Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 284 - 295, 29.12.2021



  • [1] Dağ, H., Doğan, M., Sazak, S., Kaçar, A., Yılmaz, B., Doğan, A., Arıca, V. "Current approach to child rights ", Çukurova Medical Journal, 40(1),1-5, 2015. doi:10.17826/cutf.02147
  • [2] Küçük Alemdar, D., Yılmaz, G. "Determining the attitudes of pediatric nurses towards children’s rights", Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal, 6(2),121-126, 2019. doi:10.34087/cbusbed.536679
  • [3] Koran, N. "Chıld rıghts and vıolatıons of teachers a qualıtatıve study on the evaluatıon of educatıon", Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, Uluslararası Katılımlı III. Çocuk Gelişimi ve Eğitimi Kongresi “Erken Müdahale”Kongre Kitabı,, 1(2),542-57, 2015.
  • [4] Yıldız, İ., Tok Yıldız, F., Altun Yimaz, E., Aras Doğan, Ş. "Attitudes of nursing students towards children's rights: A sample from Turkey", International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(2), 1059-65, 2018.
  • [5] Kozikoğlu, İ. "Investigation of pre-school education teachers' opinions concerning children's rights and children participation rights", Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7(4), 408-427, 2018.
  • [6] Karaman Kepenekci, Y. "A study of university students’ attitudes towards children’s rights in Turkey " , The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 14,307-319, 2006. doi:10.1163/157181806778458095
  • [7] Doğan, Y., Torun, F., Akgün, İH. " Pre-school teacher candidates’ attitudes towards children's rights in terms of some variables", İnternational Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2),503-516, 2014.
  • [8] Ersoy, AF. "An area violated in citizenship education: Children’ s rights education at home and at school", International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(2), 359–376, 2012.
  • [9] Alabay, E. " Investigation of parenting attitudes of parents whose children are at preschool age", Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 1(2), 156-174, 2017. doi:10.24130/eccd-jecs.196720171234
  • [10] Aydoğdu, F., Dilekmen, M. "Evaluation of parental attitudes in terms of various variables", Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 569-585, 2016.
  • [11] Karabulut Demir, E., Şendil,G. "Parentıng attıtude scale (PAS)", Turkish Psychological Articles, 11(21), 15-25, 2008.
  • [12] Görücü, A., Karakuş, N. "The impact of maternal attitudes on preschool children’s the problem solving skills", Selçuk University The Journal of Institue of Social Sciences, (37),316-26, 2017.
  • [13] Sak, R., Şahin Sak, İT., Atlı, S., Şahin, BK. "Preschool period: Parenting attitudes", Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 11(3), 972-991, 2015. doi: 10.17860/efd.33313
  • [14] Lo, YL. "Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards and knowledge of children’s rights", Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 1,119-135, 2018.
  • [15] Ozturk, A., Doganay, A. "Development of a scale for the attitude towards children’s rights education", Educational Process: International Journal, 6(3), 26-41, 2017. doi:10.22521/edupij.2017.63.3
  • [16] Yüksel, B. Yazıcı, Z. "Evaluating the awareness of child paticipation for pre-serves teachers" Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 3(2), 457-477, 2019.
  • [17] Deb, S., Mathews, B. "Children's rights in India: Parents' and teachers' attitudes, knowledge and perceptions " The International Journal of Children's Rights, 20(2),241-264,2012.
  • [18] Merey, Z. "Attitudes of social studies teacher candidates towards children's rights", Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 9(3), 243-253,2013.
  • [19] Sadıkoğlu, İ., Topsakal, C. " A general overview of the child rights training studies in pre-school education" , Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universtiy Journal of Social Sciences, 3(6), 219-244,2017.
  • [20] Mishal, L., Rizwan, AL., Iram, L., Raja, AS. "Assessment of child rights awareness among pediatric doctors and nurses in tertiary hospitals, Lahore", International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1623-1630, 2018.
  • [21] Yıldız, İ., Tok Yıldız, F. "Attitudes of the nurses working in pediatric clinics towards children’s rights", Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 41(2), 372- 378,2019.
  • [22] Şanlı, D., Öztürk, C."An analysıs of the factors affectıng the chıld rearıng attıtudes of mothers", Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 31-48, 2012.
  • [23] Yaşar Ekici, F. "Examınıng prospectıve teachers' attıtudes towards chıld rıghts ın terms of some varıables. "the Journal of Academic Social Science, 2(8), 66-77,2014.
  • [24] Pilatin, G., Ahmetoğlu, E. "Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının çocuk haklarına ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesi", Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 39(3), 117-136, 2020.
  • [25] Leblebicioğlu, H., Çeliköz, N. "Prospective teachers’ attitudes towards children rights" International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(1),307-318, 2017. doi:10.24289/ijsser.270584
  • [26] Nejad, EM., Begjani, J., Abotalebi, G., Salari, A., Ehsani, SR. "Nurses awareness of patients’ rights in a teaching hospital. " Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 4(2), 1-6,2011.
  • [27] Kahriman, İ., Topbaş, M., Çan, G., Göker, Z., Deryal, Y. "Thoughts about chıld patıents' rıghts of nurses and mıdwıves that provıde health servıce to pedıatrıc age group chıldren", Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 5(1), 18-29,2016. doi: 10.5505/bsbd.2016.54154
  • [28] Acaray, G., Uslu, R., Yücesoy, Y., Bağlama, B., Demirok, MS. "Preservice Special Education Teachers’ Democratic Tendencies and Attitudes towards Children Rights", Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(2), 335-347,2020.
  • [29] Özcan Sağlamer, M., Köse, S. "The relationship between nurses' level of liking for children and parenting attitudes", Health and Society, 20(1),71-78, 2020.
  • [30] Tural Büyük, E., Rızalar, S., Güdek Seferoğlu, E., Oğuzhan, H. "Analysing liking of children and parenting attitudes of nurses working in pediatric and adult clinics ", The Journal of Pediatric Research, 1(3),130-137, 2014. doi: 10.4274/jpr.32032.
  • [31] Akgün, H., Çetin, H. " A study on determınatıon of parental attıtudes and abuse awareness wıth 4-6-year-old chıld", Journal of Social and Cultural Studies, 5, 42-61,2020.
  • [32] Bahçeli Kahraman, P., Çubukçu, A. " The relation between the abuse levels of mothers, parental attitudes and behavioural problems of children". OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(17): 1304-1331, 2019. doi: 10.26466/opus.507909
  • [33] Akgün Kostak, M., Semerci, R., Kocaaslan, EN. " Level of nurses‟ liking children and attitudes of child rising", Gümüşhane University Journal Of Health Sciences, 6(4),146- 155, 2017.
  • [34] Yurtsever, M. "Developing a parent-child rights attitude scale and examining parents' attitudes towards children's rights in terms of different variables". Doctoral Thesis, Marmara Üniversity, Istanbul, 2009.


