Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 198 - 206, 29.12.2023



  • Akalın, A. “Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection and current approaches to HPV vaccine”. Androl Bul, 24:133−139, 2022.
  • Emre, N., Ozsahin, A., Edirne, T. “Pamukkale university medical faculty students' knowledge level of human papilloma virus ınfection and vaccine”. Euras J Fam Med, 9(1):42-50, 2020. doi:10.33880/ejfm.2020090106.
  • Parlak, E., Alay, H., Parlak, M., Al, RA., Aydın, F., Koşan, Z. “Evaluation of Human Papilloma Virus Awereness of the Women in Our Region”. FLORA, 26(1):129-34, 2021. doi:10.5578/flora.20219913.
  • Lei, J., Ploner, A., Elfström, KM., Wang, J., Roth, A., Fang, F., et al. “HPV vaccination and the risk of invasive cervical cancer”. N Engl J Med. 383:1340–8, 2020.
  • GLOBOCAN. Female Cancer Data 2020. Ranking (Cervixuteri), estimated age-standardized incidence rates (World)in 2020, all ages. [Online]. Available: ulation=continents&population=900&populations=900&key=asr&sex=2&cancer=23&type=0&statistic=5&prevalence=0&population_group=0&ages_group%5B%5D=0&ages_group%5B%5D=17&nb_items=10&group_cancer=1&include_nmsc=0&include_nmsc_other=0&projection=naturalearth&color_palette=default&map_scale=quantile&map_nb_colors=5&continent=0&show_ranking=0&rotate=%255B10%252C0%255D Date accessed: 10.07.2023.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). The Global Health Observatory. [Online]. Available: Date accessed: 10.07.2023.
  • Ozerdogan, N., Gürsoy, E. “Prevention and nursing in cervical cancer”. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Obstetric Womens Health Diseases Nursing- Special Topics. 3(1), 40-49, 2017.
  • Kiracılar, E., Koçak, DY. “The effects of health lıteracy on early dıagnosıs behavıors of breast and cervıcal cancer ın women aged 18-65”. J Contemp Med. 13(3): 410-417, 2023
  • Değer, M., Zoroğlu, G. “Relation between health literacy and cancer ınformation overload in people applying to primary healthcare”. Anatol Clin. 26(1):108-117, 2021.
  • Liu, C., Wang, D., Liu, C., Jiang, J., Wang, X., Chen, H., et al. “What is the meaning of health literacy? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis”. Family Medicine and Community Health, 8 (2):1-8, 2020. doi: 10.1136/fmch-2020-000351.
  • Van der Heide, I., Poureslami, I., Mitic, W., Shum, J., Rootman, I., FitzGerald, JM. “Health literacy in chronic disease management: A matter of interaction”. Journal Of Clinical Epidemiology. (102):134-138, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2018.05.010.
  • Humphrys, E., Burt, J., Rubin, G., Emery, JD., Walter, FM. “The influence of health literacy on the timely diagnosis of symptomatic cancer: A systematic review”. European Journal of Cancer Care. 28 (1): 1-9, 2019. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12920.
  • Gültop, F., Özkan, S. “The importance of health literacy in cancer awareness”. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg, 79(3): 579–586, 2021. DOI ID : 10.5505/TurkHijyen.2022.02779.
  • Ağralı, H., Akyar, I. “Turkish validation and reliability of health literacy scale for diabetic patient”. ACU Sağlık Bil Dergisi, 9(3), 314-321, 2018.
  • Durmaz, S., Ozvurmaz, S., Adana, F., Kurt, F. “Cross-sectional Evaluation of the Relationship between Attitudes towards the Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Regular Gynecological Examination in Women”. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal 5(1); 26-36, 2021. doi: 10.46237/amusbfd.727999.
