Research Article
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Year 2023, , 231 - 239, 29.12.2023



  • Dąbrowska-Bender, M., Kozaczuk, A., Pączek, L., Milkiewicz, P., Słoniewski, R., Staniszewska, A. ''Patient quality of life after liver transplantation in terms of emotional problems and the ımpact of sociodemographic factors'', Transplant Proc., 50(7), 2031–8, 2018.
  • Sen, A., Callisen, H., Libricz, S., Patel, B. ''Complications of solid organ transplantation: cardiovascular, neurologic, renal, and gastrointestinal'', Crit Care Clin., Jan 1;35(1),169–86,2019.
  • Kaya, M., Karaman Özlü, Z. ''Elektif cerrahi bekleyen hastalarda cerrahi korkunun sosyal destek algısı ile ilişkisinin belirlenmesi'', J Anatolia Nurs Heal Sci,22(4),284–93,2019.
  • Karadakovan, A., Fatma Eti Aslan, F. ''Dahili ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım'' Güncellenmiş Altıncı Baskı 1. Cilt. 2022
  • Gürsoy, A., Candaş, B., Güner, Ş., Yılmaz, S. ''Preoperative stress: an operating room nurse ıntervention assessment'', J perianesthesia Nurs Off J Am Soc PeriAnesthesia Nurses,31(6),495–503,2016 Dec.
  • Engel, S., Jacobsen, HB., Reme, SE. ''A cross-sectional study of fear of surgery in female breast cancer patients: Prevalence, severity, and sources, as well as relevant differences among patients experiencing high, moderate, and low fear of surgery'', PLoS One, 18(6),e0287641,2023 Jun 1.
  • Perks, A., Chakravarti, S., Manninen, P. ''Preoperative anxiety in neurosurgical patients'', J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 21(2),127–30, 2009 Apr.
  • Kapıkıran, G., Demir, B., Bülbüloğlu, S., Sarıtaş, S. ''The effect of spırıtual well-beıng on surgıcal fear ın patıents scheduled to have abdomınal surgery'', Int J Heal Serv Res Policy, 6(2),229–38,2021 Aug.
  • Ralph, N., Norris, P. ''Current opinion about surgery-related fear and anxiety'', J Perioper Nurs. 31(4),3–6,2018 Jun.
  • Wang, YC., Lin, CC. ''Spiritual well-being may reduce the negative impacts of cancer symptoms on the quality of life and the desire for hastened death in terminally ill cancer patients'', Cancer Nurs. 39(4):,E43–50,2016 Jun 1.
  • Bai, M., Lazenby, M. ''A systematic review of associations between spiritual well-being and quality of life at the scale and factor levels in studies among patients with cancer'', J Palliat Med., 18(3),286–98,2015 Mar.
  • Zamaniyan, S., Bolhari, J., Naziri, G., Akrami, M., Hosseini, S. ''Effectiveness of spiritual group therapy on quality of life and spiritual well-being among patients with breast cancer'', Iran J Med Sci.,41(2),140,2016.
  • Phenwan, T., Peerawong, T., Tulathamkij, K. ''The meaning of spirituality and spiritual well-being among thai breast cancer patients: a qualitative study'', Indian J Palliat Care, 25(1),119,2019 Jan 1.
  • Asgeirsdottir, GH., Sigurdardottir, V., Gunnarsdottir, S., Sigurbjörnsson, E., Traustadottir, R., Kelly, E., et al. ''Spiritual well-being and quality of life among Icelanders receiving palliative care: data from Icelandic pilot-testing of a provisional measure of spiritual well-being from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer'', Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 26(2),e12394,2017 Mar 1.