Year 2021, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 284 - 295, 29.12.2021


All professional disciplines working with children have important responsibilities for raising healthy generations. Nurses and teachers have responsibilities in the healthy growth and development of children within the family and society in physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects. The study aims to determine the attitudes of pediatric nurses and elementary school teachers working in the northern part of Turkey towards children’s rights and their parental attitudes. This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study which was completed with a total of 258 individuals including 135 nurses and 123 teachers. ‘Personal Information Form’, “Children’s Rights Attitude Scale (CRAS)” and “Parental Attitude Scale (PAS)” were used to evaluate sociodemographic characteristics of the nurses and teachers and their parental attitudes and attitudes towards children’s right. The data obtained from the study were analyzed by SPSS 21.0 program. The individuals who participated, 52.1% were nurses and 47.9% were teachers. It was found that the mean CRAS score was 37.8±9 for nurses and 31.4±9 for teachers. A statistically significant difference was found between the mean CRAS scores of the nurses and teachers (p˂0.05). The mean PAS score was 22.0±5 for nurses and 18.8±5 for teachers, and a statistically significant difference was found between them (p˂0.05). In the correlation studies between mean CRAS and PAS scores of the nurses and teachers, mean CRAS scores were found to be negatively correlated with PAS-democratic attitude. It was found that nurses and teachers showed positive attitudes towards children’s rights, most of them did not get any training on this subject, and nurses who took education on children’s rights exhibited more positive attitudes. It was also found out the attitudes of the nurses and teachers, who thought that children’s rights were violated, were more positive.


