Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 153 - 161, 29.08.2020


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  • [1] Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP, "Maslach C. Burnout: 35 years of research and practice", Career Development International, 2009; 14 (3): 204-20.
  • [2] Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. "Job burnout", Annual Review of Psychology, 2001; 52: 397-422.
  • [3] Wallace JE, Lemaire JB, Ghali WA. "Physician wellness: a missing quality indicator", Lancet, 2009; 374 (9702): 1714-21.
  • [4] Rothenberger DA. "Physician Burnout and Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Framework for Action", Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 2017; 60 (6): 567-76.
  • [5] Shanafelt TD, Boone S, Tan L, Dyrbye LN, Sotile W, Satele D, et al. "Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population", Archives of internal medicine, 2012; 172 (18): 1377-85.
  • [6] Soler JK, Yaman H, Esteva M, Dobbs F, Asenova RS, Katic M, et al. "Burnout in European family doctors: the EGPRN study", Family Practice, 2008; 25 (4): 245-65.
  • [7] Leal-Costa C, Díaz-Agea JL, Tirado-González S, Rodríguez-Marín J, van-der Hofstadt CJ. "Communication skills: a preventive factor in Burnout syndrome in health professionals", Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2015; 38 (2): 213-23.
  • [8] Lee RT, Ashforth BE. "On the meaning of Maslach’s three dimensions of burnout", Journal of Applied Psychology, 1990; 75 (6): 743-7.
  • [9] Monsalve-Reyes CS, San Luis-Costas C, Gómez-Urquiza JL, Albendín-García L, Aguayo R, Cañadas-De la Fuente GA. "Burnout syndrome and its prevalence in primary care nursing: a systematic review and meta-analysis", BMC Family Practice 10 2018; 19 (1): 59.
  • [10] Emold C, Schneider N, Meller I, Yagil Y. "Communication skills, working environment and burnout among oncology nurses" European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2011; 15 (4): 358-63.
  • [11] Dickson, D. A. "Interpersonal communication in the health professions: A focus on training" Counseling Psychology Quartely 1989; 2 (3): 345-66.
  • [12] Cubero DIG, Fumis RRL, de Sá TH, Dettino A, Costa FO, Van Eyll BMRHA, et al. "Burnout in Medical Oncology Fellows: a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study in Brazilian Institutions", Journal of Cancer Education, 2016; 31 (3): 582-7.
  • [13] Amiri H, Sadeghi Sharme M, Karimi Zarchi A, Bahari F, Binesh A. "Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Communication Training (SFCT) in Nurses' Communication Skills", Journal of military medicine, 2013; 14 (4): 271-8.
  • [14] Maslach C, Jackson SE. "The measurement of experienced burnout journal of occupational behavior", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1981; 2 (2): 99-113.
  • [15] Çam, O. "Investigation of Validity and Reliability of Burnout Inventory", VII. National Psychology Congress, 1992.;155-160 [16] Korkut F. "Development of communication skills assessment scale: reliability and validity studies", Journal of psychological counseling and guidance. 1996; 2 (7): 15- 23.
  • [17] Zarei E, Ahmadi F, Sial MS, Hwang J, Thu PA, Usman SM. "Prevalence of Burnout among Primary Health Care Staff and Its Predictors: A Study in Iran" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019; 16 (12).
  • [18] Escribà-Agüir V, Martín-Baena D, Pérez-Hoyos S. "Psychosocial work environment and burnout among emergency medical and nursing staff", International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2006; 80 (2): 127-33.
  • [19] Navarro-González D, Ayechu-Díaz A, Huarte-Labiano I. "Prevalence of burnout syndrome and its associated factors in Primary Care staff", Semergen, June 2015; 41 (4): 191-8.
  • [20] Ramírez MR, Otero P, Blanco V, Ontaneda MP, Díaz O, Vázquez FL. "Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador", Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2018; 82: 73-83.
  • [21] Goehring C, Bouvier Gallacchi M, Künzi B, Bovier P. "Psychosocial and professional characteristics of burnout in Swiss primary care practitioners: a cross-sectional survey" Swiss Medical Weekly, 2005; 135 (7-8): 101-8.
  • [22] Cagan O, Gunay O. "The job satisfaction and burnout levels of primary care health workers in the province of Malatya in Turkey", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015; 31 (3): 543-7.
  • [23] Pintarić Japec V, Vučemilo L, Kust D, Babacanli A, Dodig D, Štefančić V, et al. "Burnout among Croatian physicians: a cross sectional national survey", Croatian Medical Journal, 13 2019; 60 (3): 255-64.
  • [24] Dyrbye LN, Varkey P, Boone SL, Satele DV, Sloan JA, Shanafelt TD. "Physician satisfaction and burnout at different career stages", Mayo Clinic Proceeding 2013; 88 (12): 1358-67.
  • [25] Chang BP, Carter E, Ng N, Flynn C, Tan T. "Association of clinician burnout and perceived clinician-patient communication" American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018; 36 (1): 156-8.
  • [26] Maslach C, Jackson S, Leiter M. The Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual. The Scarecrow Press, 1997. 191-218.
  • [27] Travado L, Grassi L, Gil F, Ventura C, Martins C, "Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study Group. Physician-patient communication among Southern European cancer physicians: the influence of psychosocial orientation and burnout", Psychooncology, 2005; 14 (8): 661-70.
  • [28] Thomas MR, Dyrbye LN, Huntington JL, Lawson KL, Novotny PJ, Sloan JA, et al. "How do distress and well-being relate to medical student empathy? A multicenter study", Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2007; 22 (2): 177-83.
  • [29] Hall JA, Roter DL. "Do patients talk differently to male and female physicians? A meta-analytic review", Patient Education and Counseling 2002; 48 (3): 217-24.
  • [30] Roter DL, Hall JA, Aoki Y. "Physician gender effects in medical communication: a meta-analytic review", JAMA, 14, 2002; 288 (6): 756-64.


Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 153 - 161, 29.08.2020


Objective: Burnout syndrome is an important problem among health professionals. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the burnout status and communication skills in primary care staff.
Methods: The study was conducted in the cross-sectional type between April and June 2019. The population of the study comprised of physicians and family health professionals working in primary care unit. The participants were administered the Maslach Burnout Inventory, certain questions concerning sociodemographic characteristics, and the communication skills evaluation scale.
Results: In total, 383 individuals working in the primary care unit participated in the study. The mean age was 43 ± 8,1 and among them, 64.8% were women. The scores of the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of physicians were significantly higher compared to nurses. While the depersonalization score of women was significantly lower than men, the sense of personal accomplishment score was higher than men. As the number of daily clinic visits of the physicians increased, the rate of their emotional exhaustion and depersonalization increased. While the communication skills decreased as the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization increased, the communication skills level increased as the sense of personal accomplishment increased. Women, nurses, the widowed/the divorced women, and age group were determined to have better communication skills.
Conclusion: A significant relation was determined between burnout subscales and increased number of daily average clinic visits of physicians, gender and occupational groups. There was a significant relationship between communication skill levels and burnout subscales concerning occupational groups, gender, marital status and age groups.

Project Number



  • [1] Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP, "Maslach C. Burnout: 35 years of research and practice", Career Development International, 2009; 14 (3): 204-20.
  • [2] Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. "Job burnout", Annual Review of Psychology, 2001; 52: 397-422.
  • [3] Wallace JE, Lemaire JB, Ghali WA. "Physician wellness: a missing quality indicator", Lancet, 2009; 374 (9702): 1714-21.
  • [4] Rothenberger DA. "Physician Burnout and Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Framework for Action", Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 2017; 60 (6): 567-76.
  • [5] Shanafelt TD, Boone S, Tan L, Dyrbye LN, Sotile W, Satele D, et al. "Burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance among US physicians relative to the general US population", Archives of internal medicine, 2012; 172 (18): 1377-85.
  • [6] Soler JK, Yaman H, Esteva M, Dobbs F, Asenova RS, Katic M, et al. "Burnout in European family doctors: the EGPRN study", Family Practice, 2008; 25 (4): 245-65.
  • [7] Leal-Costa C, Díaz-Agea JL, Tirado-González S, Rodríguez-Marín J, van-der Hofstadt CJ. "Communication skills: a preventive factor in Burnout syndrome in health professionals", Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2015; 38 (2): 213-23.
  • [8] Lee RT, Ashforth BE. "On the meaning of Maslach’s three dimensions of burnout", Journal of Applied Psychology, 1990; 75 (6): 743-7.
  • [9] Monsalve-Reyes CS, San Luis-Costas C, Gómez-Urquiza JL, Albendín-García L, Aguayo R, Cañadas-De la Fuente GA. "Burnout syndrome and its prevalence in primary care nursing: a systematic review and meta-analysis", BMC Family Practice 10 2018; 19 (1): 59.
  • [10] Emold C, Schneider N, Meller I, Yagil Y. "Communication skills, working environment and burnout among oncology nurses" European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2011; 15 (4): 358-63.
  • [11] Dickson, D. A. "Interpersonal communication in the health professions: A focus on training" Counseling Psychology Quartely 1989; 2 (3): 345-66.
  • [12] Cubero DIG, Fumis RRL, de Sá TH, Dettino A, Costa FO, Van Eyll BMRHA, et al. "Burnout in Medical Oncology Fellows: a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study in Brazilian Institutions", Journal of Cancer Education, 2016; 31 (3): 582-7.