  • Gunes, H., Bulbuloglu, S., Saritaş, S. ''Investigation of adherence to immunosuppressive therapy and spiritual well-being in liver recipients'', Transpl Immunol., 72, 101585,2022.
  • Cheng, Q., Liu, X., Li, X., Wang, Y., Mao, T., Chen, Y. ''Improving spiritual well-being among cancer patients: implications for clinical care'', Support Care Cancer. 27(9),3403–9,2019 Sep 1.
  • Al Zaben, F., Khalifa, DA., Sehlo, MG., Al Shohaib, S., Binzaqr, SA., Badreg, AM., et al. ''Religious Involvement and health in dialysis patients in Saudi Arabia'', J Relig Health., 54(2),713–302015 Apr 1.
  • Peterman, AH., Fitchett, G., Brady, MJ., Hernandez, L., Cella, D. ''Measuring spiritual well-being in people with cancer: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy--Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp)'', Ann Behav Med.,24(1),49–58,2002.
  • Aktürk, Ü., Erci, B., Araz, M. ''Functional evaluation of treatment of chronic disease: Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale'', Palliat Support Care, 215(6),684–92,2017 Dec 1.
  • Theunissen, M., Peters, ML., Schouten, EGW., Fiddelers, AAA., Willemsen, MGA., Pinto, PR., et al. ''Correction: validation of the surgical fear questionnaire in adult patients waiting for elective surgery'', PLoS One, 11(9),e0162737,2016 Sep 1.
  • Bağdigen, M., Karaman Özlü, Z. ''Validation of the Turkish Version of the Surgical Fear Questionnaire'', J perianesthesia Nurs Off J Am Soc PeriAnesthesia Nurses, 33(5),708–14,2018 Oct 1.
  • O’Carroll, RE., Couston, M., Cossar, J., Masterton, G., Hayes, PC. ''Psychological outcome and quality of life following liver transplantation: A prospective, national, single-center study'', Liver Transplant., 9(7),712–20,2023 Jul 1.
  • Demir, B., Saritaş, S. ''The relationship between anxiety and stress levels with quality of sleep in patients after living donor liver transplantation'', Transpl Immunol, 71,101561,2022 Apr 1.
  • Bülbüloğlu, S., Demir, B. ''The effect of perceived social support on psychological resilience in liver transplant patients receiving immunosuppression therapy'', Transpl Immunol., 69(September) 2021.
  • Çetin, F., Yılmaz, E. ''The effects of health literacy levels of patients in surgical clinic on health perception and surgical fear'', İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Fakültesi Derg., 7(1),61–7,2022.
  • Işıklı, AG., Özkan, ZK., Buberka, Z. ''The fear of surgery and coronavirus in patients who will undergo a surgical ıntervention'', J PeriAnesthesia Nurs., 38(1),134–8,2023 Feb 1.
  • Sidar, A., Dedeli, Ö., İşkesen, Aİ. ''The relationship between anxiety, pain distress and pain severity before and after open heart surgery in patients'', Yoğun Bakım Derg., 4,1-8,2013.
  • Gultekin, A., Kavak, F., Ozdemir, A. ''The correlation between spiritual well-being and psychological resilience in patients with liver transplant'', Med Sci | Int Med J., 8,1,2019.
  • Gülnar, E., Özveren, H., Tüzer, H., Yılmazer, T. ''An ınvestigation of pain beliefs, pain coping, and spiritual well-being in surgical patients'', Journal of Religion and Health,61,4028-4038,2021.
  • Stamenkovic, DM., Rancic, NK., Latas, MB., Neskovic, V., Rondovic, GM., Wu, JD., et al. ''Preoperative anxiety and implications on postoperative recovery: What can we do to change our history'', Minerva Anestesiol., 84(11),1307–17,2018 Nov 1.


