Case Report
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Year 2020, , 75 - 80, 25.04.2020


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  • References [1]. Tartaglia N., Ayari N., Howell S.,Epaginer C.,Zeitler P. “48,XXYY, 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY syndromes: not just variants of Klinefelter syndrome”, Acta Paediatr, 100(6), 851-60, 2011.
  • [2]. Dündar M., Tıbbi Genetik ve Klinik Uygulamaları I, 1. Basım, Mgrup Matbaacılık., Kayseri.2016
  • [3].Krausz C., Chianese C. “Genetic testing and counseling for male infertility”, Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes, 21(3), 244-250, 2014.
  • [4]. Mau-Holzmann, U. “Somatic chromosomal abnormalities in infertile men and women ” ,Cytogenet Genome Res, 111, 317-336 , 2005.
  • [5]. Aksglaede L., Juul A. “Testicular function and fertility in men with Klinefelter syndrome: a review” ,European Journal of Endocrinology ,168, R67–R76, 2013.
  • [6]. Wikström AM., Raivio T., Hadziselimovic F., Wikström S., Tuuri T., “Dunkel L. Klinefelter syndrome in adolescence: onset of puberty is associated with accelerated germ cell depletion”, J Clin Endocrinol Metab , 89(5), 2263-70, 2004.
  • [7]. Tartaglia N., Davis S., Hench A.,Nimishakavi S., Beaugared R., Reynolds A., Fenton L., Albercht L.,Ross J., Visootsak J., Hansen R., Hagerman R. “A new look at XXYY syndrome: medical and psychological features”, Am J Med Genet A, 146A(12), 1509-1522, 2008.
  • [8]. Toledo SP., Arnhold IJ., Luthold W., Russo EM., Saldanha PH. “ Leydig cell hypoplasia determining familial hypergonadotropic hypogonadism”, Prog Clin Biol Res , 200, 311-314, 1985.
  • [9].Das GP., Shukla A., Verma IC. “ Phenotype of 49,XXYYY”, Clin Genet , 43, 196-199, 1993.
  • [10].Oral D., Şimşek S., Türkyılmaz A., Yücel İ., İsi H. “ Nadir Görülen 48,XXYY sendromlu Olgu”,Dicle Med. Journal, 34(2), 134-136, 2007.
  • [11]. Tartaglia N., Davis S., Hench A., Nimishakavi S., Beauregard R., Reynolds A., et al. “A new look at XXYY syndrome: medical and psychological features ”, Am J Med Genet A. 146A, 1509 -1522,2008.
  • [12]. A. Başaran N. Tibbi Genetik Ders Kitabı. 6. Basım Bilim Teknik Yayınevi. Eskişehir. 1996: 244-262
  • [13].Zelante L., Piemontese MR., Francioli G., Clavano S. “ Two 48,XXYY patients: clinical, cytogenetic and molecular aspects ”, Ann Genet , 46, 479-481,2003. [14]. Thompson and Thompson. Genetics in Medicine. Sixth Ed Philadelphia, 157-179, 2000
  • [15]. Izumi S, Tsubahara A. “ Improvement of peripheral neuropathy by testosterone in a patient with 48,XXYY syndrome ”, Tokai J Exp Clin Med , 25, 39-44, 2000
  • [16].Ottesen AM, Aksglaede L., Garn I., Tartaglia N., Tassone F., Gravholt CH., Bojesen A., Sorensen K., Jorgensen N., Meyts E., Gerdes T., Lind A., Kjaergaad S., Juul A. “ KIncreased number of sex chromosomes affects height in a nonlinear fashion: a study of 305 patients with sex chromosome aneuploidy”, Am J Med Genet A., 152A, 1206–1212, 2010.
  • [17]. Visootsak J., Aylstock M., Graham JM Jr. “Klinefelter syndrome and its variants: an update and review for the primary pediatrician ”, Clin Pediatr, 40, 639-51, 2001 [18]. Lanfranco F., Kamischke A., Zitzmann M., Nieschlag E. “Klinefelter’s syndrome ”, Lancet , 364, 273-83, 2004.
  • [ 19] Fullerton G, Hamilton M, Maheshwari A. “Should non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome men be labelled as infertile in 2009? ”,Hum Reprod 25, 588-97, 2010
  • [20 Myhre SA., Ruvalcaba RH., Johnson HR., “Thuline HC., Kelley VC. The effects of testosterone treatment in Klinefelter’s syndrome. ”, J Pediatr 76, 267-76, 1970.


Year 2020, , 75 - 80, 25.04.2020


Klinefelter syndrome is a sex chromosomal aneuploidies with at least one extra X chromosome than normal male karyotype. The classic form of the 47 / XXY karyotype, the incidence of this syndrome is one in 500-1000 live male births. The incidence of 48 / XXYY male individuals with many phenotypic features of Klinefelter syndrome is extremely rare and occurs in 1: 18000 -1: 100.000 men. However, they differ from Klinefelter syndrome with serious behavioral problems, mental reterdation and susceptibility to psychiatric diseases [1 ]. A 38-year-old man, referred to our Medical Biology and Genetics laboratory for karyotype analysis with primary infertility. He had undergone varicocele surgery and had high levels of FSH, low levels of testosterone and high levels of LH. Semen analysis demonstrated azoospermia In the psychiatric examination of the patient, whose IQ level was 90, language, learning and behavior disorder were diagnosed. The patient with deep vein thrombosis was recommended angiography because of right heart failure. Karyotype analysis revealed with 48,XXYY. This rare case shows the importance of karyotype analysis in diagnosis. In this study, the clinical and laboratory findings of the case are presented with the literature.

