Research Article
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Year 2017, , 37 - 43, 22.12.2017



  • [1] Guo, SW., Reed, DR.. The genetics of phenylthiocarbamide perception. Ann Hum Biol., 28, 2001, pp. 111–42.
  • [2] Drayna , D., Human taste genetics. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet., 6,2005, pp 217–35.
  • [3] Igbeneghu, C. et al., Perception among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Southwest Nigeria. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 4, 2016; pp. 2248-2251
  • [4] Fareed, M., Genetic study of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste perception among six human populations of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Egyp. .J Med. Hum. Genet.,. 13, 2012, 2, pp. 161-166
  • [5] Filiptsova O., Timoshyna I., Kobets Yu., Kobets M., Burlaka I., Hurko I., The population structure of Ukraine in relation to the phenylthiocarbamide sensitivity. Egyp. .J Med. Hum. Genet., 16 (2015), 2, pp.135–139
  • [6] Ruqaiya Hussan et al., Prevalence and Genetic Analysis of Bitter Taste Perception for Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) Among Some Muslim Populations of Uttar Pradesh, India. Iran J Public Health., 43(2014),4 ,pp. 441–452.
  • [7] Tepper BJ et al., Variation in the Bitter-Taste Receptor gene TAS2R38, and Adiposity in a Genetically isolated Population in Southern Italy. Obesity (Silver Spring), 16, 2008, 10 pp2289-95. doi: 10.1038/oby.2008.357.
  • [8] Chem, S., Genetic, Functional, and Phenotypic Diversity in TAS2R38-mediated Bitter Taste Perception. 38 ,2013, 6, pp. 475-84.
  • [9] Hayes, J.E. et al.,. Supertasting and PROP bitterness depends on more than the TAS2R38 gene. Chem. Senses. 33,2008, pp.255–265
  • [10] Saraswathi Y.S et al., Association of phenylthiocarbamide taste blindness trait with early onset of childhood obesity in Mysore. J Paramed. Sci., (JPS), 2, 2011, 4,pp. 6-11
  • [11] Olson M et al., Alternative genetic models for the inheritance of the phenylthiocarbamide taste deficiency. Genet. Epidemiol, 6, 1989,3, pp. 423-434
  • [12] Maik Behrens Howard et al., Genetic, Functional, and Phenotypic Diversity in TAS2R38-Mediated Bitter Taste Perception Chemical Senses. 38, 2013, 6,Issue 6, 1 July 2013, pp. 475–484, 10.1093/ chemse/bjt016.
  • [13] Risso Davide S. et al., Global diversity in the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor: revisiting a classic evolutionary PROPosal. Sci Rep., 6, 2016, doi: 10.1038/srep25506
  • [14] Shivaprasad H.S. et al., Role of phenylthiocarbamide as a genetic marker in predicting the predisposition of disease traits in humans. J Nat. Sci. Biol. Med,. 3, 2012, pp. 43–47
  • [15] Ali SG etal., Association of phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity with diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh. Hum. Hered. , 44,1994,1, pp. 14-21.
  • [16] Pal S. K. et al. Possible relationship between phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity and epilepsy. Neuroogy India. 52, 2004,2 pp. 206-215.
  • [17] Mi Kyung Ye et al., Relationship between Taste Genotype and Smoking and Alcohol Intake. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 54, 2011, 12, pp. 847-852.
  • [18] Khukhunaishvili Rusudan et al. Smoking Inclined Groups According to the Phenotype of the PTC Gene Geo. med. New., 258, 2016, 9, pp.59-68.
  • [19] Harris, H., Kalmus, H., The measurement of taste sensitivity to phenylthiourea (PTC). Ann Eugen, 15 1949; 15, pp. 24–31
  • [20] Kitchin F.D. et al., Teste Response and Thyroid Disiase. British Med. J., 1959.pp1069-1071
  • [21] Azevêdo Eliane et al., PTC Taste Sensitivity and Endemic Goiter in Brazil. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 17, 1965 ,1, pp. 87–90.


Year 2017, , 37 - 43, 22.12.2017


PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) is one of the
focuses of interest from the medical point of view since a number of
associations of the taster/nontaster status of PTC sensitivity with various
human diseases have been found. It is estimated that ability of sense of PTC
bitterness coded by a single gene TAS2R38. The threshold at which people can
taste phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) is bimodal, and some people are tasters while,
others are nontasters. In recent years, it is actively conducted the studies of
genetic markers in various endocrine disorders. Endocrine diseases,
particularly thyroid gland prevalence statistics in Georgia is very high. The
goal of our research was to study the phenotype of PTC sensitivity among the
patients with some endocrine system disorders in the population of Ajara region
of Georgia, particularly diabetes type II and different type of goiter
(nodular, diffuse etc.) to reveal any correlation between them. A total of 319
individuals including 136 patients with endocrine system and 183 randomly
chosen healthy individuals participated in this study. Obtained results shows,
that there is an increased incidence of diffuse toxic goiter in individuals
with recessive phenotype of TAS2R38 gene and who are unable to taste PTC
bitterness. While, PTC sensibility phenotype inclined to develop nodular
goiter. Thus PTC- Sensibility phenotype may be considered one of the genetic
markers in the forms of Goiter. 