  • [1] Dağ, H., Doğan, M., Sazak, S., Kaçar, A., Yılmaz, B., Doğan, A., Arıca, V. "Current approach to child rights ", Çukurova Medical Journal, 40(1),1-5, 2015. doi:10.17826/cutf.02147
  • [2] Küçük Alemdar, D., Yılmaz, G. "Determining the attitudes of pediatric nurses towards children’s rights", Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal, 6(2),121-126, 2019. doi:10.34087/cbusbed.536679
  • [3] Koran, N. "Chıld rıghts and vıolatıons of teachers a qualıtatıve study on the evaluatıon of educatıon", Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal, Uluslararası Katılımlı III. Çocuk Gelişimi ve Eğitimi Kongresi “Erken Müdahale”Kongre Kitabı,, 1(2),542-57, 2015.
  • [4] Yıldız, İ., Tok Yıldız, F., Altun Yimaz, E., Aras Doğan, Ş. "Attitudes of nursing students towards children's rights: A sample from Turkey", International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(2), 1059-65, 2018.
  • [5] Kozikoğlu, İ. "Investigation of pre-school education teachers' opinions concerning children's rights and children participation rights", Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7(4), 408-427, 2018.
  • [6] Karaman Kepenekci, Y. "A study of university students’ attitudes towards children’s rights in Turkey " , The International Journal of Children’s Rights, 14,307-319, 2006. doi:10.1163/157181806778458095
  • [7] Doğan, Y., Torun, F., Akgün, İH. " Pre-school teacher candidates’ attitudes towards children's rights in terms of some variables", İnternational Journal of Human Sciences, 11(2),503-516, 2014.
  • [8] Ersoy, AF. "An area violated in citizenship education: Children’ s rights education at home and at school", International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(2), 359–376, 2012.
  • [9] Alabay, E. " Investigation of parenting attitudes of parents whose children are at preschool age", Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 1(2), 156-174, 2017. doi:10.24130/eccd-jecs.196720171234
  • [10] Aydoğdu, F., Dilekmen, M. "Evaluation of parental attitudes in terms of various variables", Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 569-585, 2016.
  • [11] Karabulut Demir, E., Şendil,G. "Parentıng attıtude scale (PAS)", Turkish Psychological Articles, 11(21), 15-25, 2008.
  • [12] Görücü, A., Karakuş, N. "The impact of maternal attitudes on preschool children’s the problem solving skills", Selçuk University The Journal of Institue of Social Sciences, (37),316-26, 2017.
  • [13] Sak, R., Şahin Sak, İT., Atlı, S., Şahin, BK. "Preschool period: Parenting attitudes", Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 11(3), 972-991, 2015. doi: 10.17860/efd.33313
  • [14] Lo, YL. "Hong Kong pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards and knowledge of children’s rights", Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 1,119-135, 2018.
  • [15] Ozturk, A., Doganay, A. "Development of a scale for the attitude towards children’s rights education", Educational Process: International Journal, 6(3), 26-41, 2017. doi:10.22521/edupij.2017.63.3
  • [16] Yüksel, B. Yazıcı, Z. "Evaluating the awareness of child paticipation for pre-serves teachers" Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 3(2), 457-477, 2019.
  • [17] Deb, S., Mathews, B. "Children's rights in India: Parents' and teachers' attitudes, knowledge and perceptions " The International Journal of Children's Rights, 20(2),241-264,2012.
  • [18] Merey, Z. "Attitudes of social studies teacher candidates towards children's rights", Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 9(3), 243-253,2013.
  • [19] Sadıkoğlu, İ., Topsakal, C. " A general overview of the child rights training studies in pre-school education" , Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universtiy Journal of Social Sciences, 3(6), 219-244,2017.