Year 2023, , 231 - 239, 29.12.2023


This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between spiritual well-being and surgical fear in liver transplant candidates. This study is a cross-sectional study conducted with 124 liver transplant candidate patients admitted to a university liver transplant center. Personal Information Form, Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) and Surgical Fear Scale (SFS) were used to collect data. It was determined that the patients’ spiritual well-being was 24,59 ± 9,20 and their surgical fear was 40,11 ± 10,94. In the study, it was determined that there was a statistically negative correlation between the patients’ spiritual well-being and surgical fear (r=-0.248, p˂0.05). This study proved that liver transplant candidates with high levels of spiritual well-being have lower levels of surgical fear. For this reason, awareness of spiritual well-being should be developed in healthcare professionals and it is recommended that they provide healthcare services that provide moral and social support to patients.

Ethical Statement

Before the study, institutional permission was obtained from the relevant hospital, and ethics committee approval (Decision Date: 10.01.2023; Decision No: 2023/8) was obtained from the Malatya Turgut Özal University. In accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the patients were informed by reading the Volunteer Information Form to them by the researcher. Patients who volunteered to participate in the study were included upon taking their verbal consent.


  • Dąbrowska-Bender, M., Kozaczuk, A., Pączek, L., Milkiewicz, P., Słoniewski, R., Staniszewska, A. ''Patient quality of life after liver transplantation in terms of emotional problems and the ımpact of sociodemographic factors'', Transplant Proc., 50(7), 2031–8, 2018.
  • Sen, A., Callisen, H., Libricz, S., Patel, B. ''Complications of solid organ transplantation: cardiovascular, neurologic, renal, and gastrointestinal'', Crit Care Clin., Jan 1;35(1),169–86,2019.
  • Kaya, M., Karaman Özlü, Z. ''Elektif cerrahi bekleyen hastalarda cerrahi korkunun sosyal destek algısı ile ilişkisinin belirlenmesi'', J Anatolia Nurs Heal Sci,22(4),284–93,2019.
  • Karadakovan, A., Fatma Eti Aslan, F. ''Dahili ve Cerrahi Hastalıklarda Bakım'' Güncellenmiş Altıncı Baskı 1. Cilt. 2022
  • Gürsoy, A., Candaş, B., Güner, Ş., Yılmaz, S. ''Preoperative stress: an operating room nurse ıntervention assessment'', J perianesthesia Nurs Off J Am Soc PeriAnesthesia Nurses,31(6),495–503,2016 Dec.
  • Engel, S., Jacobsen, HB., Reme, SE. ''A cross-sectional study of fear of surgery in female breast cancer patients: Prevalence, severity, and sources, as well as relevant differences among patients experiencing high, moderate, and low fear of surgery'', PLoS One, 18(6),e0287641,2023 Jun 1.
  • Perks, A., Chakravarti, S., Manninen, P. ''Preoperative anxiety in neurosurgical patients'', J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 21(2),127–30, 2009 Apr.
  • Kapıkıran, G., Demir, B., Bülbüloğlu, S., Sarıtaş, S. ''The effect of spırıtual well-beıng on surgıcal fear ın patıents scheduled to have abdomınal surgery'', Int J Heal Serv Res Policy, 6(2),229–38,2021 Aug.
  • Ralph, N., Norris, P. ''Current opinion about surgery-related fear and anxiety'', J Perioper Nurs. 31(4),3–6,2018 Jun.
  • Wang, YC., Lin, CC. ''Spiritual well-being may reduce the negative impacts of cancer symptoms on the quality of life and the desire for hastened death in terminally ill cancer patients'', Cancer Nurs. 39(4):,E43–50,2016 Jun 1.
  • Bai, M., Lazenby, M. ''A systematic review of associations between spiritual well-being and quality of life at the scale and factor levels in studies among patients with cancer'', J Palliat Med., 18(3),286–98,2015 Mar.
  • Zamaniyan, S., Bolhari, J., Naziri, G., Akrami, M., Hosseini, S. ''Effectiveness of spiritual group therapy on quality of life and spiritual well-being among patients with breast cancer'', Iran J Med Sci.,41(2),140,2016.
  • Phenwan, T., Peerawong, T., Tulathamkij, K. ''The meaning of spirituality and spiritual well-being among thai breast cancer patients: a qualitative study'', Indian J Palliat Care, 25(1),119,2019 Jan 1.
