The aim of this study is to make a systematic review of the postgraduate theses and articles published on teacher noticing in mathematics education between 2000-2021 in Turkey. In this context, the literature search was conducted by using the ULAKBIM TR-Index, YOK National Thesis Center, DergiPark, and Google Scholar databases. As a result of the literature review, 36 studies (17 articles, nine doctoral dissertations and ten master's thesis) related to the teacher noticing published in the field of mathematics education in Turkey were obtained. The data were coded using the publication classification form and analyzed with the thematic content analysis method. The results of this study showed that the studies on teacher noticing in Turkey have increased since 2017, studies are published more as articles, the qualitative research method is used, and case study and action research designs are preferred. Moreover, it has been determined that the studies are mostly carried out with small sample groups, pre-service mathematics teachers and teachers. It was determined that video recordings, interviews, observation and reflection reports and student worksheets were mostly used as data collection tools, and the content and document analysis techniques were more preferred. It has been revealed that the noticing studies mostly deal with more than one mathematics subject, while geometry and measurement, algebra and fractions are discussed. Studies on noticing skills mostly focus on determining the level of noticing skills of teachers and pre-service mathematics teachers, besides, the effects of a video club, lesson study and faculty-school cooperation practices on noticing skills were examined. For the noticing level, the analysis framework created by the researchers was mostly used, however, the analysis framework of van Es (2011), van Es and Shein (2008) and Jacobs et al. (2010) was also preferred. This study showed that there is a need for research based on mixed and quantitative research methods on teacher noticing.