Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 13 - 22, 31.10.2021


Microbial biomass is a very important feature for plants to take nutrients from the soil and increase their yield. In addition to soil pollution by using unnecessary chemical fertilizers, groundwater is also polluted and reappears as an environmental problem. Microbial biomass, which is very effective in preventing soil erosion, is significantly damaged by these chemical fertilizers. In this study, the Cmic and Nmic contents of agricultural soils in Gaziantep province were determined and the relationship between microbial carbon and nitrogen contents and organic carbon and organic nitrogen contents in the samples was determined. Approximately 40 soil samples were taken from the agricultural areas where the study was conducted and some physical and chemical properties of the soil as well as Cmic and Nmic contents, which play a role as bio-indicators in soil health and fertility, were determined. As a result of the analyzes, it was determined that the microbial carbon and microbial nitrogen contents of the soils were not sufficient and organic fertilization was urgently needed. In addition, it was determined that there is a statistical relationship between the microbial carbon and nitrogen contents and the organic carbon and nitrogen contents of the soils.

Supporting Institution

Gaziantep Üniversitesi

Project Number



We would like to thank the Gaziantep University for funding the project (BAPB FEF.YLT.1942)


  • [1] Tunç E., Gül Ö.(2014). Analysis of Phospholipid Fatty Acids (PLFA) as a Soil Bioindicator in Karkamış/Gaziantep Pistachio Orchards. Fresenius Envirenmental Bulletin, FEB 23, 2:385-394
  • [2] Tunç E., Schröder D. (2010). Determination of the soil erosion level in agricultural lands in the western part of Ankara by USLE. Ekoloji Dergisi 19, 75,1: 58-63.
  • [3] Tunç E., Doğan Ş. (2016) ‘’Soil Erosion Risk In Barak Plain From The Perspective Of The Environmentalists’’. The International Journal of Energy & Engineering Sciences.p36-44. IJEES.-V1-12.
  • [4] Tunç, E. Mekki S. (2013): The Investigation of Microalgea Status of Agriculturlands with Erosion Problem in Gaziantep.International Journal of Scientific Research ISSN No 2277 - 8179. 2 (11), 33-36;
  • [5] Tunç E., Mekki S., Akgül H. (2013): Assessing soils of Gaziantep having high susceptibility to erosion from the point of view of microfungus.International Journal of Scientific Research ISSN No 2277 - 8179. 2 (11), 52-56.
  • [6] Tunç E., Özkan A., Çelik M.A. (2013). Determination of the K-Factor of Arable Land in Yavuzeli and Araban / Gaziantep Province. The Journal of International Social Research. 6:28.p432-440.
  • [7] Tunç, E. (2020). The Erodibility Factor in Agricultural Lands of Gaziantep, Turkey . The International Journal of Energy and Engineering Sciences , 5 (1) , 12-20.
  • [8] Tunç, E., Demir, M. (2019). Enzymes and heavy metals in soil. P.199–215.1. International Congress on Sustainable Agriculture and Technology, Gaziantep, TR.
  • [9] Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K. and Zech, W. (1998). SOM Pools and Transformation Determined by Physical Fractionation. Refactory Soil Organic Matter (RSOM): Structure and Stability. Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of Commissions II and III, Bayreuth, Germany, 87: 175-190.
  • [10] Nannipieri, P., Grego, S., Ceccanti (1990). Ecological significance of the biological activity in soil. In. J.M.Bollag, G.Stotzky (eds.) Soil Biochemistry. Volume 6, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. P.293-355.
  • [11] Parkinson, D., Coleman, David C.(1991). Microbial communities, activity and biomass, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 34, Issues 1–4,Pages 3-33, ISSN 0167-8809,
  • [12] Okur N, Altindişli A, Çengel M, Göçmez S, Ayikçioğlu HH. 2009. Microbial biomass and enzyme activity in vineyard soils underorganic and conventional farming systems. Turk J Agric For 33:413–423.
  • [13] Tunç E., Çelik M.A, Awet T. T. (2018)’’Investigation of the Relationship Between Drought and Soil Physico-chemical Properties in the Barak Plains’’. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, IJEP V.38 (8):643-652.
  • [14] Okur, N., Y. Tüzel and S. Göçmez. 2006. Effect of organic manure application and solarization on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities under greenhouse conditions. Biol. Agric. Hortic. 23: 305-320.
