Research Article
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Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 28 - 33, 25.01.2025


Sport is increasingly used as a tool to develop life skills, social abilities, and moral principles in addition to health, physical fitness, and achievement. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of self-confidence of elite Indonesian blind athletes who have practiced sports for a long time and produced results. In this study, a quantitative-descriptive methodology was selected. With the aim of including elite athletes with disabilities in Indonesia (both national and international), 47 athletes with disabilities were selected as research samples through a purposive sampling approach. The research instrument was a self-confidence questionnaire with a validity test of 0.93 and a reliability of 0.90 for athletes with disabilities. Elite athletes with disabilities in Indonesia have a confidence level of 82.98% in the very high category, 8.51% in the high category, 6.38% in the medium category, 2.13% in the low category, and no very low category. Furthermore, an average score of 91.60 was obtained, indicating that, overall, Indonesian elite athletes with disabilities have high self-confidence character in the areas of creative thinking, interpersonal motivation, self-confidence, optimism, responsibility, and rationality. There is a contribution of sports training in building the character of elite athletes with disabilities in Indonesia. The contribution of sports training to the self-confidence of athletes with disabilities is 64% within one year.


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  • Barrot, J.S., Llenares, I.I. & del Rosario, L.S. (2021). Students’ online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines. Educ Inf Technol 26, 7321–7338. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
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  • Rimmer, J.H., Braddock, D., Pitetti, K.H. (1996). Research on physical activity and disability: an emerging national priority. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 28(11):1366-72. [CrossRef]
  • Rizky, F. (2023). The relationship between self-confidence and optimism in completing thesis for psychology students at UIN Ar-Raniry. Acta Psychology, 02 (01), 22-27. [CrossRef]
  • Ross, S. M., Bogart, K. R., Logan, S. W., Case, L., Fine, J., & Thompson, H. (2016). Physical Activity Participation of Disabled Children: A Systematic Review of Conceptual and Methodological Approaches in Health Research. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 207207. [PubMed]
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  • Setyawati, S. M., Alberth, A., & Sapan, Y. (2023). A Correlational Study Between Student's Self-Confidence and Motivation Toward Their Speaking Achievement at English Department of Halu Oleo University. Journal of Teaching of English, 8(1), 48-57. [CrossRef]
  • Shapiro, J.P. (1993). No Pity; People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 6(1), 87-89. [CrossRef]
  • Sin, T. H. (2017). Tingkat Percaya Diri Atlet Sepak Bola dalam Menghadapi Pertandingan. Jurnal Fokus Konseling. 3 (2), 163-174. [CrossRef]
  • Sipahi, E. (2018). Creativity and the Importance of Business Management. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8 (8), 428-439 [CrossRef]
  • Syed, S. Z., Abiodullah, M., & Yousaf, A. (2014). Assesing emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills of university students as predictors of employability. 21st Century Academic Forum Conference at Harvard-2014. 2011, 243-255. [CrossRef]
  • Thompson, J. (1949). Positive Coaching: Building Caracter and Self-Esteem Through Sports. California: Warde Publisher.
  • Vella, S. A., Oades, L. G., & Crowe, T. P. (2013). A pilot test of transformational leadership training for sports coaches: Impact on the developmental experiences of adolescent athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 8 (3), 513-530. [CrossRef]
  • Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2015). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (6th ed.). Human Kinetics.
  • White, S., & Rezania, D. (2019). The impact of coaches’ ethical leadership behaviour on athletes’ voice and performance: The role of accountability. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 9(5), 460–476.
  • WHO. (2023, March 7). Disability. room/fact-sheets/detail/ disability-and-health
Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 28 - 33, 25.01.2025



