Research Article
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Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 12 - 21, 25.01.2025


Background and Aims: Teachers play an important role in the success of class activities, especially physical activity that encourages student involvement in learning. Therefore, there is a need for systematic, effective, and efficient professional development. This study explores teachers' preferences for online training activities and the training materials they need. An online training platform with content on inclusive education was piloted. Method: The respondents involved were 45 teachers and principals from 14 elementary schools representing three sub-districts in Mojokerto City. Data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire and analyzed quantitatively descriptively with Chi-Square. Result: The results of this study prove that teachers prefer asynchronous video explanations as online training activities, and teachers prefer synchronous video conferences less. Teachers need basic knowledge and inclusive classroom management skills. Meanwhile, teachers need intervention materials for students with disabilities in various ways. The Chi-Square test did not show any relationship (sign. P = 0,05) between online training experience and preferences for online learning activities. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that there is no evidence of a relationship between experience in inclusive education training and preferences for inclusive education training materials. Therefore, it is recommended that local governments collaborate with competent universities to build accurate training designs.


  • Bartolo, P. (2010). Teacher education online: Towards inclusive virtual learning communities. In Teacher Education for Inclusion (pp. 146–155). Routledge. [CrossRef]
  • Boyle, C., Anderson, J., & Allen, K.A. (2020). The importance of teacher attitudes to inclusive education. In Inclusive education: Global issues and controversies (pp. 127–146). Brill. [CrossRef]
  • Damayanti, T., Hamdan, S.R., & Khasanah, A.N. (2017). Kompetensi guru di dalam proses pembelajaran inklusi pada guru SD negeri di kota Bandung. Schema: Journal of Psychological Research, 79–88. [CrossRef]
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M.E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. [CrossRef]
  • Dash, S., Magidin de Kramer, R., O’Dwyer, L. M., Masters, J., & Russell, M. (2012). Impact of online professional development or teacher quality and student achievement in fifth grade mathematics. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(1), 1–26. [CrossRef]
  • Degeng, M. D. K., Soepriyanto, Y., Aulia, F., & Utami, S. J. (2023). Multimedia Presentation Development Training for Vocational School Teachers. International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022), 435–443. [CrossRef]
  • Ediyanto, E., Ramadhani, R. S., & Fitrasari, B. D. (2021). Management of Inclusive Education Services in School Through Self Awareness, Motivation, and Self Efficiency. Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI), 3(1), 55–67. [CrossRef]
  • Edwards, C. J., Carr, S., & Siegel, W. (2006). Influences of Experiences and Training on Effective Teaching Practices to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners in Schools. Education, 126(3). [CrossRef]
  • Fajarianto, O., Sangadji, K., Wijayanti, S. K., Sakmaf, M. S., & Afriani, L. (2024). Implementation of Learning Management System-Based Character Education in Elementary Schools. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(5), e05257–e05257. [CrossRef]
  • Forlin, C., & Sin, K. F. (2017). In-service teacher training for inclusion. In Oxford research encyclopedia of education. [CrossRef]