  • [15] T. T. Awet, Y. Kohl, F. Meier, S. Straskraba, A.‑L. Grün, T. Ruf, C. Jost, R. Drexel, E. Tunc and C. Emmerling (2018) ‘’Effects of polystyrene nanoparticles on the microbiota and functional diversity of enzymes in soil’’.Environmental Sciences Europe.30:11
  • [16] Brookes PC, Landman A, Pruden G, Jenkinson DS (1985) Chloroform fumigation and the release of soil nitrogen: A rapid extraction metod to measure microbial biomass nitrogen in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17, 837-842.
  • [17] Vance, E.D. , Brookes, P.C. Jenkinson D.S. (1987), An extraction method for measuring soil microbial biomass carbon; Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 19 pp. 703-707.
  • [18] Anderson JM, Ingram JSI (1996) Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility A Handbook of Methods. Second 2nd Ed., Cab International, Wallingford.
  • [19] Schlichting, M., Blume, E. (1966): Bodenkundliches Praktium. Verlag Paul Pary, Hamburg an Berlin.
  • [20] Richards, L.A. (1954): Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Salinity Lab., US Department of Agriculture Handbook 60. California, USA.
  • [21] Kretzschmar, R., (1991): Kulturtechnisch-bodenkundliches Praktikum. Ausgewählte Laboratoriumsmethoden. Eine Anleitung zum selbstständigen Arbeiten an Böden, 7. Aufl. Selbstverlag, Univ. Kiel.
  • [22] Allison, L.E., Moodie, C.D. (1965): Carbonate. In: Black, C.A. [ed.]: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, pp. 1379-1396.
  • [23] Bouyoucos, G. J. (1962). Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analyses of soils. Agronomy Journal. 54(5), 464–465.
  • [24] Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S., Dean, L.A. (1954). Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. Washington United States Departement of Agriculture USDA. 939(939), 1–19.
  • [25] Helmke, P. A., Sparks, D. L. (1996). Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium. In Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods, D. L. Sparks, A. L. Page, P. A. Helmke, R. H. Loeppert, P. N. Soltanpour, M. A. Tabatabai, C. T. Johnston, M. E. Sumner (Ed). 551–574. SSSA Book Series no:5. Maddison, USA.
  • [26] Arunachalam A, Arunachalam K (2002) Evaluation of bamboos in eco-restoration of 'jhum' fallows in Arunachal Pradesh: ground vegetation, soil and microbial biomass. Forest Ecology and Management 159, 231-239.
  • [27] Wright AL, Hons FM, Jr-Matocha JE (2005) Tillage impacts on microbial biomass and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics of corn and cotton rotations. Applied Soil Ecology 29, 85-92.
  • [28] Sharma P, Rai SC, Sharma R, Sharma E (2004) Effects of land-use change on soil microbial C, N and P in a Himalayan watershed. Pedobiologia 48, 83-92.
  • [29] Roose E, Barthes B (2001) Organic matter management for soil conservation and productivity restoration in Africa: a contribution from francophone research. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 61, 159-170.
  • [30] Berry, P. M., Sylvester-Bradley, R., Philipps, L., Hatch, D. J., Cuttle, S. P., Rayns, F. W., & Gosling, P. (2002). Is the productivity of organic farms restricted by the supply of available nitrogen? Soil Use and Management, 18, 248– 255.
  • [31] Yuan, S.B. Chen, D.W. Zhang, K.Y. Yu, B. (2007).Effects of oxidative stress on growth performance, nutrient digestibilities and activities of antioxidative enzymes of weanling pigs. Asian Austral. J. Anim., 20 , pp. 1600-1605.
  • [32] Wichern J, Wichern F, Joergensen RG (2006) Impact of salinity on soil microbial communities andthe decomposition of maize in acidic soils. Geoderma 137, 100-108.
  • [33] Kremer, R.I. and J. Li. 2003. Developing weed-suppressive soils through improved soil quality management. Soil Till. Res. 72: 193-202.
  • [34] Marinari, S., R. Mancinelli, E. Campiglia and S. Grego. 2006. Chemical and biological indicators of soil quality in organic and conventional farming systems in Central Italy. Ecol. Indic. 6: 701-711.
  • [35] Melero, S., J.C.R. Porras, J.F. Herencia and E. Madejon. 2006. Chemical and biochemical properties in a silty loam soil under conventional and organic management. Soil Till. Res. 90: 162- 170.
  • [36] Masto, R.E., P.K. Chhonkar, D. Singh and A.K. Patra. 2006. Changes in soil biological and biochemical characteristics in a long-term field trial on a sub-tropical inceptisol. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 1577-1582.
  • [37] Kara, Ö., Bolat, İ., Çakıroğlu, K. 2008 Plant canopy effects on litter accumulation and soil microbial biomass in two temperate forests. Biol Fertil Soils 45, 193–198 (2008).
Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 13 - 22, 31.10.2021


