Research Article
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Financial Cooperative Societies: Conceptual Framework and Evidence from Egypt Ahmed Taha Al Ajlouni

Year 2018, , 6 - 23, 31.03.2018


This paper reports on a survey conducted in Egypt about the motives behind participating in Societies; and their perception by participants. It is also devoted to clarifying the unique nature of Societies as a premise of informal finance to manage financial aspects that bear zero interest. A random sample of participants from Helwan area in Cairo, who joined a Society for managing their financial needs, was selected. A questionnaire was used for collecting data and descriptive analysis methods were used for analyzing the study variables. The study revealed that Societies have a long history mode that has been followed in many countries. It also showed that the participants devote the majority of the Society's sum for expenditure on current essential short-term needs. A high sensitivity to Islamic Sharī’ah has been showed by the Society members. It proved that the general trend toward Societies was very positive.


  • Abdul-Yakeen, M. A., Gatawa, N. M., Aliyu, C. U., & Ibrahim, M. O. (2016). Empirical Study of the Proximity of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations to Islamic Principles of Financing in Ilorin Metropolis. In The Name of Allah, The most Beneficent, The most Merciful, 39. Access, F. (2010). The State of financial inclusion Through of Crisis. The CGAP, The World Bank Group, Washington. Al Ajlouni, A. T. M. (2015). Personal Cooperatives Model: Basic Concepts and Evidence from Jordan. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 7(2), 81. Al Ajlouni, A. T. M. (2017). Interest free liquidity management scheme (time-weighted debt units). International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 10(1), 60-76. Allen, F., Qian, M., & Xie, J. (2013). Understanding informal financing. Asian Bureau of Economic Research. Alonso, I. M. (2015). Crowdfunding in Islamic finance and microfinance: A case study of Egypt. Access to Finance and Human Development—Essays on Zakah, Awqaf and Microfinance, 85. Ardener, S. (1964). The comparative study of rotating credit associations. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 94(2), 201-229. Banerjee, A. V., & Duflo, E. (2007). The economic lives of the poor. The journal of economic perspectives, 21(1), 141-167. Banking, F. S. (2011). Scoping the Issues. A Background Note of the Financial Stability Board, 12. Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S., & Sarker, S. (2015). A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Crowdfunding. CAIS, 37, 1. Besley, T., & Coate, S. (1995). Group lending, repayment incentives and social collateral. Journal of development economics, 46(1), 1-18. Besley, T., Coate, S., & Loury, G. (1993). The economics of rotating savings and credit associations. The American Economic Review, 792-810. Bradford, C. S. (2012). Crowdfunding and the federal securities laws. Bruton, G., Khavul, S., Siegel, D., & Wright, M. (2015). New financial alternatives in seeding entrepreneurship: Microfinance, crowdfunding, and peer‐to‐peer innovations. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(1), 9-26. Callier, P. (1990). Informal finance: the rotating saving and credit association—an interpretation. Kyklos, 43(2), 273-276. CAPMs. (2014). Household Income, Expenditure, and Consumption Survey, HIECS 2012/2013. Retrieved from Egypt: Cassar, A., Crowley, L., & Wydick, B. (2007). The effect of social capital on group loan repayment: evidence from field experiments. The Economic Journal, 117(517). Chiteji, N. S. (2002). Promises kept: enforcement and the role of rotating savings and credit associations in an economy. Journal of International Development, 14(4), 393-411. Chowdhury, P. R. (2005). Group-lending: Sequential financing, lender monitoring and joint liability. Journal of development economics, 77(2), 415-439. Collins, D., Morduch, J., Rutherford, S., & Ruthven, O. (2009). Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on $2 a day: Princeton University Press. Conning, J. (1999). Outreach, sustainability and leverage in monitored and peer-monitored lending. Journal of development economics, 60(1), 51-77. Dagnelie, O., & Lemay‐Boucher, P. (2012). Rosca participation in Benin: A commitment issue. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(2), 235-252. De Aghion, B. A., & Morduch, J. (2004). Microfinance: Where do we stand? Financial development and economic growth (pp. 135-148): Springer. Dekle, R., & Hamada, K. (2000). On the development of rotating credit associations in Japan. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 49(1), 77-90. Donoso, S. B., Altunbaş, Y., & Kara, A. (2011). The rationale behind informal finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The journal of developing areas, 45(1), 191-208. editorial, O. (2014). The Guardian. Retrieved from El-Gamal, M., El-Komi, M., Karlan, D., & Osman, A. (2014). Bank-insured RoSCA for microfinance: Experimental evidence in poor Egyptian villages. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 103, S56-S73. Etang, A., Fielding, D., & Knowles, S. (2011). Trust and rosca membership in rural cameroon. Journal of International Development, 23(4), 461-475. Everett, C. R. (2015). Group membership, relationship banking and loan default risk: the case of online social lending. Fei, H.-T. (2013). Peasant life in China: Read Books Ltd. Freedman, S., & Jin, G. Z. (2008). Do social networks solve information problems for peer-to-peer lending? evidence from prosper. com. Galloway, I. (2009). Peer-to-peer lending and community development finance. Community development investment center working paper(39), 19-23. Gamble, S. D. (1954). Ting Hsien: A North China Rural Community: Stanford University Press. Geertz, C. (1962). The rotating credit association: A" middle rung" in development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 10(3), 241-263. Ghatak, M. (2000). Screening by the company you keep: Joint liability lending and the peer selection effect. The Economic Journal, 110(465), 601-631. Ghatak, M., & Guinnane, T. W. (1999). The economics of lending with joint liability: theory and practice. Journal of development economics, 60(1), 195-228. He, G. (2006). Credit-Only Commercial Micro Credit: Pilots in China—Case Analysis of Quan Li Microcredit Lt Co, Guangyuan/Sichuan PRC. Center for Rural Finance and Investment Research, China Agricultural University. He, G., & Li, L. (2005). Peoples Republic of China: Financial Demand Study of Farm Households in Tongren/Guizhou of PRC-Survey in Wanshan, Songtao, Yanhe, Dejiang, Sinan and Yinjiang. Technical Assistant Consultants Report Proj, 35412. Hernandez, R., Altham, R., Touhey, M., Ricko, A., Chan, J., & Schleicher, C. (2015). Peer pressure. How peer-to-peer lending platforms are transforming the consumer lending industry: PWC consumer finance. Retrieved from: http://www. pwc. com/us/en/consumer-finance/publications/assets/peerto-peer-lending. pdf. Hsiao-Tung, F., & Chih-i, C. (1945). Earthbound China: a study of rural economy in Yunnan: University of Chicago Press. Ibrahim, G., & Galt, V. (2003). Ethnic business development: Toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Journal of economic issues, 37(4), 1107-1119. Karlan, D., Ratan, A. L., & Zinman, J. (2014). Savings by and for the Poor: A Research Review and Agenda. Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1), 36-78. Kedir, A. M., & Ibrahim, G. (2011). ROSCAs in Urban Ethiopia: Are the Characteristics of the Institutions More Important than those of Members? Journal of development studies, 47(7), 998-1016. Kimuyu, P. K. (1999). Rotating saving and credit associations in rural East Africa. World development, 27(7), 1299-1308. Kirton, C. (1996). Rotating savings and credit associations in Jamaica: some empirical findings on partner. Social and Economic Studies, 195-224. Klafft, M. (2008). Online peer-to-peer lending: a lenders' perspective. Klonner, S. (2003). Rotating savings and credit associations when participants are risk averse. International Economic Review, 44(3), 979-1005. Kouchouk, A. A. A., Nashar, A., & Hamed, S. B. (2015). Egypt economic monitor: paving the way to a sustained recovery (Spring 2015). Washington, DC: World Bank Group. Lin, M., Prabhala, N. R., & Viswanathan, S. (2013). Judging borrowers by the company they keep: Friendship networks and information asymmetry in online peer-to-peer lending. Management Science, 59(1), 17-35. Malekipirbazari, M., & Aksakalli, V. (2015). Risk assessment in social lending via random forests. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(10), 4621-4631. Marakkath, N., & Attuel-mendes, L. (2015). Can microfinance crowdfunding reduce financial exclusion? Regulatory issues. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(5), 624-636. Massolution. (2015). The Crowdfunding Industry Report 2015: Mitra, D. (2012). The role of crowdfunding in entrepreneurial finance. Delhi Business Review, 13(2), 67. Moenninghoff, S. C., & Wieandt, A. (2013). The future of peer-to-peer finance. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 65(5), 466-487. Mohieldin, M. S., & Wright, P. W. (2000). Formal and informal credit markets in Egypt. