Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 47 - 51, 28.12.2023


Project Number

Project No: 2018/1-11 M


  • Ahmad, A., Husain, A., Mujeeb, M., Khan, S.A., Najmi, A.K., Siddique, N.A., Damanhouri, Z.A. Anwar, F. (2013). A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 3 (5): 337-352.
  • Akgül, A. (1993). Spice Science Technology, Food Technology Association Publication No:15, Damla Printing, Ankara, Pages: 72-75.
  • Al-Naqeep, G.N., Ismail, M.M., Al-Zubairi, A.S. Esa, N.M. (2009). Nutrients Composition and content of three different samples of Nigella sativa L. cultivated in Yemen. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 2 (2): 43-48.
  • Anonymous. (2016). Principles of Fertilization Ministry of National Education, Ankara. Page: 74.
  • Anonymous. (2020a). Climate data for 2017-18 and 2019-2020 and long years measured at Kahramanmaraş Province Meteorology Station.
  • Anonymous. (2020b). Kahramanmaras Sütcü Imam University. USKIM laboratory soil analysis results. Ayhan, B. (2012). Phytotherapeutic studies on Nigella sativa L. Plant. Gazi University, Department of Pharmacognosy, Master's Thesis. Page: 153.
  • Baser, K.H.C. (2010). Black cumin (Nigella sativa). Bagbahce Journal. 32(3):26-27.
  • Baydar, H. (2013). The Science and Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Extended 4th Edition). Süleyman Demirel University, Publication No: 51. Page: 339.
  • Bayram, E., Kırıcı, S., Tansı, S., Yılmaz, G., Arabacı, O., Kızıl, S. Telci, I. (2010). Possibilities of increasing the production of medicinal and aromatic plants. VII. Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress Book. Pages:1-21. Ceylan, A. (1997). Medicinal plants-II. Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, No:481. Page: 306.
  • Ertaş, M.E. (2016). Determination of agronomic and quality characteristics of black cumin (Nigella sp.) genotypes planted in winter and summer in Tokat Kazova ecological conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 62.
  • Kabir, Y., Shirakawa, H. Komai, M. (2019). Nutritional composition of the indigenous cultivar of black cumin seeds from Bangladesh. Progress in Nutrition, 21(Supplement 1): 428-434.
  • Kacar, B. (2015). General Plant Physiology. 1st edition; Nobel Academic Publishing Training Consultancy Trade. Ltd. Sti. Turkey.
  • Kaya, A.R., Eryigit, T., Aysabar, Z. (2023). All aspects of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.) and Related Studies. IKSAD Publishing House. 74p, ISBN: 978-625-367-132-7.
  • Kizil, S., Kirici, S., Cakmak, O. Khawar, K.M. (2008). Effects of sowing periods and P application rates on yield and oil composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (2): 242-246.
  • Küçükemre, D. (2009). Effects of different row spacing and sowing norm on yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 67.
  • Ozguven, M. (2005). Black Cumin Nigella sativa L. Research on the Place and Composition in Traditional Medicine. Journal of Nature & Health, 5(3):10-13.
  • Takruri, H.R.H. Dameh, M.A.F. (1998). Study of the nutritional value of black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.). J Sci Food Agric. 76: 404-410.
  • Telci, I. (1995). The effect of different planting density on yield, yield components and some vegetative properties of black cumin (N. sativa L.) in Tokat conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis, Page: 43.
  • Telci, İ., Yaglioglu, A.S., Eser, F., Aksit, H., Demirtas, I. Tekin. S. (2014). Comparison of seed oil composition of Nigella sativa L. and Nigella damascena L. during seed maturation stages. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 91: 1723-1729.
  • Turan, Y.S. (2014). The effect of phosphorus doses on the yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 76. Uras S.S., Silahtaroğlu, S., Ilcim, A. Kökdil, G. (2010). Fatty acid, tocopherol, mineral composition, total phenolic, flavonoid, thymoquinone content and antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa L.. J.Fac. Pharm, Ankara, 39(3): 173-186. Urusan, Z. (2016). Determination of agricultural and quality characteristics of some black cumin (Nigella sativa, Nigella damascena) genotypes. Atatürk University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 53.
  • Vatansev, H., Ciftci, H., Ozkaya, A., Ozturk, B., Evliyaoglu, N. Kiyici, A. (2013). Chemical composition of Nigella sativa L. seeds used as a medical aromatic plant from East Anatolia Region, Turkey. Asian J. Chem., 25(10):5490-5492.

The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.)

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 47 - 51, 28.12.2023


This study was conducted to determine the fixed oil components and macro-micro nutrients of black cumin grown at different phosphorus doses. Seed samples were obtained from two different black cumin genotypes grown for two years (in 2017-18 and 2019-20 winter growing seasons) by applying five different phosphorus doses (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 kg da-1 P). According to the research results, increasing phosphorus amount did not show a significant difference in fixed oil components. Unsaturated fatty acid ratio has a much higher ratio than saturated fatty acid ratio. Linoleic acid (58.26%), an unsaturated fatty acid, and palmitic acid (11.84%), a saturated fatty acid, were found to be the highest in black cumin oil. When macro-micro nutrients are examined, it has been observed that the difference in dose and genotype x dose interaction is important. While the macro-micro elements Fe, Ca, P, Zn and Mn increased up to a certain dose, the elements Mg, K, Na, N increased depending on the dose increase, and the highest value was obtained from the 12 kg da-1 P application.

Project Number

Project No: 2018/1-11 M


This research (Project No: 2018/1-11 M) was supported by KSU Scientific Research Projects Unit and I would like to thank the KSU BAP unit.