  • Azwar, S. (2018). Penyusunan Skala Psikologi (Edisi Ketiga). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  • Barrot, J.S., Llenares, I.I. & del Rosario, L.S. (2021). Students’ online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines. Educ Inf Technol 26, 7321–7338. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  • Bella, A., & Dartanto, T,. (2016). A Bad Luck: People with Disabilities (PWD) and Poverty in Indonesia. LPEM-FEBUI Working Paper 005, 1-11. [CrossRef]
  • Carbone, P.S., Smith, P.J., Lewis, C., & LeBlanc, C. (2021). Promoting the Participation of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities in Sports, Recreation, and Physical Activity. Pediatrics, 148(6). [PubMed]
  • Certel, Z., Aksoy, D., Çalışkan, E., Lapa, T. Y., Özçelik, M. A., & Çelik, G. (2022). Research on Self-esteem in Decision Making and Decision-making Styles in Taekwondo Athletes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93(1), 1971–1975. [CrossRef]
  • Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to desIgn and evaluate research In educatIon (8th ed.). New York: Mc Graw HIll. [CrossRef]
  • Friedman, H. H., Pumarejo, T. L., & Friedman, L. W. (2006). The Largest Minority Group – The Disabled.
  • Greenacre, L., Tung, N. M., & Chapman, T. (2014). Self confidence, and the ability to influence. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 18(2), 169–180.
  • Haase, J., Hoff, E. V., Hanel, P. H. P., & Innes-Ker, Å. (2018). A Meta-Analysis of the Relation between Creative Self-Efficacy and Different Creativity Measurements. Creativity Research Journal, 30 (1), 1-16, [CrossRef]
  • Hadi, R. (2007). Ilmu Kepelatihan Dasar. Semarang: Rumah Indonesia
  • Hadi, R. (2011). Peran Pelatih dalam Membentuk Karakter Atlet. Jurnal Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia, ISSN: 2088-6808 Unnes, Semarang. 1(1), 88-93. [CrossRef]
  • Hansen, D. M., Larson, R. W., & Dworkin, J. B. (2003). What Adolescents Learn in Organized Youth Activities: A Survey of Self-Reported Developmental Experiences. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13(1), 25–55. [CrossRef]
  • Hong, E. (2014). Creative thinking abilities: measures for various domains in Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness. New York: ©Springer Science+Business Media New York, 201-222. [CrossRef]
  • Hutzler Y, Fliess-Douer O, Avraham A, Reiter S, Talmor R. (2007). Effects of short-term awareness interventions on children's attitudes toward peers with a disability. Int J Rehabil Res. 30(2), 159-61. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  • Kemenko PMK. (2023). Government Fulfills the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia. Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Indonesian Culture. [CrossRef]
  • Komarudin. (2015). Psikologi Olahraga (Lathan Mental dalam Olahraga Kompetitif). Bandung. PT Remaja Rosdakarya. ISBN/ISSN, 978-979-692-147-8.
  • Lathifa, A., Syukur, Y., Asnah, M.N., Nurfarhanahet, N. (2023). Effectiveness of rational emotive behavior therapy group counseling to improve students’ self-confidence. 10(1), 23-32. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
  • Lauster, P. (1994). Test Kepribadian (Diterjemahkan oleh Gulo D.H). Jakarta. Bumi Aksara.
  • Legg, D., Dubon, M., Webborn, N., & Blauwet, C. (2022). Advancing sport opportunities for people with disabilities: from grassroots to elite. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 56(22), 1266–1267. [CrossRef]
  • Mann, L., Radford, M., Burnett, P., Ford, S., Bond, M., Leung, K., Nakamura, H., Vaughan, G., & Yang, K.-S. (1998). Cross-cultural differences in self-reported decision-making style and confidence. International Journal of Psychology, 33(5), 325–335. [CrossRef]
  • Odongo, I. (2016). The Influence of Culture on Judgment and Decision Making. International Journal of Advanced Legal Studies and Governance, 6(1), 1–21.
  • Rasimin, R., & Sarman, F. (2023). Hubungan Kepercayaan Diri dengan Motivasi Belajar Intrinsik Siswa di SMAN 6 Kota Jambi. Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 7(1), 347-352.[CrossRef]
  • Rimmer, J.H., Braddock, D., Pitetti, K.H. (1996). Research on physical activity and disability: an emerging national priority. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 28(11):1366-72. [CrossRef]
  • Rizky, F. (2023). The relationship between self-confidence and optimism in completing thesis for psychology students at UIN Ar-Raniry. Acta Psychology, 02 (01), 22-27. [CrossRef]
  • Ross, S. M., Bogart, K. R., Logan, S. W., Case, L., Fine, J., & Thompson, H. (2016). Physical Activity Participation of Disabled Children: A Systematic Review of Conceptual and Methodological Approaches in Health Research. Frontiers in Public Health, 4, 207207. [PubMed]
  • Salkind, N. J. (2004). An Introduction to theories of human development. London: Sage Publications, 211-213. [CrossRef]
  • Setyawati, S. M., Alberth, A., & Sapan, Y. (2023). A Correlational Study Between Student's Self-Confidence and Motivation Toward Their Speaking Achievement at English Department of Halu Oleo University. Journal of Teaching of English, 8(1), 48-57. [CrossRef]
  • Shapiro, J.P. (1993). No Pity; People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 6(1), 87-89. [CrossRef]
  • Sin, T. H. (2017). Tingkat Percaya Diri Atlet Sepak Bola dalam Menghadapi Pertandingan. Jurnal Fokus Konseling. 3 (2), 163-174. [CrossRef]
  • Sipahi, E. (2018). Creativity and the Importance of Business Management. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 8 (8), 428-439 [CrossRef]
  • Syed, S. Z., Abiodullah, M., & Yousaf, A. (2014). Assesing emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills of university students as predictors of employability. 21st Century Academic Forum Conference at Harvard-2014. 2011, 243-255. [CrossRef]
  • Thompson, J. (1949). Positive Coaching: Building Caracter and Self-Esteem Through Sports. California: Warde Publisher.
  • Vella, S. A., Oades, L. G., & Crowe, T. P. (2013). A pilot test of transformational leadership training for sports coaches: Impact on the developmental experiences of adolescent athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 8 (3), 513-530. [CrossRef]
  • Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2015). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (6th ed.). Human Kinetics.
  • White, S., & Rezania, D. (2019). The impact of coaches’ ethical leadership behaviour on athletes’ voice and performance: The role of accountability. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 9(5), 460–476.
  • WHO. (2023, March 7). Disability. room/fact-sheets/detail/ disability-and-health
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled
Journal Section Original Article