  • Hardman, E. L. (2011). Building professional learning communities in special education through social networking: Directions for future research. Journal on School Educational Technology, 7(2), 30–38. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., Damayanto, A., Jauhari, M. N., & Aqilah, T. S. (2021). The effectiveness factors of online learning through learning management system for students with disabilities. In 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 107-110). IEEE. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., & Jauhari, M.N. (2018). The accessibility of inclusive schools in Surabaya. In 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL-Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018) (pp. 148-150). Atlantis Press. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., Jauhari, M. N., Junaidi, A. R., Badiah, L. I., & Idhartono, A. R. (2023). Involvement of Teachers in Inclusive Schools for Quality Learning Design and Quality Student Learning. Journal of Learning for Development, 10(3), 361-375. [CrossRef]
  • Juliana, I. P., Utami, I. G. A. L. P., & Utami, I. A. M. I. (2021). Challenges in Operating University Moodle E-Learning: A Case Study From Lecturers’ Perceptions. Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran, 8(1), 80–90. [CrossRef]
  • Junaidi, A. R. (2019). Inclusive Education in East Java: The Case of Inclusive Education Policy and Practice in East Java, Indonesia BT - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019). 544–549. [CrossRef]
  • Junaidi, A. R., Sunandar, A., Yuwono, J., & Ediyanto, E. (2021). Elementary School Teachers’ Perception of Inclusive Education in East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation, 2(3), 346–355. [CrossRef]
  • Khotimah, N., & Reza, M. (2022). Digital Literacy to Improve Pedagogical and Professional Competence of Early Childhood Teacher. JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran): Kajian Dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran, 9(2), 117–125. [CrossRef]
  • Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 131–152. [CrossRef]
  • Krismanto, W., Setyosari, P., Kuswandi, D., & Praherdhiono, H. (2023). Professional Learning Network Activities of Indonesian Teachers: Differential Item Functioning Analysis of Teachers’backgrounds. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 24(3), 117–144. [CrossRef]
  • Kurniawati, F. (2021). Exploring teachers’ inclusive education strategies in rural Indonesian primary schools. Educational Research, 63(2), 198–211. [CrossRef]
  • Lay, C. D., Allman, B., Cutri, R. M., & Kimmons, R. (2020). Examining a decade of research in online teacher professional development. Frontiers in Education, 5, 573129. [CrossRef]
  • Majoko, T. (2019). Teacher key competencies for inclusive education: Tapping pragmatic realities of Zimbabwean special needs education teachers. Sage Open, 9(1), 2158244018823455. [CrossRef]
  • Meyer, A., Kleinknecht, M., & Richter, D. (2023). What makes online professional development effective? The effect of quality characteristics on teachers’ satisfaction and changes in their professional practices. Computers & Education, 200, 104805. [CrossRef]
  • Mumpuniarti, M., Handoyo, R. R., Pinrupitanza, D. T., & Barotuttaqiyah, D. (2020). Teacher’s pedagogy competence and challenges in implementing inclusive learning in slow learner. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 39(1), 217–229. [CrossRef]
  • Nguyen, H. T., Tran, V.-T., Nguyen, S. T., & Van Trinh, T. (2023). A Literature Review on the Management of Preschool Teacher’s Professional Competence Development in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(9), e1060–e1060. [CrossRef]
  • Nugraha, C. A., Kuswandi, D., & Praherdhiono, H. (2022). Teacher Professional Development to Train Digital Skills with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). JTP - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 24. [CrossRef]
  • Parsons, S. A., Hutchison, A. C., Hall, L. A., Parsons, A. W., Ives, S. T., & Leggett, A. B. (2019). US teachers’ perceptions of online professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82(1), 33–42. [CrossRef]
  • Postholm, M. B. (2012). Teachers’ professional development: A theoretical review. Educational Research, 54(4), 405–429. [CrossRef]
  • Prasetyo, T., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., & Aliyyah, R. R. (2021). General Teachers’ Experience of the Brain’s Natural Learning Systems-Based Instructional Approach in Inclusive Classroom. International Journal of Instruction, 14(3), 95–116. [CrossRef]