Project Number



  • [1] Tunç E., Gül Ö.(2014). Analysis of Phospholipid Fatty Acids (PLFA) as a Soil Bioindicator in Karkamış/Gaziantep Pistachio Orchards. Fresenius Envirenmental Bulletin, FEB 23, 2:385-394
  • [2] Tunç E., Schröder D. (2010). Determination of the soil erosion level in agricultural lands in the western part of Ankara by USLE. Ekoloji Dergisi 19, 75,1: 58-63.
  • [3] Tunç E., Doğan Ş. (2016) ‘’Soil Erosion Risk In Barak Plain From The Perspective Of The Environmentalists’’. The International Journal of Energy & Engineering Sciences.p36-44. IJEES.-V1-12.
  • [4] Tunç, E. Mekki S. (2013): The Investigation of Microalgea Status of Agriculturlands with Erosion Problem in Gaziantep.International Journal of Scientific Research ISSN No 2277 - 8179. 2 (11), 33-36;
  • [5] Tunç E., Mekki S., Akgül H. (2013): Assessing soils of Gaziantep having high susceptibility to erosion from the point of view of microfungus.International Journal of Scientific Research ISSN No 2277 - 8179. 2 (11), 52-56.
  • [6] Tunç E., Özkan A., Çelik M.A. (2013). Determination of the K-Factor of Arable Land in Yavuzeli and Araban / Gaziantep Province. The Journal of International Social Research. 6:28.p432-440.
  • [7] Tunç, E. (2020). The Erodibility Factor in Agricultural Lands of Gaziantep, Turkey . The International Journal of Energy and Engineering Sciences , 5 (1) , 12-20.
  • [8] Tunç, E., Demir, M. (2019). Enzymes and heavy metals in soil. P.199–215.1. International Congress on Sustainable Agriculture and Technology, Gaziantep, TR.
  • [9] Guggenberger, G., Kaiser, K. and Zech, W. (1998). SOM Pools and Transformation Determined by Physical Fractionation. Refactory Soil Organic Matter (RSOM): Structure and Stability. Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of Commissions II and III, Bayreuth, Germany, 87: 175-190.
  • [10] Nannipieri, P., Grego, S., Ceccanti (1990). Ecological significance of the biological activity in soil. In. J.M.Bollag, G.Stotzky (eds.) Soil Biochemistry. Volume 6, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. P.293-355.
  • [11] Parkinson, D., Coleman, David C.(1991). Microbial communities, activity and biomass, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 34, Issues 1–4,Pages 3-33, ISSN 0167-8809,
  • [12] Okur N, Altindişli A, Çengel M, Göçmez S, Ayikçioğlu HH. 2009. Microbial biomass and enzyme activity in vineyard soils underorganic and conventional farming systems. Turk J Agric For 33:413–423.
  • [13] Tunç E., Çelik M.A, Awet T. T. (2018)’’Investigation of the Relationship Between Drought and Soil Physico-chemical Properties in the Barak Plains’’. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, IJEP V.38 (8):643-652.
  • [14] Okur, N., Y. Tüzel and S. Göçmez. 2006. Effect of organic manure application and solarization on soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities under greenhouse conditions. Biol. Agric. Hortic. 23: 305-320.
  • [15] T. T. Awet, Y. Kohl, F. Meier, S. Straskraba, A.‑L. Grün, T. Ruf, C. Jost, R. Drexel, E. Tunc and C. Emmerling (2018) ‘’Effects of polystyrene nanoparticles on the microbiota and functional diversity of enzymes in soil’’.Environmental Sciences Europe.30:11
  • [16] Brookes PC, Landman A, Pruden G, Jenkinson DS (1985) Chloroform fumigation and the release of soil nitrogen: A rapid extraction metod to measure microbial biomass nitrogen in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17, 837-842.
  • [17] Vance, E.D. , Brookes, P.C. Jenkinson D.S. (1987), An extraction method for measuring soil microbial biomass carbon; Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 19 pp. 703-707.
  • [18] Anderson JM, Ingram JSI (1996) Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility A Handbook of Methods. Second 2nd Ed., Cab International, Wallingford.
  • [19] Schlichting, M., Blume, E. (1966): Bodenkundliches Praktium. Verlag Paul Pary, Hamburg an Berlin.
  • [20] Richards, L.A. (1954): Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Salinity Lab., US Department of Agriculture Handbook 60. California, USA.
