Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 37 - 46, 29.02.2024


IThis study aims to determine the relationship between fear of death and the meaning of life in nursing students and nurses caring for terminally ill patients. The study was conducted in a cross-sectional and relationship-seeking research design. The research was conducted between March 15 and June 30, 2023. 123 nurses and 139 nursing students working with terminal-stage patients at a university hospital participated in the study. The study was conducted with a total of 262 participants.
The Personal Information Form was collected using the Fear of Death Scale (DAS) and the Meaning of Life Scale (MLQ). The relationship between fear of death and the meaning of life in nursing students and nurses caring for terminally ill patients was determined to be 31.74 (7.13) years old on average for the nurses participating in the study and 22.71 (1.66) years for the nursing students. 61% of nurses and 66.2% of nursing students were women. It was determined that 56.1% of the nurses had undergraduate degrees and 77.7% of the students were third-year students. According to the Student t-test analysis, a significant difference was detected between the groups in terms of the total score of the DAS, and the DAS scores of the nursing students were statistically significantly higher. According to the Pearson correlation analysis, a weak negative relationship was detected between the total scores of the nurses' DAS and MLQ, while no significant difference was found between the scale scores of the nursing students. In this study, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS) was found to be 0.96 and the Meaning of Life Scale (MLQ) was 0.68. It can be said that there is no relationship between the fear of death and the meaning of life in nursing students who care for terminal patients, but there is a relationship between the fear of death and the meaning of life in nurses.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma araştırma ve yayın etiği kurallarına uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma için Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Girişimsel Olmayan Etik Kurulundan 29.11.2022 tarihinde 401087 numarası ile onay alındı

Supporting Institution

TÜBİTAK–2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Desteği Programı

Project Number



Yazarlar bu çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesinde kendilerine yardımcı olan tüm hemşirelere ve hemşirelik öğrencilerine teşekkür eder.