  • [1] Guo, SW., Reed, DR.. The genetics of phenylthiocarbamide perception. Ann Hum Biol., 28, 2001, pp. 111–42.
  • [2] Drayna , D., Human taste genetics. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet., 6,2005, pp 217–35.
  • [3] Igbeneghu, C. et al., Perception among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Southwest Nigeria. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 4, 2016; pp. 2248-2251
  • [4] Fareed, M., Genetic study of phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) taste perception among six human populations of Jammu and Kashmir (India). Egyp. .J Med. Hum. Genet.,. 13, 2012, 2, pp. 161-166
  • [5] Filiptsova O., Timoshyna I., Kobets Yu., Kobets M., Burlaka I., Hurko I., The population structure of Ukraine in relation to the phenylthiocarbamide sensitivity. Egyp. .J Med. Hum. Genet., 16 (2015), 2, pp.135–139
  • [6] Ruqaiya Hussan et al., Prevalence and Genetic Analysis of Bitter Taste Perception for Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) Among Some Muslim Populations of Uttar Pradesh, India. Iran J Public Health., 43(2014),4 ,pp. 441–452.
  • [7] Tepper BJ et al., Variation in the Bitter-Taste Receptor gene TAS2R38, and Adiposity in a Genetically isolated Population in Southern Italy. Obesity (Silver Spring), 16, 2008, 10 pp2289-95. doi: 10.1038/oby.2008.357.
  • [8] Chem, S., Genetic, Functional, and Phenotypic Diversity in TAS2R38-mediated Bitter Taste Perception. 38 ,2013, 6, pp. 475-84.
  • [9] Hayes, J.E. et al.,. Supertasting and PROP bitterness depends on more than the TAS2R38 gene. Chem. Senses. 33,2008, pp.255–265
  • [10] Saraswathi Y.S et al., Association of phenylthiocarbamide taste blindness trait with early onset of childhood obesity in Mysore. J Paramed. Sci., (JPS), 2, 2011, 4,pp. 6-11
  • [11] Olson M et al., Alternative genetic models for the inheritance of the phenylthiocarbamide taste deficiency. Genet. Epidemiol, 6, 1989,3, pp. 423-434
  • [12] Maik Behrens Howard et al., Genetic, Functional, and Phenotypic Diversity in TAS2R38-Mediated Bitter Taste Perception Chemical Senses. 38, 2013, 6,Issue 6, 1 July 2013, pp. 475–484, 10.1093/ chemse/bjt016.
  • [13] Risso Davide S. et al., Global diversity in the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor: revisiting a classic evolutionary PROPosal. Sci Rep., 6, 2016, doi: 10.1038/srep25506
  • [14] Shivaprasad H.S. et al., Role of phenylthiocarbamide as a genetic marker in predicting the predisposition of disease traits in humans. J Nat. Sci. Biol. Med,. 3, 2012, pp. 43–47
  • [15] Ali SG etal., Association of phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity with diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh. Hum. Hered. , 44,1994,1, pp. 14-21.
  • [16] Pal S. K. et al. Possible relationship between phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity and epilepsy. Neuroogy India. 52, 2004,2 pp. 206-215.
  • [17] Mi Kyung Ye et al., Relationship between Taste Genotype and Smoking and Alcohol Intake. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 54, 2011, 12, pp. 847-852.
  • [18] Khukhunaishvili Rusudan et al. Smoking Inclined Groups According to the Phenotype of the PTC Gene Geo. med. New., 258, 2016, 9, pp.59-68.
  • [19] Harris, H., Kalmus, H., The measurement of taste sensitivity to phenylthiourea (PTC). Ann Eugen, 15 1949; 15, pp. 24–31
  • [20] Kitchin F.D. et al., Teste Response and Thyroid Disiase. British Med. J., 1959.pp1069-1071
  • [21] Azevêdo Eliane et al., PTC Taste Sensitivity and Endemic Goiter in Brazil. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 17, 1965 ,1, pp. 87–90.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Rusudan Khukhunaishvili This is me

Marina Koridze This is me

Sophiko Tskvitinidze This is me

Nato Zosidze This is me

Marina Nagervadze This is me

İrakli Parulava This is me

Publication Date December 22, 2017
Submission Date October 30, 2017
Acceptance Date November 26, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


IEEE R. Khukhunaishvili, M. Koridze, S. Tskvitinidze, N. Zosidze, M. Nagervadze, and İ. Parulava, “THE PREVALENCE OF TAS2R38 GENE PHENOTYPES AMONG THE PATIENTS WITH SOME ENDOCRINE SYSTEM DISORDERS”, IJHSRP, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 37–43, 2017, doi: 10.23884/ijhsrp.2017.2.2.01.

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