Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 93 - 104, 28.04.2021



  • Cossette, S., Cara, C., Ricard, N., Pepin, J. “Assessing nurse-patient interactions from a caring perspective: Report of the development and preliminary psychometric testing of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions Scale”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42, 6, 673-686, 2005. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2004.10.004
  • Lukose, A. “Developing apractice model for Watson’s theory of caring”, Nursing Science Quarterly, 24, 1, 27–30, 2011. Doi:10.1177/0894318410389073
  • Pajnkihar, M., McKenna, H.P., Stiglic, G., Vrbnjak, D. “Fit for practice: Analysis and evaluation of Watson’s theory of human caring”, Nursing Science Quarterly, 30, 3, 243-252, 2017. Doi:10.1177/0894318417708409
  • Brewer, B.B, Watson, J. “Evaluation of authentic human caring professional practices”, The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45, 12, 622-627, 2015. Doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000275
  • Fleischer, S., Berg, A., Zimmermann, M., Wuste, K., Behrens, J. “Nurse-patient interaction and communication: A systematic literature review”, Journal of Public Health, 17, 339-353, 2009. Doi:10.1007/s10389-008-0238-1
  • Yalçın, N.A., Aştı, T.A. “Validity and reliability of Turkish version of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 20, 2, 129-139, 2012.
  • Alshammari, M., Duff, J., Guilhermino, M. “Barriers to nurse–patient communication in Saudi Arabia: An integrative review”, Biomed Center Nursing, 18, 61, 1-10, 2019.
  • Yılmaz, D, Çınar, H.G. “Examination of attitudes of nursing department senior students towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Journal of Human Sciences, 14, 4, 3300-3309, 2017. Doi:10.14687/jhs.v14i4.4911
  • Bayraktar, D., Eşer, I. “Attitudes and behaviors of nurses towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health, 20, 3, 188-194, 2017. [Original Work Published in Turkish]
  • Clark, C.S. “Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent transpersonal and humanities concepts for educators”, Humanities, 5, 21, 2-12, 2016. Doi:10.3390/h5020021
  • Özkan, I.A, Okumuş, H. “A model where caring and healing meets: Watson’s theory of human caring”. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14, 2, 61-72, 2016.
  • Wei, H., Watson, J. “Healthcare inter professional team members' perspectives on human caring: A directed on tent analysis study”, International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 17-23, 2019.
  • Tektaş, P., Çam, O. “The effects of nursing care based on Watson's theory of human caring on the mental health of pregnant women after a pregnancy loss”, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31, 440–446, 2017.
  • Felsmann, M., Andruszkiewicz, A., Kosobucka, A. “The adaptation of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale (CNPI-70) to Polish conditions on the basis of nursing students self-assessment of their caring competencies”, Medical and Biological Sciences, 29, 2, 47-55, 2015. Doi: 10.12775/MBS.2015.018
  • Shitzman, K., Muller, D.H. “Usefulness of Watson’s caring science for online educational practices in disciplines outside of nursing”, Advances in Nursing Science, 41, 4, 53–63, 2018. Doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000223
  • Haugan, G., Moksnes, U.K. “Intrapersonal self-transcendence, meaning-in-life and nurse–patient interaction: powerful assets for quality of life in cognitively intact nursing home patients”, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30, 790–801, 2016. Doi:10.1111/scs.12307
  • Haugan, G. “The relationship between nurse–patient interaction and meaning-in-life in cognitively intact nursing home patients”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 1, 107–120, 2017. Doi: 10.1111/jan.12173
  • McGilton, K.S., Sorin-Peters, R., Sidani, S., Boscart, V., Fox, M., Rochon, E. “Patient-centred communication intervention study to evaluate nurse-patient interactions in complex continuing care”, Biomed Center Geriatrics, 12, 1, 61-61, 2012. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-12-61.
  • Kaçmaz, E.D., Çam, M.O. “Review of caring nurse-patient interaction for nurses caring for psychiatric patients”. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 10 (1), 65-74, 2019. Doi:10.14744/phd.2018.83702
  • Amoah, V.M.K., et al. “A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients”, Biomed Center Nursing, 18, 4, 1-8, 2019. Doi:10.1186/s12912-019-0328-0
  • Bridges, J., Griffiths, P., Oliver, E. “Pickering RM. Hospital nurse staffing and staff-patient interactions: an observational study”, BMJ Quality and Safety, 0, 1–8, 2019. Doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2018-008948
  • Zaybak, A., Ismailoğlu, E.G., Efteli, E. “Nursing students attitudes and behaviors towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Uluslararası Hakemli Hemşirelik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1, 2, 24-37, 2014. Doi: 10.17371/UHD.2014210144
  • Erzincanlı, S., Yüksel, A. “Analysis of attitudes and behaviors of nursing students towards care-focused nurse-patient ınteraction in terms of some variables”, Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 21, 1, 10-17, 2018.
  • Kalender, N., Tosun, N, Çınar, F.I., Bagçivan, G., Yaşar, Z.” Assessing the attitudes and behaviors of nursing students according to Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction scale”, Gulhane Medical Journal, 58, 277-281, 2016. Doi:10.5455/Gülhane.181127
  • Jiang, L.L., Ruan, H., Xiang, X.J, Jia, Q.”Investigation and analysis of the caring attitude and behaviour of nurses in Shanghai, China”, International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21, 426–432, 2015. Doi: 10.1111/ijn.12287
  • Chan, Z.C.Y, Lai, C.K.Y. “The nurse-patient communication: voices from nursing students”, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 29, 6, 1-9, 2017. Doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2016-0023.
  • Lechleitner, R.A. “Study to assess home health nurses from a carative perspective”, Hospital Topics, 97, 1, 11-14, 2019. Doi: 10.1080/00185868.2018.1551735 Kapat


Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 93 - 104, 28.04.2021


The interaction with patient is very important in nursing. In Watson's theory of human care, holistic approach and care-oriented interaction come to the fore. This study was implemented in order to examine nurses' attitudes and behaviors towards caring nurse-patient interaction. 183 out of 300 nurses working in inpatient units of a general hospital where the study was conducted participated in the study voluntarily. Data collection with 12-question questionnaire and "Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale"(CNPI-S) developed by Cossette et al. were used. As a result; most of the nurses are women, in the middle age group and 48.6% of them are educated at least at undergraduate level. According to the CNPI-S total scores, the importance dimension is X=292.83±34.04, the efficiency dimension is X=282.93±51.19 and the practicality dimension is X=270.11±56.75 points. When the mean scores of the subscales were examined, it was found that the highest scores belong to the subscales of "necessities”, “helping relationship” and “environment”, and the lowest scores belong to the subscales of "teaching”, “sensitivity” and "problem solving”. Significant differences were found in CNPI-S subscale scores regarding age, education level and nurses' competence in communication (p<.05), and positive and significant relationships were found between CNPI-S subscale scores (p<.01). The tasking of nurses in care-oriented patient interaction is related to nurses' efficiencies and the increase in efficiency increases the practicality of care oriented interaction. In this study, CNPI-S importance dimension scores of nurses working in general hospitals were similar to many studies, but practicality dimension scores and same subscale scores were found to be partially lower from many studies. For nurses working in public hospital, skill training on care-oriented patient interaction and holistic approach can be recommended.