  • Rasmitadila, R., Humaira, M. A., Laeli, S., Rachmadtullah, R., & Jauhari, M. N. (2023). The education stakeholders’ perspective of a mentoring programme for inclusive elementary schools in Indonesia: mutual of need and input, and mentoring support system. Education 3-13, 1-17. [CrossRef]
  • Rasmitadila, R., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., Nurtanto, M., & Jauhari, M. N. (2023). Limited face-to-face learning on students in inclusive classrooms during the Covid-19 pandemic: Perceptions of elementary school teachers in Indonesia. Cogent Education, 10(1), 2213612. [CrossRef]
  • Rhode, J., Richter, S., & Miller, T. (2017). Designing personalized online teaching professional development through self-assessment. TechTrends, 61, 444–451. [CrossRef]
  • Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., & Lygo-Baker, S. (2013). The effects of online professional development on higher education teachers’ beliefs and intentions towards learning facilitation and technology. Teaching and Teacher Education, 29, 122–131. [CrossRef]
  • Rivera-Mamani, G. F., Roque-Guizada, C. E., Estrada-Araoz, E. G., Roman-Paredes, N. O., Palma-Chambilla, J. R., Flores-Flores, F. R., Romani-Claros, A., Lescano-Lopez, G. S., & Zavalaga-Paredes, C. J. (2024). E-Learning as an Educational Strategy in University: A Systematic Review. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(3), e04549–e04549. [CrossRef]
  • Rodesiler, L. (2017). For teachers, by teachers: An exploration of teacher-generated online professional development. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(4), 138–147. [CrossRef]
  • Rosli, A. H., Wahab, N. A., Alsagoff, S. N., Isa, M. R. M., & Shukran, A. M. (2021). Students’preferences of Learning Materials During Unprecedented Online Learning Due to Covid-19. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 38–44. [CrossRef]
  • Setyosari, P., Kuswandi, D., & Widiati, U. (2022). English Teachers’ Competency in Flipped Learning: Question Level and Questioning Strategy in Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 965–984. [CrossRef]
  • Shahlan, N. N., Salamat, M. A., & Surat, S. (2021). Perception Towards Online Learning Implementations During Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparitive Study Malaysia And Indonesia Students. Applied Information Technology And Computer Science, 2(2), 1635–1649. [CrossRef]
  • Thomson, S., & Hillman, K. (2019). The teaching and learning international survey 2018. Australian report volume 1: Teachers and school leaders as lifelong learners. [CrossRef]
  • Widajati, W., Setyosari, P., & Degeng, I. N. S. (2020). Guided Group Investigation, Scaffolding Task Questions and Self-Efficacy in Learning to Solve Social Problems in Inclusive Schools. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11(1). [CrossRef]
  • Wilson, C., Marks Woolfson, L., & Durkin, K. (2020). School environment and mastery experience as predictors of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs towards inclusive teaching. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24(2), 218–234. [CrossRef]
  • Wilson, T. A., Schaeffer, S., & Bruce, M. A. (2018). Supervision Experiences of Rural School Counselors. In The Rural Educator (Vol. 36, Issue 2). National Rural Education Association. [CrossRef]
  • Winarsih, M. (2013). Kompetensi Guru Reguler di Sekolah Inklusif dalam Pembelajaran Bagi Siswa Tunarungu. Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 27(2), 97–103. [CrossRef]
  • Wulandari, R. S., & Hendriani, W. (2021). Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Sekolah Inklusi di Indonesia (Suatu Pendekatan Systematic Review). Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, 7(1), 143–157. [CrossRef]
  • Wynants, S., & Dennis, J. (2018). Professional development in an online context: Opportunities and challenges from the voices of college faculty. Journal of Educators Online, 15(1), n1. [CrossRef]
  • Yang, L. (2024). The Predictive Roles of Arts Teachers’ Professional Quality and Creative Style Orientation on Their Professional Development. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12(1), e2582–e2582. [CrossRef]
Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 12 - 21, 25.01.2025



