Topographical features affecting the distribution of wind power plants (WPPs) in Türkiye
Year 2025,
Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 339 - 351
Emre Özşahin
Kerem Girgin
Tolgahan Köse
Site selection for installing Wind Power Plants (WPPs) is very important for the planning process based on various economic, social and environmental parameters and national legislation. This selection is usually influenced by some criteria that favor or restrict wind speed and WPPs installation potential. Topographical features are a primary criterion affecting wind speed and WPPs installation potential. In this study, it is aimed to address the topographical features affecting the distribution of WPPs in Türkiye. The study is very important in terms of utilizing Türkiye's WPPs potential in the most economical way and identifying potential resource areas more accurately. Within the scope of the study, 3980 WPPs in Türkiye were identified with Google Earth Pro supported Remote Sensing (RS) tools and a WPPs inventory was created. These data were associated with different factor maps used to explain topographical features such as elevation, slope, aspect, topographic relief and landforms. Factor maps were produced using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques using a 30 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM). Various statistical methods quantitatively explained the generated data. The results of the study showed that areas with elevation of 250-500 m, slope of 10-20%, aspect direction of west and southeast, topographic relief of 0-50 m and topographical features dominated by slope landforms are more preferred in WPPs site selection in Türkiye. It was determined that the elevation factor was the most important topographical variable (69.10%) in WPPs site selection. Therefore, it is understood that it is extremely important for decision-makers to take topographical features into consideration in planning studies to identify areas suitable for WPPs located in Türkiye. In addition, this study provides information and recommendations that will help those who will work on the determination of areas suitable for the installation of WPPs.
We would like to thank Mehmet KONURAY, Projects and Events Manager of Turkish Wind Energy Association (TÜREB) for his contribution in obtaining the Turkish Wind Energy Statistical Reports, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) for sharing the coordinates of the tribunes in the WPPs facilities with licenses in force in Türkiye, and Mikayil ÖZTÜRK and Tuğrul Turan SARI for their support in transferring the coordinates of the WPPs to the map.
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