Research Article
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Year 2020, , 229 - 240, 25.12.2020


Abstract: In Turkey, women, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer with 25%. Early diagnosis of breast cancer facilitates treatment and prolongs patient life. BSE which performed at regular intervals and accurately is a simple, economic method that protects the privacy of women in the early diagnosis of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the beliefs and practice of breast cancer and BSE in women studying outside the health field. Descriptive research was used to comment for the beliefs and practice of breast cancer and BSE in 600 women studying in science and social sciences of a University. Descriptive characteristics, breast cancer and breast self-examination were used to collect data and the Champion Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS) was used. The difference between the mean CSIMS scores of students with and without BSE was evaluated statistically.The participants was found that 15.2% (n = 91) of students applied BSE regularly every month. 17.5% of participants indicated not be a sign of breast cancer. In the early diagnosis of breast cancer, 54% of participants were indicated can used BSE. Moreover, 49.8% of the participants noted that they did not get any information about BSE before. The difference between participants who applied and did not apply BSE was statistically significant the total scale means (P=0.007). It was concluded that female students studying in science and social sciences had insufficient knowledge about breast cancer and BSE early diagnosis, symptoms, and physician examination.Peer education programs are recommended.
Keywords :Student, breast cancer, breast self examination (BSE), health, beliefs.

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The authors are grateful for the support of all the students who participated in the study.


  • [1]Cancer Key facts 12 September 2018. WHO. [Accessed on 11.08.2020].
  • [2]World Health Organization (WHO), Breast Cancer (2019). [Accessed on 4.04.2020].
  • [3] TÜİK. Ölüm Nedeni İstatistikleri, 2016. [Accessed on 5.04.2020].
  • [4] İlhan, N., Çöl, A.G., Tanboğa, E., et al., “Behavior of college students in health related departments towards early diagnosis of breast cancer”, Journal Breast Health, 10(3):147-53,2014. Doi:
  • [5] Hadi, M. A., Hassali, M. A., Shafie, A. A., et al., “Evaluation of breast cancer awareness among female university students in Malaysia”, Pharmacy Practice, 8(1), 29–34,2010. doi:10.4321/s1886-36552010000100003.
  • [6] Abduelkarem, A. R., Saif, F. K., Saif, S., et al., “Evaluation of breast cancer awareness among female university students in university of Sharjah, UAE”, Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 4(01), 9-21, 2015. Doi: 10.4236/abcr.2015.41002.
  • [7]Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013-2014. American Cancer Society. file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/breast-cancer-facts-and-figures-2013-2014.pdf. [Accessed on 10.04.2020].
  • [8] Açıkgöz, A., Çehreli, R., & Ellidokuz, H., “Determination of Knowledge and Behavior of Women Working at a Hospital on Breast Cancer Early Detection Methods, and Investigation of Efficiency of Planned Education”, Journal of Breast Health, 11(1), 31-8,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2014.2322.
  • [9] Mavi Aydoğdu, S. G., Karapelit, Z., “To determine the knowledge and attitude of midwifery students about breast self examination”, Androloji Bülteni, 19(3), 78-85,2017. Doi: 10.24898/tandro.2017.39200.
  • [10] Aker, S., et al., “Practice of Breast Cancer Early Diagnosis Methods among Women Living in Samsun, and Factors Associated with This Practice”, Journal Breast Health, 11(3), 115-22,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2015.2547.
  • [11] Karasu, F., Göllüce, A., Güvenç, E., et al., “The effectiveness of training given about breast cancer in a foundation unıversity students”, Mersin University Journal of Health Science, 10(1), 14-24,2017.