  • Bartolo, P. (2010). Teacher education online: Towards inclusive virtual learning communities. In Teacher Education for Inclusion (pp. 146–155). Routledge. [CrossRef]
  • Boyle, C., Anderson, J., & Allen, K.A. (2020). The importance of teacher attitudes to inclusive education. In Inclusive education: Global issues and controversies (pp. 127–146). Brill. [CrossRef]
  • Damayanti, T., Hamdan, S.R., & Khasanah, A.N. (2017). Kompetensi guru di dalam proses pembelajaran inklusi pada guru SD negeri di kota Bandung. Schema: Journal of Psychological Research, 79–88. [CrossRef]
  • Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M.E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development. [CrossRef]
  • Dash, S., Magidin de Kramer, R., O’Dwyer, L. M., Masters, J., & Russell, M. (2012). Impact of online professional development or teacher quality and student achievement in fifth grade mathematics. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(1), 1–26. [CrossRef]
  • Degeng, M. D. K., Soepriyanto, Y., Aulia, F., & Utami, S. J. (2023). Multimedia Presentation Development Training for Vocational School Teachers. International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022), 435–443. [CrossRef]
  • Ediyanto, E., Ramadhani, R. S., & Fitrasari, B. D. (2021). Management of Inclusive Education Services in School Through Self Awareness, Motivation, and Self Efficiency. Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI), 3(1), 55–67. [CrossRef]
  • Edwards, C. J., Carr, S., & Siegel, W. (2006). Influences of Experiences and Training on Effective Teaching Practices to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners in Schools. Education, 126(3). [CrossRef]
  • Fajarianto, O., Sangadji, K., Wijayanti, S. K., Sakmaf, M. S., & Afriani, L. (2024). Implementation of Learning Management System-Based Character Education in Elementary Schools. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(5), e05257–e05257. [CrossRef]
  • Forlin, C., & Sin, K. F. (2017). In-service teacher training for inclusion. In Oxford research encyclopedia of education. [CrossRef]
  • Hardman, E. L. (2011). Building professional learning communities in special education through social networking: Directions for future research. Journal on School Educational Technology, 7(2), 30–38. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., Damayanto, A., Jauhari, M. N., & Aqilah, T. S. (2021). The effectiveness factors of online learning through learning management system for students with disabilities. In 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 107-110). IEEE. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., & Jauhari, M.N. (2018). The accessibility of inclusive schools in Surabaya. In 2nd INDOEDUC4ALL-Indonesian Education for All (INDOEDUC 2018) (pp. 148-150). Atlantis Press. [CrossRef]
  • Irvan, M., Jauhari, M. N., Junaidi, A. R., Badiah, L. I., & Idhartono, A. R. (2023). Involvement of Teachers in Inclusive Schools for Quality Learning Design and Quality Student Learning. Journal of Learning for Development, 10(3), 361-375. [CrossRef]
  • Juliana, I. P., Utami, I. G. A. L. P., & Utami, I. A. M. I. (2021). Challenges in Operating University Moodle E-Learning: A Case Study From Lecturers’ Perceptions. Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran, 8(1), 80–90. [CrossRef]
  • Junaidi, A. R. (2019). Inclusive Education in East Java: The Case of Inclusive Education Policy and Practice in East Java, Indonesia BT - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2019). 544–549. [CrossRef]
  • Junaidi, A. R., Sunandar, A., Yuwono, J., & Ediyanto, E. (2021). Elementary School Teachers’ Perception of Inclusive Education in East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation, 2(3), 346–355. [CrossRef]
  • Khotimah, N., & Reza, M. (2022). Digital Literacy to Improve Pedagogical and Professional Competence of Early Childhood Teacher. JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran): Kajian Dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran, 9(2), 117–125. [CrossRef]
  • Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens when teachers design educational technology? The development of technological pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 131–152. [CrossRef]
  • Krismanto, W., Setyosari, P., Kuswandi, D., & Praherdhiono, H. (2023). Professional Learning Network Activities of Indonesian Teachers: Differential Item Functioning Analysis of Teachers’backgrounds. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 24(3), 117–144. [CrossRef]
  • Kurniawati, F. (2021). Exploring teachers’ inclusive education strategies in rural Indonesian primary schools. Educational Research, 63(2), 198–211. [CrossRef]
  • Lay, C. D., Allman, B., Cutri, R. M., & Kimmons, R. (2020). Examining a decade of research in online teacher professional development. Frontiers in Education, 5, 573129. [CrossRef]
  • Majoko, T. (2019). Teacher key competencies for inclusive education: Tapping pragmatic realities of Zimbabwean special needs education teachers. Sage Open, 9(1), 2158244018823455. [CrossRef]
  • Meyer, A., Kleinknecht, M., & Richter, D. (2023). What makes online professional development effective? The effect of quality characteristics on teachers’ satisfaction and changes in their professional practices. Computers & Education, 200, 104805. [CrossRef]
  • Mumpuniarti, M., Handoyo, R. R., Pinrupitanza, D. T., & Barotuttaqiyah, D. (2020). Teacher’s pedagogy competence and challenges in implementing inclusive learning in slow learner. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 39(1), 217–229. [CrossRef]