  • [21] Kretzschmar, R., (1991): Kulturtechnisch-bodenkundliches Praktikum. Ausgewählte Laboratoriumsmethoden. Eine Anleitung zum selbstständigen Arbeiten an Böden, 7. Aufl. Selbstverlag, Univ. Kiel.
  • [22] Allison, L.E., Moodie, C.D. (1965): Carbonate. In: Black, C.A. [ed.]: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, pp. 1379-1396.
  • [23] Bouyoucos, G. J. (1962). Hydrometer method improved for making particle size analyses of soils. Agronomy Journal. 54(5), 464–465.
  • [24] Olsen, S.R., Cole, C.V., Watanabe, F.S., Dean, L.A. (1954). Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate. Washington United States Departement of Agriculture USDA. 939(939), 1–19.
  • [25] Helmke, P. A., Sparks, D. L. (1996). Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium. In Methods of Soil Analysis Part 3. Chemical Methods, D. L. Sparks, A. L. Page, P. A. Helmke, R. H. Loeppert, P. N. Soltanpour, M. A. Tabatabai, C. T. Johnston, M. E. Sumner (Ed). 551–574. SSSA Book Series no:5. Maddison, USA.
  • [26] Arunachalam A, Arunachalam K (2002) Evaluation of bamboos in eco-restoration of 'jhum' fallows in Arunachal Pradesh: ground vegetation, soil and microbial biomass. Forest Ecology and Management 159, 231-239.
  • [27] Wright AL, Hons FM, Jr-Matocha JE (2005) Tillage impacts on microbial biomass and soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics of corn and cotton rotations. Applied Soil Ecology 29, 85-92.
  • [28] Sharma P, Rai SC, Sharma R, Sharma E (2004) Effects of land-use change on soil microbial C, N and P in a Himalayan watershed. Pedobiologia 48, 83-92.
  • [29] Roose E, Barthes B (2001) Organic matter management for soil conservation and productivity restoration in Africa: a contribution from francophone research. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 61, 159-170.
  • [30] Berry, P. M., Sylvester-Bradley, R., Philipps, L., Hatch, D. J., Cuttle, S. P., Rayns, F. W., & Gosling, P. (2002). Is the productivity of organic farms restricted by the supply of available nitrogen? Soil Use and Management, 18, 248– 255.
  • [31] Yuan, S.B. Chen, D.W. Zhang, K.Y. Yu, B. (2007).Effects of oxidative stress on growth performance, nutrient digestibilities and activities of antioxidative enzymes of weanling pigs. Asian Austral. J. Anim., 20 , pp. 1600-1605.
  • [32] Wichern J, Wichern F, Joergensen RG (2006) Impact of salinity on soil microbial communities andthe decomposition of maize in acidic soils. Geoderma 137, 100-108.
  • [33] Kremer, R.I. and J. Li. 2003. Developing weed-suppressive soils through improved soil quality management. Soil Till. Res. 72: 193-202.
  • [34] Marinari, S., R. Mancinelli, E. Campiglia and S. Grego. 2006. Chemical and biological indicators of soil quality in organic and conventional farming systems in Central Italy. Ecol. Indic. 6: 701-711.
  • [35] Melero, S., J.C.R. Porras, J.F. Herencia and E. Madejon. 2006. Chemical and biochemical properties in a silty loam soil under conventional and organic management. Soil Till. Res. 90: 162- 170.
  • [36] Masto, R.E., P.K. Chhonkar, D. Singh and A.K. Patra. 2006. Changes in soil biological and biochemical characteristics in a long-term field trial on a sub-tropical inceptisol. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38: 1577-1582.
  • [37] Kara, Ö., Bolat, İ., Çakıroğlu, K. 2008 Plant canopy effects on litter accumulation and soil microbial biomass in two temperate forests. Biol Fertil Soils 45, 193–198 (2008).
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Erdihan Tunç 0000-0001-9861-6855

Mustafa Demir 0000-0002-1880-3106

Project Number BAPB FEF.YLT.1942
Publication Date October 31, 2021
Acceptance Date November 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Tunç, E., & Demir, M. (2021). INVESTIGATION OF TOTAL CARBON AND NITROGEN CONTENT OF GAZİANTEP AGRICULTURAL SOILS. The International Journal of Energy and Engineering Sciences, 6(2), 13-22.


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