  • Ozmen, D., Ozsoy, S. Developing an attitude scale for early diagnosis of cervical cancer with a health belief model approach. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 25(1), 51-69, 2009.
  • Aras, Z., Bayık Temel, A. “Evaluation of Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Health Literacy Scale”. Florence Nıghtıngale Journal Of Nursıng, 25 (2), 2017.
  • Doğan, N., Fışkın, G. “Attitudes towards prevention of cervical cancer and early diagnosis among female academicians”. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 48(6):1433-1443, 2022.
  • Akın, B., Aksoy, E., Karakuş, Ö. “Women's pap smear test status, healthy lifestyle behaviors and attitudes towards early diagnosis of cervical cancer”. CBU-SBED, 9(2): 273-282, 2022. DOI: 10.34087/cbusbed.1052929.
  • Önal, B., Alp Yılmaz, F. “Attitudes of women toward for early diagnosis of cervical cancer: health responsibility and associated factors”. Cukurova Med J. 45(1):14-21, 2020. DOI: 10.17826/cumj.627427.
  • Gözügreen, E., Arıöz Duzgun, A., Unal Aslan, KS. “Evaluation of women's attitudes towards prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer”. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 28(4): 229-238, 2019.
  • Al-Battawi, JA., Ibrahim, WA. “Applying health belief model to predict factors influencing women decision regarding mode of delivery”. J Nurs Heal Sci. 6(6):44-56, 2017. DOI:10.9790/1959.060.6054456.
  • Gözüm, S., Çapık, C.A. “Guide in the development of health behaviours: Health Belief Model (HBM)”. DEUHYO ED.,7(3), 230-237, 2014.
  • Yeşildağ, B., Gölbaşı, Z. “Use of the health belief model in developing women's attitudes and behaviors together vaginal birth”. Anatolian J Health Res. 3(3): 163-167, 2022.
  • Yılmazel, G. “Low health literacy, poor knowledge, and practice among Turkish women patients undergoing cervical cancer screening”. J Cancer Res Ther. 15(6):1276-1281, 2019.
  • Aghaeian, N., Farahaninia, M., Janmohamadi, S., Haghani, H.A”ssociation between health literacy and preventive behaviors of breast cancer in women”. Journal of Health Literacy, 4(2): 9-17, 2019.
  • Astantekin, FO., Erkal, YA., Sema, YD. “The effects and related factors of health literacy status and self-efficacy of pregnant women”. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(3): 1815-24, 2019.
  • Dağlar, Ö.Ş., Oskay, Ü. “The Effects of Health Literacy on Women's Health: A Systematic Review”. Journal of Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences, 7(3): 585-595, 2022.
  • Aydın, D., Aba, Y.A. “The relationship between mothers' health literacy levels and their perceptions about breastfeeding self-efficacy”. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal,12(1): 31-9, 2019.
  • Akça, E., Gökyıldız Sürücü, Ş., Akbaş, M. “Health perception, health literacy and related factors in pregnant women”. Journal of Inonu University Health Services Vocational School, 8(3): 630-42, 2020. doi: 10.33715/inonusaglik.735467.
  • Goto, E., Ishikawa, H., Okuhara, T., Kiuchi, T. “Relationship between health literacy and adherence to recommendations to undergo cancer screening and health-related behaviors among ınsured women in Japan”. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 19(12): 3409, 2018.
  • Baharum, N., Ariffin, F., İsa, M., Tin, S. “Health Literacy, Knowledge on Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear and Its Influence on Pre-Marital Malay Muslim Women Attitude towards Pap Smear”. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.21(7):2021-2028, 2020.


Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 198 - 206, 29.12.2023


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between women's attitudes toward early diagnosis of cervical cancer and their health literacy levels.The sample of the descriptive and cross-sectional study consisted of 714 women aged over 18 who lived in a district center. Data were collected through the "Personal Information Form", the "Attitude Scale Towards Early Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer (ASTEC)" and the "Health Literacy Scale (HLS)". Data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 16.0 program. Percentage distribution, t-test, ANOVA test, and Spearman correlation were used for data analysis, and statistical significance was accepted p<0.05. The participants’ ASTEC total mean score was found 95.33±7.64, and their HLS mean score was found 82.32±20.33. A statistically significant and positive correlation was detected between both scales. A significant relationship was found between the scale mean scores and education, economic condition, knowledge of cervical cancer, and knowing and having the pap-smear test. Increasing women's health literacy levels and raising their awareness are important for the elimination of cervical cancer.
Keywords: Cervical cancer, health literacy, attitude, behavior.


  • Akalın, A. “Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection and current approaches to HPV vaccine”. Androl Bul, 24:133−139, 2022.
  • Emre, N., Ozsahin, A., Edirne, T. “Pamukkale university medical faculty students' knowledge level of human papilloma virus ınfection and vaccine”. Euras J Fam Med, 9(1):42-50, 2020. doi:10.33880/ejfm.2020090106.
  • Parlak, E., Alay, H., Parlak, M., Al, RA., Aydın, F., Koşan, Z. “Evaluation of Human Papilloma Virus Awereness of the Women in Our Region”. FLORA, 26(1):129-34, 2021. doi:10.5578/flora.20219913.
  • Lei, J., Ploner, A., Elfström, KM., Wang, J., Roth, A., Fang, F., et al. “HPV vaccination and the risk of invasive cervical cancer”. N Engl J Med. 383:1340–8, 2020.
  • GLOBOCAN. Female Cancer Data 2020. Ranking (Cervixuteri), estimated age-standardized incidence rates (World)in 2020, all ages. [Online]. Available: ulation=continents&population=900&populations=900&key=asr&sex=2&cancer=23&type=0&statistic=5&prevalence=0&population_group=0&ages_group%5B%5D=0&ages_group%5B%5D=17&nb_items=10&group_cancer=1&include_nmsc=0&include_nmsc_other=0&projection=naturalearth&color_palette=default&map_scale=quantile&map_nb_colors=5&continent=0&show_ranking=0&rotate=%255B10%252C0%255D Date accessed: 10.07.2023.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). The Global Health Observatory. [Online]. Available: Date accessed: 10.07.2023.
  • Ozerdogan, N., Gürsoy, E. “Prevention and nursing in cervical cancer”. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal Obstetric Womens Health Diseases Nursing- Special Topics. 3(1), 40-49, 2017.
  • Kiracılar, E., Koçak, DY. “The effects of health lıteracy on early dıagnosıs behavıors of breast and cervıcal cancer ın women aged 18-65”. J Contemp Med. 13(3): 410-417, 2023
  • Değer, M., Zoroğlu, G. “Relation between health literacy and cancer ınformation overload in people applying to primary healthcare”. Anatol Clin. 26(1):108-117, 2021.
  • Liu, C., Wang, D., Liu, C., Jiang, J., Wang, X., Chen, H., et al. “What is the meaning of health literacy? A systematic review and qualitative synthesis”. Family Medicine and Community Health, 8 (2):1-8, 2020. doi: 10.1136/fmch-2020-000351.
  • Van der Heide, I., Poureslami, I., Mitic, W., Shum, J., Rootman, I., FitzGerald, JM. “Health literacy in chronic disease management: A matter of interaction”. Journal Of Clinical Epidemiology. (102):134-138, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2018.05.010.
  • Humphrys, E., Burt, J., Rubin, G., Emery, JD., Walter, FM. “The influence of health literacy on the timely diagnosis of symptomatic cancer: A systematic review”. European Journal of Cancer Care. 28 (1): 1-9, 2019. doi: 10.1111/ecc.12920.
  • Gültop, F., Özkan, S. “The importance of health literacy in cancer awareness”. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg, 79(3): 579–586, 2021. DOI ID : 10.5505/TurkHijyen.2022.02779.
  • Ağralı, H., Akyar, I. “Turkish validation and reliability of health literacy scale for diabetic patient”. ACU Sağlık Bil Dergisi, 9(3), 314-321, 2018.
