Research Article
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Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 25 - 29, 28.12.2023


This study evaluated technical efficiency of honey and beeswax production in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for climate and food security sustainability. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted. A total sample size of 120 honey and beeswax producers were used. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured and well-designed questionnaire. Analytical tools used were: descriptive statistics, farm budgeting techniques, stochastic production frontier model, and principal component model. The results show that 75.83% of honey and beeswax producers were less than 50 years of age. The mean age of honey and beeswax producers was 45 years. About 92.50% of honey and beeswax producers had formal education. The average household size was 7 members per household. Also, 65.84% of honey and beeswax producers had less than 11 years farming experience in beekeeping. The gross margin and net farm income of honey and beeswax production per cycle was calculated at 924, 235.00 Naira and 891, 850.00 Naira respectively. This shows that honey and beeswax production was profitable in the study area. The significant predictors influencing technical efficiency of honey and beeswax production were labour input, bee feed and sugar syrup, land size, number of beehives, quantities of antibiotics and vaccine, and cost incurred in honeybee pest, diseases, and predators control. The socio-economic predictors influencing negatively the technical inefficiency of honey and beeswax production were age, gender, household size, educational level, experience in beekeeping, and member of cooperatives. The average technical efficiency score for honey and beeswax producers was 0.5630 leaving a gap of 0.4370 for improvement. The constraints faced by honey and beeswax producers were lack of modern equipment’s, lack of credit facilities, inadequate extension services, inadequate training and capacity building, transportation problem, and disease, pest and predator attack. The study recommended that modern beekeeping equipment’s should be provided for honey and beeswax producers for increased productivity, training and capacity building should be organized for honey and beeswax producers for increased efficiency and productivity.

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Project Number



  • Ahmad, O.S., Alabi, O.O., Daniel, P.O (2016). Resource-Use Efficiency of Honey Production in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Studies, 4(1): 117 – 125. DOI: 10.5296/jas.v4i1.8790
  • Alabi, O.O Chiogor, O.H (2023). Technical Efficiency of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Production in Katsina State: Socio-Economic Drivers and Implications for Consumers Health Benefits. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 7 (1): 46 – 53
  • Alabi, O.O., Anekwe C.E (2023). Economics of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices (CSAPs) Used by Smallholder Sorghum Producers in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1); 65 – 71.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O Oladele, N.O (2020). Economic Market Decisions among Marginal Maize Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of Double Hurdle Model and Factor Analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 8(104): 114 – 125.DOI: 10.18551/rjoas.2020-08.14.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., Maharazu, I (2022). Economies of Scale and Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Pepper (Capsicum species) Production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67 (1): 63 – 82. DOI:
  • Altropy, E.T., Desouki, N.E., Alnafissa, M.A (2019). Economics of Technical Efficiency in White Honey Production: Using Stochastic Frontier Production Function. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 26: 1478 – 1484.
