Investigation of the Views of Health Professionals in the Field of Orthotics Prosthetics on Evidence-Based Orthotics Prosthetics Practices
Year 2025,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 107 - 115, 25.01.2025
Alican Ak
Gizem Boztaş Elverişli
Esra Atılgan
Purpose: The aim of the study was to find out what the Turkish orthotic prosthetic community thought about the use of evidence-based practices. Material and methods: Our study included 134 participants (59 females, 75 males) who have been working in the field of orthotics and prosthetics in hospitals, clinics and academic institutions in Turkey for at least six months. Study data were collected using the Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (DI-EBPQ), Health Sciences-Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire (HS-EBP), and Information Literacy Self-Efficacy Scale (DTILSES) developed by the researcher. Data analysis was done using SPSS 26.0 program. Results: The total scores of HS-EBP and DTILSES were significantly higher in those with master's/doctorate degrees (p<0.001), those who received evidence-based practice training (p<0.001), those who believed positively in evidence-based practice (p=0.003), and those with advanced evidence-based practice knowledge (p<0.001). In addition, the total DTILSES score was higher in those working in university hospitals (p<0.001). A high positive correlation and significant relationship were found between HS-EBP sub-dimensions and DTILSES sub-dimensions (p<0.05). Conclusion: As a result, it was found that healthcare professionals working in the field of orthotics and prosthetics needed evidence-based practice training and their awareness of evidence-based practices was low.
Ethical Statement
This study was approved by the Istanbul Medipol University Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee with the decision number E-10840098-772.02-7484, and with the decision number 962 on 23.11.2023.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 107 - 115, 25.01.2025
Alican Ak
Gizem Boztaş Elverişli
Esra Atılgan
- Akaltan, K. F. (2019). Faculty development: Roles and competences for educators of undergraduate dental students. Selçuk Dental Journal, 6(5), 92-108. [CrossRef]
- Alcan, V. (2020). A Systematic Review Of The Evidence-Based Implementation Approach In Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Education. Journal of Education in Health Sciences, 3(1), 13-23. [CrossRef]
- Alkhatib, A.H., Ibrahim, E.A., Ameenuddin, M., & Ibrahim, I.A. (2021). Nurses’ knowledge, perception, and attitude towards evidence-based practice at King Abdullah Medical City-Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Nursing Research, 9(1), 1-7. [CrossRef]
- Ammouri, A. A., Raddaha, A. A., Dsouza, P., Geethakrishnan, R., Noronha, J. A., Obeidat, A. A., & Shakman, L. (2014). Evidence-Based Practice: Knowledge, attitudes, practice and perceived barriers among nurses in Oman. Sultan Qaboos University medical journal, 14(4), e537–e545. [PubMed]
- Chen, L., Wu, Y., Zhou, C., Li, X., & Zhao, H. (2020). Value, knowledge and implementation on evidence‐based practice among nurse managers in China: A regional cross‐sectional survey. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(1), 139-147. [Pubmed]
- Çan, M.A., & Toraman, Ç. (2022). Using references in anatomy course assignments of faculty of medicine and faculty of dentistry. World of Medical Education, 21(63), 104-117.[CrossRef]
- Çankaya, S., Kaynar, B. N., Çöker, G., Alp, M., Acar, E. D., Bayrambey, Z., Yiğit, H., & Akbaş, F. (2018). Investıgatıon of mıdwıves’ vıews on researchıng and usıng the results of the research ın care. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, 9(2), 177–184.[CrossRef]
- Çay, M., & Daşbaş, S. (2020). The adaptation of the evidence based practice scale into the turkish language: validity and reliability study. Community and Social Work, 31(4), 1514-1546. [CrossRef]
- Deliktaş, A., & Kabukcuoğlu, K. (2017). Creatıon of evıdence-based practıce culture ın the maternal care. Gümüshane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), 130-138. [CrossRef]
- Dinçer, Y., Şanlı, Y., & Kızılkaya Beji, N. (2015). Evidence-based approaches in infertility nursing. Andrology Bulletin. 17(63), 289-295. [CrossRef]
- Durmuş, M., Gerçek, A., & Çiftçi, N. (2017). Influence of problem solvıng skılls of health workers on evıdence-based perceptıons of attıtude. The Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 52(52), 648-661.[CrossRef]
- Fernández-Domínguez, J.C., De Pedro-Gómez, J.E., Jiménez-López, R., García-González, Á. J., Bennasar-Veny, M., Morales-Asencio, J. M., & Sesé-Abad, A. (2022). Physiotherapists’ evidence-based practice profiles by HS-EBP questionnaire in Spain: A cross-sectional normative study. PLoS One, 17(6), e0269460. [PubMed]
- İlhan, M., & Erbahçeci, F. (2023). Effectiveness of orthotic approaches used ın rehabilitation of lateral ankle sprain. Manisa Celal Bayar University Journal of Health Sciences, 10(2), 148-154. [CrossRef]
- Jette, D. U., Bacon, K., Batty, C., Carlson, M., Ferland, A., Hemingway, R. D., Hill, J. C., & Ogilvie, L. (2003). Evidence-based practice: Beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of physical therapists. Physical Therapy, 83(9), 786–805. [PubMed]
- Kurbanoglu, S., Akkoyunlu, B., & Umay, A. (2006). Developing the information literacy self‐efficacy scale. Journal of Documentation, 62(6), 730-743. [CrossRef]
- Küçükoğlu, S., Bükecik, T., Aytekin, A., & Çelebi, A. (2017). Evidence based practices and approaches of nurses working in emergency departments regarding judicial cases. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences. 14(1), 1-8. [CrossRef]
- Lunden, A., Kvist, T., Teräs, M., & Häggman-Laitila, A. (2021). Readiness and leadership in evidence-based practice and knowledge management: A cross-sectional survey of nurses’ perceptions. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 41(4), 187–196. [CrossRef]
- Nilsagård, Y., & Lohse, G. (2010). Evidence-based physiotherapy: A survey of knowledge, behaviour, attitudes and prerequisites. Advances in Physiotherapy, 12(4), 228–237. [CrossRef]
- Oral, A., Aydın, R., Ketenci, A., Akyüz, G., Sindel, D., & Yalıman, A. (2016). World Report on Disability: analysis of the disability issues and contributions of physical medicine and rehabilitation medical specialty in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 62(1), 83–97. [CrossRef]
- Şahin, A. N., & Acar, M. (2023). Evidence-Based Practice in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Baskent University Journal of Health Sciences, 8(3), 258–274. [CrossRef]
- Şen, E., & Yurt, S. (2021). Determining The Attitudes of Nurses Towards Evidence-Based Practices. Dokuz Eylül Unıversıty Nursıng Faculty Electronıc Journal, 14(2), 102–107. [CrossRef]
- Şenyuva, E. (2016). Nursing Education and Evidence Based Practice. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 24(1), 59–65. [CrossRef]
- Upton, P., Scurlock-Evans, L., Stephens, D., & Upton, D. (2012). The adoption and implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) among allied health professions. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 19(9), 497–503. [CrossRef]
- Xie, H., Zhou, Z., Xu, C., Ong, S., & Govindasamy, A. (2017). Nurses’ attitudes towards research and evidence-based practice: Perspectives from psychiatric setting. JOJ Nursing & Health Care, 3(5), 1-7. [CrossRef]
- Yılmaz, D., Düzgün, F., & Dikmen, Y. (2019). An investıgation into nurses’ attitudes towards evidence-based nursing. Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, 10(4), 713–719. [CrossRef]