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48(3), 657-670. Morduch, J. (1999). The microfinance promise. Journal of economic literature, 37(4), 1569-1614. Moritz, A., & Block, J. H. (2014). Crowdfunding: A literature review and research directions. Mrak, M. (1989). Role Of The Informal Financial Sector In The Mobilization And Allocation Of Household Savings: The Case Of Zambia/Le Rôle Du Secteur Financier Informel Dans La Mobilisation Et L'allocation De L'épargne Des Ménages: Le Cas De La Zambie. Savings and Development, 65-85. Mukherjee, S., & Bhattacharya, S. (2015). Optimal group size with joint liability group lending strategy. Indian Growth and Development Review, 8(1), 2-18. Myers, R. H. (1970). The Chinese peasant economy: agricultural development in Hopei and Shantung, 1890-1949 (Vol. 47): Harvard University Press. Mylenko, N. (2009). Measuring Access to Financial Services around the World. Retrieved from Obaidullah, M., & Khan, T. (2008). Islamic microfinance development: Challenges and initiatives. Pierrakis, Y., & Collins, L. (2013). Banking on Each Other: Peer-to-peer lending to business: evidence from funding circle. Rutherford, S. (2009). The poor and their money: microfinance from a twenty-first century consumer's perspective: Practical Action Publishing. Salahuddin, M., & Rashmi. (2015). Rotating Savings and Credit Association: An Alternate Of Financing Among Low Income Households. Rotating Savings and Credit Association: An Alternate Of Financing Among Low Income Households, 4(3), 16-20. Schreiner, M. (2001). Informal finance and the design of microfinance. Development in Practice, 637-640. Steel, W., & Aryeetey, E. (1994). Informal savings collectors in Ghana: can they intermediate? Finance and Development, 31(1), 36. Stiglitz, J. E. (1990). Peer monitoring and credit markets. The world bank economic review, 4(3), 351-366. Turvey, C. G., & Kong, R. (2010). Informal lending amongst friends and relatives: can microcredit compete in rural China? China Economic Review, 21(4), 544-556. van den Berg, M., Lensink, R., & Servin, R. (2015). Loan officers’ gender and microfinance repayment rates. The Journal of Development Studies, 51(9), 1241-1254. Varian, H. R. (1990). Monitoring agents with other agents. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift Für Die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 153-174. Wang, J. G., Xu, H., & Ma, J. (2015). Risks in the Online Lending Industry Financing the Underfinanced (pp. 119-138): Springer. Waweru, K. M. (2011). An Investigation into the Cash Balance Management Approaches in Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 2(4), 17. Xu, J. J., Lu, Y., & Chau, M. (2015). P2P lending fraud detection: A big data approach. Paper presented at the Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. Xusheng, Y. (2014). Inside China: Reining in P2P lending. International Financial Law Review, 33(6), 224.
Year 2018, , 6 - 23, 31.03.2018



  • Abdul-Yakeen, M. A., Gatawa, N. M., Aliyu, C. U., & Ibrahim, M. O. (2016). Empirical Study of the Proximity of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations to Islamic Principles of Financing in Ilorin Metropolis. In The Name of Allah, The most Beneficent, The most Merciful, 39. Access, F. (2010). The State of financial inclusion Through of Crisis. The CGAP, The World Bank Group, Washington. Al Ajlouni, A. T. M. (2015). Personal Cooperatives Model: Basic Concepts and Evidence from Jordan. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 7(2), 81. Al Ajlouni, A. T. M. (2017). Interest free liquidity management scheme (time-weighted debt units). International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 10(1), 60-76. Allen, F., Qian, M., & Xie, J. (2013). Understanding informal financing. Asian Bureau of Economic Research. Alonso, I. M. (2015). Crowdfunding in Islamic finance and microfinance: A case study of Egypt. Access to Finance and Human Development—Essays on Zakah, Awqaf and Microfinance, 85. Ardener, S. (1964). The comparative study of rotating credit associations. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 94(2), 201-229. Banerjee, A. V., & Duflo, E. (2007). The economic lives of the poor. The journal of economic perspectives, 21(1), 141-167. Banking, F. S. (2011). Scoping the Issues. A Background Note of the Financial Stability Board, 12. Beaulieu, T., Sarker, S., & Sarker, S. (2015). A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Crowdfunding. CAIS, 37, 1. Besley, T., & Coate, S. (1995). Group lending, repayment incentives and social collateral. Journal of development economics, 46(1), 1-18. Besley, T., Coate, S., & Loury, G. (1993). The economics of rotating savings and credit associations. The American Economic Review, 792-810. Bradford, C. S. (2012). Crowdfunding and the federal securities laws. Bruton, G., Khavul, S., Siegel, D., & Wright, M. (2015). New financial alternatives in seeding entrepreneurship: Microfinance, crowdfunding, and peer‐to‐peer innovations. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39(1), 9-26. Callier, P. (1990). Informal finance: the rotating saving and credit association—an interpretation. Kyklos, 43(2), 273-276. CAPMs. (2014). Household Income, Expenditure, and Consumption Survey, HIECS 2012/2013. Retrieved from Egypt: Cassar, A., Crowley, L., & Wydick, B. (2007). The effect of social capital on group loan repayment: evidence from field experiments. The Economic Journal, 117(517). Chiteji, N. S. (2002). Promises kept: enforcement and the role of rotating savings and credit associations in an economy. Journal of International Development, 14(4), 393-411. Chowdhury, P. R. (2005). Group-lending: Sequential financing, lender monitoring and joint liability. Journal of development economics, 77(2), 415-439. Collins, D., Morduch, J., Rutherford, S., & Ruthven, O. (2009). Portfolios of the poor: how the world's poor live on $2 a day: Princeton University Press. Conning, J. (1999). Outreach, sustainability and leverage in monitored and peer-monitored lending. Journal of development economics, 60(1), 51-77. Dagnelie, O., & Lemay‐Boucher, P. (2012). Rosca participation in Benin: A commitment issue. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(2), 235-252. De Aghion, B. A., & Morduch, J. (2004). Microfinance: Where do we stand? Financial development and economic growth (pp. 135-148): Springer. Dekle, R., & Hamada, K. (2000). On the development of rotating credit associations in Japan. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 49(1), 77-90. Donoso, S. B., Altunbaş, Y., & Kara, A. (2011). The rationale behind informal finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia. The journal of developing areas, 45(1), 191-208. editorial, O. (2014). The Guardian. Retrieved from El-Gamal, M., El-Komi, M., Karlan, D., & Osman, A. (2014). Bank-insured RoSCA for microfinance: Experimental evidence in poor Egyptian villages. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 103, S56-S73. Etang, A., Fielding, D., & Knowles, S. (2011). Trust and rosca membership in rural cameroon. Journal of International Development, 23(4), 461-475. Everett, C. R. (2015). Group membership, relationship banking and loan default risk: the case of online social lending. Fei, H.-T. (2013). Peasant life in China: Read Books Ltd. Freedman, S., & Jin, G. Z. (2008). Do social networks solve information problems for peer-to-peer lending? evidence from prosper. com. Galloway, I. (2009). Peer-to-peer lending and community development finance. Community development investment center working paper(39), 19-23. Gamble, S. D. (1954). Ting Hsien: A North China Rural Community: Stanford University Press. Geertz, C. (1962). The rotating credit association: A" middle rung" in development. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 10(3), 241-263. Ghatak, M. (2000). Screening by the company you keep: Joint liability lending and the peer selection effect. The Economic Journal, 110(465), 601-631. Ghatak, M., & Guinnane, T. W. (1999). The economics of lending with joint liability: theory and practice. Journal of development economics, 60(1), 195-228. He, G. (2006). Credit-Only Commercial Micro Credit: Pilots in China—Case Analysis of Quan Li Microcredit Lt Co, Guangyuan/Sichuan PRC. Center for Rural Finance and Investment Research, China Agricultural University. He, G., & Li, L. (2005). Peoples Republic of China: Financial Demand Study of Farm Households in Tongren/Guizhou of PRC-Survey in Wanshan, Songtao, Yanhe, Dejiang, Sinan and Yinjiang. Technical Assistant Consultants Report Proj, 35412. Hernandez, R., Altham, R., Touhey, M., Ricko, A., Chan, J., & Schleicher, C. (2015). Peer pressure. How peer-to-peer lending platforms are transforming the consumer lending industry: PWC consumer finance. Retrieved from: http://www. pwc. com/us/en/consumer-finance/publications/assets/peerto-peer-lending. pdf. Hsiao-Tung, F., & Chih-i, C. (1945). Earthbound China: a study of rural economy in Yunnan: University of Chicago Press. Ibrahim, G., & Galt, V. (2003). Ethnic business development: Toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Journal of economic issues, 37(4), 1107-1119. Karlan, D., Ratan, A. L., & Zinman, J. (2014). Savings by and for the Poor: A Research Review and Agenda. Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1), 36-78. Kedir, A. M., & Ibrahim, G. (2011). ROSCAs in Urban Ethiopia: Are the Characteristics of the Institutions More Important than those of Members? Journal of development studies, 47(7), 998-1016. Kimuyu, P. K. (1999). Rotating saving and credit associations in rural East Africa. World development, 27(7), 1299-1308. Kirton, C. (1996). Rotating savings and credit associations in Jamaica: some empirical findings on partner. Social and Economic Studies, 195-224. Klafft, M. (2008). Online peer-to-peer lending: a lenders' perspective. Klonner, S. (2003). Rotating savings and credit associations when participants are risk averse. International Economic Review, 44(3), 979-1005. Kouchouk, A. A. A., Nashar, A., & Hamed, S. B. (2015). Egypt economic monitor: paving the way to a sustained recovery (Spring 2015). Washington, DC: World Bank Group. Lin, M., Prabhala, N. R., & Viswanathan, S. (2013). Judging borrowers by the company they keep: Friendship networks and information asymmetry in online peer-to-peer lending. Management Science, 59(1), 17-35. Malekipirbazari, M., & Aksakalli, V. (2015). Risk assessment in social lending via random forests. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(10), 4621-4631. Marakkath, N., & Attuel-mendes, L. (2015). Can microfinance crowdfunding reduce financial exclusion? Regulatory issues. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(5), 624-636. Massolution. (2015). The Crowdfunding Industry Report 2015: Mitra, D. (2012). The role of crowdfunding in entrepreneurial finance. Delhi Business Review, 13(2), 67. Moenninghoff, S. C., & Wieandt, A. (2013). The future of peer-to-peer finance. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 65(5), 466-487. Mohieldin, M. S., & Wright, P. W. (2000). Formal and informal credit markets in Egypt. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48(3), 657-670. Morduch, J. (1999). The microfinance promise. Journal of economic literature, 37(4), 1569-1614. Moritz, A., & Block, J. H. (2014). Crowdfunding: A literature review and research directions. Mrak, M. (1989). Role Of The Informal Financial Sector In The Mobilization And Allocation Of Household Savings: The Case Of Zambia/Le Rôle Du Secteur Financier Informel Dans La Mobilisation Et L'allocation De L'épargne Des Ménages: Le Cas De La Zambie. Savings and Development, 65-85. Mukherjee, S., & Bhattacharya, S. (2015). Optimal group size with joint liability group lending strategy. Indian Growth and Development Review, 8(1), 2-18. Myers, R. H. (1970). The Chinese peasant economy: agricultural development in Hopei and Shantung, 1890-1949 (Vol. 47): Harvard University Press. Mylenko, N. (2009). Measuring Access to Financial Services around the World. Retrieved from Obaidullah, M., & Khan, T. (2008). Islamic microfinance development: Challenges and initiatives. Pierrakis, Y., & Collins, L. (2013). Banking on Each Other: Peer-to-peer lending to business: evidence from funding circle. Rutherford, S. (2009). The poor and their money: microfinance from a twenty-first century consumer's perspective: Practical Action Publishing. Salahuddin, M., & Rashmi. (2015). Rotating Savings and Credit Association: An Alternate Of Financing Among Low Income Households. Rotating Savings and Credit Association: An Alternate Of Financing Among Low Income Households, 4(3), 16-20. Schreiner, M. (2001). Informal finance and the design of microfinance. Development in Practice, 637-640. Steel, W., & Aryeetey, E. (1994). Informal savings collectors in Ghana: can they intermediate? Finance and Development, 31(1), 36. Stiglitz, J. E. (1990). Peer monitoring and credit markets. The world bank economic review, 4(3), 351-366. Turvey, C. G., & Kong, R. (2010). Informal lending amongst friends and relatives: can microcredit compete in rural China? China Economic Review, 21(4), 544-556. van den Berg, M., Lensink, R., & Servin, R. (2015). Loan officers’ gender and microfinance repayment rates. The Journal of Development Studies, 51(9), 1241-1254. Varian, H. R. (1990). Monitoring agents with other agents. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift Für Die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 153-174. Wang, J. G., Xu, H., & Ma, J. (2015). Risks in the Online Lending Industry Financing the Underfinanced (pp. 119-138): Springer. Waweru, K. M. (2011). An Investigation into the Cash Balance Management Approaches in Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 2(4), 17. Xu, J. J., Lu, Y., & Chau, M. (2015). P2P lending fraud detection: A big data approach. Paper presented at the Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics. Xusheng, Y. (2014). Inside China: Reining in P2P lending. International Financial Law Review, 33(6), 224.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmed Taha Al Ajlouni

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Al Ajlouni, A. T. (2018). Financial Cooperative Societies: Conceptual Framework and Evidence from Egypt Ahmed Taha Al Ajlouni. Uluslararası İslam Ekonomisi Ve Finansı Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 6-23.


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