Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 157 - 172, 29.08.2022


Aim of the study was to determine the effects of socio-demographic factors on fear of COVID-19, death anxiety, and meaning of life among nursing students, and to explain the relations between fear of COVID-19, death anxiety, and meaning of life. The study was conducted with 262 students on 7-27 October 2020 in a descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional design. According to the correlation analysis, a moderate and positive relationship was detected between Fear of COVID-19 Scale (CFS) and Turkish Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS) total score and subscale scores. The mean age of the students who participated in the study was found to be 20.63±2.31, 64.1% were female. It was found that 29% of the students had sleep problems in this period, and 7.6% were diagnosed with COVID-19, and 85.9% of themhad their close friends and relatives diagnosed with COVID-19. The majority of the students (n=16) who were diagnosed with COVID-19 passed this process under quarantine at home without treatment, 59.2% of them stated that someone in their close circle had a positive COVID-19 test, and 31.7% lost a relative due to COVID-19. The model that was created in the multiple linear regression analysis which was made to determine the effects of TDAS and Meaning of Life Questionnaire (MLQ) on CFS was found to be statistically significant (F:54.91, p<0.001). In this respect, it was also found that death anxiety and meaning of life were statistically significant (R2=0.29) as the determinants of fear of COVID-19 (explanatory power). It was determined in the study that, as the fear of COVID-19 increased, death anxiety also increased. However, it was also found that the meaning attached to life did not change, and the meaning of life and death anxiety were significant determinants of the fear of COVID-19.


  • References [1] Hu D, Kong Y, Li W, Han Q, Zhang X, Zhu LX, et al. Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses and their associated factors during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China: A large-scalecross-sectional study. EClinicalMedicine, 2020, 24: 100424.
  • [2] Huang X, Wei F, Hu L, Wen L, & Chen K. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of COVID-19. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 2020, 23(4), 268-271. doi: 10.34172/aim.2020.09
  • [3] [Erişim Tarihi18.02.2021].
  • [4] T.C. Ministry of Health. 2020. Turkey coronavirus daily chart. Date: 05.05.2021
  • [5] Simione L, & Gnagnarella C. Differences between health workers and general population in risk perception, behaviors, and psychological distress related to COVID-19 spread in Italy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, 2166.
  • [6] Pappa, S., Ntella, V., Giannakas, T., Giannakoulis, V. G., Papoutsi, E., & Katsaounou, P. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020, 88, 901-907.
  • [7] Pradhan M, Chettri A, & Maheshwari S. Fear of death in the shadow of COVID-19: The mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship between neuroticism and death anxiety. Death Studies, 2020, 1-5.
  • [8] Chow HP. A time to be bornand a time todie: Exploring the determinants of death anxiety among university students in a western Canadiancity. Death Studies, 2017, 41(6), 345-352.
  • [9] Dadfar M, Lester D, Abdel-Khalek AM, & Ron P. Death anxiety in Muslim Iranians: A comparison between youths, middle adults, and late adults. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 2021, 29(2), 143-158.
  • [10] Menzies RE, & Menzies RG. Death anxiety in the time of COVID-19: Theoretical explanations and clinical implications. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 2020, 13, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1754470X20000215
  • [11] Mertens G, Gerritsen L, Duijndam S, Salemink E, &Engelhard IM. Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-19): Predictors in an online study conducted in March 2020. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2020, 74, 102258.
  • [12] Lee SA, Jobe MC, Mathis AA, & Gibbons JA. Incremental validity of coronaphobia: Coronavirus anxiety explains depression, generalized anxiety, and death anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2020, 74, 102268.
  • [13] Yıldırım M, & Güler A. Positivity explains how COVID-19 perceived risk increases death distress and reduces happiness. Personality and Individual Differences, 2020, 168, 110347.
  • [14] Lázaro-Pérez C, Martínez-López JÁ, Gómez-Galán J, & Fernández-Martínez MDM. COVID-19 pandemic and death anxiety in security forces in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 7760.
  • [16] Steger MF, Frazier P, Oishi S, & Kaler M. The meaning in life questionnaire: assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2006, 53(1), 80-93.
