Research Article
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Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets

Year 2016, , 75 - 86, 29.12.2016


In the present study, influence of rotary inertia on the size-dependent
free vibration analysis of embedded single-layered graphene sheets is examined
based on modified couple stress theory. Governing differential equations and
corresponding boundary conditions in motion are derived by implementing
Hamilton’s principle on the basis of Kirchhoff thin plate theory. Also, effect
of elastic foundation is taken into consideration by using a two-parameter
elastic foundation model. Influences of additional material length scale
parameter, mode number, elastic foundation and rotary inertia on the natural
frequencies are investigated in detail.


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  • [12] Baltacıoğlu, A.K., Civalek, Ö., Akgöz, B., Demir, F. Large deflection analysis of laminated composite plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the method of discrete singular convolution. Int. J. Press. Vessel. Pip., 88, 290–300, 2011.
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  • [22] Emsen, E., Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Modal Analysis of Tapered Beam-Column Embedded in Winkler Elastic Foundation. Int. J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 7, 25–35, 2015.
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  • [38] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Buckling analysis of functionally graded microbeams based on the strain gradient theory. Acta Mech., 224, 2185–2201, 2013.
  • [39] Ansari, R., Gholami, R., Sahmani, S. Free vibration analysis of size-dependent functionally graded microbeams based on the strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory. Compos. Struct., 94, 221–228, 2011.
  • [40] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Bending analysis of FG microbeams resting on Winkler elastic foundation via strain gradient elasticity. Compos. Struct., 134, 294–301, 2015.
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Year 2016, , 75 - 86, 29.12.2016