  • Amanza, P.S Maurice, D.C (2005). Identification of Factors that Influence Technical Efficiency in Rice-Based Production Systems in Nigeria. Paper Presented at Workshop on Policies and Strategies for Promoting Rice Production and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, November 7 – 9, 2005, Cotonou (Benin). Pp 1-9.
  • Didas, R (2005). Beekeeping Project in South Western Uganda. Bee World 86, 69 – 76. Farinde, A.J., Soyebo, K.O., and Oyedokan, M.O (2005). Improving Farmers’ Attitude towards Honey Production Experience in Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology, 18 (1): 21 -33.
  • FAOSTAT (2022). Beeswax Production in 2020, Crops/Regions/ World List/Production Quantity. UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Corporate Statistical Database Retrieved 23 July, 2022.
  • FMARD (2017). Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nigeria, Annual Report
  • Gao, Y., Lei, Y., Wu Y., Liang, H., Li, J., Pei, Y., Li, Y., Li, B., Luo, X., Liu, S (2021). Beeswax: A Potentials Self Emulsifying Agent for the Construction of Thermal-Sensitive Food W/O Emulsion. Food Chemistry, 2, 021, 349, 129203. DOI:
  • Hepburn, H.R (2012). Honeybees and Wax: An Experimental Natural History. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Iheanacho, A.C (2000). Pattern and Technical Efficiency of Resource Use in Millet Based Crop Mixtures in Borno State of Nigeria. Research Journal of Science, 6 (1 and 2): 97 – 103
  • Kuboja, N.M. Isinika, A.C., Kilima, F.T.M (2016). Comparative Economic Analysis of Beekeeping Using Traditional and Improved Beehives in the Miombo Woodlands of Tabora and Katavi Regions, Tanzania. Huria Journal, Vol 22: 109 – 123 DOI:
  • Mellema, M (2009). Co-Crystals of Beeswax and Various Vegetable Waxes with Sterois Studied by X Ray Diffraction and Diferentials Scanning Calorimetry. Journal Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 86(6): 499 – 505. DOI:
  • Mladenoska,I (2012). The Potential Application of Novel Beeswax Edible Coatings Containing Coconut Oil in the Minimal Processing of Fruits 1 (2): 26 – 34
  • Mulatu, A., Marisennayya., S., Bojago, E (2021). Adoption of Modern Hive Beekeeping Technology: The Case of Kacha-Birra Woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Agriculture, 1 – 20.DOI:
  • Olukosi, J.O and Erhabor, P.O (2015). Introduction to Farm Management Economics:Principles and Applications. Agitab Publishers Limited, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria pp77 – 83
  • Olarinde, I.O., Ajao, A.O., Okunola, S.O (2008). Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Beekeeping Farms in Oyo State, Nigeria: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4(1): 65 – 69.
  • Sadia, F.T., Hossain, M.S., Begum, R Sujan, M.H.K (2021). Comparative Profitability Analysis and Resource Use Efficiency of Beekeeping Using Wooden and Poly Hive in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovations and Technology, 11(1): 84 – 91.
  • Masuku, M.B (2013). Socio-Economic Analysis of Beekeeping in Swaziland; A Case Study of the Manzani Region, Swaziland. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, (6): 236 – 241. Shiferaw, K Gebremedhin, B (2016). Technical Efficiency of Smallscale Honey Producers in Ethiopia: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. LIVES Working Paper 20, Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 1 – 21.
  • Tijani, B.A., Ala, A.L., Maikasuwa, M.A., Ganawa, N (2011). Economic Analysis of Beekeeping in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 19(2): 285 – 292.
  • UNEP (2010). Environment for Development: Indigenous Knowledge in Africa.http:// Id=Swaziland accessed 27-10-2010.
  • Vaziritabar, S, Esmaeilzade, S.M (2016). Profitability and Socio-Economic Analysis of Beekeeping and Honey Production in Karaj State, Iran. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 4(4): 1341 – 1350.
  • Walle, D (2020). Technical Efficiency and its Determinants of Honey Production: The Case of Bibugu District of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing, 2 (18): 141 – 172.
  • Yamane, T (1967). Elementary Sampling Theory, Volume 1, 371 – 390, Englewood Cliff:Prentice Inc.
Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 25 - 29, 28.12.2023