  • [12] Kartal, A., İnci, F. H., Koştu, N., et al., “Effect of individual training given to women in the home environment on health beliefs for breast self-examination”, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 10(1), 7-13,2017. Doi: 10.5505/ptd.2017.35651.
  • [13] Kan'an, A., “Evaluation of Breast Cancer (BC) awareness among female university students in Zarqa University, Jordan”, European Journal Of Breast Health, 14(4), 199–204,2018. Doi:10.5152/ejbh.2018.4048.
  • [14] Champion, V.L., Skinner, C.S., Health behavior and health education: theory, research and practice, The health belief model. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, ed. Health behavior and health education: theory, research and practice 4th ed. San Francisco,2008.
  • [15] Gençtürk, N., “The Status of knowledge and practıce of early dıagnosıs methods for breast cancer by women healthcare professıonals” , Journal of Breast Health, 9(1),5-9,2013.
  • [16] Akgün ŞZ, Kardaş ÖF ., “Assessment of the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of women living in kars regarding the practice of breast self-examination”, Journal of Medical Research, 13(2), 54-61.,2015.
  • [17] Champion, V.L., “Instrument development for health belief model constructs”, Advance in Nursing Science, 6 (3), 73-85,1984. Doi: 10.1097/00012272-198404000-00011.
  • [18] Gözüm, S., Aydın, I., “Validation evidence for Turkish adaptation of Champion’s Health Belief Model Scales”, Cancer Nursing, 27(6),491-8,2004. Doi:10.1097/00002820-200411000-00009.
  • [19] Karayurt, O., Dramal, A., “Adaptation of Champion's Health Belief Model Scale for Turkish women and evaluation of the selected variables associated with breast self-examination”, Cancer Nursing, 30(1), 69-77,2007. Doi:10.1097/00002820-200701000-00013.
  • [20] Babuş, S., Eser E., “A Research on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards breast cancer and the methods for early diagnosis in two selected areas of Manisa”, Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 26(6), 221-230,2017.
  • [21] Kolutek, R., Avcı, İ. A., The Effect of training and monitoring at home on the knowledge level and practices of married women regarding breast and cervical cancer. Journal of Breast Health, 11(4), 155-62,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2015.2647.
  • [22] Nilaweera, R. I. W., Perera, S., Paranagama, N., et al., “Knowledge and practices on breast and cervical cancer screening methods among female health care workers: a Sri Lankan experience”, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(4), 1193-1196,2012. Doi:10.7314/apjcp.2012.13.4.1193.
  • [23] Chong, P. N., Krishnan, M., Hong, C. Y., et al., “Knowledge and practice of breast cancer screening amongst public health nurses in Singapore”, Singapore Medical Journal, 43(10), 509-516,2002.
  • [24] Ibrahim, N. A., Odusanya, O. O., “Knowledge of risk factors, beliefs and practices of female healthcare professionals towards breast cancer in a tertiary institution in Lagos, Nigeria”, BMC Cancer, 9(1), 76,2009. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-76.
  • [25] Akhigbe, A. O., Omuemu, V. O., “Knowledge, attitudes and practice of breast cancer screening among female health workers in a Nigerian urban city”, BMC Cancer, 9(1), 203,2009. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-203.
  • [26] Sohbet, R., & Karasu, F., “Investigation Of The Knowledge, Behavior And Applications Of Their Women Towards Breast Cancer”,Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(4), 113-121,2017.
  • [27] Alan, H., Karadağlı, F., Şıpkın, S.,, “Determınıng The Knowledge Attıtude About Breast Cancer And Practıces Of Nursıng Students” , Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal, 56 (1),13-22,2016.
  • [28] Şen, S., Başar, F., “Breast Cancer And Breast Self Examination Knowledge Of Women Who Live İn Kütahya Region”, The Journal Of Breast Health, 8(4),185-190,2012.
  • [29] Karayurt, Ö., Coşkun, A., & Cerit, K., “Nurses’ belıefs about breast cancer and breast self examınatıon and theır breast self examınatıon performance”, Journal of Breast Health, 4(1),15-20,2008.
Year 2020, , 229 - 240, 25.12.2020


