Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 15 - 25, 29.04.2022


The identification and evaluation of the factors associated with cancer are essential to the process of coping with cancer and adapting to it. This research was conducted to find the cancer patients’ levels of illness acceptance and hope and analyze their illness acceptance and hope levels as per gender and cancer diagnosis. A total of 135 patients were included in the research that was designed as a descriptive and correlational study. The data were collected by using the patient identification form, the Acceptance of Illness Scale, and the Herth Hope Index. Percentage, mean, Pearson correlation analysis, student t test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used in the evaluation of the data. It was found that the participant patients obtained medium-level mean scores from the Acceptance of Illness Scale and the Hert Hope Index. Besides, it was identified that there was a low-level statistically significant positive relationship between the mean scores obtained by participant patients from these two measurement tools. Upon the comparison of participant patients’ mean Acceptance of Illness Scale and Hert Hope Index scores as per gender, it was discerned that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean Acceptance of Illness Scale and Hert Hope Index scores as per gender. It was found that the participants diagnosed with respiratory cancer had higher levels of illness acceptance. While there was no statistically significant difference in the participant patients’ mean Herth Hope Index scores as per the cancer diagnosis; it was discerned that the participants diagnosed with gynecologic cancer obtained a higher mean score from the interconnectedness sub-scale of the Herth Hope Index. It is recommended that therapies targeted to the patients with low-level illness acceptance and hope be organized and the patients’ illness acceptance and hope levels be evaluated at certain intervals.


  • Farinhas, G.V., Wendling, M.I., Dellazzana-zanon, L.L., “Psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis on the family: a case study on the perception of the caregiver”, Pensando Fam, 17, 111-129, 2013.
  • Guerrero, G.P., Zago, M.M.F., Sawada, N.O., Pinto, M.H., “Relationship between spirituality and cancer: patient’sperspective”, Rev Bras Enferm, 64, 53-59, 2011.
  • Chao, H.L, Tsai, T.Y, Livneh, H, Lee, H.C, Hsieh, P.C., “Patients with colorectal cancer: relationship between demographic and disease characteristics and acceptance of disability”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 2278–2286, 2010.
  • Dijkstra, A., Buunk, A., T´oth, G., Jager, N., “Psychological adjustment to chronic illness: The role of prototype evaluationin acceptance of illness”, Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 12, 119–140, 2008.
  • Telford, K, Kralik, D., Koch, T., “Acceptance and denial: Implications for people adapting to chronic illness: literature review”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 55, 457–464, 2006.
  • Busselland, V.A., Naus, M.J., “A longitudinal investigation of coping and post traumatic growth in breast cancer survivors”, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 61–78, 2010.
  • Aslan, Ö., Sekmen, K., Kömürcü, Ş., Özet, A., “Kanserli hastalarda umut”, C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 11, 18-27, 2007.
  • Duggleby, W., Ghosh, S., Cooper, D., Dwernychuk, L., “Hope in newly diagnosed cancer patients”, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46, 661-670, 2013
  • Sanatani, M., Schreier, G., Stitt, L., “Level and direction of hope in cancer patients: an exploratory longitudinal study”, Support Care Cancer, 16, 493–499, 2008.
  • Dedeli, Ö., Fadıloğlu, Ç., Uslu, R., “Kanserli bireylerin fonksiyonel durumları ve algıladıkları sosyal desteğin incelenmesi”, Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 23, 132-139, 2008.