  • Cossette, S., Cara, C., Ricard, N., Pepin, J. “Assessing nurse-patient interactions from a caring perspective: Report of the development and preliminary psychometric testing of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions Scale”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 42, 6, 673-686, 2005. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2004.10.004
  • Lukose, A. “Developing apractice model for Watson’s theory of caring”, Nursing Science Quarterly, 24, 1, 27–30, 2011. Doi:10.1177/0894318410389073
  • Pajnkihar, M., McKenna, H.P., Stiglic, G., Vrbnjak, D. “Fit for practice: Analysis and evaluation of Watson’s theory of human caring”, Nursing Science Quarterly, 30, 3, 243-252, 2017. Doi:10.1177/0894318417708409
  • Brewer, B.B, Watson, J. “Evaluation of authentic human caring professional practices”, The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45, 12, 622-627, 2015. Doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000000275
  • Fleischer, S., Berg, A., Zimmermann, M., Wuste, K., Behrens, J. “Nurse-patient interaction and communication: A systematic literature review”, Journal of Public Health, 17, 339-353, 2009. Doi:10.1007/s10389-008-0238-1
  • Yalçın, N.A., Aştı, T.A. “Validity and reliability of Turkish version of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale”, Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 20, 2, 129-139, 2012.
  • Alshammari, M., Duff, J., Guilhermino, M. “Barriers to nurse–patient communication in Saudi Arabia: An integrative review”, Biomed Center Nursing, 18, 61, 1-10, 2019.
  • Yılmaz, D, Çınar, H.G. “Examination of attitudes of nursing department senior students towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Journal of Human Sciences, 14, 4, 3300-3309, 2017. Doi:10.14687/jhs.v14i4.4911
  • Bayraktar, D., Eşer, I. “Attitudes and behaviors of nurses towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health, 20, 3, 188-194, 2017. [Original Work Published in Turkish]
  • Clark, C.S. “Watson’s Human Caring Theory: Pertinent transpersonal and humanities concepts for educators”, Humanities, 5, 21, 2-12, 2016. Doi:10.3390/h5020021
  • Özkan, I.A, Okumuş, H. “A model where caring and healing meets: Watson’s theory of human caring”. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 14, 2, 61-72, 2016.
  • Wei, H., Watson, J. “Healthcare inter professional team members' perspectives on human caring: A directed on tent analysis study”, International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6, 17-23, 2019.
  • Tektaş, P., Çam, O. “The effects of nursing care based on Watson's theory of human caring on the mental health of pregnant women after a pregnancy loss”, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 31, 440–446, 2017.
  • Felsmann, M., Andruszkiewicz, A., Kosobucka, A. “The adaptation of the Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale (CNPI-70) to Polish conditions on the basis of nursing students self-assessment of their caring competencies”, Medical and Biological Sciences, 29, 2, 47-55, 2015. Doi: 10.12775/MBS.2015.018
  • Shitzman, K., Muller, D.H. “Usefulness of Watson’s caring science for online educational practices in disciplines outside of nursing”, Advances in Nursing Science, 41, 4, 53–63, 2018. Doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000223
  • Haugan, G., Moksnes, U.K. “Intrapersonal self-transcendence, meaning-in-life and nurse–patient interaction: powerful assets for quality of life in cognitively intact nursing home patients”, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 30, 790–801, 2016. Doi:10.1111/scs.12307
  • Haugan, G. “The relationship between nurse–patient interaction and meaning-in-life in cognitively intact nursing home patients”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 1, 107–120, 2017. Doi: 10.1111/jan.12173
  • McGilton, K.S., Sorin-Peters, R., Sidani, S., Boscart, V., Fox, M., Rochon, E. “Patient-centred communication intervention study to evaluate nurse-patient interactions in complex continuing care”, Biomed Center Geriatrics, 12, 1, 61-61, 2012. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-12-61.
  • Kaçmaz, E.D., Çam, M.O. “Review of caring nurse-patient interaction for nurses caring for psychiatric patients”. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 10 (1), 65-74, 2019. Doi:10.14744/phd.2018.83702
  • Amoah, V.M.K., et al. “A qualitative assessment of perceived barriers to effective therapeutic communication among nurses and patients”, Biomed Center Nursing, 18, 4, 1-8, 2019. Doi:10.1186/s12912-019-0328-0
  • Bridges, J., Griffiths, P., Oliver, E. “Pickering RM. Hospital nurse staffing and staff-patient interactions: an observational study”, BMJ Quality and Safety, 0, 1–8, 2019. Doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2018-008948
  • Zaybak, A., Ismailoğlu, E.G., Efteli, E. “Nursing students attitudes and behaviors towards caring nurse-patient interaction”, Uluslararası Hakemli Hemşirelik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1, 2, 24-37, 2014. Doi: 10.17371/UHD.2014210144
  • Erzincanlı, S., Yüksel, A. “Analysis of attitudes and behaviors of nursing students towards care-focused nurse-patient ınteraction in terms of some variables”, Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 21, 1, 10-17, 2018.
  • Kalender, N., Tosun, N, Çınar, F.I., Bagçivan, G., Yaşar, Z.” Assessing the attitudes and behaviors of nursing students according to Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction scale”, Gulhane Medical Journal, 58, 277-281, 2016. Doi:10.5455/Gülhane.181127
  • Jiang, L.L., Ruan, H., Xiang, X.J, Jia, Q.”Investigation and analysis of the caring attitude and behaviour of nurses in Shanghai, China”, International Journal of Nursing Practice, 21, 426–432, 2015. Doi: 10.1111/ijn.12287
  • Chan, Z.C.Y, Lai, C.K.Y. “The nurse-patient communication: voices from nursing students”, International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 29, 6, 1-9, 2017. Doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2016-0023.
  • Lechleitner, R.A. “Study to assess home health nurses from a carative perspective”, Hospital Topics, 97, 1, 11-14, 2019. Doi: 10.1080/00185868.2018.1551735 Kapat
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Gulistan Uyar 0000-0003-2344-6622

Sibel Coşkun 0000-0002-8885-6828

Publication Date April 28, 2021
Submission Date August 8, 2020
Acceptance Date March 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 1



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