  • Durmaz, S., Ozvurmaz, S., Adana, F., Kurt, F. “Cross-sectional Evaluation of the Relationship between Attitudes towards the Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Regular Gynecological Examination in Women”. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Health Sciences Journal 5(1); 26-36, 2021. doi: 10.46237/amusbfd.727999.
  • Ozmen, D., Ozsoy, S. Developing an attitude scale for early diagnosis of cervical cancer with a health belief model approach. Journal of Ege University School of Nursing. 25(1), 51-69, 2009.
  • Aras, Z., Bayık Temel, A. “Evaluation of Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of Health Literacy Scale”. Florence Nıghtıngale Journal Of Nursıng, 25 (2), 2017.
  • Doğan, N., Fışkın, G. “Attitudes towards prevention of cervical cancer and early diagnosis among female academicians”. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 48(6):1433-1443, 2022.
  • Akın, B., Aksoy, E., Karakuş, Ö. “Women's pap smear test status, healthy lifestyle behaviors and attitudes towards early diagnosis of cervical cancer”. CBU-SBED, 9(2): 273-282, 2022. DOI: 10.34087/cbusbed.1052929.
  • Önal, B., Alp Yılmaz, F. “Attitudes of women toward for early diagnosis of cervical cancer: health responsibility and associated factors”. Cukurova Med J. 45(1):14-21, 2020. DOI: 10.17826/cumj.627427.
  • Gözügreen, E., Arıöz Duzgun, A., Unal Aslan, KS. “Evaluation of women's attitudes towards prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer”. Journal of Continuing Medical Education, 28(4): 229-238, 2019.
  • Al-Battawi, JA., Ibrahim, WA. “Applying health belief model to predict factors influencing women decision regarding mode of delivery”. J Nurs Heal Sci. 6(6):44-56, 2017. DOI:10.9790/1959.060.6054456.
  • Gözüm, S., Çapık, C.A. “Guide in the development of health behaviours: Health Belief Model (HBM)”. DEUHYO ED.,7(3), 230-237, 2014.
  • Yeşildağ, B., Gölbaşı, Z. “Use of the health belief model in developing women's attitudes and behaviors together vaginal birth”. Anatolian J Health Res. 3(3): 163-167, 2022.
  • Yılmazel, G. “Low health literacy, poor knowledge, and practice among Turkish women patients undergoing cervical cancer screening”. J Cancer Res Ther. 15(6):1276-1281, 2019.
  • Aghaeian, N., Farahaninia, M., Janmohamadi, S., Haghani, H.A”ssociation between health literacy and preventive behaviors of breast cancer in women”. Journal of Health Literacy, 4(2): 9-17, 2019.
  • Astantekin, FO., Erkal, YA., Sema, YD. “The effects and related factors of health literacy status and self-efficacy of pregnant women”. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(3): 1815-24, 2019.
  • Dağlar, Ö.Ş., Oskay, Ü. “The Effects of Health Literacy on Women's Health: A Systematic Review”. Journal of Izmir Katip Celebi University Faculty of Health Sciences, 7(3): 585-595, 2022.
  • Aydın, D., Aba, Y.A. “The relationship between mothers' health literacy levels and their perceptions about breastfeeding self-efficacy”. Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Nursing Electronic Journal,12(1): 31-9, 2019.
  • Akça, E., Gökyıldız Sürücü, Ş., Akbaş, M. “Health perception, health literacy and related factors in pregnant women”. Journal of Inonu University Health Services Vocational School, 8(3): 630-42, 2020. doi: 10.33715/inonusaglik.735467.
  • Goto, E., Ishikawa, H., Okuhara, T., Kiuchi, T. “Relationship between health literacy and adherence to recommendations to undergo cancer screening and health-related behaviors among ınsured women in Japan”. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 19(12): 3409, 2018.
  • Baharum, N., Ariffin, F., İsa, M., Tin, S. “Health Literacy, Knowledge on Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear and Its Influence on Pre-Marital Malay Muslim Women Attitude towards Pap Smear”. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.21(7):2021-2028, 2020.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Obstetrics and Gynocology Nursing
Journal Section Article

Birnur Yeşildağ 0000-0002-4239-1295

Ayşe Yılmaz 0000-0001-8934-3162

Early Pub Date December 24, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date August 10, 2023
Acceptance Date November 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 3



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