Project Number



  • [1]Cancer Key facts 12 September 2018. WHO. [Accessed on 11.08.2020].
  • [2]World Health Organization (WHO), Breast Cancer (2019). [Accessed on 4.04.2020].
  • [3] TÜİK. Ölüm Nedeni İstatistikleri, 2016. [Accessed on 5.04.2020].
  • [4] İlhan, N., Çöl, A.G., Tanboğa, E., et al., “Behavior of college students in health related departments towards early diagnosis of breast cancer”, Journal Breast Health, 10(3):147-53,2014. Doi:
  • [5] Hadi, M. A., Hassali, M. A., Shafie, A. A., et al., “Evaluation of breast cancer awareness among female university students in Malaysia”, Pharmacy Practice, 8(1), 29–34,2010. doi:10.4321/s1886-36552010000100003.
  • [6] Abduelkarem, A. R., Saif, F. K., Saif, S., et al., “Evaluation of breast cancer awareness among female university students in university of Sharjah, UAE”, Advances in Breast Cancer Research, 4(01), 9-21, 2015. Doi: 10.4236/abcr.2015.41002.
  • [7]Breast Cancer Facts & Figures 2013-2014. American Cancer Society. file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/breast-cancer-facts-and-figures-2013-2014.pdf. [Accessed on 10.04.2020].
  • [8] Açıkgöz, A., Çehreli, R., & Ellidokuz, H., “Determination of Knowledge and Behavior of Women Working at a Hospital on Breast Cancer Early Detection Methods, and Investigation of Efficiency of Planned Education”, Journal of Breast Health, 11(1), 31-8,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2014.2322.
  • [9] Mavi Aydoğdu, S. G., Karapelit, Z., “To determine the knowledge and attitude of midwifery students about breast self examination”, Androloji Bülteni, 19(3), 78-85,2017. Doi: 10.24898/tandro.2017.39200.
  • [10] Aker, S., et al., “Practice of Breast Cancer Early Diagnosis Methods among Women Living in Samsun, and Factors Associated with This Practice”, Journal Breast Health, 11(3), 115-22,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2015.2547.
  • [11] Karasu, F., Göllüce, A., Güvenç, E., et al., “The effectiveness of training given about breast cancer in a foundation unıversity students”, Mersin University Journal of Health Science, 10(1), 14-24,2017.
  • [12] Kartal, A., İnci, F. H., Koştu, N., et al., “Effect of individual training given to women in the home environment on health beliefs for breast self-examination”, Pamukkale Medical Journal, 10(1), 7-13,2017. Doi: 10.5505/ptd.2017.35651.
  • [13] Kan'an, A., “Evaluation of Breast Cancer (BC) awareness among female university students in Zarqa University, Jordan”, European Journal Of Breast Health, 14(4), 199–204,2018. Doi:10.5152/ejbh.2018.4048.
  • [14] Champion, V.L., Skinner, C.S., Health behavior and health education: theory, research and practice, The health belief model. In: Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K, ed. Health behavior and health education: theory, research and practice 4th ed. San Francisco,2008.
  • [15] Gençtürk, N., “The Status of knowledge and practıce of early dıagnosıs methods for breast cancer by women healthcare professıonals” , Journal of Breast Health, 9(1),5-9,2013.
  • [16] Akgün ŞZ, Kardaş ÖF ., “Assessment of the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of women living in kars regarding the practice of breast self-examination”, Journal of Medical Research, 13(2), 54-61.,2015.
  • [17] Champion, V.L., “Instrument development for health belief model constructs”, Advance in Nursing Science, 6 (3), 73-85,1984. Doi: 10.1097/00012272-198404000-00011.
  • [18] Gözüm, S., Aydın, I., “Validation evidence for Turkish adaptation of Champion’s Health Belief Model Scales”, Cancer Nursing, 27(6),491-8,2004. Doi:10.1097/00002820-200411000-00009.
  • [19] Karayurt, O., Dramal, A., “Adaptation of Champion's Health Belief Model Scale for Turkish women and evaluation of the selected variables associated with breast self-examination”, Cancer Nursing, 30(1), 69-77,2007. Doi:10.1097/00002820-200701000-00013.
  • [20] Babuş, S., Eser E., “A Research on the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards breast cancer and the methods for early diagnosis in two selected areas of Manisa”, Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 26(6), 221-230,2017.
  • [21] Kolutek, R., Avcı, İ. A., The Effect of training and monitoring at home on the knowledge level and practices of married women regarding breast and cervical cancer. Journal of Breast Health, 11(4), 155-62,2015. Doi: 10.5152/tjbh.2015.2647.
  • [22] Nilaweera, R. I. W., Perera, S., Paranagama, N., et al., “Knowledge and practices on breast and cervical cancer screening methods among female health care workers: a Sri Lankan experience”, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 13(4), 1193-1196,2012. Doi:10.7314/apjcp.2012.13.4.1193.
  • [23] Chong, P. N., Krishnan, M., Hong, C. Y., et al., “Knowledge and practice of breast cancer screening amongst public health nurses in Singapore”, Singapore Medical Journal, 43(10), 509-516,2002.
  • [24] Ibrahim, N. A., Odusanya, O. O., “Knowledge of risk factors, beliefs and practices of female healthcare professionals towards breast cancer in a tertiary institution in Lagos, Nigeria”, BMC Cancer, 9(1), 76,2009. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-76.
  • [25] Akhigbe, A. O., Omuemu, V. O., “Knowledge, attitudes and practice of breast cancer screening among female health workers in a Nigerian urban city”, BMC Cancer, 9(1), 203,2009. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-203.
  • [26] Sohbet, R., & Karasu, F., “Investigation Of The Knowledge, Behavior And Applications Of Their Women Towards Breast Cancer”,Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(4), 113-121,2017.
  • [27] Alan, H., Karadağlı, F., Şıpkın, S.,, “Determınıng The Knowledge Attıtude About Breast Cancer And Practıces Of Nursıng Students” , Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal, 56 (1),13-22,2016.
  • [28] Şen, S., Başar, F., “Breast Cancer And Breast Self Examination Knowledge Of Women Who Live İn Kütahya Region”, The Journal Of Breast Health, 8(4),185-190,2012.
  • [29] Karayurt, Ö., Coşkun, A., & Cerit, K., “Nurses’ belıefs about breast cancer and breast self examınatıon and theır breast self examınatıon performance”, Journal of Breast Health, 4(1),15-20,2008.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Seda Sögüt 0000-0002-4655-0353

Eda Cangöl 0000-0002-0645-9213

Project Number -
Publication Date December 25, 2020
Submission Date August 13, 2020
Acceptance Date November 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



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