Research Article
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Year 2024, , 142 - 147, 30.06.2024


In this study, we evaluated the neurophysiologic examinations of elderly patients admitted to our electroneuromyography (ENMG) laboratory to examine whether neuromuscular diseases vary with age as in many other diseases. ENMG examinations of 215 patients aged 65 years and older who applied to our ENMG laboratory in the last 3 years were retrospectively evaluated. Data of 79 males (36.7%) and 136 females (63.3%) with a mean age of 73.2±7.02 years were analyzed. The most common diagnoses in elderly patients were entrapment neuropathies (37.2%), followed by carpal tunnel syndrome. The other main pathologies were various peripheral nerve lesions (15.8%), polyneuropathy (14.9%) and radiculopathy (13%). Electrodiagnostic examinations were normal in 16.4% of the cases. In our patients over 65 years of age, the most common electrodiagnostic diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome was bilateral (74.6%). Diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in a significant proportion of patients with polyneuropathy. The rate of chemotherapy-induced polyneuropathy was also remarkable. Sciatic nerve damage was the most common peripheral nerve lesion. It is thought-provoking that these rates are still observed even though it is a well-known injection complication and despite all precautions taken. Early diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases and timely initiation of treatment are very important for prognosis. Electrodiagnostic examinations have a valuable role in the diagnosis and follow-up of these diseases. These diseases should not be ignored in the elderly population and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment should always be considered.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma için İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Kurulundan onay alınmıştır (2024/6015)


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Year 2024, , 142 - 147, 30.06.2024



  • Karabudak, R., Gökçe, YK., Çakmakçı, M., Geriatrics (Ed. Ünal S), Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara, pp.702-731, 1997.
  • Dumitru, D., Zwarts, MJ., Dumitru, D., Amato, AA., Focal Peripheral Neuropathies, in Electrodiagnostic Medicine Second Edition, (Ed. Zwarts MJ), Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, pp.1043-1126, 2002.
  • Ducci, R. D. P., Tessaro, C. L., Kay, C. S. K., Fustes, O. J. H., Werneck, L. C., Lorenzoni, P. J., & Scola, R. H., “Peripheral polyneuropathy from electrodiagnostic tests: a 10-year etiology and neurophysiology overview”, Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 80, 270-279, 2021.
  • Aktürk, S., Büyükavcı, R., Ersoy, Y., “Median nerve ultrasound in carpal tunnel syndrome with normal electrodiagnostic tests”, Acta Neurol Belg, 120(1), 43-47, 2020.
  • Karadag, Y. S., Golgeleyen, D., Saka, M., Bilen, S., Oztekin, N. S., Ak, F., “Referral Diagnosis Versus Electroneurophysiological Findings- Three Years Experience from a Tertiary Hospital”, European Journal of General Medicine, 11(4), 2014.
  • Oh, SJ., Required tests for Specific Problems. in: Clinical Electromyography, (Ed. Oh SJ) Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, pp. 78-83, 1993.
  • Malek, E., Salameh, JS., “Common Entrapment Neuropathies”, Seminars in Neurology, 39(5), 549–559, 2019.
  • Arnold, WD., Elsheikh, BH., “Entrapment neuropathies”, Neurol Clin, 31(2), 405-424, 2013.
  • Cooper C., “Fundamentals of Hand Therapy: Clinical Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity”, 2nd ed. Elsevier Health Sciences, 5, 2013.
  • Tunç, A., Güngen, B., "Karpal tünel sendromu hastalarında elektrodiagnostik evreleme ile klinik evre, semptom süresi ve vücut kitle indeksi arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi", Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 44(2), 159-166, 2017.
  • Dunitz, M., Nerve compression syndromes of the upper limb, (ed. Allieu Y, Mackinnon SE) London, 2002.
  • Kamble, N., Shukla, D., Bhat, D., “Peripheral Nerve Injuries: Electrophysiology for the Neurosurgeon”, Neurol India, (67), 1419-1422, 2019.
  • Pazarci, NK., Örken DN., Çelik MG., Çelebi LG., Aydin S., "Post-injection Sciatic Neuropathy: Clinical and Electrophysiological Findings." Noro-Psikyatri Arsivi, 47(3), 207, 2010.
  • Kim, HJ., Park, SH., “Sciatic nerve injection injury”, J Int Med Res, 42(4), 887-897, 2014.
  • Oh, SJ., Clinical Electromyography. Nerve conduction studies. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 37-79, 2003.
  • Ahn, S., Song, R., “Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Glucose Control, Neuropathy Scores, Balance, and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Neuropathy”, J Altern Complement Med, 18, 1172–1178, 2012.
  • Pasnoor, M., Nascimento, OJM., Trivedi, J., Wolfe, GI., Nations, S., Herbelin, L., Freitas, MG., Quintanilha, G., Khan, S., Dimachkie, M., Barohn, R., “North America and South America neuropathy project”, Int J Neurosci, 123(8):563-567, 2013.
  • Felix, EPV., Oliveira, A., “Guidelines for the diagnosis of neuropathies in a Reference Center for Neuromuscular diseases”, Rev. Neuroscience, 1, 18(1), 74–80, 2010.
  • Abudayyak, M., Yalçin, CÖ., Korkut, E., "Kemoterapi ile indüklenmiş periferal nöropatinin tedavisi ve önlenmesine yönelik farmakolojik yaklaşımlar." FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 43(2), 113-127, 2018.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Aged Health Care
Journal Section Article

Semra Aktürk 0000-0001-9960-6851

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date May 5, 2024
Acceptance Date June 29, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


IEEE S. Aktürk, “ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC STUDIES IN GERIATRIC PATIENTS”, IJHSRP, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 142–147, 2024, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.1478590.

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