  • Selvi, Y., & İnci, F. “Nurses who care for patients in the terminal stage of attitudes toward death, perceptions spiritual support and investigation of the relationship between them”, Master's Thesis, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University”, June 2019.
  • Koç, Z., & Sağlam, Z. “Determination of emotions and thoughts of nursing students about end of life and death”, Cumhuriyet University Nursing School Journal, 12(1), 14-17, 2008.
  • İnci, F., & Öz, F. “Effects of death education on nurses’ death anxiety, depression regarding death and attitudes towards the dying patient”, Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 10(4), 253–260,2009.
  • Sahin M, Demirkiran F, Adana F. “Nursing students death anxiety, influencing factors and request of caring for dying people”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 7, 135–141, 2016.
  • Sharour, LA., Suleiman, K., Yehya, D., AL-Kaladeh. M., Malak, M., Subih, K., Salameh, AB. “Nurses students attitudes toward death and caring for dying cancer patients during their placement”, Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal, 12,189-193, 2017.
  • Henoch, I., Melin-Johansson, C., Bergh, I., Strang, S., Ek, K., Hammarlund, K., ... & Browall, M. “Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes and preparedness toward caring for dying persons – A longitudinal study”, Nurse Education in Practice, 26,12-20, 2017.
  • Uysal, N., Ceylan, E., Koç, A. “Nursing Students’ Attitudes on Care of Dying Individuals”, Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), 98-105, 2019.
  • Arslan, D., Akca, N.K., Simsek, N., Zorba, P. “Student nurse’s attitudes toward dying patients in central Anatolia”, Int J Nurs Knowledge, 25 (3), 183-188, 2014.
  • Abu-El-Noor, NI., Abu-El-Noor, MK. “Attitude of Palestinian Nursing Students Toward Caring for Dying Patients: A Call for Change in Health Education Policy”, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 34 (2), 193-199, 2016.
  • Youssef, HA. “Nursing students' perception of dying and their contextualizing end of life and palliative care in the nursing curriculum at Taif University”, European Journal of Academic Essays, 3(5), 193-199, 2016.
  • Özdemir, K., “Death anxiety seen in intensive care nurses", Atatürk University, Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, Erzurum, 2014.
  • Özcan, N. K., & Buzlu, S. “Internet use and its relationship with the psychosocial situation for a sample of university students”, CybrPsychology & Behavior, 10(6), 767-772, 2007.
  • Bilge, A., Embel, N., & Kaya, F. G. “Attitudes of Students Who will Become Medical Professionals Regarding Death and the Variables that Affect these Attitudes”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 4(3),119-124, 2013.
  • Sarıkaya, Y. & Baloğlu, M. “The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS)”, Death Studies Journal, 40 (7), 419-431, 2016.
  • Akın, A., & Taş, İ. “Meaning in life Questionnaire: A Study of Validity and Reliability”, Electronic Turkish Studies, 10(3). 27-36, 2015.
  • Can, Ş., & Avçin, E. “,The Relationship Between Meaning of Life and Spiritual Well-Being and Attitude Towards Death: A Descriptive Study”, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 15(2), 366-375, 2023.
  • Bayraktar, D., Güneş, Ü., Balıkçı, B. B., & Khorshid, L. “Investigation of Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards Perceptions of Good Death”, Journal of Neurology, 25(3), 132-137, 2022.
  • Yiğitalp, G., & Gümüş, F. “The relations between fear of COVID-19, the anxiety of death, and the meaning of life among nursing students”, International Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 7(2), 157-172, 2022.
  • Koku, F., Ateş, M. “Experience and attitude toward death in nurses who give terminal stage patient care”, Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 3(2), 99–104, 2016.
  • Abu Hasheesh, MO., Al-Sayed AboZeid, S., Goda El-Said, S., Alhujaili, AD. “Nurses characteristics and their attitudes toward death and caring for dying patients in a public hospital in Jordan”, Heal Sci J., 7(4),384–94, 2013.
  • Cooper, J., Barnett, M. “Aspects of caring for dying patients which cause anxiety to first-year student nurses”, Int J Palliat Nurs., 11,423–30, 2005.
  • Ekşi, F., Okan, N., Kökçam, B., Ekşi, H. “A model experiment on the meaning of life and purpose of life variables, death anxiety procedures”, International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences, 6(32),72-84, 2019.
  • Yüksel, M.Y., Güneş, F., Akdağ, C. “Investigation of the death anxiety and meaning in life levels among middle-aged adults”, Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2(2),165-81, 2017.
  • Özcan, G., Ekşi, H., Ekşi, F. “Mediating role of death anxiety in correlation with the meaning in life and self-transcendence in the university students”, Kriz Dergisi, 28(2),71-87, 2020.
  • Benli, S. S., & Yıldırım, A. “Relationship between Nurses’ Life Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Death”, Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(4), 167-179, 2017.
  • Milligan, F., Almomani, E. “Death anxiety and compassion fatigue in critical care nurses”, Br J Nurs., 29(15), 874–9, 2020.
Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 37 - 46, 29.02.2024