  • Nguyen, H. T., Tran, V.-T., Nguyen, S. T., & Van Trinh, T. (2023). A Literature Review on the Management of Preschool Teacher’s Professional Competence Development in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(9), e1060–e1060. [CrossRef]
  • Nugraha, C. A., Kuswandi, D., & Praherdhiono, H. (2022). Teacher Professional Development to Train Digital Skills with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). JTP - Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan, 24. [CrossRef]
  • Parsons, S. A., Hutchison, A. C., Hall, L. A., Parsons, A. W., Ives, S. T., & Leggett, A. B. (2019). US teachers’ perceptions of online professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82(1), 33–42. [CrossRef]
  • Postholm, M. B. (2012). Teachers’ professional development: A theoretical review. Educational Research, 54(4), 405–429. [CrossRef]
  • Prasetyo, T., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., & Aliyyah, R. R. (2021). General Teachers’ Experience of the Brain’s Natural Learning Systems-Based Instructional Approach in Inclusive Classroom. International Journal of Instruction, 14(3), 95–116. [CrossRef]
  • Rasmitadila, R., Humaira, M. A., Laeli, S., Rachmadtullah, R., & Jauhari, M. N. (2023). The education stakeholders’ perspective of a mentoring programme for inclusive elementary schools in Indonesia: mutual of need and input, and mentoring support system. Education 3-13, 1-17. [CrossRef]
  • Rasmitadila, R., Rachmadtullah, R., Samsudin, A., Nurtanto, M., & Jauhari, M. N. (2023). Limited face-to-face learning on students in inclusive classrooms during the Covid-19 pandemic: Perceptions of elementary school teachers in Indonesia. Cogent Education, 10(1), 2213612. [CrossRef]
  • Rhode, J., Richter, S., & Miller, T. (2017). Designing personalized online teaching professional development through self-assessment. TechTrends, 61, 444–451. [CrossRef]
  • Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., & Lygo-Baker, S. (2013). The effects of online professional development on higher education teachers’ beliefs and intentions towards learning facilitation and technology. Teaching and Teacher Education, 29, 122–131. [CrossRef]
  • Rivera-Mamani, G. F., Roque-Guizada, C. E., Estrada-Araoz, E. G., Roman-Paredes, N. O., Palma-Chambilla, J. R., Flores-Flores, F. R., Romani-Claros, A., Lescano-Lopez, G. S., & Zavalaga-Paredes, C. J. (2024). E-Learning as an Educational Strategy in University: A Systematic Review. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 18(3), e04549–e04549. [CrossRef]
  • Rodesiler, L. (2017). For teachers, by teachers: An exploration of teacher-generated online professional development. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(4), 138–147. [CrossRef]
  • Rosli, A. H., Wahab, N. A., Alsagoff, S. N., Isa, M. R. M., & Shukran, A. M. (2021). Students’preferences of Learning Materials During Unprecedented Online Learning Due to Covid-19. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 38–44. [CrossRef]
  • Setyosari, P., Kuswandi, D., & Widiati, U. (2022). English Teachers’ Competency in Flipped Learning: Question Level and Questioning Strategy in Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 965–984. [CrossRef]
  • Shahlan, N. N., Salamat, M. A., & Surat, S. (2021). Perception Towards Online Learning Implementations During Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparitive Study Malaysia And Indonesia Students. Applied Information Technology And Computer Science, 2(2), 1635–1649. [CrossRef]
  • Thomson, S., & Hillman, K. (2019). The teaching and learning international survey 2018. Australian report volume 1: Teachers and school leaders as lifelong learners. [CrossRef]
  • Widajati, W., Setyosari, P., & Degeng, I. N. S. (2020). Guided Group Investigation, Scaffolding Task Questions and Self-Efficacy in Learning to Solve Social Problems in Inclusive Schools. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11(1). [CrossRef]
  • Wilson, C., Marks Woolfson, L., & Durkin, K. (2020). School environment and mastery experience as predictors of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs towards inclusive teaching. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 24(2), 218–234. [CrossRef]
  • Wilson, T. A., Schaeffer, S., & Bruce, M. A. (2018). Supervision Experiences of Rural School Counselors. In The Rural Educator (Vol. 36, Issue 2). National Rural Education Association. [CrossRef]
  • Winarsih, M. (2013). Kompetensi Guru Reguler di Sekolah Inklusif dalam Pembelajaran Bagi Siswa Tunarungu. Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 27(2), 97–103. [CrossRef]
  • Wulandari, R. S., & Hendriani, W. (2021). Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Sekolah Inklusi di Indonesia (Suatu Pendekatan Systematic Review). Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di Bidang Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, 7(1), 143–157. [CrossRef]
  • Wynants, S., & Dennis, J. (2018). Professional development in an online context: Opportunities and challenges from the voices of college faculty. Journal of Educators Online, 15(1), n1. [CrossRef]
  • Yang, L. (2024). The Predictive Roles of Arts Teachers’ Professional Quality and Creative Style Orientation on Their Professional Development. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12(1), e2582–e2582. [CrossRef]
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Movement Education in Sports Science, People With Disability
Journal Section Original Article