  • [17] Karataş Z, & Tagay Ö. The relationships between resilience of the adults affected by the covid pandemic in Turkey and Covid-19 fear, meaning in life, life satisfaction, intolerance of uncertainty and hope. Personality and Individual Differences, 2021, 172, 110592.
  • [18] Trzebiński J, Cabański M, & Czarnecka JZ. Reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic: the influence of meaning in life, life satisfaction, and assumptions on world orderliness and positivity. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 2020, 25(6-7), 544-557.
  • [19] Çakar FS. The levels predicting the death anxiety of loneliness and meaning in life in youth. European Journal of Education Studies, 2020, 6(11):98-121. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.362670
  • [20] Medina Fernández IA, Carreño Moreno S, Chaparro Díaz L, Gallegos-Torres RM, Medina Fernández JA, & Hernández Martínez EK. Fear, stress, and knowledge regarding Covıd-19 in nursing students and recent graduates in Mexico. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 2021, 39(1).
  • [21] Oducado RM, Tuppal C, Estoque H, Sadang J, Superio D, Real DV, et al. Internet use, e Health literacy and fear of COVID-19 among nursing students in the Philippines. International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2021, (15), 487–502.
  • [22] Özyürek A, & Atalay D. Covıd-19 Pandemisinde yetişkinlerde yaşamın anlamı ve ölüm kaygısı ile iyilik hali arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi, 2020, 12(46), 458-472. (in Turkish)
  • [23] Kalkan Uğurlu Y, Mataracı Değirmenci D, Durgun H, & Gök Uğur H. The examination of the relationship between nursing students' depression, anxiety and stress levels and restrictive, emotional, and external eating behaviors in COVID‐19 social isolation process. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021, 57(2), 507-516.
  • [24] Savitsky B, Findling Y, Ereli A, & Hende, T. Anxiety and coping strategies among nursing students during the covid-19 pandemic. Nurse Education in Practice, 2020, 46, 102809.
  • [25] Patelarou A, Mechili EA, Galanis P, Zografakis-Sfakianakis M., Konstantinidis T, Saliaj A., ... & Patelarou E. Nursing students, mental health status during COVID-19 quarantine: evidence from three European countries. Journal of Mental Health, 2021,30(2), 164-169.
  • [26] Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG. &Buchner A. G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 2007, 39, 175-191.
  • [27] Gümüş F, Zengin L. Anxiety, depressive symptom frequency and related factors in nursing students. Van Medical Journal, 2018, 25(4): 527-534. doi: 10.5505/vtd.2018.38268
  • [28] Yiğitalp G, & Saka G. Çevresel asbeste maruz kalan erişkin bireylerde kaygı ve umutsuzluk düzeyleri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2017, 44(4), 355-364. (in Turkish)
  • [29] Menzies RE, Neimeyer RA, & Menzies RG. Death anxiety, loss, and grief in the time of COVID-19. Behaviour Change, 2020, 37(3), 111-115.
  • [30] Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, &Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID19 Scale: Development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2020, 1-9.
  • [31] Satici B, Gocet-Tekin E, Deniz ME, & Satici SA. Adaptation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Its association with psychological distress and life satisfaction in Turkey. International Journal of Mental Health Addiction, 2020,.
  • [32] Sarıkaya Y, & Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS). Death Studies, 2016, 40(7), 419-431.
  • [33] Akın A, & Taş İ. Yaşam Anlamı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Electronic Turkish Studies, 2015, 10(3). 27-36. (in Turkish)
  • [34] Steger MF, & Frazier P. Meaning in life: One link in the chain from religiousness to well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2005, 52(4), 574–582.
  • [35] Duan, L., Shao, X., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Miao, J., Yang, X., & Zhu, G. (2020). An investigation of mental health status of children and adolescents in china during the outbreak of COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 112-118.