  • [1] Iijima, S. Helical Microtubules of Graphitic Carbon. Nature, 354, 56–58, 1991.
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  • [9] Civalek, Ö. Nonlinear dynamic response of laminated plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the discrete singular convolution-differential quadrature coupled approaches. Compos. Part B: Eng., 50, 171–179, 2013.
  • [10] Tornabene, F., Fantuzzi, N., Bacciocchi, M., Dimitri, R. Free vibrations of composite oval and elliptic cylinders by the generalized differential quadrature method. Thin-Walled Struct., 97, 114–129, 2015.
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  • [12] Baltacıoğlu, A.K., Civalek, Ö., Akgöz, B., Demir, F. Large deflection analysis of laminated composite plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the method of discrete singular convolution. Int. J. Press. Vessel. Pip., 88, 290–300, 2011.
  • [13] Civalek, Ö., Korkmaz, A., Demir, Ç. Discrete singular convolution approach for buckling analysis of rectangular Kirchhoff plates subjected to compressive loads on two-opposite edges. Adv. Eng. Softw., 41, 557–560, 2010.
  • [14] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Nonlinear vibration analysis of laminated plates resting on nonlinear two-parameters elastic foundations. Steel and Compos. Struct., 11, 403–421, 2011.
  • [15] Civalek, Ö. Analysis of thick rectangular plates with symmetric cross-ply laminates based on first-order shear deformation theory. J. Compos. Mater., 42, 2853–2867, 2008.
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  • [67] Ma, H.M., Gao, X.L., Reddy, J.N. A non-classical Mindlin plate model based on a modified couple stress theory. Acta Mech., 220, 217–235, 2011.
  • [19] Mercan, K., Demir, Ç., Civalek, Ö. Vibration analysis of FG cylindrical shells with power-law index using discrete singular convolution technique. Curved and Layer. Struct., 3, 82–90, 2016.
  • [20] Avcar, M. Elastic buckling of steel columns under axial compression. American J. Civ. Eng., 2, 102–108, 2014.
  • [21] Avcar, M. Effects of rotary inertia shear deformation and non-homogeneity on frequencies of beam. Struct. Eng. Mech., 55, 871–884, 2015.
  • [22] Emsen, E., Mercan, K., Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Modal Analysis of Tapered Beam-Column Embedded in Winkler Elastic Foundation. Int. J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 7, 25–35, 2015.
  • [23] Mindlin, R.D., Tiersten, H.F. Effects of couple-stresses in linear elasticity. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 11, 415–448, 1962.
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  • [27] Eringen, A.C. Nonlocal polar elastic continua. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 10, 1–16, 1972.
  • [28] Eringen, A.C. On differential equations of nonlocal elasticity and solutions of screw dislocation and surface waves. J. Appl. Phys., 54, 4703–4710, 1983.
  • [29] Vardoulakis, I., Sulem, J. Bifurcation Analysis in Geomechanics. London: Blackie/Chapman & Hall, 1995.
  • [30] Aifantis, E.C. Gradient deformation models at nano, micro, and macro scales. J. Eng. Mater. Technol., 121, 189–202, 1999.
  • [31] Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W. A phenomenological theory for strain gradient effects in plasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 41, 1825–1857, 1993.
  • [32] Fleck, N.A., Hutchinson, J.W. A reformulation of strain gradient plasticity. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 49, 2245–2271, 2001.
  • [33] Kong, S., Zhou, S., Nie, Z., Wang, K. Static and dynamic analysis of micro beams based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 47, 487–498, 2009.
  • [34] Wang, B., Zhao, J., Zhou, S. A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, 29, 591-599, 2010.
  • [35] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress models for buckling analysis of axially loaded micro-scaled beams. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 49, 1268–1280, 2011.
  • [36] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Analysis of micro-sized beams for various boundary conditions based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Arch. Appl. Mech., 82, 423–443, 2012.
  • [37] Kahrobaiyan, M.H., Rahaeifard, M., Tajalli, S.A., Ahmadian, M.T. A strain gradient functionally graded Euler-Bernoulli beam formulation. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 52, 65–76, 2012.
  • [38] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Buckling analysis of functionally graded microbeams based on the strain gradient theory. Acta Mech., 224, 2185–2201, 2013.
  • [39] Ansari, R., Gholami, R., Sahmani, S. Free vibration analysis of size-dependent functionally graded microbeams based on the strain gradient Timoshenko beam theory. Compos. Struct., 94, 221–228, 2011.
  • [40] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Bending analysis of FG microbeams resting on Winkler elastic foundation via strain gradient elasticity. Compos. Struct., 134, 294–301, 2015.
  • [41] Ghayesh, M.H., Amabili, M., Farokhi, H. Nonlinear forced vibrations of a microbeam based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 63, 52–60, 2013.
  • [42] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Buckling analysis of linearly tapered micro-columns based on strain gradient elasticity. Struct. Eng. Mech., 48, 195–205, 2013.
  • [43] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Investigation of size effects on static response of single-walled carbon nanotubes based on strain gradient elasticity. Int. J. Comput. Methods, 9, 1240032, 2012.
  • [44] Kahrobaiyan, M.H., Asghari, M., Ahmadian, M.T. Strain gradient beam element. Finite Elem. Anal. Des., 68, 63–75, 2013.
  • [45] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. Bending analysis of embedded carbon nanotubes resting on an elastic foundation using strain gradient theory. Acta Astronaut., 119, 1–12, 2016.
  • [46] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. A novel microstructure-dependent shear deformable beam model. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 99, 10–20, 2015.
  • [47] Zhang, B., He, Y., Liu, D., Gan, Z., Shen, L. Non-classical Timoshenko beam element based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Finite Elem. Anal. Des., 79, 22–39, 2014.
  • [48] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. A new trigonometric beam model for buckling of strain gradient microbeams. Int. J. Mech. Sci., 81, 88–94, 2014.
  • [49] Lei, J., He, Y., Zhang, B., Gan, Z., Zeng, P. Bending and vibration of functionally graded sinusoidal microbeams based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 72, 36–52, 2013.
  • [50] Akgöz, B., Civalek, Ö. A microstructure-dependent sinusoidal plate model based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Acta Mech., 226, 2277–2294, 2015.
  • [51] Wang, B., Zhou, S., Zhao, J., Chen, X. A size-dependent Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids, 30, 517–524, 2011.
  • [52] Movassagh, A.A., Mahmoodi, M.J. A micro-scale modeling of Kirchhoff plate based on modified strain-gradient elasticity theory. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids, 40, 50–59, 2013.
  • [53] Li, A., Zhou, S., Zhou, S., Wang, B. A size-dependent model for bi-layered Kirchhoff micro-plate based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Compos. Struct., 113, 272–280, 2014.
  • [54] Sahmani, S., Ansari, R. On the free vibration response of functionally graded higher-order shear deformable microplates based on the strain gradient elasticity theory. Compos. Struct., 95, 430–442, 2013.
  • [55] Ansari, R., Gholami, R., Faghih Shojaei, M., Mohammadi, V., Sahmani, S. Bending, buckling and free vibration analysis of size-dependent functionally graded circular/annular microplates based on the modified strain gradient elasticity theory. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids, 49, 251–267, 2015.
  • [56] Yang, F., Chong, A.C.M., Lam, D.C.C., Tong, P. Couple stress based strain gradient theory for elasticity. Int. J. Solids Struct., 39, 2731–2743, 2002.
  • [57] Park, S.K., Gao, X.L. Bernoulli–Euler beam model based on a modified couple stress theory. J. Micromech. Microeng., 16, 2355–2359, 2006.
  • [58] Kong, S., Zhou, S., Nie, Z., Wang, K. The size-dependent natural frequency of Bernoulli–Euler micro-beams. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 46, 427–437, 2008.
  • [59] Ma, H.M., Gao, X.L., Reddy, J.N. A microstructure-dependent Timoshenko beam model based on a modified couple stress theory. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 56, 3379–3391, 2008.
  • [60] Reddy, J.N. Microstructure-dependent couples stress theories of functionally graded beams. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 59, 2382–2399, 2011.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Bekir Akgöz

Publication Date December 29, 2016
Acceptance Date December 21, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Akgöz, B. (2016). Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8(4), 75-86.
AMA Akgöz B. Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets. IJEAS. December 2016;8(4):75-86. doi:10.24107/ijeas.279739
Chicago Akgöz, Bekir. “Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 8, no. 4 (December 2016): 75-86.
EndNote Akgöz B (December 1, 2016) Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 8 4 75–86.
IEEE B. Akgöz, “Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets”, IJEAS, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 75–86, 2016, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.279739.
ISNAD Akgöz, Bekir. “Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 8/4 (December 2016), 75-86.
JAMA Akgöz B. Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets. IJEAS. 2016;8:75–86.
MLA Akgöz, Bekir. “Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, 2016, pp. 75-86, doi:10.24107/ijeas.279739.
Vancouver Akgöz B. Effect of Rotary Inertia on Vibrational Response of Embedded Graphene Sheets. IJEAS. 2016;8(4):75-86.