Research Article
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Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment

Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 176 - 189, 04.11.2018


In this paper, free vibration analysis of a cross-ply laminated plate is
investigated under temperature rising with considering temperature-dependent
physically properties.
Material properties of laminas are orthotropic and
temperature-dependent. In the kinematic model of the plate,
first shear deformation plate theory is used. In the solution method,
the Navier procedure is used for a simply supported
plate. The vibration frequencies of the laminated plate are obtained and
discussed for different values of temperature, sequence of laminas and
orientation angle of layers. Also,
the difference between
temperature dependent and independent physical properties is investigated.


  • Pal, M. C., Large amplitude free vibration of circular plates subjected to aerodynamic heating. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 6(3), 301-313, 1970.
  • Chen, L.W., Chen, L.Y., Thermal buckling behavior of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Composite Structures, 13(4), 275-287, 1989.
  • Chen, L.W., Chen, L.Y., Thermal postbuckling behaviors of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Composite Structures, 19(3), 267-283, 1991.
  • Liu, C.F., Huang, C.H., Free vibration of composite laminated plates subjected to temperature changes. Computers & Structures, 60(1), 95-101, 1996.
  • Lee, J.M., Chung, J.H., Chung, T.Y., Free vibration analysis of symmetrically laminated composite rectangular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 199(1), 71-85 1997.
  • Reddy, J.N., Chin, C.D., Thermomechanical analysis of functionally graded cylinders and plates. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 21(6), 593-626, 1998.
  • Lee, H.J., Saravanos, D.A., The effect of temperature dependent material properties on the response of piezoelectric composite materials. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 9(7), 503-508, 1998.
  • Reddy, J.N., Analysis of functionally graded plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 47(1‐3), 663-684, 2000.
  • Jane, K.C., Hong, C.C., Thermal bending analysis of laminated orthotropic plates by the generalized differential quadrature method. Mechanics Research Communications, 27(2), 157-164, 2000.
  • Shen, H.S., Thermal postbuckling behavior of imperfect shear deformable laminated plates with temperature-dependent properties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190(40-41), 5377-5390, 2001.
  • Singha, M.K., Ramachandra, L.S., Bandyopadhyay, J.N., Thermal postbuckling analysis of laminated composite plates. Composite Structures, 54(4), 453-458, 2001.
  • Sayman, O., Elastic-plastic and residual stresses in symmetric aluminum metal-matrix laminated plates under a linear thermal loading. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 26(4), 391-406, 2003.
  • Patel, B.P., Lele, A.V., Ganapathi, M., Gupta, S.S., Sambandam, C.T., Thermo-flexural analysis of thick laminates of bimodulus composite materials. Composite Structures, 63(1), 11-20, 2004.
  • Shukla, K.K., Huang, J.H., Nath, Y., Thermal postbuckling of laminated composite plates with temperature dependent properties. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(7), 818-825, 2004.
  • Liew, K.M., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S., Thermal post-buckling of laminated plates comprising functionally graded materials with temperature-dependent properties. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 71(6), 839-850, 2004.
  • Emery, T.R., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Earl, J.S., Cunningham, P.R. A generalised approach to the calibration of orthotropic materials for thermoelastic stress analysis. Composites Science and Technology, 68(3-4), 743-752, 2008.
  • Shen, H.S., Nonlinear bending of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 91(1), 9-19, 2009.
  • Zenkour, A.M., Alghamdi, N.A., Bending analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates under the effect of mechanical and thermal loads. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 17(6), 419-432, 2010.
  • Vosoughi, A.R., Malekzadeh, P., Banan, M.R., Thermal postbuckling of laminated composite skew plates with temperature-dependent properties. Thin-Walled Structures, 49(7), 913-922, 2011.
  • Kishore, M.H., Singh, B.N., Pandit, M.K., Nonlinear static analysis of smart laminated composite plate. Aerospace Science and Technology, 15(3), 224-235, 2011.
