Case Report
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 144 - 150, 28.04.2021



  • 1. Benwill, J. L., & Sarria, J. C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis in the United States of America: a forgotten disease”, Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, Vol.46(4), pp.241-249, 2014.
  • 2. Uslu, C., Oysu, C., Uklumen, B., “Tuberculosis of the epiglottis: a case report”, European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, Vol.265(5), pp.599-601, 2008.
  • 3. Rizzo, P.B., Da Mosto, M.C., Clari, M., Scotton, P.G., Vaglia, A., Marchiori, C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: an often forgotten diagnosis”, International journal of infectious diseases, Vol.7(2), pp.129-131, 2003.
  • 4. Paulauskienė, I., & Mickevičienė, V., “Dysphonia–the single symptom of rifampicin resistant laryngeal tuberculosis”, Open Medicine, Vol.11(1), pp.63-67, 2016.
  • 5. Lim, J.Y., Kim, K.M., Choi, E.C., Kim, Y.H., Kim, H.S., Choi, H.S., “Current clinical propensity of laryngeal tuberculosis: review of 60 cases”, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck, Vol.263(9), pp.838-842, 2006.
  • 6. Shin J.E., Nam S.Y., Yoo S.J., Kim S.Y., “Changing trends in clinical manifestations of laryngeal tuberculosis”, Laryngoscope, Vol.110, pp.1950–1953, 2000.
  • 7. Lou, Z.C., & Li, X., “Leukoplakia or LPR: The Misdiagnosis of Laryngeal Tuberculosis”, Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, pp.0145561319891264, 2019.
  • 8. González-Martín, J., García-García, J.M., Anibarro, L., Vidal, R., Esteban, J., Blanquer, R., Moreno, S., Ruiz-Manzano, J., “Consensus document on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis”, Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition), Vol.46(5), pp.255-274, 2010.
  • 9. Wang, C.C., Lin, C.C., Wang, C.P., Liu, S.A., Jiang, R.S., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: a review of 26 cases”, Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Vol.137(4), pp.582-588, 2007.
  • 10. Hasibi, M., Yazdani, N., Asadollahi, M., Sharafi, M., Manshadi, S.A.D., “Clinical features of laryngeal tuberculosis in Iran”, Acta Medica Iranica, Vol.51(9), pp.638-641, 2013.
  • 11. Ling, L., Zhou, S.H.,Wang, S.Q.,”Changing trends in the clinical features of laryngeal tuberculosis: a report of 19 cases”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.14(3), pp.e230-e235, 2010.
  • 12. Smulders, Y.E., De Bondt, B.J., Lacko, M., Hodge, J.A., Kross, K.W, “Laryngeal tuberculosis presenting as a supraglottic carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature”, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Vol.3(1), pp.9288, 2009.
  • 13. Lodha, J.V., Sharma, A., Virmani, N., Bihani, A., Dabholkar, J.P., ”Secondary laryngeal tuberculosis Revisited”, Lung India, Vol.32, pp.462-464, 2015.
  • 14. Nalini B., & Vinayak S., “Tuberculosis in ear, nose, and throat practice: its presentation and diagnosis”, American journal of otolaryngology, Vol.27(1), pp. 39-45, 2006.
  • 15. Kurokawa, M., Nibu, K.I., Ichimura, K.I., Nishino, H, “Laryngeal tuberculosis: A report of 17 cases”, Auris Nasus Larynx, Vol.42(4), pp.305-310, 2017.
  • 16. Cengiz, A., Göksel, S., Başal, Y., Gülen, Ş.T., Döğer, F., Yürekli, Y., “Laryngeal tuberculosis mimicking laryngeal carcinoma on 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging”, Molecular imaging and radionuclide therapy, Vol.27(2), pp. 81-83, 2018.
  • 17. Moon, W.K., Han, M.H., Chang, K.H., Kim, H.J., Im, J.G., Yeon, K.M., Han, M.C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: CT findings,” American journal of roentgenology, Vol.166(2), pp.445-449, 1996.
  • 18. Gambhir, S., Ravina, M., Rangan, K., Dixit, M., Barai, S., Bomanji, J., ”Imaging in extrapulmonary tuberculosis”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.56, pp.237-247, 2017.
  • 19. Yencha, M.W., Linfesty, R., Blackmon, A., ”Laryngeal tuberculosis”, American journal of otolaryngology, Vol.21(2), pp.122-126, 2000.
  • 20. Qian, X., Albers, A.E., Nguyen, D.T., Dong, Y., Zhang, Y., Schreiber, F., Sinikovic, B., Bi, X., Graviss, E.A., “Head and neck tuberculosis: literature review and meta-analysis”, Tuberculosis, Vol.116, pp.S78-S88, 2019.
  • 21. Reis, J.G.C., Reis, C.S.M., Costa, D.C.S.D., Lucena, M.M., Schubach, A.D.O., Oliveira, R.D.V.C., Rolla, V.C., Conceição-Silva, F.,Valete-Rosalino, C.M., “Factors associated with clinical and topographical features of laryngeal tuberculosis”, PLoS One, Vol.11(4), pp.e0153450, 2016.
  • 22. Alegre, J.L.H., Gutierrez, A.T., Prado, E.M., Marcelo, J.H., “Laryngeal Tuberculosis in Pregnant Women: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”, Cureus, 10(11), pp. e3545, 2018.
  • 23. Edizer, D.T., Karaman, E., Mercan, H., Alimoglu, Y., Esen, T. Cansiz, H., “Primary tuberculosis involving epiglottis: a rare case report”, Dysphagia, Vol.25(3), pp.258-260, 2010.


Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 144 - 150, 28.04.2021


Laryngeal tuberculosis is a form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis that occurs in only 1% of all tuberculosis cases, with the mortality rate of less than 2%. It can be a complication of pulmonary or some other form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (via bronchogenic, haematogenic or lymphagenic spread of bacilli), or the larynx can be the only organ affected after the direct invasion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Clinical, laryngoscopic and radiological findings of laryngeal tuberculosis tend to mimic laryngeal cancer, delaying the appropriate treatment. In this paper, we present a case of the laryngeal and pulmonary tuberculosis which was primarily diagnosed and almost treated as laryngeal carcinoma. An 84 years old Caucasian male presented with a 3-months history of hoarseness, odynophagia, dysphagia, cough with expectoration and weight loss. After the laryngoscopy and biopsy of the laryngeal ulceration, a squamous cell carcinoma was suspected. However, chest X-ray and CT scan detected pulmonary infiltrates, while the positive sputum smear for acid-fast bacilli was obtained and the sputum cultures grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Detailed histopathological analysis of the biopsies was in accordance with tuberculosis, and no signs of timorous tissue were found. After the end of the proposed antituberculous treatment, the patient reported no symptoms of the diseases, laryngoscopic findings showed no signs of neoplastic tissue, and CT findings showed partial radiological regression. Distinguishing laryngeal carcinoma and tuberculosis can be very challenging, even after obtaining histopathological material. Nevertheless, biopsies should be taken from all suspicious lesions and at multiple sites and Ziehl-Neelson staining of sputum and bioptic tissue is necessary. Otorhinolaryngologists should always consider tuberculosis in differential diagnosis of laryngeal lesions, especially nowadays when the incidence of laryngeal tuberculosis is increasing in developing countries.