Ahsan Romadlon Junaidi 0000-0003-3684-4347

Muchamad Irvan 0000-0001-7621-2526

İ Degeng 0000-0003-4684-552X

Punaji Setyosarı 0000-0003-0187-9785

Made Duananda Kartika Degeng 0000-0002-6749-6237

Muhammad Nurrohman Jauhari 0000-0002-2450-2836

Early Pub Date January 14, 2025
Publication Date January 25, 2025
Submission Date July 10, 2024
Acceptance Date November 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Junaidi, A. R., Irvan, M., Degeng, İ., Setyosarı, P., et al. (2025). Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 8(1), 12-21.
AMA Junaidi AR, Irvan M, Degeng İ, Setyosarı P, Degeng MDK, Jauhari MN. Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. January 2025;8(1):12-21.
Chicago Junaidi, Ahsan Romadlon, Muchamad Irvan, İ Degeng, Punaji Setyosarı, Made Duananda Kartika Degeng, and Muhammad Nurrohman Jauhari. “Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student With Disabilities”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8, no. 1 (January 2025): 12-21.
EndNote Junaidi AR, Irvan M, Degeng İ, Setyosarı P, Degeng MDK, Jauhari MN (January 1, 2025) Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8 1 12–21.
IEEE A. R. Junaidi, M. Irvan, İ. Degeng, P. Setyosarı, M. D. K. Degeng, and M. N. Jauhari, “Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 12–21, 2025.
ISNAD Junaidi, Ahsan Romadlon et al. “Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student With Disabilities”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 8/1 (January 2025), 12-21.
JAMA Junaidi AR, Irvan M, Degeng İ, Setyosarı P, Degeng MDK, Jauhari MN. Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2025;8:12–21.
MLA Junaidi, Ahsan Romadlon et al. “Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student With Disabilities”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, 2025, pp. 12-21.
Vancouver Junaidi AR, Irvan M, Degeng İ, Setyosarı P, Degeng MDK, Jauhari MN. Online Training Design: Improve Teachers Performance to Develop Inclusive Class Activity for Student with Disabilities. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2025;8(1):12-21.

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