Project Number



  • Ahmad, O.S., Alabi, O.O., Daniel, P.O (2016). Resource-Use Efficiency of Honey Production in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Studies, 4(1): 117 – 125. DOI: 10.5296/jas.v4i1.8790
  • Alabi, O.O Chiogor, O.H (2023). Technical Efficiency of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) Production in Katsina State: Socio-Economic Drivers and Implications for Consumers Health Benefits. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 7 (1): 46 – 53
  • Alabi, O.O., Anekwe C.E (2023). Economics of Climate Smart Agricultural Practices (CSAPs) Used by Smallholder Sorghum Producers in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1); 65 – 71.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O Oladele, N.O (2020). Economic Market Decisions among Marginal Maize Farmers in Abuja, Nigeria: Applications of Double Hurdle Model and Factor Analysis. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 8(104): 114 – 125.DOI: 10.18551/rjoas.2020-08.14.
  • Alabi, O.O., Oladele, A.O., Maharazu, I (2022). Economies of Scale and Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Pepper (Capsicum species) Production in Abuja, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 67 (1): 63 – 82. DOI:
  • Altropy, E.T., Desouki, N.E., Alnafissa, M.A (2019). Economics of Technical Efficiency in White Honey Production: Using Stochastic Frontier Production Function. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 26: 1478 – 1484.
  • Amanza, P.S Maurice, D.C (2005). Identification of Factors that Influence Technical Efficiency in Rice-Based Production Systems in Nigeria. Paper Presented at Workshop on Policies and Strategies for Promoting Rice Production and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, November 7 – 9, 2005, Cotonou (Benin). Pp 1-9.
  • Didas, R (2005). Beekeeping Project in South Western Uganda. Bee World 86, 69 – 76. Farinde, A.J., Soyebo, K.O., and Oyedokan, M.O (2005). Improving Farmers’ Attitude towards Honey Production Experience in Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology, 18 (1): 21 -33.
  • FAOSTAT (2022). Beeswax Production in 2020, Crops/Regions/ World List/Production Quantity. UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Corporate Statistical Database Retrieved 23 July, 2022.
  • FMARD (2017). Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nigeria, Annual Report
  • Gao, Y., Lei, Y., Wu Y., Liang, H., Li, J., Pei, Y., Li, Y., Li, B., Luo, X., Liu, S (2021). Beeswax: A Potentials Self Emulsifying Agent for the Construction of Thermal-Sensitive Food W/O Emulsion. Food Chemistry, 2, 021, 349, 129203. DOI:
  • Hepburn, H.R (2012). Honeybees and Wax: An Experimental Natural History. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Iheanacho, A.C (2000). Pattern and Technical Efficiency of Resource Use in Millet Based Crop Mixtures in Borno State of Nigeria. Research Journal of Science, 6 (1 and 2): 97 – 103
  • Kuboja, N.M. Isinika, A.C., Kilima, F.T.M (2016). Comparative Economic Analysis of Beekeeping Using Traditional and Improved Beehives in the Miombo Woodlands of Tabora and Katavi Regions, Tanzania. Huria Journal, Vol 22: 109 – 123 DOI:
  • Mellema, M (2009). Co-Crystals of Beeswax and Various Vegetable Waxes with Sterois Studied by X Ray Diffraction and Diferentials Scanning Calorimetry. Journal Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 86(6): 499 – 505. DOI:
  • Mladenoska,I (2012). The Potential Application of Novel Beeswax Edible Coatings Containing Coconut Oil in the Minimal Processing of Fruits 1 (2): 26 – 34
  • Mulatu, A., Marisennayya., S., Bojago, E (2021). Adoption of Modern Hive Beekeeping Technology: The Case of Kacha-Birra Woreda, Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia. Advances in Agriculture, 1 – 20.DOI:
  • Olukosi, J.O and Erhabor, P.O (2015). Introduction to Farm Management Economics:Principles and Applications. Agitab Publishers Limited, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria pp77 – 83
  • Olarinde, I.O., Ajao, A.O., Okunola, S.O (2008). Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Beekeeping Farms in Oyo State, Nigeria: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 4(1): 65 – 69.
  • Sadia, F.T., Hossain, M.S., Begum, R Sujan, M.H.K (2021). Comparative Profitability Analysis and Resource Use Efficiency of Beekeeping Using Wooden and Poly Hive in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. International Journal of Agricultural Research Innovations and Technology, 11(1): 84 – 91.
  • Masuku, M.B (2013). Socio-Economic Analysis of Beekeeping in Swaziland; A Case Study of the Manzani Region, Swaziland. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, (6): 236 – 241. Shiferaw, K Gebremedhin, B (2016). Technical Efficiency of Smallscale Honey Producers in Ethiopia: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. LIVES Working Paper 20, Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 1 – 21.
  • Tijani, B.A., Ala, A.L., Maikasuwa, M.A., Ganawa, N (2011). Economic Analysis of Beekeeping in Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 19(2): 285 – 292.
  • UNEP (2010). Environment for Development: Indigenous Knowledge in Africa.http:// Id=Swaziland accessed 27-10-2010.
  • Vaziritabar, S, Esmaeilzade, S.M (2016). Profitability and Socio-Economic Analysis of Beekeeping and Honey Production in Karaj State, Iran. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 4(4): 1341 – 1350.
  • Walle, D (2020). Technical Efficiency and its Determinants of Honey Production: The Case of Bibugu District of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing, 2 (18): 141 – 172.
  • Yamane, T (1967). Elementary Sampling Theory, Volume 1, 371 – 390, Englewood Cliff:Prentice Inc.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Original Papers

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı 0000-0002-8390-9775

Chinwe Edith Anekwe 0000-0003-4186-1694

Project Number NIL
Early Pub Date December 23, 2023
Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date April 6, 2023
Acceptance Date September 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Alabı, O. O., & Anekwe, C. E. (2023). Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 7(2), 25-29.
AMA Alabı OO, Anekwe CE. Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability. Int J Agric For Life Sci. December 2023;7(2):25-29.
Chicago Alabı, Olugbenga Omotayo, and Chinwe Edith Anekwe. “Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7, no. 2 (December 2023): 25-29.
EndNote Alabı OO, Anekwe CE (December 1, 2023) Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7 2 25–29.
IEEE O. O. Alabı and C. E. Anekwe, “Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 25–29, 2023.
ISNAD Alabı, Olugbenga Omotayo - Anekwe, Chinwe Edith. “Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7/2 (December 2023), 25-29.
JAMA Alabı OO, Anekwe CE. Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7:25–29.
MLA Alabı, Olugbenga Omotayo and Chinwe Edith Anekwe. “Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, 2023, pp. 25-29.
Vancouver Alabı OO, Anekwe CE. Technical Efficiency of Honey and Beeswax Productıon in Kaduna State, Nigeria: Implications for Climate and Food Security Sustaiınability. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7(2):25-9.

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