  • [20] Mishal, L., Rizwan, AL., Iram, L., Raja, AS. "Assessment of child rights awareness among pediatric doctors and nurses in tertiary hospitals, Lahore", International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1623-1630, 2018.
  • [21] Yıldız, İ., Tok Yıldız, F. "Attitudes of the nurses working in pediatric clinics towards children’s rights", Cumhuriyet Medical Journal, 41(2), 372- 378,2019.
  • [22] Şanlı, D., Öztürk, C."An analysıs of the factors affectıng the chıld rearıng attıtudes of mothers", Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (32), 31-48, 2012.
  • [23] Yaşar Ekici, F. "Examınıng prospectıve teachers' attıtudes towards chıld rıghts ın terms of some varıables. "the Journal of Academic Social Science, 2(8), 66-77,2014.
  • [24] Pilatin, G., Ahmetoğlu, E. "Okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının çocuk haklarına ilişkin tutumlarının incelenmesi", Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 39(3), 117-136, 2020.
  • [25] Leblebicioğlu, H., Çeliköz, N. "Prospective teachers’ attitudes towards children rights" International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(1),307-318, 2017. doi:10.24289/ijsser.270584
  • [26] Nejad, EM., Begjani, J., Abotalebi, G., Salari, A., Ehsani, SR. "Nurses awareness of patients’ rights in a teaching hospital. " Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 4(2), 1-6,2011.
  • [27] Kahriman, İ., Topbaş, M., Çan, G., Göker, Z., Deryal, Y. "Thoughts about chıld patıents' rıghts of nurses and mıdwıves that provıde health servıce to pedıatrıc age group chıldren", Balıkesir Health Sciences Journal, 5(1), 18-29,2016. doi: 10.5505/bsbd.2016.54154
  • [28] Acaray, G., Uslu, R., Yücesoy, Y., Bağlama, B., Demirok, MS. "Preservice Special Education Teachers’ Democratic Tendencies and Attitudes towards Children Rights", Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(2), 335-347,2020.
  • [29] Özcan Sağlamer, M., Köse, S. "The relationship between nurses' level of liking for children and parenting attitudes", Health and Society, 20(1),71-78, 2020.
  • [30] Tural Büyük, E., Rızalar, S., Güdek Seferoğlu, E., Oğuzhan, H. "Analysing liking of children and parenting attitudes of nurses working in pediatric and adult clinics ", The Journal of Pediatric Research, 1(3),130-137, 2014. doi: 10.4274/jpr.32032.
  • [31] Akgün, H., Çetin, H. " A study on determınatıon of parental attıtudes and abuse awareness wıth 4-6-year-old chıld", Journal of Social and Cultural Studies, 5, 42-61,2020.
  • [32] Bahçeli Kahraman, P., Çubukçu, A. " The relation between the abuse levels of mothers, parental attitudes and behavioural problems of children". OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(17): 1304-1331, 2019. doi: 10.26466/opus.507909
  • [33] Akgün Kostak, M., Semerci, R., Kocaaslan, EN. " Level of nurses‟ liking children and attitudes of child rising", Gümüşhane University Journal Of Health Sciences, 6(4),146- 155, 2017.
  • [34] Yurtsever, M. "Developing a parent-child rights attitude scale and examining parents' attitudes towards children's rights in terms of different variables". Doctoral Thesis, Marmara Üniversity, Istanbul, 2009.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Esra Tural Büyük 0000-0001-8855-8460

Emel Odabaşoğlu 0000-0001-5977-2441

Hatice Uzşen 0000-0001-9873-5088

Merve Koyun 0000-0002-2762-3887

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Submission Date June 13, 2021
Acceptance Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


IEEE E. Tural Büyük, E. Odabaşoğlu, H. Uzşen, and M. Koyun, “ATTITUDES OF PEDIATRIC NURSES AND TEACHERS TOWARDS CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND THEIR PARENTAL ATTITUDES”, IJHSRP, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 284–295, 2021, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.949874.

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