  • Rao, A.V., Waseem, Z. and Agarwal, S. (1998). Lycopene content of tomatoes and tomato products and their contribution to dietary lycopene. Food Res. Int., 31, 737.
  • Sağdıç, O., Küçüköner, E. And Özçelik, S. (2004). .Probiyotik ve prebiyotiklerin fonksiyonel özellikleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(3-4):221-228. Seçkin, A., K. and Baladura, E. (2011). Süt ve süt ürünlerinin fonksiyonel özellikleri. C.B.U. Journal Of Science, 7.1, 27–38.
  • Shi, J., Maguer M., L. And Bryan, M. (2002). Lycopene from Tomatoes. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 136-160), CRC Press.
  • Skrede, G. and Wrolstad, R., E. (2002). Flavonoids from berries and grapes. Shi, J., Mazza, G. and Maguer, M., L. (Ed.) Functional Foods, Biochemical and Processing Aspects. (pp. 72-101), CRC Press.
  • Şimsek, A. and Kılıç, B. (2016). Et Kaynaklı Bıyoaktıf Peptıtler Ve Fonksıyonel Özellıklerı, Gıda, 41 (4), 267-274. doi: 10.15237/gida.GD16013.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Review Papers

Kenan Sinan Dayısoylu 0000-0002-0673-3526

Fatma Betül Tekin Sakallı 0000-0002-3765-2155

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Submission Date December 3, 2019
Acceptance Date April 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Dayısoylu, K. S., & Tekin Sakallı, F. B. (2020). Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 4(2), 155-160.
AMA Dayısoylu KS, Tekin Sakallı FB. Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients. Int J Agric For Life Sci. December 2020;4(2):155-160.
Chicago Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan, and Fatma Betül Tekin Sakallı. “Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4, no. 2 (December 2020): 155-60.
EndNote Dayısoylu KS, Tekin Sakallı FB (December 1, 2020) Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4 2 155–160.
IEEE K. S. Dayısoylu and F. B. Tekin Sakallı, “Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 155–160, 2020.
ISNAD Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan - Tekin Sakallı, Fatma Betül. “Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 4/2 (December 2020), 155-160.
JAMA Dayısoylu KS, Tekin Sakallı FB. Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4:155–160.
MLA Dayısoylu, Kenan Sinan and Fatma Betül Tekin Sakallı. “Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 4, no. 2, 2020, pp. 155-60.
Vancouver Dayısoylu KS, Tekin Sakallı FB. Commonly Consumed Functional Foods and Food Ingredients. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2020;4(2):155-60.

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