  • Taleghani, F., Yekta, Z.B., Nasrabadi, A.N., “Coping with breast cancer in newly diagnosed Iranian women”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 54, 265-272, 2006.Lin, C.C., Lai, Y.L., Ward, S.E., “Effect of cancer pain on performance status, mood states, and level of hope among Taiwane secancer”, J Pain Symptom Manage, 25, 29-37, 2003.
  • Liu, L., Fiorentino, L., Natarajan, L., Parker, B.A., Mills, P.J., Sadler, G.R., Dimsdale, J.E., Rissling, M., He, F., Ancoli-Israel, S., “Pre-treatment symptomcluster in breast cancer patients is associated with worsesleep, fatigue and depression during chemotherapy”, Psychooncology, 18, 187-194, 2009.
  • Onat, H., Mandel, M.N., Kanser Hastasına Yaklaşım, Tanı, Tedavi ve Takipte Sorunlar, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İzmir, 2002.
  • Besen, D.B, Esen, A., “Hastalığı Kabul Ölçeği’nin Türk Toplumundaki diyabetik bireylere uyarlanması”, TAF Prev Med Bull,10, 155-164, 2011.
  • Cipora, E., Konieczny, M., Sobieszczański, J., “Acceptance of illness by women with breast cancer”, Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 25, 167–171, 2018.
  • Lewandowska–Abucewicz, T., Kęcka, K., Brodowski, J., “Acceptance of cancer by women after mastectomy in Western Pomerania region– preliminary studies”, Fam Med Prim Care Rev, 18, 143–148, 2016.
  • Religioni, U., Czerw, A., Deptała, A., “Acceptance of cancer in patients diagnosed with lung, breast, colorectal and prostate carcinoma”, Iran J Public Health, 44, 1135–1142, 2015.
  • Czerw, A.I, Religioni, U., Deptała, A., Walewska-Zielecka, B., “Assessment of pain, acceptance of illness, adjustment to life with cancer, and coping strategies in colorectal cancer patients”, Gastroenterology Review, 11, 96-103, 2016.
  • Czerw, A.I., Religioni, U., Deptała, A., Fronczak, A., “Pain, acceptance of illness, adjust mentto life with cancer and coping strategies in prostate cancer patients”, Arch Med Sci, 13, 1459–1466, 2017.
  • Krajewski, W., Mazur, M., Poterek, A., Pastuszak, A., Halska, U., Tukiendorf, A., Rymaszewska, J., Zdrojowy, R., “Assessment of pain management, acceptance of illness, and adjustmentto life with cancer in patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer”, BioMed Research International, 1-10, 2018
  • Wiraszka, G., Lelonek, B., “The functioning of a patient with leukaemia and the acceptance of neoplastic disease” Studia Medyczne, 10,21–26, 2008.
  • Ślusarska, B., Nowicki, G.J., Serwata, M., Zboina, B., Łuczyk, M., Szadowska-Szlachetka, Z., “Level of disease acceptance and quality of life in people with lymphoma", Medycyna Paliatywna/Palliative Medicine, 8, 88–95, 2016.
  • Nekolaichuk, C.L., Bruera, E., “Assessing hope at the end of life: validation of an experience of hope scale in advanced cancer patients”, Palliative Supportive Care 2, 243–253, 2004.
  • Benzein, E.G., Berg, A.C., “The level of and relation between hope, hopelessness and fatigue in patients and family members in palliative care”, Palliat Med, 19, 234–240, 2005.
  • Zhang, J., Gao, W., Wang, P., Wu, Z.H., “Relationship sa mong hope, coping style and social support for breast cancer patients”, Chin Med J, 123, 2331-2335, 2010.
  • Balsanelli, A.C.S., Grossi, S.A.A., “Predictors of hope among women with breast cancer during chemotherapy”, Rev Esc Enferm USP, · 50, 898-904, 2016.
  • Sze, J., Marisette, S., Williams, D., Nyhof-Young, J., Crooks, D., Husain, A., Bezjak, A., Wong, R.K., “Decision making in palliative radiation therapy: reframing hope in caregivers and patients with brain metastases”, Support Care Cancer, 14, 1055–1063, 2006.
  • Mahendran, R., Chua, S.M., Lim, H.A., Yee, I.J., Tan, J.Y.S., Kua, E.H., Griva, K., “Biopsychosocial correlates of hopein Asian patients with cancer: a systematic review”, BMJ Open, 6, e012087, 2016.
  • Rustoen, T., Wiklund, I., “Hope in newly diagnosed patients with cancer”, Cancer Nurs, 23, 214e219, 2000.
Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 15 - 25, 29.04.2022