  • [13] Amiri H, Sadeghi Sharme M, Karimi Zarchi A, Bahari F, Binesh A. "Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Communication Training (SFCT) in Nurses' Communication Skills", Journal of military medicine, 2013; 14 (4): 271-8.
  • [14] Maslach C, Jackson SE. "The measurement of experienced burnout journal of occupational behavior", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 1981; 2 (2): 99-113.
  • [15] Çam, O. "Investigation of Validity and Reliability of Burnout Inventory", VII. National Psychology Congress, 1992.;155-160 [16] Korkut F. "Development of communication skills assessment scale: reliability and validity studies", Journal of psychological counseling and guidance. 1996; 2 (7): 15- 23.
  • [17] Zarei E, Ahmadi F, Sial MS, Hwang J, Thu PA, Usman SM. "Prevalence of Burnout among Primary Health Care Staff and Its Predictors: A Study in Iran" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019; 16 (12).
  • [18] Escribà-Agüir V, Martín-Baena D, Pérez-Hoyos S. "Psychosocial work environment and burnout among emergency medical and nursing staff", International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2006; 80 (2): 127-33.
  • [19] Navarro-González D, Ayechu-Díaz A, Huarte-Labiano I. "Prevalence of burnout syndrome and its associated factors in Primary Care staff", Semergen, June 2015; 41 (4): 191-8.
  • [20] Ramírez MR, Otero P, Blanco V, Ontaneda MP, Díaz O, Vázquez FL. "Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador", Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2018; 82: 73-83.
  • [21] Goehring C, Bouvier Gallacchi M, Künzi B, Bovier P. "Psychosocial and professional characteristics of burnout in Swiss primary care practitioners: a cross-sectional survey" Swiss Medical Weekly, 2005; 135 (7-8): 101-8.
  • [22] Cagan O, Gunay O. "The job satisfaction and burnout levels of primary care health workers in the province of Malatya in Turkey", Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015; 31 (3): 543-7.
  • [23] Pintarić Japec V, Vučemilo L, Kust D, Babacanli A, Dodig D, Štefančić V, et al. "Burnout among Croatian physicians: a cross sectional national survey", Croatian Medical Journal, 13 2019; 60 (3): 255-64.
  • [24] Dyrbye LN, Varkey P, Boone SL, Satele DV, Sloan JA, Shanafelt TD. "Physician satisfaction and burnout at different career stages", Mayo Clinic Proceeding 2013; 88 (12): 1358-67.
  • [25] Chang BP, Carter E, Ng N, Flynn C, Tan T. "Association of clinician burnout and perceived clinician-patient communication" American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018; 36 (1): 156-8.
  • [26] Maslach C, Jackson S, Leiter M. The Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual. The Scarecrow Press, 1997. 191-218.
  • [27] Travado L, Grassi L, Gil F, Ventura C, Martins C, "Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study Group. Physician-patient communication among Southern European cancer physicians: the influence of psychosocial orientation and burnout", Psychooncology, 2005; 14 (8): 661-70.
  • [28] Thomas MR, Dyrbye LN, Huntington JL, Lawson KL, Novotny PJ, Sloan JA, et al. "How do distress and well-being relate to medical student empathy? A multicenter study", Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2007; 22 (2): 177-83.
  • [29] Hall JA, Roter DL. "Do patients talk differently to male and female physicians? A meta-analytic review", Patient Education and Counseling 2002; 48 (3): 217-24.
  • [30] Roter DL, Hall JA, Aoki Y. "Physician gender effects in medical communication: a meta-analytic review", JAMA, 14, 2002; 288 (6): 756-64.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Article

Nilüfer Emre 0000-0002-6519-0920

Tamer Edirne 0000-0001-9683-5624

Aysun Özşahin 0000-0002-5768-4146

Ali Rıza Türk 0000-0001-6413-7012

Project Number yok
Publication Date August 29, 2020
Submission Date May 11, 2020
Acceptance Date July 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


IEEE N. Emre, T. Edirne, A. Özşahin, and A. R. Türk, “THE EVALUATION OF BURNOUT AND COMMUNICATİON SKILLS IN PRIMARY CARE STAFF”, IJHSRP, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 153–161, 2020, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.735875.

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