  • [36] Wang J, Wang JX, & Yang GS. The psychological impact of COVID-19 on Chinese individuals. Yonsei Medical Journal, 2020, 61(5), 438-440. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2020.61.5.438
  • [37] Jiao WY, Wang LN, Liu J, Fang SF, Jiao FY, Pettoello-Mantovani M, & Somekh E. Behavioral and emotional disorders in children during the COVID-19 epidemic. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2020, 221, 264:266. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.03.013
  • [38] Chen C, & Tang S. (2021). Profiles of grief, post-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic growth among people bereaved due to COVID-19. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2021, 12(1), 1947563.
  • [39] Selman LE, Chao D, Sowden R, Marshall S, Chamberlain C, & Koffman J. Bereavement support on the frontline of COVID-19: recommendations for hospital clinicians. Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management, 2020, 60(2), e81-e86.
  • [40] Fitzpatrick KM, Harris C, & Drawve G. Fear of COVID-19 and the mental health consequences in America. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 2020.
  • [41] Gencer N. Pandemi sürecinde bireylerin koronavirüs (Kovid-19) korkusu: Çorum örneği. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, 2020, (4), 1153-1173. (in Turkish)
  • [42] Zhang J, Peng J, Gao P, Huang H, Cao Y, Zheng L, & Miao D. Relationship between meaning in life and death anxiety in the elderly: self-esteem as a mediator. BMC Geriatrics, 2019, 19(1), 1-8.
  • [43] Assari S & Lankarani MM. Race and gender differences in correlates of death anxiety among elderly in the United States. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2016, 10 (2), 1–7. doi: 10.17795/ijpbs-2024
  • [44] Ceviz N, Tektaş N, Basmacı G, & Tektaş M. Covid 19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin kaygı düzeylerini etkileyen değişkenlerin analizi. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Dergisi, 2020, 3(2), 312-329. (in Turkish)
  • [45] Chaiwutikornwanich A. Belief in the after life, death anxiety, and life satisfaction of Buddhists and Christians in Thailand: Comparisons between different religiosity. Social Indicators Research, 2015, 124(3), 1015-1032.
  • [46] Martínez-López JÁ, Lázaro-Pérez C, & Gómez-Galán J. Death anxiety in social workers as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Behavioral Sciences, 2021, 11(5), 61.
  • [47] Halıcı Kurtulan M & Karaırmak Ö. Examination of the relationship among death anxiety, spirituality, religious orientation and existential anxiety. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2016, 1 (2), 163–187. DOI 10.12738/spc.2016.2.0007
  • [48] Cao W, Fang Z, Hou G, Han M, Xu X, Dong J, & Zheng J. The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China. Psychiatry Research, 2020, 287.
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Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 157 - 172, 29.08.2022



  • References [1] Hu D, Kong Y, Li W, Han Q, Zhang X, Zhu LX, et al. Frontline nurses’ burnout, anxiety, depression, and fear statuses and their associated factors during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China: A large-scalecross-sectional study. EClinicalMedicine, 2020, 24: 100424.
  • [2] Huang X, Wei F, Hu L, Wen L, & Chen K. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of COVID-19. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 2020, 23(4), 268-271. doi: 10.34172/aim.2020.09
  • [3] [Erişim Tarihi18.02.2021].
  • [4] T.C. Ministry of Health. 2020. Turkey coronavirus daily chart. Date: 05.05.2021
  • [5] Simione L, & Gnagnarella C. Differences between health workers and general population in risk perception, behaviors, and psychological distress related to COVID-19 spread in Italy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11, 2166.
  • [6] Pappa, S., Ntella, V., Giannakas, T., Giannakoulis, V. G., Papoutsi, E., & Katsaounou, P. Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020, 88, 901-907.
  • [7] Pradhan M, Chettri A, & Maheshwari S. Fear of death in the shadow of COVID-19: The mediating role of perceived stress in the relationship between neuroticism and death anxiety. Death Studies, 2020, 1-5.
  • [8] Chow HP. A time to be bornand a time todie: Exploring the determinants of death anxiety among university students in a western Canadiancity. Death Studies, 2017, 41(6), 345-352.
  • [9] Dadfar M, Lester D, Abdel-Khalek AM, & Ron P. Death anxiety in Muslim Iranians: A comparison between youths, middle adults, and late adults. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 2021, 29(2), 143-158.