  • Farinhas, G.V., Wendling, M.I., Dellazzana-zanon, L.L., “Psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis on the family: a case study on the perception of the caregiver”, Pensando Fam, 17, 111-129, 2013.
  • Guerrero, G.P., Zago, M.M.F., Sawada, N.O., Pinto, M.H., “Relationship between spirituality and cancer: patient’sperspective”, Rev Bras Enferm, 64, 53-59, 2011.
  • Chao, H.L, Tsai, T.Y, Livneh, H, Lee, H.C, Hsieh, P.C., “Patients with colorectal cancer: relationship between demographic and disease characteristics and acceptance of disability”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 2278–2286, 2010.
  • Dijkstra, A., Buunk, A., T´oth, G., Jager, N., “Psychological adjustment to chronic illness: The role of prototype evaluationin acceptance of illness”, Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 12, 119–140, 2008.
  • Telford, K, Kralik, D., Koch, T., “Acceptance and denial: Implications for people adapting to chronic illness: literature review”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 55, 457–464, 2006.
  • Busselland, V.A., Naus, M.J., “A longitudinal investigation of coping and post traumatic growth in breast cancer survivors”, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 61–78, 2010.
  • Aslan, Ö., Sekmen, K., Kömürcü, Ş., Özet, A., “Kanserli hastalarda umut”, C.Ü. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 11, 18-27, 2007.
  • Duggleby, W., Ghosh, S., Cooper, D., Dwernychuk, L., “Hope in newly diagnosed cancer patients”, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46, 661-670, 2013
  • Sanatani, M., Schreier, G., Stitt, L., “Level and direction of hope in cancer patients: an exploratory longitudinal study”, Support Care Cancer, 16, 493–499, 2008.
  • Dedeli, Ö., Fadıloğlu, Ç., Uslu, R., “Kanserli bireylerin fonksiyonel durumları ve algıladıkları sosyal desteğin incelenmesi”, Türk Onkoloji Dergisi, 23, 132-139, 2008.
  • Taleghani, F., Yekta, Z.B., Nasrabadi, A.N., “Coping with breast cancer in newly diagnosed Iranian women”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 54, 265-272, 2006.Lin, C.C., Lai, Y.L., Ward, S.E., “Effect of cancer pain on performance status, mood states, and level of hope among Taiwane secancer”, J Pain Symptom Manage, 25, 29-37, 2003.
  • Liu, L., Fiorentino, L., Natarajan, L., Parker, B.A., Mills, P.J., Sadler, G.R., Dimsdale, J.E., Rissling, M., He, F., Ancoli-Israel, S., “Pre-treatment symptomcluster in breast cancer patients is associated with worsesleep, fatigue and depression during chemotherapy”, Psychooncology, 18, 187-194, 2009.
  • Onat, H., Mandel, M.N., Kanser Hastasına Yaklaşım, Tanı, Tedavi ve Takipte Sorunlar, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, İzmir, 2002.
  • Besen, D.B, Esen, A., “Hastalığı Kabul Ölçeği’nin Türk Toplumundaki diyabetik bireylere uyarlanması”, TAF Prev Med Bull,10, 155-164, 2011.
  • Cipora, E., Konieczny, M., Sobieszczański, J., “Acceptance of illness by women with breast cancer”, Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 25, 167–171, 2018.
  • Lewandowska–Abucewicz, T., Kęcka, K., Brodowski, J., “Acceptance of cancer by women after mastectomy in Western Pomerania region– preliminary studies”, Fam Med Prim Care Rev, 18, 143–148, 2016.
  • Religioni, U., Czerw, A., Deptała, A., “Acceptance of cancer in patients diagnosed with lung, breast, colorectal and prostate carcinoma”, Iran J Public Health, 44, 1135–1142, 2015.
  • Czerw, A.I, Religioni, U., Deptała, A., Walewska-Zielecka, B., “Assessment of pain, acceptance of illness, adjustment to life with cancer, and coping strategies in colorectal cancer patients”, Gastroenterology Review, 11, 96-103, 2016.
  • Czerw, A.I., Religioni, U., Deptała, A., Fronczak, A., “Pain, acceptance of illness, adjust mentto life with cancer and coping strategies in prostate cancer patients”, Arch Med Sci, 13, 1459–1466, 2017.
  • Krajewski, W., Mazur, M., Poterek, A., Pastuszak, A., Halska, U., Tukiendorf, A., Rymaszewska, J., Zdrojowy, R., “Assessment of pain management, acceptance of illness, and adjustmentto life with cancer in patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer”, BioMed Research International, 1-10, 2018
  • Wiraszka, G., Lelonek, B., “The functioning of a patient with leukaemia and the acceptance of neoplastic disease” Studia Medyczne, 10,21–26, 2008.
  • Ślusarska, B., Nowicki, G.J., Serwata, M., Zboina, B., Łuczyk, M., Szadowska-Szlachetka, Z., “Level of disease acceptance and quality of life in people with lymphoma", Medycyna Paliatywna/Palliative Medicine, 8, 88–95, 2016.
  • Nekolaichuk, C.L., Bruera, E., “Assessing hope at the end of life: validation of an experience of hope scale in advanced cancer patients”, Palliative Supportive Care 2, 243–253, 2004.
  • Benzein, E.G., Berg, A.C., “The level of and relation between hope, hopelessness and fatigue in patients and family members in palliative care”, Palliat Med, 19, 234–240, 2005.
  • Zhang, J., Gao, W., Wang, P., Wu, Z.H., “Relationship sa mong hope, coping style and social support for breast cancer patients”, Chin Med J, 123, 2331-2335, 2010.
  • Balsanelli, A.C.S., Grossi, S.A.A., “Predictors of hope among women with breast cancer during chemotherapy”, Rev Esc Enferm USP, · 50, 898-904, 2016.
  • Sze, J., Marisette, S., Williams, D., Nyhof-Young, J., Crooks, D., Husain, A., Bezjak, A., Wong, R.K., “Decision making in palliative radiation therapy: reframing hope in caregivers and patients with brain metastases”, Support Care Cancer, 14, 1055–1063, 2006.
  • Mahendran, R., Chua, S.M., Lim, H.A., Yee, I.J., Tan, J.Y.S., Kua, E.H., Griva, K., “Biopsychosocial correlates of hopein Asian patients with cancer: a systematic review”, BMJ Open, 6, e012087, 2016.
  • Rustoen, T., Wiklund, I., “Hope in newly diagnosed patients with cancer”, Cancer Nurs, 23, 214e219, 2000.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing, Health Care Administration
Journal Section Article

Betül Esra Çevik 0000-0003-2296-070X

Feride Taşkın Yılmaz 0000-0003-0568-5902

Kadriye Aldemir 0000-0002-7447-3148

Ezgi Yıldız 0000-0002-7261-0129

Publication Date April 29, 2022
Submission Date September 10, 2021
Acceptance Date March 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


IEEE B. E. Çevik, F. Taşkın Yılmaz, K. Aldemir, and E. Yıldız, “ANALYSIS OF CANCER PATIENTS’ ILLNESS ACCEPTANCE AND HOPE LEVELS AS PER GENDER AND CANCER DIAGNOSIS”, IJHSRP, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 15–25, 2022, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.993450.

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