  • 1. Benwill, J. L., & Sarria, J. C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis in the United States of America: a forgotten disease”, Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, Vol.46(4), pp.241-249, 2014.
  • 2. Uslu, C., Oysu, C., Uklumen, B., “Tuberculosis of the epiglottis: a case report”, European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology, Vol.265(5), pp.599-601, 2008.
  • 3. Rizzo, P.B., Da Mosto, M.C., Clari, M., Scotton, P.G., Vaglia, A., Marchiori, C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: an often forgotten diagnosis”, International journal of infectious diseases, Vol.7(2), pp.129-131, 2003.
  • 4. Paulauskienė, I., & Mickevičienė, V., “Dysphonia–the single symptom of rifampicin resistant laryngeal tuberculosis”, Open Medicine, Vol.11(1), pp.63-67, 2016.
  • 5. Lim, J.Y., Kim, K.M., Choi, E.C., Kim, Y.H., Kim, H.S., Choi, H.S., “Current clinical propensity of laryngeal tuberculosis: review of 60 cases”, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck, Vol.263(9), pp.838-842, 2006.
  • 6. Shin J.E., Nam S.Y., Yoo S.J., Kim S.Y., “Changing trends in clinical manifestations of laryngeal tuberculosis”, Laryngoscope, Vol.110, pp.1950–1953, 2000.
  • 7. Lou, Z.C., & Li, X., “Leukoplakia or LPR: The Misdiagnosis of Laryngeal Tuberculosis”, Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, pp.0145561319891264, 2019.
  • 8. González-Martín, J., García-García, J.M., Anibarro, L., Vidal, R., Esteban, J., Blanquer, R., Moreno, S., Ruiz-Manzano, J., “Consensus document on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis”, Archivos de Bronconeumología (English Edition), Vol.46(5), pp.255-274, 2010.
  • 9. Wang, C.C., Lin, C.C., Wang, C.P., Liu, S.A., Jiang, R.S., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: a review of 26 cases”, Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, Vol.137(4), pp.582-588, 2007.
  • 10. Hasibi, M., Yazdani, N., Asadollahi, M., Sharafi, M., Manshadi, S.A.D., “Clinical features of laryngeal tuberculosis in Iran”, Acta Medica Iranica, Vol.51(9), pp.638-641, 2013.
  • 11. Ling, L., Zhou, S.H.,Wang, S.Q.,”Changing trends in the clinical features of laryngeal tuberculosis: a report of 19 cases”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.14(3), pp.e230-e235, 2010.
  • 12. Smulders, Y.E., De Bondt, B.J., Lacko, M., Hodge, J.A., Kross, K.W, “Laryngeal tuberculosis presenting as a supraglottic carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature”, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Vol.3(1), pp.9288, 2009.
  • 13. Lodha, J.V., Sharma, A., Virmani, N., Bihani, A., Dabholkar, J.P., ”Secondary laryngeal tuberculosis Revisited”, Lung India, Vol.32, pp.462-464, 2015.
  • 14. Nalini B., & Vinayak S., “Tuberculosis in ear, nose, and throat practice: its presentation and diagnosis”, American journal of otolaryngology, Vol.27(1), pp. 39-45, 2006.
  • 15. Kurokawa, M., Nibu, K.I., Ichimura, K.I., Nishino, H, “Laryngeal tuberculosis: A report of 17 cases”, Auris Nasus Larynx, Vol.42(4), pp.305-310, 2017.
  • 16. Cengiz, A., Göksel, S., Başal, Y., Gülen, Ş.T., Döğer, F., Yürekli, Y., “Laryngeal tuberculosis mimicking laryngeal carcinoma on 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging”, Molecular imaging and radionuclide therapy, Vol.27(2), pp. 81-83, 2018.
  • 17. Moon, W.K., Han, M.H., Chang, K.H., Kim, H.J., Im, J.G., Yeon, K.M., Han, M.C., “Laryngeal tuberculosis: CT findings,” American journal of roentgenology, Vol.166(2), pp.445-449, 1996.
  • 18. Gambhir, S., Ravina, M., Rangan, K., Dixit, M., Barai, S., Bomanji, J., ”Imaging in extrapulmonary tuberculosis”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.56, pp.237-247, 2017.
  • 19. Yencha, M.W., Linfesty, R., Blackmon, A., ”Laryngeal tuberculosis”, American journal of otolaryngology, Vol.21(2), pp.122-126, 2000.
  • 20. Qian, X., Albers, A.E., Nguyen, D.T., Dong, Y., Zhang, Y., Schreiber, F., Sinikovic, B., Bi, X., Graviss, E.A., “Head and neck tuberculosis: literature review and meta-analysis”, Tuberculosis, Vol.116, pp.S78-S88, 2019.
  • 21. Reis, J.G.C., Reis, C.S.M., Costa, D.C.S.D., Lucena, M.M., Schubach, A.D.O., Oliveira, R.D.V.C., Rolla, V.C., Conceição-Silva, F.,Valete-Rosalino, C.M., “Factors associated with clinical and topographical features of laryngeal tuberculosis”, PLoS One, Vol.11(4), pp.e0153450, 2016.
  • 22. Alegre, J.L.H., Gutierrez, A.T., Prado, E.M., Marcelo, J.H., “Laryngeal Tuberculosis in Pregnant Women: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”, Cureus, 10(11), pp. e3545, 2018.
  • 23. Edizer, D.T., Karaman, E., Mercan, H., Alimoglu, Y., Esen, T. Cansiz, H., “Primary tuberculosis involving epiglottis: a rare case report”, Dysphagia, Vol.25(3), pp.258-260, 2010.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Case Report

Jovan Javorac 0000-0002-8567-8974

Dejan živanović 0000-0001-8232-9368

Aleksandra Lovrenski This is me 0000-0002-5278-6194

Ana Milenković This is me 0000-0002-4363-5247

Darinka Kukavica This is me 0000-0003-2898-1042

Miroslav Ilić This is me 0000-0001-8706-416X

Publication Date April 28, 2021
Submission Date March 2, 2021
Acceptance Date April 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


IEEE J. Javorac, D. živanović, A. Lovrenski, A. Milenković, D. Kukavica, and M. Ilić, “LARYNGEAL TUBERCULOSIS – A NEGLECTED DISEASE THAT CAN MIMIC LARYNGEAL CARCINOMA”, IJHSRP, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 144–150, 2021, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.869470.

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