  • Asgeirsdottir, GH., Sigurdardottir, V., Gunnarsdottir, S., Sigurbjörnsson, E., Traustadottir, R., Kelly, E., et al. ''Spiritual well-being and quality of life among Icelanders receiving palliative care: data from Icelandic pilot-testing of a provisional measure of spiritual well-being from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer'', Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 26(2),e12394,2017 Mar 1.
  • Gunes, H., Bulbuloglu, S., Saritaş, S. ''Investigation of adherence to immunosuppressive therapy and spiritual well-being in liver recipients'', Transpl Immunol., 72, 101585,2022.
  • Cheng, Q., Liu, X., Li, X., Wang, Y., Mao, T., Chen, Y. ''Improving spiritual well-being among cancer patients: implications for clinical care'', Support Care Cancer. 27(9),3403–9,2019 Sep 1.
  • Al Zaben, F., Khalifa, DA., Sehlo, MG., Al Shohaib, S., Binzaqr, SA., Badreg, AM., et al. ''Religious Involvement and health in dialysis patients in Saudi Arabia'', J Relig Health., 54(2),713–302015 Apr 1.
  • Peterman, AH., Fitchett, G., Brady, MJ., Hernandez, L., Cella, D. ''Measuring spiritual well-being in people with cancer: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy--Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp)'', Ann Behav Med.,24(1),49–58,2002.
  • Aktürk, Ü., Erci, B., Araz, M. ''Functional evaluation of treatment of chronic disease: Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale'', Palliat Support Care, 215(6),684–92,2017 Dec 1.
  • Theunissen, M., Peters, ML., Schouten, EGW., Fiddelers, AAA., Willemsen, MGA., Pinto, PR., et al. ''Correction: validation of the surgical fear questionnaire in adult patients waiting for elective surgery'', PLoS One, 11(9),e0162737,2016 Sep 1.
  • Bağdigen, M., Karaman Özlü, Z. ''Validation of the Turkish Version of the Surgical Fear Questionnaire'', J perianesthesia Nurs Off J Am Soc PeriAnesthesia Nurses, 33(5),708–14,2018 Oct 1.
  • O’Carroll, RE., Couston, M., Cossar, J., Masterton, G., Hayes, PC. ''Psychological outcome and quality of life following liver transplantation: A prospective, national, single-center study'', Liver Transplant., 9(7),712–20,2023 Jul 1.
  • Demir, B., Saritaş, S. ''The relationship between anxiety and stress levels with quality of sleep in patients after living donor liver transplantation'', Transpl Immunol, 71,101561,2022 Apr 1.
  • Bülbüloğlu, S., Demir, B. ''The effect of perceived social support on psychological resilience in liver transplant patients receiving immunosuppression therapy'', Transpl Immunol., 69(September) 2021.
  • Çetin, F., Yılmaz, E. ''The effects of health literacy levels of patients in surgical clinic on health perception and surgical fear'', İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilim Fakültesi Derg., 7(1),61–7,2022.
  • Işıklı, AG., Özkan, ZK., Buberka, Z. ''The fear of surgery and coronavirus in patients who will undergo a surgical ıntervention'', J PeriAnesthesia Nurs., 38(1),134–8,2023 Feb 1.
  • Sidar, A., Dedeli, Ö., İşkesen, Aİ. ''The relationship between anxiety, pain distress and pain severity before and after open heart surgery in patients'', Yoğun Bakım Derg., 4,1-8,2013.
  • Gultekin, A., Kavak, F., Ozdemir, A. ''The correlation between spiritual well-being and psychological resilience in patients with liver transplant'', Med Sci | Int Med J., 8,1,2019.
  • Gülnar, E., Özveren, H., Tüzer, H., Yılmazer, T. ''An ınvestigation of pain beliefs, pain coping, and spiritual well-being in surgical patients'', Journal of Religion and Health,61,4028-4038,2021.
  • Stamenkovic, DM., Rancic, NK., Latas, MB., Neskovic, V., Rondovic, GM., Wu, JD., et al. ''Preoperative anxiety and implications on postoperative recovery: What can we do to change our history'', Minerva Anestesiol., 84(11),1307–17,2018 Nov 1.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mental Health Nursing
Journal Section Article

Kübra Kayaoğlu 0000-0001-5170-3935

Funda Kavak 0000-0002-2159-0180

Early Pub Date December 24, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date November 9, 2023
Acceptance Date December 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



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