Research Article
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Year 2020, , 315 - 329, 25.12.2020


Inappropriate drug use is a significant challenge both around the globe and in our country. Potential teratogenicity of these drugs, their impact on the fetus and newborn, and finally the long-term effects that may be observed in the child should be taken into consideration especially when planning the use of drugs in pregnant women since the active ingredients in the drug and its metabolites can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta and cause negative consequences. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the knowledge levels and attitudes of pregnant women towards rational drug use. Pregnant women (n=414) who agreed to participate in the study and were hospitalized in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics of Mardin State Hospital and Kızıltepe District State Hospital between 01.12.2018-01.02.2019 were included in this descriptive study. The data were collected by face-to-face interview technique through a questionnaire. The total mean scores of the Rational Drug Use (RDU) scale of pregnant women were found to be 32.43 ± 6.37. It was revealed that painkillers were the most frequently used drugs during pregnancy (with the rate of 71.0%) and most prescribed to be spared at home (with the rate of 86.9%). In addition, one of every two pregnant women held the opinion that they used analgesics uncontrolledly and 34.5% of the pregnant women used antibiotics in such an uncontrolled way. The rate of pregnant women who were prescribed medication to be spared at home was found to be 33.6%. A significant difference was found between RDU scale scores and socio-demographic characteristics of the pregnant women. Again, a statistically significant difference was found between the rate of drug use in the household where pregnant women live (34.8%) and the residential distance from the health institution (p <0.05). It was determined that pregnant women did not have adequate information about RDU (Scale scores are below 35 points). There is a significant difference between the rational drug use scale and educational level, occupation, income level, family type, place of residence, husband’s educational status, social security and employment status of the spouse.It is thought that more frequent communication and training sessions should be planned especially with special groups on rational drug use.


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  • [4] Kubat, H., “Hekimlerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve farmakovijilansa yönelik bilgi ve tutumları”., Çukurova Medical Journal, 43(2), 286-294, 2018.
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  • [6] Özbudak, H., Ünal, A.Z., Sabuncuoğlu, S., “Gebelikte non-steroidal antiinflamatuvar ilaçların kullanımının değerlendirilmesi”., Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 20, 64-71, 2016. Doi: 10.12991/mpj.20162059818.
  • [7] Martin, P.R., Finlayson, A.J.R., “Opioid use disorder during pregnancy in Tennessee: expediency vs. science”., Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 41, 367-370, 2015. Doi: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1047502.
  • [8] Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. “Nüfus ve Demografi”., Aprıl 2020.