  • Ahmad, A., Husain, A., Mujeeb, M., Khan, S.A., Najmi, A.K., Siddique, N.A., Damanhouri, Z.A. Anwar, F. (2013). A review on therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa: A miracle herb. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 3 (5): 337-352.
  • Akgül, A. (1993). Spice Science Technology, Food Technology Association Publication No:15, Damla Printing, Ankara, Pages: 72-75.
  • Al-Naqeep, G.N., Ismail, M.M., Al-Zubairi, A.S. Esa, N.M. (2009). Nutrients Composition and content of three different samples of Nigella sativa L. cultivated in Yemen. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences. 2 (2): 43-48.
  • Anonymous. (2016). Principles of Fertilization Ministry of National Education, Ankara. Page: 74.
  • Anonymous. (2020a). Climate data for 2017-18 and 2019-2020 and long years measured at Kahramanmaraş Province Meteorology Station.
  • Anonymous. (2020b). Kahramanmaras Sütcü Imam University. USKIM laboratory soil analysis results. Ayhan, B. (2012). Phytotherapeutic studies on Nigella sativa L. Plant. Gazi University, Department of Pharmacognosy, Master's Thesis. Page: 153.
  • Baser, K.H.C. (2010). Black cumin (Nigella sativa). Bagbahce Journal. 32(3):26-27.
  • Baydar, H. (2013). The Science and Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Extended 4th Edition). Süleyman Demirel University, Publication No: 51. Page: 339.
  • Bayram, E., Kırıcı, S., Tansı, S., Yılmaz, G., Arabacı, O., Kızıl, S. Telci, I. (2010). Possibilities of increasing the production of medicinal and aromatic plants. VII. Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress Book. Pages:1-21. Ceylan, A. (1997). Medicinal plants-II. Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, No:481. Page: 306.
  • Ertaş, M.E. (2016). Determination of agronomic and quality characteristics of black cumin (Nigella sp.) genotypes planted in winter and summer in Tokat Kazova ecological conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 62.
  • Kabir, Y., Shirakawa, H. Komai, M. (2019). Nutritional composition of the indigenous cultivar of black cumin seeds from Bangladesh. Progress in Nutrition, 21(Supplement 1): 428-434.
  • Kacar, B. (2015). General Plant Physiology. 1st edition; Nobel Academic Publishing Training Consultancy Trade. Ltd. Sti. Turkey.
  • Kaya, A.R., Eryigit, T., Aysabar, Z. (2023). All aspects of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.) and Related Studies. IKSAD Publishing House. 74p, ISBN: 978-625-367-132-7.
  • Kizil, S., Kirici, S., Cakmak, O. Khawar, K.M. (2008). Effects of sowing periods and P application rates on yield and oil composition of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 6 (2): 242-246.
  • Küçükemre, D. (2009). Effects of different row spacing and sowing norm on yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 67.
  • Ozguven, M. (2005). Black Cumin Nigella sativa L. Research on the Place and Composition in Traditional Medicine. Journal of Nature & Health, 5(3):10-13.
  • Takruri, H.R.H. Dameh, M.A.F. (1998). Study of the nutritional value of black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa L.). J Sci Food Agric. 76: 404-410.
  • Telci, I. (1995). The effect of different planting density on yield, yield components and some vegetative properties of black cumin (N. sativa L.) in Tokat conditions. Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Field Crops, Master's Thesis, Page: 43.
  • Telci, İ., Yaglioglu, A.S., Eser, F., Aksit, H., Demirtas, I. Tekin. S. (2014). Comparison of seed oil composition of Nigella sativa L. and Nigella damascena L. during seed maturation stages. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 91: 1723-1729.
  • Turan, Y.S. (2014). The effect of phosphorus doses on the yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 76. Uras S.S., Silahtaroğlu, S., Ilcim, A. Kökdil, G. (2010). Fatty acid, tocopherol, mineral composition, total phenolic, flavonoid, thymoquinone content and antioxidant activity of Nigella sativa L.. J.Fac. Pharm, Ankara, 39(3): 173-186. Urusan, Z. (2016). Determination of agricultural and quality characteristics of some black cumin (Nigella sativa, Nigella damascena) genotypes. Atatürk University, Department of Field Crops, Master Thesis, Page: 53.
  • Vatansev, H., Ciftci, H., Ozkaya, A., Ozturk, B., Evliyaoglu, N. Kiyici, A. (2013). Chemical composition of Nigella sativa L. seeds used as a medical aromatic plant from East Anatolia Region, Turkey. Asian J. Chem., 25(10):5490-5492.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Original Papers

Osman Gedik 0000-0002-4816-3154

Project Number Project No: 2018/1-11 M
Early Pub Date December 23, 2023
Publication Date December 28, 2023
Submission Date September 3, 2023
Acceptance Date November 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Gedik, O. (2023). The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.). International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 7(2), 47-51.
AMA Gedik O. The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.). Int J Agric For Life Sci. December 2023;7(2):47-51.
Chicago Gedik, Osman. “The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7, no. 2 (December 2023): 47-51.
EndNote Gedik O (December 1, 2023) The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.). International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7 2 47–51.
IEEE O. Gedik, “The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.)”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 47–51, 2023.
ISNAD Gedik, Osman. “The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7/2 (December 2023), 47-51.
JAMA Gedik O. The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.). Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7:47–51.
MLA Gedik, Osman. “The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, 2023, pp. 47-51.
Vancouver Gedik O. The Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses on Fixed Oil Component and Plant Nutritional Elements of Black Cumin (Nigella sp.). Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7(2):47-51.

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