  • [10] Menzies RE, & Menzies RG. Death anxiety in the time of COVID-19: Theoretical explanations and clinical implications. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 2020, 13, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1754470X20000215
  • [11] Mertens G, Gerritsen L, Duijndam S, Salemink E, &Engelhard IM. Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-19): Predictors in an online study conducted in March 2020. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2020, 74, 102258.
  • [12] Lee SA, Jobe MC, Mathis AA, & Gibbons JA. Incremental validity of coronaphobia: Coronavirus anxiety explains depression, generalized anxiety, and death anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2020, 74, 102268.
  • [13] Yıldırım M, & Güler A. Positivity explains how COVID-19 perceived risk increases death distress and reduces happiness. Personality and Individual Differences, 2020, 168, 110347.
  • [14] Lázaro-Pérez C, Martínez-López JÁ, Gómez-Galán J, & Fernández-Martínez MDM. COVID-19 pandemic and death anxiety in security forces in Spain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 7760.
  • [16] Steger MF, Frazier P, Oishi S, & Kaler M. The meaning in life questionnaire: assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2006, 53(1), 80-93.
  • [17] Karataş Z, & Tagay Ö. The relationships between resilience of the adults affected by the covid pandemic in Turkey and Covid-19 fear, meaning in life, life satisfaction, intolerance of uncertainty and hope. Personality and Individual Differences, 2021, 172, 110592.
  • [18] Trzebiński J, Cabański M, & Czarnecka JZ. Reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic: the influence of meaning in life, life satisfaction, and assumptions on world orderliness and positivity. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 2020, 25(6-7), 544-557.
  • [19] Çakar FS. The levels predicting the death anxiety of loneliness and meaning in life in youth. European Journal of Education Studies, 2020, 6(11):98-121. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.362670
  • [20] Medina Fernández IA, Carreño Moreno S, Chaparro Díaz L, Gallegos-Torres RM, Medina Fernández JA, & Hernández Martínez EK. Fear, stress, and knowledge regarding Covıd-19 in nursing students and recent graduates in Mexico. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería, 2021, 39(1).
  • [21] Oducado RM, Tuppal C, Estoque H, Sadang J, Superio D, Real DV, et al. Internet use, e Health literacy and fear of COVID-19 among nursing students in the Philippines. International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2021, (15), 487–502.
  • [22] Özyürek A, & Atalay D. Covıd-19 Pandemisinde yetişkinlerde yaşamın anlamı ve ölüm kaygısı ile iyilik hali arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi, 2020, 12(46), 458-472. (in Turkish)
  • [23] Kalkan Uğurlu Y, Mataracı Değirmenci D, Durgun H, & Gök Uğur H. The examination of the relationship between nursing students' depression, anxiety and stress levels and restrictive, emotional, and external eating behaviors in COVID‐19 social isolation process. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021, 57(2), 507-516.
  • [24] Savitsky B, Findling Y, Ereli A, & Hende, T. Anxiety and coping strategies among nursing students during the covid-19 pandemic. Nurse Education in Practice, 2020, 46, 102809.
  • [25] Patelarou A, Mechili EA, Galanis P, Zografakis-Sfakianakis M., Konstantinidis T, Saliaj A., ... & Patelarou E. Nursing students, mental health status during COVID-19 quarantine: evidence from three European countries. Journal of Mental Health, 2021,30(2), 164-169.
  • [26] Faul F, Erdfelder E, Lang AG. &Buchner A. G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 2007, 39, 175-191.
  • [27] Gümüş F, Zengin L. Anxiety, depressive symptom frequency and related factors in nursing students. Van Medical Journal, 2018, 25(4): 527-534. doi: 10.5505/vtd.2018.38268
  • [28] Yiğitalp G, & Saka G. Çevresel asbeste maruz kalan erişkin bireylerde kaygı ve umutsuzluk düzeyleri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 2017, 44(4), 355-364. (in Turkish)
  • [29] Menzies RE, Neimeyer RA, & Menzies RG. Death anxiety, loss, and grief in the time of COVID-19. Behaviour Change, 2020, 37(3), 111-115.