  • [9] Demirtaş, Z., Dağtekin, G., Sağlan, R., Alaiye, M., Önsüz, M.F., Işıklı, B., Kılıç, F.S., Metintaş, S., “Akılcı ilaç kullanımı ölçeği geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği”., ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 3(3), 37-46, 2018.
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  • [11] Bian, C., Xu, S., Wang, H., Li, N., Wu, J., Zhao, Y., Li, P., Lu, H., “A study on the application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model on rational drug use behavior among second-level hospital outpatients in Anhui, China”. Plos One, 10(8), 1-11, 2015. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135782.
  • [12] Costa, D.B., Coelho, H.L., Santos, D.B., “Use of medicines before and during pregnancy: prevalence and associated factors”. Cad Saude Publica, 33(2), 1-14, 2017. Doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00126215.
  • [13] Demir, R., Taşpınar, A., “Gebelikte akılcı ilaç kullanımı”. Archives Medical Review Journal, 28(3), 193-200, 2019. Doi:10.17827/aktd.426788.
  • [14] Adhikari, A., Biswas, S., Chattopadhyay, J.C., Gupta, R.K., “Drug use behaviour of pregnant women in rural India”., Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 61, 381-383, 2011.
  • [15] Martin, C.E., Longinaker, N., Terplan, M., “Recent trends in treatment admissions for prescription opioid abuse during pregnancy”., Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 48(1), 37–42, 2015. Doi:
  • [16] Liew, Z., Ritz, B., Rebordosa, C., Lee, P., Olsen, J., “Acetaminophen use during pregnancy, behavioral problems, and hyperkinetic disorders”., JAMA Pediatr, 168(4), 313-320, 2014. Doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.4914.
  • [17] Golding, J,, Gregory, S., Clark, R., Ellis, G., Iles-Caven, Y., Northstone, K., “Associations between paracetamol (acetaminophen) intake between 18 and 32 weeks gestation and neurocognitive outcomes in the child: A longitudinal cohort study”., Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 15, 2019. Doi: 10.1111/ppe.12582.
  • [18] Kocataş, Y., Karabulut, M., Enginyurt, Ö., “Çoklu ilaç kullanan yaşlı hastalar ve hamilelerde ağrıya yaklaşım ve parasetamolün yeri”., Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği Dergisi, 9(3), 2017.
  • [19] Zorlu, C.G., Arı, Ş.G., “Gebelerde antibiyotik kullanımı ve paraziter infestasyonların tedavisi”., Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst, 16, 17-32, 2016.
  • [20] Sülük, N., Erdem, R., “Rasyonel ilaç kullanımları ile farmasötikalizasyon düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi”., Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 9(21), 114-128, 2018. Doi: 10.21076/vizyoner.425908.
  • [21] Yousef, A.M., Al-Bakri, A.G., Bustanji, Y., Wazaify, M., “Self-medication patterns in Amman, Jordan”., Pharmacy World & Science, 30(1), 24-30, 2008. Doi: 10.1007/s11096-007-9135-x.
  • [22] Ertem, M., Saka, G., Ceylan, A., Değer, V., Çifçi, S., “The factors associated with adolescent marriages and outcome of adolescent”. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 39(2): 229-39, 2008.
  • [23] Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması Temel Bulgular 2018. Erişim Tarihi: 02.02.2020.
  • [24] Çifçi, S, Değer, B.V., Ertem, M., “Suriyeli göçmenler ve önemli bir üreme sağlığı sorunu erken yaş gebelikleri”. Göç Dergisi, 5(1), 33-42, 2018.
Year 2020, , 315 - 329, 25.12.2020