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Project Number



  • References [1]. Tartaglia N., Ayari N., Howell S.,Epaginer C.,Zeitler P. “48,XXYY, 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY syndromes: not just variants of Klinefelter syndrome”, Acta Paediatr, 100(6), 851-60, 2011.
  • [2]. Dündar M., Tıbbi Genetik ve Klinik Uygulamaları I, 1. Basım, Mgrup Matbaacılık., Kayseri.2016
  • [3].Krausz C., Chianese C. “Genetic testing and counseling for male infertility”, Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes, 21(3), 244-250, 2014.
  • [4]. Mau-Holzmann, U. “Somatic chromosomal abnormalities in infertile men and women ” ,Cytogenet Genome Res, 111, 317-336 , 2005.
  • [5]. Aksglaede L., Juul A. “Testicular function and fertility in men with Klinefelter syndrome: a review” ,European Journal of Endocrinology ,168, R67–R76, 2013.
  • [6]. Wikström AM., Raivio T., Hadziselimovic F., Wikström S., Tuuri T., “Dunkel L. Klinefelter syndrome in adolescence: onset of puberty is associated with accelerated germ cell depletion”, J Clin Endocrinol Metab , 89(5), 2263-70, 2004.
  • [7]. Tartaglia N., Davis S., Hench A.,Nimishakavi S., Beaugared R., Reynolds A., Fenton L., Albercht L.,Ross J., Visootsak J., Hansen R., Hagerman R. “A new look at XXYY syndrome: medical and psychological features”, Am J Med Genet A, 146A(12), 1509-1522, 2008.
  • [8]. Toledo SP., Arnhold IJ., Luthold W., Russo EM., Saldanha PH. “ Leydig cell hypoplasia determining familial hypergonadotropic hypogonadism”, Prog Clin Biol Res , 200, 311-314, 1985.
  • [9].Das GP., Shukla A., Verma IC. “ Phenotype of 49,XXYYY”, Clin Genet , 43, 196-199, 1993.
  • [10].Oral D., Şimşek S., Türkyılmaz A., Yücel İ., İsi H. “ Nadir Görülen 48,XXYY sendromlu Olgu”,Dicle Med. Journal, 34(2), 134-136, 2007.
  • [11]. Tartaglia N., Davis S., Hench A., Nimishakavi S., Beauregard R., Reynolds A., et al. “A new look at XXYY syndrome: medical and psychological features ”, Am J Med Genet A. 146A, 1509 -1522,2008.
  • [12]. A. Başaran N. Tibbi Genetik Ders Kitabı. 6. Basım Bilim Teknik Yayınevi. Eskişehir. 1996: 244-262
  • [13].Zelante L., Piemontese MR., Francioli G., Clavano S. “ Two 48,XXYY patients: clinical, cytogenetic and molecular aspects ”, Ann Genet , 46, 479-481,2003. [14]. Thompson and Thompson. Genetics in Medicine. Sixth Ed Philadelphia, 157-179, 2000
  • [15]. Izumi S, Tsubahara A. “ Improvement of peripheral neuropathy by testosterone in a patient with 48,XXYY syndrome ”, Tokai J Exp Clin Med , 25, 39-44, 2000
  • [16].Ottesen AM, Aksglaede L., Garn I., Tartaglia N., Tassone F., Gravholt CH., Bojesen A., Sorensen K., Jorgensen N., Meyts E., Gerdes T., Lind A., Kjaergaad S., Juul A. “ KIncreased number of sex chromosomes affects height in a nonlinear fashion: a study of 305 patients with sex chromosome aneuploidy”, Am J Med Genet A., 152A, 1206–1212, 2010.
  • [17]. Visootsak J., Aylstock M., Graham JM Jr. “Klinefelter syndrome and its variants: an update and review for the primary pediatrician ”, Clin Pediatr, 40, 639-51, 2001 [18]. Lanfranco F., Kamischke A., Zitzmann M., Nieschlag E. “Klinefelter’s syndrome ”, Lancet , 364, 273-83, 2004.
  • [ 19] Fullerton G, Hamilton M, Maheshwari A. “Should non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome men be labelled as infertile in 2009? ”,Hum Reprod 25, 588-97, 2010
  • [20 Myhre SA., Ruvalcaba RH., Johnson HR., “Thuline HC., Kelley VC. The effects of testosterone treatment in Klinefelter’s syndrome. ”, J Pediatr 76, 267-76, 1970.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences, Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Mahmut Balkan This is me

Diclehan Oral This is me

Selahattin Tekeş This is me

Selda Şimşek This is me

Ayşegül Türkyılmaz This is me

İlyas Yücel This is me

Mahir Binici This is me

Zeynep Koca This is me

Gülbahar Güzel Erdal 0000-0002-0589-9399

Project Number TIP.18.036
Publication Date April 25, 2020
Submission Date January 28, 2020
Acceptance Date April 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


IEEE M. Balkan, D. Oral, S. Tekeş, S. Şimşek, A. Türkyılmaz, İ. Yücel, M. Binici, Z. Koca, and G. Güzel Erdal, “48 / XXYY MALE CASE WITH PRIMARY INFERTILITY”, IJHSRP, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 75–80, 2020, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.681279.

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