Research Article
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The Effect of formative assessment on reading comprehension

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: Special Issue, 88 - 108, 29.11.2022


The aim of this research is to set forth the effects of formative assessment methods on reading comprehension. To this end, reading status of a group of students was assessed with formative assessment methods, while that of another group was evaluated with traditional ones. The research was carried out by using unequalised quasi-experimental design. The experimental and control groups of the research were randomly assigned. The study group consisted of 50 3rd grade students of a primary school in the Dilovası district of Kocaeli city, Türkiye. The data of the study were obtained from the texts within 3rd grade curriculum and from the comprehension questions prepared for these texts. The data were analyzed via SPSS 22 program. Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used during analyses. In the findings of the research, a highly significant difference was observed in favor of the experimental group. As a result of the findings of the research, it was observed that formative assessment methods contributed to reading comprehension success positively.

Project Number

This research was produced from the master's thesis numbered 649617, titled "The Effect of Formative Assessment on Reading Comprehension" conducted by Muhammet Sönmez under the consultancy of Fatih Çetin Çetinkaya


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The Effect of formative assessment on reading comprehension

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: Special Issue, 88 - 108, 29.11.2022


The aim of this research is to set forth the effects of formative assessment methods on reading comprehension. To this end, reading status of a group of students was assessed with formative assessment methods, while that of another group was evaluated with traditional ones. The research was carried out by using unequalised quasi-experimental design. The experimental and control groups of the research were randomly assigned. The study group consisted of 50 3rd grade students of a primary school in the Dilovası district of Kocaeli city, Türkiye. The data of the study were obtained from the texts within 3rd grade curriculum and from the comprehension questions prepared for these texts. The data were analyzed via SPSS 22 program. Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used during analyses. In the findings of the research, a highly significant difference was observed in favor of the experimental group. As a result of the findings of the research, it was observed that formative assessment methods contributed to reading comprehension success positively.

Project Number

This research was produced from the master's thesis numbered 649617, titled "The Effect of Formative Assessment on Reading Comprehension" conducted by Muhammet Sönmez under the consultancy of Fatih Çetin Çetinkaya


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There are 114 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Special Issue

Muhammet Sönmez 0000-0001-6516-7635

Fatih Çetin Çetinkaya 0000-0002-9843-6747

Project Number This research was produced from the master's thesis numbered 649617, titled "The Effect of Formative Assessment on Reading Comprehension" conducted by Muhammet Sönmez under the consultancy of Fatih Çetin Çetinkaya
Early Pub Date November 17, 2022
Publication Date November 29, 2022
Submission Date April 17, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: Special Issue


APA Sönmez, M., & Çetinkaya, F. Ç. (2022). The Effect of formative assessment on reading comprehension. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 9(Special Issue), 88-108.

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