  • [1] Şahingöz, M., Balcı, E., “Hemşirelerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı”, TAF Prev Med Bull, 12(1), 57-64, 2013.
  • [2] World Health Organization. “Promotingrational use of medicines: corecomponents”. Genova: WHO policy perspectives on medicines, No:5, 2002.
  • [3] Köse, E., et al., “Sakarya’nın taraklı ilçesindeki erişkinlerde akılcı ilaç kullanımı ile ilgili bazı bilgi ve tutumlarının incelenmesi”., Sakarya Medical Journal, 8(1), 80-89, 2018.
  • [4] Kubat, H., “Hekimlerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve farmakovijilansa yönelik bilgi ve tutumları”., Çukurova Medical Journal, 43(2), 286-294, 2018.
  • [5] İlhan, M.N., Aydemir, Ö., Çakır, M., Aycan, S., “Akılcı olmayan ilaç kullanım davranışları: Ankara’da üç ilçe örneği”. Turk J Public Health, 12(3), 2014. Doi:
  • [6] Özbudak, H., Ünal, A.Z., Sabuncuoğlu, S., “Gebelikte non-steroidal antiinflamatuvar ilaçların kullanımının değerlendirilmesi”., Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal, 20, 64-71, 2016. Doi: 10.12991/mpj.20162059818.
  • [7] Martin, P.R., Finlayson, A.J.R., “Opioid use disorder during pregnancy in Tennessee: expediency vs. science”., Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 41, 367-370, 2015. Doi: 10.3109/00952990.2015.1047502.
  • [8] Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. “Nüfus ve Demografi”., Aprıl 2020.
  • [9] Demirtaş, Z., Dağtekin, G., Sağlan, R., Alaiye, M., Önsüz, M.F., Işıklı, B., Kılıç, F.S., Metintaş, S., “Akılcı ilaç kullanımı ölçeği geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği”., ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 3(3), 37-46, 2018.
  • [10] Yağar, F., Soysal, A., “Akılcı ilaç kullanımı ile ilgili hastane uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi: asistan hekimler örneği”., Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(1), 81-95. 2018.
  • [11] Bian, C., Xu, S., Wang, H., Li, N., Wu, J., Zhao, Y., Li, P., Lu, H., “A study on the application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model on rational drug use behavior among second-level hospital outpatients in Anhui, China”. Plos One, 10(8), 1-11, 2015. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135782.
  • [12] Costa, D.B., Coelho, H.L., Santos, D.B., “Use of medicines before and during pregnancy: prevalence and associated factors”. Cad Saude Publica, 33(2), 1-14, 2017. Doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00126215.
  • [13] Demir, R., Taşpınar, A., “Gebelikte akılcı ilaç kullanımı”. Archives Medical Review Journal, 28(3), 193-200, 2019. Doi:10.17827/aktd.426788.
  • [14] Adhikari, A., Biswas, S., Chattopadhyay, J.C., Gupta, R.K., “Drug use behaviour of pregnant women in rural India”., Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 61, 381-383, 2011.
  • [15] Martin, C.E., Longinaker, N., Terplan, M., “Recent trends in treatment admissions for prescription opioid abuse during pregnancy”., Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 48(1), 37–42, 2015. Doi:
  • [16] Liew, Z., Ritz, B., Rebordosa, C., Lee, P., Olsen, J., “Acetaminophen use during pregnancy, behavioral problems, and hyperkinetic disorders”., JAMA Pediatr, 168(4), 313-320, 2014. Doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.4914.
  • [17] Golding, J,, Gregory, S., Clark, R., Ellis, G., Iles-Caven, Y., Northstone, K., “Associations between paracetamol (acetaminophen) intake between 18 and 32 weeks gestation and neurocognitive outcomes in the child: A longitudinal cohort study”., Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 15, 2019. Doi: 10.1111/ppe.12582.
  • [18] Kocataş, Y., Karabulut, M., Enginyurt, Ö., “Çoklu ilaç kullanan yaşlı hastalar ve hamilelerde ağrıya yaklaşım ve parasetamolün yeri”., Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği Dergisi, 9(3), 2017.
  • [19] Zorlu, C.G., Arı, Ş.G., “Gebelerde antibiyotik kullanımı ve paraziter infestasyonların tedavisi”., Türkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst, 16, 17-32, 2016.
  • [20] Sülük, N., Erdem, R., “Rasyonel ilaç kullanımları ile farmasötikalizasyon düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi”., Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 9(21), 114-128, 2018. Doi: 10.21076/vizyoner.425908.
  • [21] Yousef, A.M., Al-Bakri, A.G., Bustanji, Y., Wazaify, M., “Self-medication patterns in Amman, Jordan”., Pharmacy World & Science, 30(1), 24-30, 2008. Doi: 10.1007/s11096-007-9135-x.
  • [22] Ertem, M., Saka, G., Ceylan, A., Değer, V., Çifçi, S., “The factors associated with adolescent marriages and outcome of adolescent”. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 39(2): 229-39, 2008.
  • [23] Türkiye Nüfus ve Sağlık Araştırması Temel Bulgular 2018. Erişim Tarihi: 02.02.2020.
  • [24] Çifçi, S, Değer, B.V., Ertem, M., “Suriyeli göçmenler ve önemli bir üreme sağlığı sorunu erken yaş gebelikleri”. Göç Dergisi, 5(1), 33-42, 2018.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Health, Environmental Health
Journal Section Article

Vasfiye Bayram Değer 0000-0002-7714-9087

Sema Çifçi 0000-0003-3297-2931

Hediye Utli 0000-0002-4732-9503

Dilan Acar 0000-0003-1262-5713

Publication Date December 25, 2020
Submission Date September 10, 2020
Acceptance Date November 11, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



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