  • Sahoo, R., Singh, B.N., A new inverse hyperbolic zigzag theory for the static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates. Composite structures, 105, 385-397, 2013.
  • Carrera, E., Cinefra, M., Fazzolari, F.A., Some results on thermal stress of layered plates and shells by using unified formulation. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 36(6), 589-625, 2013.
  • Sahoo, R., Singh, B.N., A new shear deformation theory for the static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 75, 324-336, 2013.
  • Chen, C.S., Chen, C.W., Chen, W.R., Chang, Y.C., Thermally induced vibration and stability of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Meccanica, 48(9), 2311-2323, 2013.
  • Torabizadeh, M.A., Fereidoon, A., Navier-type bending analysis of general composite laminates under different types of thermomechanical loading. Mechanics, 19(4), 380-389, 2013.
  • Houmat, A., Nonlinear free vibration of laminated composite rectangular plates with curvilinear fibers. Composite Structures, 106, 211-224, 2013.
  • Khorshid, K., Farhadi, S., Free vibration analysis of a laminated composite rectangular plate in contact with a bounded fluid. Composite structures, 104, 176-186, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration characteristics of edge cracked functionally graded beams by using finite element method. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 4(10), 4590-4597, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration and bending of functionally graded beams resting on elastic foundation. Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, 1(1), 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration of axially functionally graded beams in thermal environment. International Journal Of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 6(3), 37-51, 2014.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration of edge cracked functionally graded microscale beams based on the modified couple stress theory. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(03), 1750033, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Geometrically nonlinear static analysis of edge cracked Timoshenko beams composed of functionally graded material. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., On post-buckling behavior of edge cracked functionally graded beams under axial loads. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 15(04), 1450065, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Free Vibration Analysis of Edge Cracked Functionally Graded Beams Resting on Winkler-Pasternak Foundation. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(3), 1-15, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Thermal effects on the vibration of functionally graded deep beams with porosity. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 9(05), 1750076, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Forced vibration analysis of functionally graded porous deep beams. Composite Structures, 186, 293-302, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Wave propagation of a functionally graded beam in thermal environments. Steel and Composite Structures, 19(6), 1421-1447, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Forced vibration analysis of cracked functionally graded microbeams. Advances in Nano Research, 6(1), 39-55, 2018.
  • Sayyad, A.S., Shinde, B.M., Ghugal, Y.M., Thermoelastic bending analysis of laminated composite plates according to various shear deformation theories. Open Engineering (formerly Central European Journal of Engineering), 5(1), 18-30, 2015.
  • Sayyad, A.S., Ghugal, Y.M., Mhaske, B. A. A four-variable plate theory for thermoelastic bending analysis of laminated composite plates. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 38(8), 904-925, 2015.
  • Li, Z.M., Qiao, P., Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with different boundary conditions resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, 30-43, 2015.
  • Li, Z.M., Qiao, P., Buckling and postbuckling behavior of shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams with initial geometric imperfections subjected to axial compression. Engineering Structures, 85, 277-292, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Static analysis of a nano plate by using generalized differential quadrature method. International Journal Of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(2), 30-39, 2016.
  • Ramos, I.A., Mantari, J. L., Zenkour, A.M., Laminated composite plates subject to thermal load using trigonometrical theory based on Carrera Unified Formulation. Composite Structures, 143, 324-335, 2016.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Stability of a non-homogenous porous plate by using generalized differantial quadrature method. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9, 147-155, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Vibration and static analysis of functionally graded porous plates. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 3(3), 199-207, 2017.
  • Choudhury, A., Mondal, S.C., Sarkar, S. Effect of lamination angle and thickness on analysis of composite plate under thermo mechanical loading. Strojnícky casopis–Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(1), 5-22, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Large deflection analysis of a fiber reinforced composite beam. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal ,27(5), 567-576, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Post-buckling responses of a laminated composite beam. Steel and Composite Structures, 26(6), 733-743, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. İki Malzemeli Kompozit Bir Kirişin Serbest ve Zorlanmış Titreşimlerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(1), 65-73,2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Geometrically nonlinear analysis of a laminated composite beam. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal , 66(1), 27-36, 2018.