  • [30] Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, &Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID19 Scale: Development and initial validation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2020, 1-9.
  • [31] Satici B, Gocet-Tekin E, Deniz ME, & Satici SA. Adaptation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Its association with psychological distress and life satisfaction in Turkey. International Journal of Mental Health Addiction, 2020,.
  • [32] Sarıkaya Y, & Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS). Death Studies, 2016, 40(7), 419-431.
  • [33] Akın A, & Taş İ. Yaşam Anlamı Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması. Electronic Turkish Studies, 2015, 10(3). 27-36. (in Turkish)
  • [34] Steger MF, & Frazier P. Meaning in life: One link in the chain from religiousness to well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2005, 52(4), 574–582.
  • [35] Duan, L., Shao, X., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Miao, J., Yang, X., & Zhu, G. (2020). An investigation of mental health status of children and adolescents in china during the outbreak of COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 112-118.
  • [36] Wang J, Wang JX, & Yang GS. The psychological impact of COVID-19 on Chinese individuals. Yonsei Medical Journal, 2020, 61(5), 438-440. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2020.61.5.438
  • [37] Jiao WY, Wang LN, Liu J, Fang SF, Jiao FY, Pettoello-Mantovani M, & Somekh E. Behavioral and emotional disorders in children during the COVID-19 epidemic. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2020, 221, 264:266. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.03.013
  • [38] Chen C, & Tang S. (2021). Profiles of grief, post-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic growth among people bereaved due to COVID-19. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2021, 12(1), 1947563.
  • [39] Selman LE, Chao D, Sowden R, Marshall S, Chamberlain C, & Koffman J. Bereavement support on the frontline of COVID-19: recommendations for hospital clinicians. Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management, 2020, 60(2), e81-e86.
  • [40] Fitzpatrick KM, Harris C, & Drawve G. Fear of COVID-19 and the mental health consequences in America. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 2020.
  • [41] Gencer N. Pandemi sürecinde bireylerin koronavirüs (Kovid-19) korkusu: Çorum örneği. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, 2020, (4), 1153-1173. (in Turkish)
  • [42] Zhang J, Peng J, Gao P, Huang H, Cao Y, Zheng L, & Miao D. Relationship between meaning in life and death anxiety in the elderly: self-esteem as a mediator. BMC Geriatrics, 2019, 19(1), 1-8.
  • [43] Assari S & Lankarani MM. Race and gender differences in correlates of death anxiety among elderly in the United States. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2016, 10 (2), 1–7. doi: 10.17795/ijpbs-2024
  • [44] Ceviz N, Tektaş N, Basmacı G, & Tektaş M. Covid 19 pandemi sürecinde üniversite öğrencilerinin kaygı düzeylerini etkileyen değişkenlerin analizi. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmacıları Dergisi, 2020, 3(2), 312-329. (in Turkish)
  • [45] Chaiwutikornwanich A. Belief in the after life, death anxiety, and life satisfaction of Buddhists and Christians in Thailand: Comparisons between different religiosity. Social Indicators Research, 2015, 124(3), 1015-1032.
  • [46] Martínez-López JÁ, Lázaro-Pérez C, & Gómez-Galán J. Death anxiety in social workers as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Behavioral Sciences, 2021, 11(5), 61.
  • [47] Halıcı Kurtulan M & Karaırmak Ö. Examination of the relationship among death anxiety, spirituality, religious orientation and existential anxiety. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2016, 1 (2), 163–187. DOI 10.12738/spc.2016.2.0007
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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Article

Gülhan Yiğitalp 0000-0001-5800-3878

Funda Gümüş 0000-0002-3827-0909

Publication Date August 29, 2022
Submission Date May 1, 2022
Acceptance Date August 3, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


IEEE G. Yiğitalp and F. Gümüş, “THE RELATIONS BETWEEN FEAR OF COVID-19, ANXIETY OF DEATH, AND MEANING OF LIFE AMONG NURSING STUDENTS”, IJHSRP, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 157–172, 2022, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.1112061.

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