Dian Permana 0000-0003-0333-4084

Beltasar Tarigan 0000-0001-8429-3805

Dian Budiana 0000-0001-9796-433X

Yudy Hendrayana 0000-0003-2627-4643

Erick Burhaeın 0000-0003-4680-1682

Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza 0000-0002-9003-6597

Ai Faridah 0009-0008-7083-2722

Budiman Budiman 0000-0002-1655-277X

Rola Angga Lardika 0000-0003-0588-1882

Early Pub Date January 14, 2025
Publication Date January 25, 2025
Submission Date June 2, 2024
Acceptance Date January 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Permana, D., Tarigan, B., Budiana, D., Hendrayana, Y., et al. (2025). Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 8(1), 28-33.
AMA Permana D, Tarigan B, Budiana D, Hendrayana Y, Burhaeın E, Phytanza DTP, Faridah A, Budiman B, Lardika RA. Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. January 2025;8(1):28-33.
Chicago Permana, Dian, Beltasar Tarigan, Dian Budiana, Yudy Hendrayana, Erick Burhaeın, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza, Ai Faridah, Budiman Budiman, and Rola Angga Lardika. “Confidence: What Is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes With Disabilities?”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 28-33.
EndNote Permana D, Tarigan B, Budiana D, Hendrayana Y, Burhaeın E, Phytanza DTP, Faridah A, Budiman B, Lardika RA (January 1, 2025) Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8 1 28–33.
IEEE D. Permana, B. Tarigan, D. Budiana, Y. Hendrayana, E. Burhaeın, D. T. P. Phytanza, A. Faridah, B. Budiman, and R. A. Lardika, “Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 28–33, 2025.
ISNAD Permana, Dian et al. “Confidence: What Is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes With Disabilities?”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8/1 (January 2025), 28-33.
JAMA Permana D, Tarigan B, Budiana D, Hendrayana Y, Burhaeın E, Phytanza DTP, Faridah A, Budiman B, Lardika RA. Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2025;8:28–33.
MLA Permana, Dian et al. “Confidence: What Is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes With Disabilities?”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 28-33.
Vancouver Permana D, Tarigan B, Budiana D, Hendrayana Y, Burhaeın E, Phytanza DTP, Faridah A, Budiman B, Lardika RA. Confidence: What is the Condition of Indonesian Elite Athletes with Disabilities?. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2025;8(1):28-33.

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