  • Yüksel, Y.Z., Akbaş, Ş.D., Kara, İ.F., Sıcaklık Etkisi Altındaki Bir Plağın Serbest Titreşim Analizi. 20. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Bursa, Turkey, 2017.
  • Yüksel, Y.Z., and Akbaş, Ş.D., Stress Analysis of a Laminated Composite Plate Under Temperature Rising. 7th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Antalya, Turkey, 2018.
  • Baltacıoglu A.K., Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Nonlinear static response of laminated composite plates by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures 93,153–161, 2010.
  • Baltacıoglu, A.K., Civalek, O., Akgoz, B., Demir, F., Large deflection analysis of laminated composite plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the method of discrete singular convolution. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 88, 290-300, 2011.
  • Baltacıoglu, A.K., Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Nonlinear static response of laminated composite plates by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures 93, 153–161, 2010.
  • Civalek, O., Nonlinear dynamic response of laminated plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the discrete singular convolution-differential quadrature coupled approaches. Composites: Part B, 50, 171–179, 2013.
  • Shahba, A., Attarnejada, R., Hajilar, S., Free vibration and stability of axially functionally graded tapered Euler-Bernoulli beams. Shock and Vibration, 18,683–696, 2011.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, C., Buckling and bending analyses of cantilever carbon nanotubes using the eulerbernoulli beam theory on non-local continuum model. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 12(5), 651-661, 2011.
  • Akgöz, B, Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of cantilever carbon nanotubes using the strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress theories. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8, 1821-1827, 2011.
  • Wan Ji Chen, WJ., Li, XP., Size-dependent free vibration analysis of composite laminated Timoshenko beam based on new modified couple stress theory. Arch Appl Mech, 83, 431–444, 2013.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., DSC method for buckling analysis of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) surrounded by an elastic matrix. Composite Structures, 143, 300–309, 2016.
  • Demir, C., Mercan, K., Civalek, O. Determination of critical buckling loads of isotropic, FGM and laminated truncated conical panel. Composites Part B, 94,1-10, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of Silicon carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) with surface effect and nonlocal elasticity using the method of HDQ. Composites Part B, 114, 34-45, 2017.
  • Civalek, O., Free vibration of carbon nanotubes reinforced (CNTR) and functionally graded shells and plates based on FSDT via discrete singular convolution method. Composites Part B, 111,45-59, 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Ersoy, H. and Civalek, O., (2016). Free vibration of annular plates by discrete singular convolution and differential quadrature methods. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2(3), 128-133, 2017.
  • Shen, H.S., Thermal postbuckling of imperfect shear-deformable laminated plates on two-parameter elastic foundations. Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, 6, 207-228, 1999.
  • Li, Z.M. and Qiao, P., Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with different boundary conditions resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, 30-43, 2015.
  • Oh, I.K., Han, J.H., and Lee, I., Postbuckling and vibration characteristics of piezolaminated composite plate subject to thermo-piezoelectric loads. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 233(1), 19-40, 2000.
Year 2018, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 176 - 189, 04.11.2018



  • Pal, M. C., Large amplitude free vibration of circular plates subjected to aerodynamic heating. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 6(3), 301-313, 1970.
  • Chen, L.W., Chen, L.Y., Thermal buckling behavior of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Composite Structures, 13(4), 275-287, 1989.
  • Chen, L.W., Chen, L.Y., Thermal postbuckling behaviors of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Composite Structures, 19(3), 267-283, 1991.
  • Liu, C.F., Huang, C.H., Free vibration of composite laminated plates subjected to temperature changes. Computers & Structures, 60(1), 95-101, 1996.
  • Lee, J.M., Chung, J.H., Chung, T.Y., Free vibration analysis of symmetrically laminated composite rectangular plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 199(1), 71-85 1997.
