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Year 2014, , 40 - 52, 01.03.2014


This paper presents responses of an edge circular cantilever beamresting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation under the effect of an impact force. The beam is excited by a transverse triangular force impulse modulated by a harmonic motion. The Kelvin–Voigt model for the material of the beam is used. The cracked beam is modelled as an assembly of two subbeams connected through a massless elastic rotational spring. The considered problem is investigated within the Bernoulli-Euler beam theory by using energy based finite element method. The system of equations of motion is derived by using Lagrange’s equations. The obtained system of linear differential equations is reduced to a linear algebraic equation system and solved in the time domain by using Newmark average acceleration method. In the study, the effects of the foundation stiffness on the characteristics of the reflected waves and cracks are investigated in detail


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Year 2014, , 40 - 52, 01.03.2014



  • [1] Teh KK and Huang CC, Wave propagation in generally orthotropic beams, Fibre Science and Technology, 14(4),301-310, 1981.
  • [2] Yokoyama T and Kishida K, Finite element analysis of flexural wave propagation in elastic beams. Technology Reports of the Osaka University, 32(1642),103–112,1982.
  • [3] Farris TN and Doyle JF, Wave propagation in a split Timoshenko beam. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 130(1),137–147,1989.
  • [4] Lee SY and Yeen WF, Free coupled longitudinal and flexural waves of a periodically supported beam. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 142(2),203-211,1990.
  • [5] Gopalakrishnan S and Doyle JF, Spectral super-elements for wave propagation in structures with local non-uniformities. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng, 121(1-4),77– 90, 1995.
  • [6] Palacz M and Krawczuk M, Analysis of longitudinal wave propagation in a cracked rod by the spectral element method. Computers and Structures, 80(24),1809– 1816,2002.
  • [7] Krawczuk M, Application Of Spectral Beam Finite Element With A Crack And Iteratıve Search Technique To Damage Detection. Finite Element In Analysis and Design 38(6),537-548, 2002.
  • [8] Krawczuk M, Palacz M and Ostachowicz W, The Dynamic Analysis of a Cracked Timoshenko Beam By The Spectral Element Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 264(5),1139-1153, 2002.
  • [9] Usuki T and Maki A, Behavior of beams under transverse impact according to higher- order beam theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures 40(13- 14),3737–3785, 2003
  • [10] Tian J, Li Z and Su X, Crack detection in beams by wavelet analysis of transient flexural waves, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 261(4),715–727,2003.
  • [11] Kang B, Riedel CH and Tan CA, Free vibration analysis of planar curved beams by wave propagation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 260(1),19–44,2003.
  • [12] Kumar DS, Mahapatra DR and Gopalakrishnan S, A spectral finite element for wave propagation and structural diagnostic analysis of composite beam with transverse crack. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40(13-14),1729–1751, 2004.
  • [13] Ostachowicz W, Krawczuk M, Cartmell M and Gilchrist M, Wave propagation in delaminated beam. Computers and Structures, 82(6),475–483, 2004.
  • [14] Palacz M, Krawczuk M and Ostachowicz W, The Spectral Finite Element Model for Analysis of Flexural-Shear Coupled Wave Propagation, Part 1: Laminated Multilayer Composite. Composite Structures, 68(1),37-44,2005.
  • [15] Palacz M, Krawczuk M and Ostachowicz W,The spectral finite element model for analysis of flexural-shear coupled wave propagation. Part 2: Delaminated multilayer composite beam. Composite Structures, 68(1),45–51,2005
  • [16] Chakraborty A and Gopalakrishnan S, A spectral finite element for axial-flexural- shear coupled wave propagation analysis in lengthwise graded beam. Computational Mechanics, 36(1),1–12, 2005.
  • [17] Watanabe Y and Sugimoto N, Flexural wave propagation in a spatially periodic structure of articulated beams. Wave Motion, 42(2),155–167, 2005.
  • [18] Vinod KG, Gopalakrishnan S and Ganguli R (2007) Free vibration and wave propagation analysis of uniform and tapered rotating beams using spectrally formulated finite element. International Journal of Solids and Structures,44(18-19):5875– 5893,2007.
  • [19] Sridhar R, Chakraborty A and Gopalakrishnan S, Wave propagation analysis in anisotropic and inhomogeneous uncracked and cracked structures using pseudospectral finite element method. International Journal of Solids and Structures 43(16),4997–5031, 2007.
  • [20] Park J, Identification of damage in beam structures using flexural wave propagation characteristics. Jounal of Sound and Vibration, 318(4-5),820-829, 2008.
  • [21] Chouvion B, Fox CHJ, McWilliam S and Popov AA, In-plane free vibration analysis of combined ring-beam structural systems by wave propagation. Jounal of Sound and Vibration, 329(24),5087-5104, 2010.
  • [22] Frikha A, Treyssede F and Cartraud P, Effect of axial load on the propagation of elastic waves in helical beams. Wave Motion, 48(1),83-92, 2011.
  • [23] Kocatürk T, Eskin A and Akbaş ŞD ,Wave propagation in a piecewise homegenous cantilever beam under impact force. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6,4013-4020, 2011.
  • [24] Kocatürk T and Akbaş ŞD, Wave propagation in a microbeam based on the modified couple stress theory. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 46(3),417-431, 2013.
  • [25] Zhu H, Ding L and Yin T, Wave Propagation and Localization in a Randomly Disordered Periodic Piezoelectric Axial-Bending Coupled Beam. Advances in Structural Engineering, 16(9),1513-1522, 2013.
  • [26] Newmark, A method of computation for structural dynamics. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division, 85,67-94, 1959.
  • [27] Broek D, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1986.
  • [28] Tada H, Paris PC and Irwin GR, The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook. Paris Production Incorporated and Del Research Corporation, 1985.
There are 28 citations in total.


Other ID JA66CF88EY
Journal Section Articles

Şeref Doğuşcan Akbaş This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Akbaş, Ş. D. (2014). WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6(1), 40-52.
Chicago Akbaş, Şeref Doğuşcan. “WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 6, no. 1 (March 2014): 40-52.
EndNote Akbaş ŞD (March 1, 2014) WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 6 1 40–52.
IEEE Ş. D. Akbaş, “WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION”, IJEAS, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 40–52, 2014, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.251218.
ISNAD Akbaş, Şeref Doğuşcan. “WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 6/1 (March 2014), 40-52.
MLA Akbaş, Şeref Doğuşcan. “WAVE PROPAGATION ANALYSIS OF EDGE CRACKED BEAMS RESTING ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, 2014, pp. 40-52, doi:10.24107/ijeas.251218.