Project Number



  • Selvi, Y., & İnci, F. “Nurses who care for patients in the terminal stage of attitudes toward death, perceptions spiritual support and investigation of the relationship between them”, Master's Thesis, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University”, June 2019.
  • Koç, Z., & Sağlam, Z. “Determination of emotions and thoughts of nursing students about end of life and death”, Cumhuriyet University Nursing School Journal, 12(1), 14-17, 2008.
  • İnci, F., & Öz, F. “Effects of death education on nurses’ death anxiety, depression regarding death and attitudes towards the dying patient”, Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 10(4), 253–260,2009.
  • Sahin M, Demirkiran F, Adana F. “Nursing students death anxiety, influencing factors and request of caring for dying people”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 7, 135–141, 2016.
  • Sharour, LA., Suleiman, K., Yehya, D., AL-Kaladeh. M., Malak, M., Subih, K., Salameh, AB. “Nurses students attitudes toward death and caring for dying cancer patients during their placement”, Euromediterranean Biomedical Journal, 12,189-193, 2017.
  • Henoch, I., Melin-Johansson, C., Bergh, I., Strang, S., Ek, K., Hammarlund, K., ... & Browall, M. “Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes and preparedness toward caring for dying persons – A longitudinal study”, Nurse Education in Practice, 26,12-20, 2017.
  • Uysal, N., Ceylan, E., Koç, A. “Nursing Students’ Attitudes on Care of Dying Individuals”, Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 8(1), 98-105, 2019.
  • Arslan, D., Akca, N.K., Simsek, N., Zorba, P. “Student nurse’s attitudes toward dying patients in central Anatolia”, Int J Nurs Knowledge, 25 (3), 183-188, 2014.
  • Abu-El-Noor, NI., Abu-El-Noor, MK. “Attitude of Palestinian Nursing Students Toward Caring for Dying Patients: A Call for Change in Health Education Policy”, Journal of Holistic Nursing, 34 (2), 193-199, 2016.
  • Youssef, HA. “Nursing students' perception of dying and their contextualizing end of life and palliative care in the nursing curriculum at Taif University”, European Journal of Academic Essays, 3(5), 193-199, 2016.
  • Özdemir, K., “Death anxiety seen in intensive care nurses", Atatürk University, Institute of Health Sciences, Master's Thesis, Erzurum, 2014.
  • Özcan, N. K., & Buzlu, S. “Internet use and its relationship with the psychosocial situation for a sample of university students”, CybrPsychology & Behavior, 10(6), 767-772, 2007.
  • Bilge, A., Embel, N., & Kaya, F. G. “Attitudes of Students Who will Become Medical Professionals Regarding Death and the Variables that Affect these Attitudes”, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing, 4(3),119-124, 2013.
  • Sarıkaya, Y. & Baloğlu, M. “The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS)”, Death Studies Journal, 40 (7), 419-431, 2016.
  • Akın, A., & Taş, İ. “Meaning in life Questionnaire: A Study of Validity and Reliability”, Electronic Turkish Studies, 10(3). 27-36, 2015.
  • Can, Ş., & Avçin, E. “,The Relationship Between Meaning of Life and Spiritual Well-Being and Attitude Towards Death: A Descriptive Study”, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 15(2), 366-375, 2023.
  • Bayraktar, D., Güneş, Ü., Balıkçı, B. B., & Khorshid, L. “Investigation of Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards Perceptions of Good Death”, Journal of Neurology, 25(3), 132-137, 2022.
  • Yiğitalp, G., & Gümüş, F. “The relations between fear of COVID-19, the anxiety of death, and the meaning of life among nursing students”, International Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 7(2), 157-172, 2022.
  • Koku, F., Ateş, M. “Experience and attitude toward death in nurses who give terminal stage patient care”, Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 3(2), 99–104, 2016.
  • Abu Hasheesh, MO., Al-Sayed AboZeid, S., Goda El-Said, S., Alhujaili, AD. “Nurses characteristics and their attitudes toward death and caring for dying patients in a public hospital in Jordan”, Heal Sci J., 7(4),384–94, 2013.
  • Cooper, J., Barnett, M. “Aspects of caring for dying patients which cause anxiety to first-year student nurses”, Int J Palliat Nurs., 11,423–30, 2005.
  • Ekşi, F., Okan, N., Kökçam, B., Ekşi, H. “A model experiment on the meaning of life and purpose of life variables, death anxiety procedures”, International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences, 6(32),72-84, 2019.
  • Yüksel, M.Y., Güneş, F., Akdağ, C. “Investigation of the death anxiety and meaning in life levels among middle-aged adults”, Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2(2),165-81, 2017.
  • Özcan, G., Ekşi, H., Ekşi, F. “Mediating role of death anxiety in correlation with the meaning in life and self-transcendence in the university students”, Kriz Dergisi, 28(2),71-87, 2020.
  • Benli, S. S., & Yıldırım, A. “Relationship between Nurses’ Life Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Death”, Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 6(4), 167-179, 2017.
  • Milligan, F., Almomani, E. “Death anxiety and compassion fatigue in critical care nurses”, Br J Nurs., 29(15), 874–9, 2020.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mental Health Nursing
Journal Section Article

Merve Akarslan 0009-0002-0696-7477

Fidan Karadeniz 0009-0006-6204-7076

Funda Gümüş 0000-0002-3827-0909

Project Number 1919B012207083
Publication Date February 29, 2024
Submission Date January 8, 2024
Acceptance Date February 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


IEEE M. Akarslan, F. Karadeniz, and F. Gümüş, “THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEAR OF DEATH AND MEANING OF LIFE IN NURSING STUDENTS AND NURSES CARING FOR TERMINAL PATIENTS”, IJHSRP, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 37–46, 2024, doi: 10.33457/ijhsrp.1416706.

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