  • Reddy, J.N., Chin, C.D., Thermomechanical analysis of functionally graded cylinders and plates. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 21(6), 593-626, 1998.
  • Lee, H.J., Saravanos, D.A., The effect of temperature dependent material properties on the response of piezoelectric composite materials. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 9(7), 503-508, 1998.
  • Reddy, J.N., Analysis of functionally graded plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 47(1‐3), 663-684, 2000.
  • Jane, K.C., Hong, C.C., Thermal bending analysis of laminated orthotropic plates by the generalized differential quadrature method. Mechanics Research Communications, 27(2), 157-164, 2000.
  • Shen, H.S., Thermal postbuckling behavior of imperfect shear deformable laminated plates with temperature-dependent properties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190(40-41), 5377-5390, 2001.
  • Singha, M.K., Ramachandra, L.S., Bandyopadhyay, J.N., Thermal postbuckling analysis of laminated composite plates. Composite Structures, 54(4), 453-458, 2001.
  • Sayman, O., Elastic-plastic and residual stresses in symmetric aluminum metal-matrix laminated plates under a linear thermal loading. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 26(4), 391-406, 2003.
  • Patel, B.P., Lele, A.V., Ganapathi, M., Gupta, S.S., Sambandam, C.T., Thermo-flexural analysis of thick laminates of bimodulus composite materials. Composite Structures, 63(1), 11-20, 2004.
  • Shukla, K.K., Huang, J.H., Nath, Y., Thermal postbuckling of laminated composite plates with temperature dependent properties. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(7), 818-825, 2004.
  • Liew, K.M., Yang, J., Kitipornchai, S., Thermal post-buckling of laminated plates comprising functionally graded materials with temperature-dependent properties. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 71(6), 839-850, 2004.
  • Emery, T.R., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Earl, J.S., Cunningham, P.R. A generalised approach to the calibration of orthotropic materials for thermoelastic stress analysis. Composites Science and Technology, 68(3-4), 743-752, 2008.
  • Shen, H.S., Nonlinear bending of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates in thermal environments. Composite Structures, 91(1), 9-19, 2009.
  • Zenkour, A.M., Alghamdi, N.A., Bending analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates under the effect of mechanical and thermal loads. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 17(6), 419-432, 2010.
  • Vosoughi, A.R., Malekzadeh, P., Banan, M.R., Thermal postbuckling of laminated composite skew plates with temperature-dependent properties. Thin-Walled Structures, 49(7), 913-922, 2011.
  • Kishore, M.H., Singh, B.N., Pandit, M.K., Nonlinear static analysis of smart laminated composite plate. Aerospace Science and Technology, 15(3), 224-235, 2011.
  • Sahoo, R., Singh, B.N., A new inverse hyperbolic zigzag theory for the static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates. Composite structures, 105, 385-397, 2013.
  • Carrera, E., Cinefra, M., Fazzolari, F.A., Some results on thermal stress of layered plates and shells by using unified formulation. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 36(6), 589-625, 2013.
  • Sahoo, R., Singh, B.N., A new shear deformation theory for the static analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 75, 324-336, 2013.
  • Chen, C.S., Chen, C.W., Chen, W.R., Chang, Y.C., Thermally induced vibration and stability of laminated composite plates with temperature-dependent properties. Meccanica, 48(9), 2311-2323, 2013.
  • Torabizadeh, M.A., Fereidoon, A., Navier-type bending analysis of general composite laminates under different types of thermomechanical loading. Mechanics, 19(4), 380-389, 2013.
  • Houmat, A., Nonlinear free vibration of laminated composite rectangular plates with curvilinear fibers. Composite Structures, 106, 211-224, 2013.
  • Khorshid, K., Farhadi, S., Free vibration analysis of a laminated composite rectangular plate in contact with a bounded fluid. Composite structures, 104, 176-186, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration characteristics of edge cracked functionally graded beams by using finite element method. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 4(10), 4590-4597, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration and bending of functionally graded beams resting on elastic foundation. Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, 1(1), 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration of axially functionally graded beams in thermal environment. International Journal Of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 6(3), 37-51, 2014.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Free vibration of edge cracked functionally graded microscale beams based on the modified couple stress theory. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17(03), 1750033, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Geometrically nonlinear static analysis of edge cracked Timoshenko beams composed of functionally graded material. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., On post-buckling behavior of edge cracked functionally graded beams under axial loads. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 15(04), 1450065, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Free Vibration Analysis of Edge Cracked Functionally Graded Beams Resting on Winkler-Pasternak Foundation. International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 7(3), 1-15, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Thermal effects on the vibration of functionally graded deep beams with porosity. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 9(05), 1750076, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Forced vibration analysis of functionally graded porous deep beams. Composite Structures, 186, 293-302, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Wave propagation of a functionally graded beam in thermal environments. Steel and Composite Structures, 19(6), 1421-1447, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D., Forced vibration analysis of cracked functionally graded microbeams. Advances in Nano Research, 6(1), 39-55, 2018.
  • Sayyad, A.S., Shinde, B.M., Ghugal, Y.M., Thermoelastic bending analysis of laminated composite plates according to various shear deformation theories. Open Engineering (formerly Central European Journal of Engineering), 5(1), 18-30, 2015.
  • Sayyad, A.S., Ghugal, Y.M., Mhaske, B. A. A four-variable plate theory for thermoelastic bending analysis of laminated composite plates. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 38(8), 904-925, 2015.
  • Li, Z.M., Qiao, P., Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with different boundary conditions resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, 30-43, 2015.
  • Li, Z.M., Qiao, P., Buckling and postbuckling behavior of shear deformable anisotropic laminated beams with initial geometric imperfections subjected to axial compression. Engineering Structures, 85, 277-292, 2015.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Static analysis of a nano plate by using generalized differential quadrature method. International Journal Of Engineering & Applied Sciences, 8(2), 30-39, 2016.
  • Ramos, I.A., Mantari, J. L., Zenkour, A.M., Laminated composite plates subject to thermal load using trigonometrical theory based on Carrera Unified Formulation. Composite Structures, 143, 324-335, 2016.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Stability of a non-homogenous porous plate by using generalized differantial quadrature method. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9, 147-155, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Vibration and static analysis of functionally graded porous plates. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 3(3), 199-207, 2017.
  • Choudhury, A., Mondal, S.C., Sarkar, S. Effect of lamination angle and thickness on analysis of composite plate under thermo mechanical loading. Strojnícky casopis–Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(1), 5-22, 2017.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Large deflection analysis of a fiber reinforced composite beam. Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal ,27(5), 567-576, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Post-buckling responses of a laminated composite beam. Steel and Composite Structures, 26(6), 733-743, 2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. İki Malzemeli Kompozit Bir Kirişin Serbest ve Zorlanmış Titreşimlerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, 21(1), 65-73,2018.
  • Akbaş, Ş.D. Geometrically nonlinear analysis of a laminated composite beam. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal , 66(1), 27-36, 2018.
  • Yüksel, Y.Z., Akbaş, Ş.D., Kara, İ.F., Sıcaklık Etkisi Altındaki Bir Plağın Serbest Titreşim Analizi. 20. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Bursa, Turkey, 2017.
  • Yüksel, Y.Z., and Akbaş, Ş.D., Stress Analysis of a Laminated Composite Plate Under Temperature Rising. 7th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Antalya, Turkey, 2018.
  • Baltacıoglu A.K., Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Nonlinear static response of laminated composite plates by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures 93,153–161, 2010.
  • Baltacıoglu, A.K., Civalek, O., Akgoz, B., Demir, F., Large deflection analysis of laminated composite plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the method of discrete singular convolution. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 88, 290-300, 2011.
  • Baltacıoglu, A.K., Akgoz, B., Civalek, O., Nonlinear static response of laminated composite plates by discrete singular convolution method. Composite Structures 93, 153–161, 2010.
  • Civalek, O., Nonlinear dynamic response of laminated plates resting on nonlinear elastic foundations by the discrete singular convolution-differential quadrature coupled approaches. Composites: Part B, 50, 171–179, 2013.
  • Shahba, A., Attarnejada, R., Hajilar, S., Free vibration and stability of axially functionally graded tapered Euler-Bernoulli beams. Shock and Vibration, 18,683–696, 2011.
  • Civalek, O., Demir, C., Buckling and bending analyses of cantilever carbon nanotubes using the eulerbernoulli beam theory on non-local continuum model. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 12(5), 651-661, 2011.
  • Akgöz, B, Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of cantilever carbon nanotubes using the strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress theories. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 8, 1821-1827, 2011.
  • Wan Ji Chen, WJ., Li, XP., Size-dependent free vibration analysis of composite laminated Timoshenko beam based on new modified couple stress theory. Arch Appl Mech, 83, 431–444, 2013.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., DSC method for buckling analysis of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) surrounded by an elastic matrix. Composite Structures, 143, 300–309, 2016.
  • Demir, C., Mercan, K., Civalek, O. Determination of critical buckling loads of isotropic, FGM and laminated truncated conical panel. Composites Part B, 94,1-10, 2016.
  • Mercan, K., Civalek, O., Buckling analysis of Silicon carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) with surface effect and nonlocal elasticity using the method of HDQ. Composites Part B, 114, 34-45, 2017.
  • Civalek, O., Free vibration of carbon nanotubes reinforced (CNTR) and functionally graded shells and plates based on FSDT via discrete singular convolution method. Composites Part B, 111,45-59, 2017.
  • Mercan, K., Ersoy, H. and Civalek, O., (2016). Free vibration of annular plates by discrete singular convolution and differential quadrature methods. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2(3), 128-133, 2017.
  • Shen, H.S., Thermal postbuckling of imperfect shear-deformable laminated plates on two-parameter elastic foundations. Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures, 6, 207-228, 1999.
  • Li, Z.M. and Qiao, P., Thermal postbuckling analysis of anisotropic laminated beams with different boundary conditions resting on two-parameter elastic foundations. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 54, 30-43, 2015.
  • Oh, I.K., Han, J.H., and Lee, I., Postbuckling and vibration characteristics of piezolaminated composite plate subject to thermo-piezoelectric loads. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 233(1), 19-40, 2000.
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Yusuf Ziya Yüksel

Şeref Doğuşcan Akbaş 0000-0001-5327-3406

Publication Date November 4, 2018
Acceptance Date October 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Yüksel, Y. Z., & Akbaş, Ş. D. (2018). Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(3), 176-189.
AMA Yüksel YZ, Akbaş ŞD. Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment. IJEAS. November 2018;10(3):176-189. doi:10.24107/ijeas.456755
Chicago Yüksel, Yusuf Ziya, and Şeref Doğuşcan Akbaş. “Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10, no. 3 (November 2018): 176-89.
EndNote Yüksel YZ, Akbaş ŞD (November 1, 2018) Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10 3 176–189.
IEEE Y. Z. Yüksel and Ş. D. Akbaş, “Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment”, IJEAS, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 176–189, 2018, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.456755.
ISNAD Yüksel, Yusuf Ziya - Akbaş, Şeref Doğuşcan. “Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10/3 (November 2018), 176-189.
JAMA Yüksel YZ, Akbaş ŞD. Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment. IJEAS. 2018;10:176–189.
MLA Yüksel, Yusuf Ziya and Şeref Doğuşcan Akbaş. “Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 10, no. 3, 2018, pp. 176-89, doi:10.24107/ijeas.456755.
Vancouver Yüksel YZ, Akbaş ŞD. Free Vibration Analysis of a Cross-Ply Laminated Plate in Thermal Environment. IJEAS. 2018;10(3):176-89.